How the Technology Works - algae to biofuels

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Algy Tech securing fuel independence sustainably the world needs transport fuels diesel is used in cars trucks heavy machinery and chips diesel is even used to generate electricity and remote mining projects and domestic peak top-up power stations jet fuel is needed to power aircraft for commercial transport both diesel and jet fuel are used extensively by the defense services existing global fossil fuel oil reserves are rapidly depleting add current rates of consumption the world uses 30 billion barrels of oil per annum sourcing the soil poses security and environmental challenges as research decrease and consumption increases prices will continue to rise the alternative viable way to source oil is from industrial scale high yield growth systems using algae algae uses the Sun carbon dioxide and nutrients to grow in a controlled environment algae can multiply many times each day selected algae can produce 50% oil and 50% biomass which converge to fuel products this makes algae one of the world's most valuable sustainable and renewable fuel resources algae Tech has perfected an industrial scale technology to grow algae for fuel Algy tech technology is based on the growing and harvesting of this valuable algae the Mekons East route technology uses 40-foot shipping containers along with the solar source of light to grow algae rapidly and profitably and is scalable and environmentally sustainable in closed system the algae tech solution has been recognized internationally for low water use the ability to capture waste carbon dioxide feeds from industry and power stations and the scalable modular design a look inside the technology shows how light carbon dioxide and nutrients deliver a powerful algae growth mix in the controlled enclosed photobioreactors the resulting algae is made up of valuable oil sugar and protein biomass the algae is separated into oil and biomass these products are refined to produce biodiesel jet fuel and ethanol importantly algae Tek fuel has major cost advantages it can be produced at approximately half the price of the current crude oil price algae Tech is in the business of delivering algae growth systems that offer cost-competitive secure high quality fuels for transporting power algae tech securing fuel independence sustainably algae tech intends to secure its profits through strategic joint alliances or self-funded project developments globally you
Channel: AlgaeTec biofuels
Views: 432,180
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: oil, biodiesel, ethanol, jet fuel, renewable energy, Algae.Tec, algae, biofuels, green crude, green aviation fuel, green jet fuel, energy security, sustainable fuel, bioreactors, algae growth system, algae harvesting system, biofuels IPO, biofuels ASX, how to grow algae biofuels, Roger Stroud, Earl McConchie, Shoalhaven One, Australian biofuels, carbon capture, CCS, advance biofuels, Lufthansa biofuels., Petroleum (Industry)
Id: QP_HbQ5cWSk
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 3min 12sec (192 seconds)
Published: Thu Jan 19 2012
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