How These Redditors Outran The Police (AskReddit)

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redditors who have outrun cops how do you do it hanging out at friend's house when my mom texts me to inform me that my girlfriend is on her way back from college to surprise me my girlfriend hated this dude so I didn't tell her I was there and had recently told her I was home I jump in the car and start flying home on a road I should definitely not be flying on as god fated I pass a cop and see him hit his brakes in my rearview I instinctively floor it over the hill pulled into a parking lot and cut my lights off nighttime few seconds pass and I see him fly by with his wig wounds on with no time to spare I pulled back out soon after and finish flying home run inside jerk my clothes off lay on the couch turn on the TV and she knocks on the door not five seconds later mission accomplished on foot vs cop car ran halfway into a residential block through backyards aware that they saw which direction I went once they were out of sight I doubled back and ran half into the block in the opposite direction sat quietly in a bush they circled a few tires and left that block I didn't do anything just ran when a cop car drove by I was a bored kid my time to shine I was 17 and dumb on my way to a meeting a few towns over where I live is so flat you can watch your dog run away for three days so there are often long stretches of road in an open field I was turning left onto a two-lane highway when I saw these two cars blow past me going the direction I was going at at least 90 miles per hour I said well let's make this a convoy I got up to about 120 to catch up to them and I was about with them when I saw a semi truck coming in the opposite direction I thought to myself man how boned would I be if there was a cop driving behind that semi sure as God's got sandals there was a cop driving behind the semi the first two cars passed and I just saw his lights come on as I passed him I thought oh fuck reckless Saab jail I'm going to lose my license I'm fucked I start slowing down and reach into my wallet for my license when I see a house coming up on my right on a small side street there was the house and a two-car garage off to the side I slammed on my brakes and took the turn and I pulled right into this perfect strangers open garage like I owned the place I get out shaking because I'm not out of the woods yet I walk out of the garage and up to the front door of the house and knock an old lady answers and I tell her I'm here to work on my car and asked if Jack was home all bs she said no I'm sorry I profusely apologized and turned around just then I saw the cop fly past the house in hot pursuit of the other two cars I got back into my car and took back roads for the rest of the trip don't know if this counts but my friends and I were busted for being 19 over 20 and drinking at a party everyone ran but I hit and they ended up never finding me I spent an entire seven hours pretzeling in a woven basket in a closet wide awake and slowly sobering the scariest part was when they started searching said closet right after the bust and the cop moved clothes from above my head to reveal my hair and still didn't see me good times running into the woods from a bonfire party need from previously running into the woods where the barbed ed wire offense was and how to get through it the cop in the dark did not he was 15 feet behind me then 100 feet behind me real fast wasn't worth giving me the map so he turned back after that hee-haw if he had seen my face I wouldn't have run with my car among everyone else is sitting there I would have felt way too paranoid driving later on my way to a concert on a motorcycle I was kinda racing another bike up the highway went past a state boy at about 100 miles per hour and jumped off the next exit the correct exit for the concert basically I was able to get past the line of traffic into the event and scoot around a gate that was closed by riding on the footpath made my way to an area where there was literally a hundred plus bikes ditched my helmet removed the jacket and sat on a picnic table while they went around and around and around looking for me so not so much out ran but out played thankfully they never got close enough to read my plate I got jumped in the middle of town by a bunch of dudes as some sort of gang initiation when I was 14 afterwards I went to the police station with a broken nose and fucked-up jaw the cop told me it was my fault for the way I was dressed black jeans and a black band shirt and it's not his job to solve my problems and I should take matters into my own hands this cop was a real asshole to every kid out there one of my friends knew where he lived so he went and took a shit on his cop car and smashed up a bunch of his panels and windows with a bat he came out of his house and tried to give chase but we outran him felt good taking matters into my own hands cops were coming to bust a party I was at their raiven die walk out the front door right past them to my car with a smile and a wave I drove past the second cruiser on my way out of the neighborhood almost half the party got arrested and the other half ran and got arrested riding with a friend to a fight that was about to happen friends runs his truck off the road and bends the driver shaft or something continue driving to the fight as the whole truck wobbles cops bust the fight and everyone ran because we were stupid jump in the truck and nearly hit a cop car that tries to box us in the parking lot pull out in driving down the highway speed limit 62 in 40 miles per hour while the truck wobbled two other cars from the fight plus one cop pull out and are following behind us four-lane highway no clue why they don't go around us instead of cruising 40 Drive about a half mile till one idiot behind us whips around and starts driving backwards on the highway still on our side of the highway cop turns around to follow him continue driving about 100 yards and hide out at a gas station for a few minutes before heading back home in the same direction we came from wanted level loss within my very fast Mini Cooper 2-0 L twin turbos many custom parts matte black with lost black stripes black rims and odd racing on ster road drive in Boston I blasted by a state II doing at least 120 his car may match mine an H P give or take but I'm half the mass and can handle circles around him changed jurisdictions took the be you bridge heading through Alston to the Brighton Cambridge line and I say a for Bay mom and pop carwash I can he like 10 X the sirens now so EJ turn in and jump up and pull the gate down lucky us it's tended by a 16 year old kid we come to find as we roll around back I handed him a hundred bucks and said to pull the other garage door down and Mark this play out of order with a sign if the car was still there upon our short return I'd give him more money went to the bar across the street had some wings this watched the last 4 innings of a Sox game brought the kids in hot wings a mountain Dew and $200 cash upon our return drove the car home no issues got off scot-free relatively small downtown area was coming into town in a 45 miles per hour area and the cop was coming the other way directly at me I was probably doing about 20 miles per hour over the limit and he lit my ass up with a radar gun he passed me and I saw him turn around in my rearview mirror and flick on the lights generally I would never run that I was 18 and was one speeding ticket away from losing my license on points I gunned it got into town and just weaved through a bunch of side streets until I was pretty sure I lost him here's the kicker I'm pretty sure I lost him and now I need to get on to the main highway quickly I'm sitting at a red light why I got for the light to turn and guess who goes right through the intersection in front of me it was 1 a.m. or so so not many cars on the road my headlights went right into his car as he went in front of me enough that I could clearly see the guy eighteen year old me shit a brick cop kept going and I gunned it to get onto the highway worked late at a store when I was 20-something when I left I went tearing up the road behind the store it was curvy and it was after midnight the snow traffic I had a sporty car and was banging through gears as fast as I could it was a lot of fun unbeknownst to me there was a sheriff squad car sitting at a bank drive-through under the awning didn't see him until I passed him and it was too late so I just kept the throttle mashed and raced up the road at the time I was living in an apartment complex only about one quarter up the road from where I passed the cop I glanced in my mirror and noticed the squad coming up the road after me but without emergency lights on I had a really good lead on him I turn into the drive from our apartment complex and hit the button for the underground parking garage door opens I scoot inside and park then watches the door closes all the way the best part I get out of my car and walk into the lobby through the glass doors I see the sheriff's squad the entryway is locked you have to bus to get in there are about 50 apartments and my car is underground he was never close enough to get my plate there's almost zero way this cop can figure out who I am or what specific apartment I live in so I waved to him and smiled the look of frustration in defeat on his face was priceless elevator door opened and for all practical purposes I disappeared before his eyes my one and only cop story in eighth grade my friend and I were both crammed on one of those electric razor scooters heading home and some lady started yelling at us my friend slowed us down to hear what she was saying apparently she was giving us a heads up on a cop that was a block away we got off the scooter walked past the cop and went on our way TLDR avoided confrontation altogether so since there's no official language in the US you can't be required to speak English and if you don't speak English it's incumbent on the courts and police to find a translator not too hard for Spanish or French but when you start branching out even cities have problems I got pulled at one of those bullshit the highway speed limit is 55 the town speed limit is 25 there's one sign and the cop is in a bush like behind the sign moneymakers that a lot of small towns and rural areas like to use I was doing 65 like anyone else so he had me cold doing 40 over this was in Kentucky near the o-line at about 3:00 a.m. I spent a few years in West Africa and I happen to be fluent in more a I also have a nicely ambiguous name that doesn't automatically lead to must speak English so even though I have a Russ license I just decided on the spot to only speak more a and to acknowledge no English at all I figured he wants to write a bullshit ticket I'll make him work for it the officer tried his best I was from a long way out of state he knew I wasn't coming back to contested that ticket was a few hundred dollars for his town I thought he might just write the ticket and hand it to me anyway but either he couldn't or wouldn't do it after 45 minutes of trying to explain he finally gave up didn't even give me a warning just handed the paperwork back said it's fuckers like you that make me hate this fucking job and went to his car and drove off to this day I have no idea if that last comment was just frustration or if he knew our undestood as a kid out with friends at night chucking exhibits in person's Hou se asterisk having a blast laughing when we see a car come around the corner just headlights visible as it's night being brazen little beasts my friends continue to chuck eggs at the house as I decide to hit the car with an egg and I did to perfect shot right broke right in the center of the windshield and then the Cheras came on shit the call goes out coops and all my friends scatter every which way running like well like idiot vandal kids running from the cops I made a split-second decision and decided not to run the cops headlights weren't directly on me and I was mostly in the dark and wearing dark clothing so I dropped to the ground rolled into the ditch and quickly did my best to cover myself with weeds and grass i uproot it so the cop car goes driving past me just crawling slowly with the searchlight playing all around I'm pretty much convinced I'm caught when one of my friends breaks from his hiding place down the street and runs off the cop car squeals off after him leaving me safe I was home and in bed in my PJs about five minutes after that I ran around an apartment building and then up three flights of stairs then down the stairs on the other end and out of the fence across the street into another apt complex good thing I got away cause I had coke and xanax in my pocket not mine
Channel: ToadFilms
Views: 243,288
Rating: 4.9088688 out of 5
Keywords: outrun, outrun the police, outrun the cops, outrun police, police, cops, cop, outrun cops, outrun cop car, outrun police car, reddit, askreddit, askreddit funny, top posts, top posts of r/, r/, r/askreddit, reddit top posts, reddit cringe, comedy, reddit compilation, top posts of all time, askreddit question, askreddit top posts, ask reddit, askreddit reading, subreddit, reddit stories, best of r/askreddit, funny reddit, best reddit posts, best of reddit, ToadFilms, pewdiepie
Id: IjF4PRkFO8g
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 13min 53sec (833 seconds)
Published: Wed Aug 21 2019
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