What if Balon Greyjoy Joined Robb Stark?

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no it's not a joke we're actually going to take it seriously this time and see if we can figure out a way for the gryo to win the Game of Thrones or at least get what they want what is dead may never die what de never yeah sorry I got a little caught up there great Jo On The Iron Throne seriously now even we wouldn't stoop to that level of contrivance before I get into a meat and potatoes of this all I just need to plug with Discord really quickly we're looking to do a crusader King's campaign shortly in the next month or two to be involved with that you need to be on our Discord server so you can see the Discord in the description below or the link on the screen right now moving swiftly on the victory conditions for Balon and house groy are rather simple Independence and recognition as the king of the iron Islands this is what Balon wanted during the first rebellion and I don't think much has changed since then although he's too Sun shorter fewer okay whatever anything on top of that would be a bonus while strengths the greato have well as a Singler Force are not exactly the most dangerous but they do have an impressive Fleet of 100 lung ships and Martin States they are in the top three in terms of Naval power the other two being the Royal Fleet possessed by Stanis barapan and the red wine Fleet from the arbor the Lister Fleet for comparison is only 20 to 30 ships strong but the quality of those ships might be better than the lung ship inspired grey Jo but not as numerous so that's whether grey Jo have the advantage vage of overwhelming the Lannisters outside of their formidable Navy they are not exactly a fighting force on the land however they can really ruin your day if not taken seriously due to their ability to raid the coast and navigate around many of resto's natural defenses by attacking from the sea they also have an advantage Basin Pike which can allow them to strike and Retreat behind the water walls of their Islands won't help them against an entire realm uniting against them as Balon the dumbass found out the hard way but definitely advantageous in deterring retribution from a single faction aserar is a strong Prospect for an air in both books and show and can make the best out of the bad situation and Fon does have his connections with the north that can make him an extremely useful political asset if not squandered weaknesses well Balon is a bit of a ficko or shortsighted take your pick but it seems to be a family trait because victarion isn't the sharpest backs around uron seems a bit crazed crazed Tom dude fell off the crazy tree and hit every [ __ ] branch on the way down before landing into a jacket that lets him hug himself as I was saying before being rudely interrupted a bit craze the Mauri is still out if he actually has a plan outside of causing chaos and having the great old time of things with that all said and done let's get to step one which is the only step we actually need Believe It or Not don't look a gift horse in the mouth like every step one in these videos let's start with the most bloody obvious Common Sense move which is incidentally the only move we need for the greaty joys to win when offered a chance take up Rob star's offered to join forces and strike the Lannisters this gives the iron Islands alliances with the North and the riverlands which equates to them having three out of the nine kingdoms on one side it wouldn't be a stretch to assume the veil would Ally with the north considering the familial ties between the Starks tules and aons so that boosts their numbers to four kingdoms against House Lannister and the crownlands dawn Stannis and the stormlands and finally a yet undecided Ty army with the reach no one site has more kingdoms Allied the most being two and that's the Lannisters and the crownlands which are sort of one anyway because the crownlands forces are a little more than a bodyguard unit for the king and serve more as a DLC to Lannister's Army rather than its own game to be beaten in its own right if Balon accepts Rob's request and attacks casty rock or lannisport you devastate the foundation of the Lannisters potentially taking a huge chunk of their riches and deal Tyron a massive [ __ ] you blow to his Untouchable status by striking at the heart of where the Lannisters should be at their strongest by attacking the Lan's Foundation Balon would destroy any hope of anyone else becoming King of the Seven Kingdoms which gives you even greater freedom in future events just look at what happens if Balon joins Rob Winterfell never Falls so both bran and ricken are kept alive and well for bran likely still escapes to become the free no he doesn't leave him he's staying at home which has huge implications because catlyn like likely doesn't free Jamie out of desperation to save Sansa and Aya allowing Rob to keep a massive boot on tyron's scrawny Little Neck by holding the single most valuable hostage of the war Rob likely doesn't sleep with Jane and break his betral with the phase due to his depression and sustaining of injury and even if he does forsake his marriage Packa [ __ ] the phrase because we no longer need that 20y bridge of dares since we've got access to one of the biggest fleets in West Ros what's wer going to do you'll do [ __ ] nothing is most importantly Rob's campaign of the West becomes a resounding success because with balon's help Rob well more accurately the gry joys of a bit of Rob's backing can feasibly take lannisport and strike at casty Rock Rob's armies already had a field day in the original timeline with raiding gold mines driving livestock to the riverlands and annihilating the forces and massing at oxcross with the iron Fleet Robin Balon can take a lannis port sack it or hold it and run tyon due to his own forces being stretched thin already remember he has got to meet robs over forces in land and also be ready to repel Stan's assault on King's Landon that will still be on its way the Grey Joys and Rob's supplementary forces can either bail out with the goods after forcing tyn to ride back to his home or he can dig in and defend the rock lannisport to pressure Tywin even more or while having a handy Escape Route and perform the grey Joy ships this would cement the alliance with robstar which in turn means means the north riverlands is islands and potentially the Westlands depending how compliant they are with their new conquerors and how broken their infastructure is on one side I wouldn't be surprised if the veil fall in line because the ler threat has dwindled massively and that boosts the team to five 5 out of 7 or 5 out of 9 depending how you want to count the kingdoms that's a huge advantage to team North with tyn losing the seats of power he likely tries to force his way back into the westerlands and if word travels of the fall of lannisport the tyrs might decide it's best to treat with robab fall back in line with Stannis or just stay out of it until a safer opportunity to gain power presents itself one thing's for sure the Roses will not want to be throwing in with the Lannisters after they've demonstrated they can't even protect their own backyard and it would be unwise to draw the grey Joy's attention towards that lovely red wine Fleet of theirs I'm sure Balon would love the challenge and a chance to potentially expand his Navy in Alliance with the Starks is the game-changing moment for Balon and the Grey Joys they've got a seat at the table along with strong allies with which to help them hold it with tywin's loss of seat things look very Rocky for him just like Rob losen wif made him look weak and caused a lot of Doubt within his ranks losen castley Rock would signal to everyone that Tywin isn't as Untouchable as he likes everyone to think and all the songs in the world of Ice and Fire cannot change this into a winning situation it's both humiliating and humanizing all at once Taiwan isn't the lion he'd have you think he is he's just a pink little man who's far too slow on the draw it's even worse for Tywin whose grip on power rests on the perception that is's someone to fear rather than the Starks who seem to hold on to power through being gemly and nice and hirable but who wrote that Ty has some tricky decisions to make as stannis's march to pun King's Landing Roose will have taken Haren Hall and tyan ends up getting repelled by edmir at the red fork although if Rob and the grey Jo are successful with lannisport edmier M see sens in let en Ty in fruit ENT trapping him inside the westerlands there's no feasible way to facilitate the Red Wedding EV Rob doesn't need to go back to water Frey with his tail between his legs jimie is still a hostage and while Roose is a cold opportuniti the opportunity just isn't there tyron's nuts on the tightest clamp imaginable and the Starks and gry joys are winding it Tighter and Tighter if he marches anywhere but King's Landon he's doomed and even if he marches on Kings Landon without the Ty support he's likely lost anyway Tywin doesn't like Owen favors he needed those Roses in the original story and needs them even more so in this scenario if King's Landon forced the Stannis you can rest assured a heavy dose of Justice will we served out to V Stannis deems deserving of it which means he likely won't be ransoming some key hostages and will in fact kill Cersei if she hasn't already poisoned herself along with Tyrion for his little stunt in the bay and Joffrey because well he's Joffrey and did we really need an ex excuse in the books tommen is out chilling with jaws rosby and in the show he's at Kings Landon so you either have tommen being given up to Stanis or sent to Tyron by rosby or killed off in the show situation the tyrells most likely won't be allying with tyrn who has no home base along with having his ass handed to him by a boy on his first go at playing war and realistically I think it's only a matter of time before tyron's own men give him up or kill him he will have very little resources to keep him in line because the Starks or gry Joys are holding the mind or important bases and it would almost be poetic for tyron's own Mad Dog to Cave his head in that's the double-edged sword of ruling through fear now this is an ideal situation for the Starks and by extension the gry joys if Tyron does get word that Kings Landon is under siege then the smart move is to go straight there it's the only move that may Salvage the situation for the Lions but it's likely to be without the roses look at the situation from their eyes from the Tyrell point of view it might be with their best interests to declare independence once the crown is toppled similar to how the gry joys when nor and the riverlands have suceeded the seven or nine kingdoms have effectively already been split up at this point and gaining your own crown and not allying with the failing power might actually be the best choice allying with the Lannisters in the original timeline gave the tyral a pathway to the crown and the opportunity to dunk on Stannis win-win Rob's hold of the north was slipping away thanks to Balon which caused a downward spiral his side never recovered from the Lannisters were aware of the fall of Winterfell 2 weeks before the Battle of Blackwater in this timeline if they Ally with Tyron they would still have to fight against the majority of the kingdoms and retake the westerlands 70,000 men is nothing to sniff at but it's going to be a grueling war and they have to take on the North the iron Islands the riverlands and potentially the veil especially as a united front not to mention the th of Stannis and a stormland stabbing at you why Ally with the Lannisters and Joffrey and risk a Monumental ass kick when you can just claim Independence and stay in the reach which is basically the only Kingdom that's worth a dam anyway and Ru the paradise how you see fit if the tyrells don't Ally with Tyron Benny has to get 20,000 men to blackw without being harassed by ruse's 10,000 men at Haron Hall remember Roose has no facility to turn cloak in scenario he is going to have to stick with the winners and then there's edm's 11,000 at River Run if those forces join up then effectively it's an even fight and slows Tywin down or he gets to King Landon and gets squashed by Stannis on one side and edmier and Roose on the other you're [ __ ] because the gryo and those [ __ ] holes they call Islands taking the right side it's game over for Tywin I'm not sure what's worse losing the war because of the Grey Joys or getting shot by your own son of a privy with tyon out the picture the Westlands become free real estate to anyone willing to stake a claim and hold it the grey joid have played a Monumental role in winning Rob's War if they make a condition of the alliance that they get to inherit the Westlands I'm sure Rob will accept and hold to his word he's generally good at keeping any OES that don't involve beautiful women and well he doesn't care for the westerlands if I'm Balon groy I'd give Castle Rock or L sport to either Asher or fion cement that hord there with force or potentially threaten to fling Jamie Lannister with a catapult since as a consequence of bayor not having invaded the north Jamie is still a bloody hostage and the last Lannister worth a dam who's still alive however Rob may allow Rickard to enact his Vengeance after tyron's been killed in battle so they may have to cement their hord the hard way anyway but hey who's going to stop them so what's next it's hard to say really the story is so different now and the laners are all but extinguished were under such control they've lost much of their former power and the [ __ ] now have land with a solid source of wealth that's seven hours of bonus on top of gaining the independence they initially wanted while is dead may never die stennis takes King's Landon but there's very little he can do I am now faced with a great opportunity and I am powerless to take advantage of it one super important note to mention King's Landing is sort of its own poisoned chalice everyone wants it but on its own it's a huge burden that relies a lot on the other kingdoms the Tyrell closed the Rose Road and stopped delivering food to King's Landon which caused the population to starve and began to rebel against Joffrey this was rectified when the tyrells and Lannisters Allied but unless Stannis can start importing large quantities of food his new seed of power won't last long and there's that famous saying an army marches is on its stomach and then is the fact he only has 20,000 men Dawn won't care the reach hate him the veale are still playing for a man out the moon door and the alliance of the north riverlands and theion Islands would not be a good choice of opponent with the current power dynamics the gry joys alongside the other Northern navies would have a greater Fleet than Stannis especially after the battle of blackwat more resources and more men I mean I know he's the Manis but unless he calluses talk of making everyone bend the knee I could see the North's border increase into the crownlands just to Snuff out the fr before it blossoms Catelyn having seen reny's death might even urge Rob to move on Stanis to stop any black magic Shenanigans or allow Brienne to go get her revenge who knows if I'm Balon and sanser survived the battle of Blackwater I propose a marriage between Fon and sanset to strengthen that Alliance but is usually the best way to do so and maybe suggest that edor can be betrayed to sharim Baran as an olive branch if Stannis is willing to play ball I mean it's Stannis and you've got a better chance of getting Joffrey to do something kind or even Robert rafan to give up bror rather than Stannis even contemplating that offer but always nice to make the offer at least with the Great Joy having established Independence and solid alliances even if uron comes over and throws Balon off his Bridge Asher and fian still have a greater claim to the Sea Stone chair uron was only really able to sway the ironborn to elect him King due to sexism and the promise of power Fon solves the sexism issue and the promise of power has already been fulfilled uran has no bargaining chips Yorn have already had their fill with the Clash of Kings and yuron will likely come across as nothing more than the raving madman he is maybe Fon can ask Uncle victarion to bring him his uncle uran's head of course there's one more faction to consider the nearest Stormborn of many titles might make it to West Rose now it's actually much harder for her to make the trip without the ironborn fleet to carry her forces and we really need to lean on that and hope she can't actually facilitate getting to West Rose for a good long time because with the kingdoms fractured into separate entities she might actually have to relive Aon The conqueror's Glory Days and take each kingdom one by one and that's just a lot of work for one person and three dragons remember in the initial Conquest agon sent his sisters to go treat with the different houses and they'd only join together and take them out by force when required she'll have to March all around westos one at a time to get them to bend the knee and that's just not really it is it and thinking about it what exactly is she here to do she wants to break the wheel and they've broken the wheel of having an iron throne effectively thanks I guess Danny for uniting us all again when we're happy separately anyway as we always say in these videos she's the only faction with flying nuclear weapons for [ __ ] sake Danny just breaks these scenarios for some factions a Tom how can the great joid possibly hang on to be gains against the Mother of Dragons well if they can't persu Danny that the islands aren't worth the effort which you know isn't a hard sell they'll have to look at other avenues maybe loot that horn off uran's body otherwise like our first St video they're just going to have to look to negotiate it's all they've got and for the long night well unlikely am I think that without a dragon the Walkers are stuck at the wall soaking and even if they get past it it's not the greaty joid problem since this swim no good I'm taking the iron Fleet back to the iron Island best let joh and family deal with that with bail unj joining forces with Rob the story has taken such a massive turn it's impossible to account for everything so we'll leave those tidbits to you guys from now on the key ones though are brennam ricken I still alive in Winterfell pH branstone needs the buger no he doesn't leave but North doesn't fall Jon Snow is likely able to call on Rob to Aid the Nights Watch and none of those cretons at the wall are going to bloody stab JN with big rubber around cat doesn't release Jamie who's in effect still a prisoner of the Starks or is now a head shorter Rob doesn't fracture his forces when he marries Jane and kills Rickard Ramsey is ring in a dungeon and Stannis going north is sort of a mess because he went there to Aid the north against the wildlings and the White Walker threat as well as retake Winterfell and unite the north behind his Banner that's kind of a mute point now oberin doesn't get his brain smushed in a trial by combat cuz tyrion's dead and me Lannister Dynasty has fallen tyell don't get blown up yet like theas could always blow him up and I can't think of anything else actually so yeah that's probably the best scenario for the North and the gry joy win-win shame it didn't go that way eh anyway thanks for watching if you like the video you know what to do like and subscribe comment below if you've got something nice to say or something interesting and if you don't keep it to yourself or not
Channel: The Fandome
Views: 39,603
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: the fandome, beyond fandome, how robb stark would have won, how balon greyjoy wins the game of thrones, how the greyjoys win, reaction, recap, review, game of thrones, joffrey, robb stark, stannis baratheon, renly baratheon, balon greyjoy, clash of kings, how greyjoy would have won the war, how the greyjoys would have won, theon greyjoy, euron greyjoy, ashara greyjoy, yara greyjoy
Id: HU1JCc-zor8
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 18min 19sec (1099 seconds)
Published: Sat Apr 13 2024
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