How the Surge in AI Indirectly Caused an Entire Neighborhood to go Abandoned

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February 1st 2024 was just another day for most people living in elg gr Village but for one neighborhood approximately 55 families quietly packed their bags and left for good never to return the entire rural fire district would be dissolved for some children it would be the last time they would ever see their friends from school neighbors who knew each other for decades would never see each other again but why our story starts in Elk Gro Village Illinois home to the largest industrial park in the entire United States sitting in the middle of everything is one of the last non-industrial plots of land a neighborhood by the name of Rolo drive it's completely surrounded on all four sides by industrial buildings I've known for years that this would happen according to Don jablonski since 2008 Village leaders have been eyeing this unincorporated neighborhood to Annex it but it's been much longer than that a corporation is legally not allowed to force you to leave so what they do is they ask the city to Annex the land if the city annexes an unincorporated neighborhood the city controls it a staggering 60 developers have already asked the city to take over the land over the years but the residents tried to fight it and fought it they did in 2020 the same warehouse corporation that demolished the Mohawk Terrace Subdivision only 5 minutes away backed out of a warehouse buyout after residents cited a 1957 land Covenant that states only single family homes could be built in the subdivision let's fast forward to today the corporations controlling The Internet of Things has exponentially grown things such as AI smartphones and data as a whole has expanded to a monstrous size in comes stream data center a developer that builds data storage warehouses for all the tech Giants they were able to do what others couldn't they bought each home for around $1 million but 1 million isn't always a happy ending over half the residents never wanted to sell they just got tired of fighting tired of sleepless nights why would I update my home if one day my home might be destroyed why would expand my business if I'd have to suddenly get up and leave this is what I was told by residents many of whom worked in the trades and operated businesses outside of their own homes the firefighters here were especially unhappy their entire District lived in one neighborhood when they left the rural Fire Protection District would be dissolved so we're currently on landmar and busy road right now it's uh currently February the 15th 2024 and um I was going to go to this neighborhood 2 weeks ago and I ke kept missing my deadline this is my brand new camera that I just bought and right now there's currently workers there I don't know what's going to happen or what we're going to do I'll kind of show you guys around so this is the only hold out right up here this uh robax truck company but as you can see they've got the excavator set up right here and um all the houses are now fenced off this happened about a week ago they're about to get ready oh my gosh they started looks like they Maybe started cutting trees down look at this holy yeah we are going to have to film this as soon as possible but I don't know about today let's see we're going to we're just going to we're just going to go up in here um I don't think anybody's going to yell at us right there so you can see right over there they're doing some work here um but it's just right there it looks like so we might be able to film a lot of this regardless I think that's what we're going to do here yep let's do that let's let's do that you can see check this house out it still has solar panels on it I am shocked actually looks like they're in the process of removing them okay I could be wrong then I've been looking at that house for so long like why haven't they taken their solar panels off looks like they are finally so we're going to go park up on this uh Warehouse right now um and all this land right here will become a warehouse too but should be a safe spot to park so when a lot of these neighborhoods get bought out what they'll do is they'll sell every single thing they can from the houses and in a lot of the cases at least on this road they sold the garage door for this house and a couple other houses here there's actually one right there if you want to look at that but yeah a lot of the stuff got sold off but also in some of these houses they left a ton of stuff behind it's absurd let's start looking at [Applause] it so here we are guys they got a uh fence implemented yeah this this happened about a week ago and uh you can see they still got their Christmas or a lot of these homes were abandoned around I would say December 2023 to um as much as a couple weeks ago but let's keep walking a lot of these houses are really nice uh what do we have here that was a uh Trump flag and uh you got a priter suck sign right there um yeah a lot of these guys here were working class people they were all in the trades and um you know they had all different political ideas I'm sure but here's one of the houses more on that later as you can see the grass is only just starting to get overgrown like I said people left this neighborhood but very recently and it's going to be gone very quick maybe because of people like me maybe because they want to get the job done I think these were from excavators I could be wrong this one house here in the middle was owned by a firefighter and they had a family and um they really put signs all over their house maybe because they want to still get their solar panels but as far as I'm concerned this home has long been sold off every home here has except one you can see in the background there there's this Mansion there's a whole another separate Street that's a part of this that was built way before everything else here this Mansion back here dates back to 1891 it's one of the oldest houses in the entire neighborhood years ago this Mansion was going to be demolished so they moved it here to save it you can see right now the utility workers doing some work those guys are busy don't want to bother them maybe when we're done filming some of this stuff we could talk to them I don't know we'll have to see but more every time I come here more and more stuff gets placed around oh that fence is actually open see the mailbox is gone here but yeah they still got solar panels on their their house it's crazy I've gone here for 2 years two whole years and talked to people and walked around the neighborhood and everything so just about every single one of these houses I knew something about the person or I talked to them before they were gone absolutely crazy so I'll explain a story for every single house here that I know and we'll start with this one back here so this house right here we um we saw Fu signs they removed them but the people here were so upset about the whole situation that um they they made giant signs all all in their house um basically saying F you to the people that bought their homes there's big controversy about the firefighters um I'll get into that later or before in the video but this one I don't know if we could uh check out or not we'll have to see still got their old bicy oh the door is wide open well wouldn't you know let's check this out I've never actually been in here I've been checking this place out for for a couple weeks now and this seems relatively empty I would say they really tried to uh secure this house for the longest time one of the most secure ones in the neighborhood I'd say there's a couple things here and there left behind but yeah a firefighter lived here with his family and they were especially upset about the whole situation I tried knocking on their door so many times and they never answered so here's all the things they basically just didn't need I guess uh and they took the rest and here you could see what they salvaged pretty much their entire kitchen a little fireplace here too all open now water bottles in the corner check out this bathroom though very nice bathroom very nice a lot of these homes are smaller and some of them are bigger than they look inside but a lot of them they spent a lot of money on these homes they definitely got their money's worth here's the sun room so basically uh every house is open now they had a pool here too nice playground there were a lot of kids living here with their families a lot of families here there's somebody right up there let's go see it let's go see what they have to say did you guys used to live here yeah yeah would you guys be interested in a interview in my 2 years of coming here not one single person wanted to be on camera for an interview most of them were too upset they really fought hard for this neighborhood yo are you in here yo I don't know where my friend went I just kind of dipped out on him so this is my friend Daniel I forgot to introduce him hopefully he'll start a channel one day but um um basically there was people back there and I talked to them they used to live at one of the houses but yeah but they weren't interested in an interview so um yeah let's keep looking around you see all the guys kind of walking around those yeah those are the people um but uh I kind of want to show some of the houses with everything left behind I haven't even shown you that neighborhood back there so let's uh let's go back there first so they got a whole whole Fleet going on right now whole Convoy of trucks uh we we will go to this part when they leave probably I don't know how long they're going to be doing work but I'm assuming they're not they're not going to be here until maybe 3: they'll leave so we we'll have some time to check out these houses there's a big mansion out here want to show you guys but uh gosh I knew just about everybody that lived here but yeah there's a second neighborhood here you'll see the Mansion up ahead look at this you guys this was built in 1891 1891 a lot of other unique houses on this road you'll see up ahead the road is is much different than than this side of the neighborhood a lot of older or custom built houses but here's the mansion and a bunch of other houses there's actually an abandoned RV up ahead you'll see they left that behind these houses were abandoned long before the neighborhood was when I came here 2 years ago they were already abandoned there was actually a Pontiac in front of that one but let's take a look at this Mansion you guys you're going to love the inside it's crazy so they just updated this place it's been here since the 1800s and they updated really nicely and they had to go as you can see I mean it's so clean in here and all that's not clean anymore because all the demolition workers Footprints thought I heard something but it could be the wind so yeah these rooms are empty there's one there's one room right here with a bed and then I want to show you guys the third floor in the view of the whole neighborhood and then we'll get to some of the houses with everything left behind so someone broke the freaking glass here that's new um but here's the upstairs it's very nice there was literally glass falling just as I started recording so this might have happened like even today I have no idea but guys this is the street I haven't showed you yet I think it's safe to walk out on here just absolutely crazy view straight out of the Apocalypse and guys there's even more right there there's another way out I'll show you show the rest of those homes but they just fenced this off about 3 days ago this side of that everything but yeah that RV was abandoned with that house back in the day but somebody took the AL Camino there's an El Camino there that's what I meant Yep this is abandoned too there was a safe just like it oh I didn't even know that was there they had to have been the demo workers huh you know we never looked in here I wonder if there was anything ever inside see it fell in the glass there's another pan that's still not broken but anyways guys let's go outside here's kind of a view of everything [Music] can't get over this house though looks small on the outside but it's really pretty big I really want to show you guys everything that's uh left behind in some of these houses so let's get to some of those it's actually a couple houses um this one has everything left behind and there's one up there let's go let's go to this little small house right here actually oh and another thing I'm not sure about so there's a business actually at the end of this street and I don't know if they're going to leave or not because they have so much equipment they're still working even today so I couldn't tell you what they're going to do here with this business I didn't even notice this house until recently I thought it was a shed cuz it was so small but it's very nice house they removed the TV but they left most everything behind look there's even a whole computer setup here it's quite an old one all this stuff memories so many memories these people had kids too it looks like there's even still clothes oh my gosh Wonder how many more they got weights down there more cloth in the drawers Al paccino Scarface you see anything in that one some clothes so here we got some really modern washing machines I'd like one of those oh there actually looks nasty inside there decent setup of a house here's their bathroom yeah this is all it is to the house they even made a little bit of space here you know they really used everything they could with what they had you see the date 2023 three and the second was marked and nothing else so they left November 2023 got some old firefighter and police officer figures you'll notice this house is kind of unique um they have Walmart doors on their [Music] house check out this abandoned RV let's see what's inside lots of junk cool TV setup here they even had a bed I almost guessed that somebody lived in this RV at the abandoned house instead of the house cuz the house is so to crep it and they just decided to live here which is crazy so this would be considered a house too I suppose decent setup though I really wonder what the story of this RV is and why it was left behind but they took the rest of the cars oh dude I thought is that a motorcycle helmet no that's that's a fake motorcycle helmet what the heck I was excited for a second I've been told you can take stuff everybody who's been working here all the previous residents have been taking stuff so I think everything's kind of up for grabs here which is kind of unique so guys the people that lived here also left everything behind and I think they threw a party here inside Let's uh let me show you around so as soon as you walk in you see shoes so if you look in the basement here all the basements of this house are flooded you can see they got couches and all this stuff let's go upstairs though someone egged it oh I see that disgusting see the clothes a lot of clothes until you see all this it's been rans sacked since last time but everything was left behind here they put little things over the doors and stuff so you can't see inside but people people kept taking them off there's a bunch of food here if this was sitting for a little bit longer I mean it would really start to smell bad in here there's speakers there's actually another big speaker sitting right here that somebody stole so there an iPhone oh it's got to be just a box but still got all their dishes and everything so this might be one of the sadder Parts here this is a baby's crib whenever the kid grows up hopefully he'll see the video he or she whenever the kid grows up hopefully he or she will see the video see their old house well the people that lived here were in fact Mexicans my assumption was correct cuz I see a sombrero I'm assuming yeah so see what they did on the door here I don't know why they bother doing that when it's being sold off to developer even here there's stuff on the windows I don't get it but yeah it looks like here was the last party they ever had they had a little party they got around a million dollars for this house believe it or not something like that each house got around a million some of these people just didn't care some of them wanted extra money that's really gross somebody oh that's that's why it smells bad yep more close but I'm getting out of that room here's uh one of these homes this was built in the 2000s it was owned by a landscaper this whole street was mainly landscapers people a little bit different than the neighborhood behind it if that makes sense these people are doing mostly landscaping and they left trailers behind which I think is is really cool and a nice lawnmower is he going back there I don't know oh I see what he's doing let's get let's get out of his way this this [Applause] way so all those rocks there that guy's putting down all these rocks for some reason I think so the excavators have easy access to to go around run an active work site technically I guess okay so while we're here let's go to the this uh modernized Farmhouse basement's flooded again this whole house is empty as you could see Yo he's dropping all the Rocks yo Daniel yeah I'm going to go and get some footage of that guy dropping rocks this house is empty guys by the way let's do a real quick little explore so this is like wait so this is like two houses connected to each other here's the second part I think they rented it you know kind of nicer updated Etc but nothing in here so let's go out [Applause] here so what they did to this house they salvaged all the windows that's why it looks the way it does they board it off quickly there's uh there's another Mansion I have a big story behind that one and the guy across the street he looked like uh he seemed to be like a hippie or something but he asked me to take his scrap metal out I don't know there's a bunch of catchers in there dream catchers that's why I say that no offense to the guy um yeah let's take a look in here while we're here so yeah they even put boards on the garage or something this is the only way in here mhm yeah there's workers behind me but it's pretty chill wow it started to Decay already so the windows are boarded and that's it so there's been a lot of exposure to the elements regardless so already the paint is peeling off of this house it wasn't like this even a week ago you got a giant flat screen in there these people made some good money for sure and off their Windows somebody was going to buy them oh look at that that's nice kind of a beautiful house too bad it's empty right I'm sure you guys don't want to see too much I I just want to give a click quick tour of each house for you know some of the people that used to live here so the date here on this calendar says October 2023 there's a basement but you can see that's full of water too here's the house right next to the farm looking house let's go see what's inside of here they dug holes in all the backyards if you'll notice because there's a septic tank in each and every one of them you just watch that door huh here's the sun room for the house let's take a quick look inside this is the garage barely boarded off here's the ins side of this house actually kind of like the layout of everything see how that's flooded with really black water smells terrible so it's probably sewage back up this one's pretty empty though the doors here are new uh the bathro is new very nice bathroom kitchen's a little bit outdated calendar says September 2023 kind of a cool little house that was a lot bigger than I expected so I'm kind of debating on the idea on whether I should do a quick walk through a full walkthrough of every house all depends on what you guys would would be interested in you know I feel like you guys would want a really long walk through so maybe I should but some of these houses there ain't too much left behind but anyways a story about this house so anyways the story about this house the guy uh I met of this house kept getting mail here even after his house was sold I feel like that might be a problem for multiple people but yeah the uh he's still probably getting mail here for all I know I actually I have another story too I'll show I'll tell you guys whoa so they in fact left a lot behind this just flooded I've never been in this one cuz it was always locked oh my gosh he left all his tools he was an old guy an old white guy very sad he just left his whole life life behind here least is working life so the demo workers haven't broken through here yet but if you actually look up uh on the other side of the house not terribly too much so I'm going to stay on this side of the street for now is there's still workers in the fancier part of the neighborhood but like I said I got a story for all these homes so let's uh let's continue so here's the name of the owners of this house right here guess what year this was built 2000 this house was built in the 2000 it's about to be wrecked that was 24 years ago which doesn't seem like a long time so the way inside this way is uh all fenced off so this is the way we're going and we're going to check this house out first on this side of the street very nice home Somebody went raging here recently little bit of an older kitchen holy basement so they had a punching bag some other stuff it's all flooded within the week it went abandoned man that gym equipment I want that shame that's really deeply flooded though probably up to to my waist this is the room right next to the kitchen couch and a vacuum cleaner thermostat still on that's typical they're usually battery operated upstairs we go here we have an old uh setup up left the monitors at least currently above the room overlooking the garage wouldn't you have it they left behind computers es scrap for anybody just kidding I'm going to upload this when the whole neighborhood's gone cool little wardrobe or closet whatever did not say that right so for this house too they blocked off a lot of the windows I guess they were instructed to before they left to prevent crime maybe but you know this is going to be gone so quick compared to the other neighborhoods I'm going to film and have filmed so I don't know know why they care somebody pinned up 250 pesos on the wall here how much is that not too sure kind of want that but I don't know what that means and I'm probably well I might go to Mexico but nothing interesting to explore there and unless you guys have something let me know 250 pesos guys what's that worth I haven't even looked at this room and I think somebody's squatting in here already I could be wrong but this is uh not something I saw before big pile of clothes we are right by the airport it's possible I haven't checked out the garage yet so here's a garage for you guys just scraps scraps of what used to be here remnants all hi Vis into some nice worker boots definitely a landscaper here we got this guy's house he gave me a call at asking to pick up all his uh motorcycles and scrap metal and unfortunately I never got to doing that um I was I don't know what I was doing and I wasn't even busy but I missed the opportunity so everything from this house is mostly gone but let's see the remnants inside here oh wow they dug a hole right right through their porch or whatever deck so here's the basement oh not showing Playboy um but the this guy left a decent amount so I guess he liked motorcross and um maybe he was a Native American there was some dream catchers in here if I recall look at the clothes they left but here's the upstairs somebody in here hello oh my gosh there's a squirrel yo Daniel take get a video of this oh my gosh holy here oh my God how how well anyways resuming uh that's so yeah um some kind of motorcross stuff on the wall it's kind of like my grandpa some video games or whatever and here's what I mean by The Dream Catchers cuz look at this here's the bathroom decent with the skylight looking through all that stuff oh that is a nice knife look at that is it open ooh might want that huh yeah take that with you left a little bit of his clothes but otherwise not too much wait so there's a is that a phone or is that just a phone case case explorers here's some of the remnants they've got uh some pickles and olive oil some plants look what I just found some very very primitive touchscreen technology I have no idea what this is Palm you guys know what a palm is I have no idea I like it though so there's uh two other houses there that um they're empty and I don't think there's any way easy way in there and yeah see there's like a fence blocking there and there's a fence blocking the actual driveway i' I've been there though and uh both of these houses are empty but I'll show you the front of them so here's the long abandoned house like I said this has been abandoned longer than the rest of them they believe it was a remodel the floor is actually caving in right there it's caving in Daniel be careful like walk to the left this is all empty it was winterized prior there's a Mexican no smoking sign cool little house there ain't much in here uh yeah and they threw all the junk into this one room so this home here has been also boarded up alongside the other one I have no idea what's inside here I kind of forgot I think it's empty let's take a look here's the garage okay so they Salvage they salvaged the garage that's the whole deal with the boards I think so this one is nicer okay actually a lot nicer than I thought it was that's why it's bardor up see they Salvage the windows there actually some food here oh no I remember it there was some stuff in here oh my this is a chill spot right here here they boarded up a whole room for some reason and there might be homeless people in here for all I know what the heck is that so this is the part that was blocked off oddly I don't know what we're going to expect there's a huge knife there is anybody in here there's no way somebody's in here oh my gosh somebody might actually be living in here that's crazy this has been abandoned for only like a month you know what I don't want to be in here yeah someone was staying here there's poop napkins on the floor there's like pea bottles all that E Yeah old records anything of value uh I don't think so also check that out there's a cross there definitely Mexican Catholics that lived here is what I can assume and there's a big bank sign here I think that's pretty unique they had their very own had their very own little fire pit set up is pretty cool lots of bonfires and Coronas with the family or people that lived here last house right here I don't know what's inside here either I forgot so it smells like straight manure here either that this is manure or they're straight up a septic tank that they dug out here and didn't do a good job of which is probably the case okay nice floors actually I have not been in here cuz this is so so close to that other business so decent house look at those pillars I like those what do you hear like a bag rustle a bag well it's probably the wind I would assume W this this is nice granite countertops oh yeah cuz there's there's this a yeah look at this this is a nice house actually updated I would say this is the Walmart house I call it because look at the look at this these are Walmart doors right in front of me I'll show you in a sec another landscaper by the looks of it you can see the the Big Blocks held for mulch and here we go we got a good way inside I'm sure the door actually opens huh okay [Applause] locked Sil they did the same thing blocked off all the windows I'm going to assume this is empty yep totally stripped down to the bare bone well almost they still got the [Music] walls uh yeah here's like the remains of the cupboards and stuff nothing much here got some cool little drawers back there yeah I thought this was really creative what they did with the house these are literally from a storefront probably a demolished storefront and they put these here so if you break the glass at a store this is what happens even though it's a house garage is also empty by the way but yeah here's the uh here's the Walmart house so we're pretty much finished filming the entirety of entirety of what I'm going to call the Mexican Street a lot of Mexicans lived on it I would assume a lot of landscaping companies and a lot of working guys and families um but yeah so we're going to go to the I I would say 1950s part of the neighborhood next I'm curious if the workers have left I don't know if they have but we're going to go check that out it's really a shame though you know the the um this is going to be the last documentation ever of this neighborhood I told a couple friends about it otherwise nobody would have known but me but uh couple friends are probably going to be filming this and posting this too but uh I'd like to do a proper documentation out don't what they're going to film so what's interesting here uh it says stop work which is so strange of course the buildings are dangerous why would they say stop work this is probably demolition work you know I don't know very strange but it looks like they're continuing work regardless there were some dump trucks here I don't know if they were for that business down there or not so I really wanted to film this Mansion here and if you want to know why because I know everything about it uh and it's one of the coolest houses in the neighborhood so there is um let's see we got to see first if all the workers are gone so they don't uh bother us or we don't bother them let's see we'll see in a second here looks to me like all the workers have stopped work today which is great now we can continue with this neighborhood so the Mansion right behind me the guy who lived here was um some kind kind of uh I think brick layer if I'm uh not wrong and he I don't think he ever formally lived in here but he built it himself and uh it's very nice inside he planned on selling it and uh it's since fallen into disrepair at least the outside because of this this buyout it's been so Fierce that it's been going on for over 5 years now which is why a lot of people stop taking care of their properties it's very sad being uncertain about something but this guy got uh quite a bit of money everybody did but they're very sad about the situation I met this guy once 2 years ago and then once very recently and uh he agreed to an interview he got my number down if he wants to do it or not I don't know the interview will be in here if he ever does but here's the house and it's it's really cool inside so I met the guy right here like a couple days ago and um I never noticed but there was a basement here he pointed out to me he said this is where he did all his work this is the only entrance to the garage and it's flooded of course secret trapo but let's take you through this Mansion here it's pretty pretty cool Mansion the fact that he built it and tried to sell it man you know there was probably a house that was sitting over here prior and they tore it down and then they're going to tear this down again many such cases so here's the main living room very nice recliner here and brick work or stone work wonder if those are real or not probably they are real but here's how tall it is so this is a twodo style house I didn't know that front door ever opened interesting you see the beautiful skylights and such so there were stairs here and they removed them since for some reason so we got to get up through using a ladder the upstairs is pretty cool though it is empty up oh yeah here we go double fireplace such a beautiful house this guy put a lot of work into it there's the hall you go here here's the bathroom beautiful Skylight man it's crazy to imagine this tub might have never been [Music] used quick little walk through there's not too much the bathrooms are pretty nice and this is just a nice house in general the reason I like Empty Mansions is because it's still crazy to imagine that such a nice house is going to be demolished and it's crazy to think you know the shape that it's in before it is demolished that's the way I see it that's why I like places even if there's nothing left behind this is a nice house man one of the nicest houses on the in the entire neighborhood so we just explored about maybe 25 houses maybe 20 so we have 55 - 25 or 20 55 - 25 let's say 30 we got 30 more houses to check out and these ones are going to get cooler at least more modern and there's a lot more stuff left behind I'll show you guys I'll show you guys but the view never get something like this imagine living in a house like this amazing so we found the culprit of whoever's driving behind people's lawn on we'll go talk to these guys I'm going to put the camera down or maybe not it looks like they're I don't know what they're doing exactly yeah I went to go get new batteries that's why I'm walking back to where we started actually I think they were going to take some stuff I don't know looked it was a guy and a girl very nice truck could have been previous residence or the past uh 4 weeks I've seen so many of the previous residents just come back here guys this next house is going to be pretty cool they uh left everything behind everything I was going to get to it uh at the beginning but uh all these uh workers were literally right in front of it I'll show you guys in a sec all right so I'm trying to film this place and uh there somebody just came back strange we'll see what they're saying but yeah this is the place right here up in front so this is the house right here it's going to be amazed check this out they I can't I I can't believe it I mean every everything's left behind I don't know what happened I mean when I was here for 2 years just kind of driving around trying to talk to people um nobody would was ever living here there wasn't even a car in the driveway so I don't know if whoever here uh lived here passed away I don't know the deal but this is just crazy there's a birthday thing up there I wonder what that's all about nine huh a little kid that lived here I guess maybe actually yes there was because look at this room this looks like a family member's room room of mine with these Vines growing fake Vines we got a bed that's been overturned people really kind of messed up on messed up this place looking for for valuables I'm sure all that stuff's fake but yeah I mean this is full of stuff like this is little girls clothes I don't I don't get it it's very sad I don't know what went on here but all this stuff man this is somebody's life so probably you know man I hope whoever used to live here can can watch it well assuming they don't get sad here's kind of the kitchen if you heard that the uh actually haven't been down here but basement's flooded but I just heard a smoke alarm it's actually not that badly flooded holy look at that bar that is an incredible bar and look they put everything on top that's so weird like they knew it was going to flood or something or maybe not that's full of junk that's so strange okay yeah this is so strange look it says 2014 here oh my gosh so this was abandoned in the I think whoever lived here passed away unfortunately and they knew they were going to get bought out so they just left the house here with everything oh my gosh everything Left Behind they just never did anything with with it cuz they didn't need to unreal so here's the photos of whoever lived here very sad I don't know what happened here dude oh my gosh what do you see back there bunch of stuff C oh my some old photos NBA 1996 that hat might be worth something like legitimately everything was was left here um there must have been a man in the house oh never mind girls use razors too I forgot probably more than guys uh here's the bath this has been sitting for a while dude I actually think this has been sitting for a while oh my goodness this was not this rans sacked somebody came in here and ransacked the entire house this was the living room oh my gosh oh my gosh this is so sad like what in the world happened here so much stuff to look through it's all just decorations you know but this was somebody's life here I mean who knows what this used to look like you know I think it was it was totally sitting abandoned when I came here when everyone lived here and oh my gosh it's another like little girls room or something they were definitely okay that looks like Korean could be wrong I can kind of tell after a while speaking to different kinds of people that that might be Korean um oh my gosh everything everything's left unbelievable and it's trash too sadly so this is odd so this was a shower they put their clothes here it's a very old book right there probably from the 1800s wow but here's all the um utensils and everything the sink we got some more photos here these these look like different people people there's a you saw a Filipino lady or something and then there's some uh different people that's weird uh trying to just get together the story here that's all they were Christian as you could see Christian family I don't know what happened here dude maybe I shouldn't know oh you don't have to look through the brige they clear it was full of stuff at some point but cleared it out yeah here's that room I walked in on again and there's a garage full of stuff too oh my gosh these are the shoes they're small and some big ones oh my gosh okay they definitely never had a car in here I don't think it's just full of junk still there's a old American flag I think that's what it nope I could be wrong I think I'm wrong I definitely wrong about that don't I forgot what flag that is though oh my little sh little kid shoes boy everything just discarded I don't know what happened here I don't know there's definitely a man that that lived here at some point because there's bunch of tools could be a woman but most likely a guy I don't know what in the world like yeah they got bought out but what else you know yeah I mean happen for them to leave quite literally everything yeah I really couldn't tell you this maybe a divorce this is nuts I don't know all right so we're back out um there's two more houses right there and there that we're going to check out and uh then we'll get to the main part of the neighborhood so there's yep two houses this one's pretty impressive it's got a pool and there's this one right here I'll tell you guys a little bit about that in a second so check this out first off they had a huge radio tower in the background but so this is um fancy looking house and it gets cooler trust me so there's actually a pool hidden behind this wall look at that big TV but yeah there's a pool this has been sitting for a while too look at the fans they threw everything inside their pool I don't know why maybe to piss off the developers I don't know doesn't make sense maybe it's the only valid place to throw stuff or or the workers did it I have no idea well hopefully this is unlocked I think it is it's weird that the oh they Salvage the garage mechanism that's why the garage is falling like that um but yeah let's go see what's inside so yeah this is empty I somebody actually might have died in here because there's carpet removed there's a big stain right there oh my gosh yeah you know I think somebody died I just realized that oh my gosh I was sitting in that chair like a week ago so the reason I say somebody might have died here is because um I just went to uh a buddy of mine's house that he bought he's in real estate and they just cleaned out a a dead body and the floor is pretty similar to this and I just I just realized that now it's a terrible thing and I'm I'm so sorry for the family that's probably why it's cleared that totally makes sense to me now but yeah or who knows maybe I'm wrong I hope I'm wrong but the facts and the evidence right I don't know anyways danger no steps something happened here where there's no steps the basement's obviously floated they were actually pumping this out uh a week ago it's probably full of water again this house is pretty nice though yep they Sal they Salvage the windows and put boards over the doors you can see it from the road actually which is why I assume people started coming over here who is that gang scrap what kids man she well somebody's been here they salch everything they could I think some of these rims are nice though look look at this okay first off look at this big piano room I like it more taken doors I'm guessing the doors here and the windows were modern which is why they're still able to be resold today but look at this look at this amazing wall cool very fancy you know if I had a mansion this would be in it bathroom I'm going to take a guess that this house was built in the 70s I'm not sure though I didn't do much research but it looks like it maybe a ranch home that's like customized that's what I would call this all right so down to this house here we're right by the road I was hoping there was signs here that would say the name of the neighborhood but I don't know actually the name of it I will find out but um maybe the never wor signs I don't know but Mohawk Terrace had the same kind of things here said Mohawk Terrace anyways this house right here so I talked to the guy right he was an old white guy that's what I can tell you what he looked like um but he did not tell me much of Interest let's go check out the house you can see put boards over the garage I don't know the garage got stuck it looks like when they tried to sell the mechanism for it and they sold off the doors it's not creepy at [Applause] all okay thought I heard something wait is the basement not flooded there's no way there's no way it's not flooded okay this the first basement that's okay definitely was flooded and they pumped it out but cool we get to EXP explore basement that's something on my list for this neighborhood I guess to check out one of the basements but this one's so ugly and not not worth checking out so forget this this seems to be everything they left there's what it looks like from the inside uh I don't remember if this guy left anything behind tell you though the house is decent no he he sold off most of his stuff for sure it's one door locked no homeless people so we are back into the main part now we're going deeper into the neighborhood and I can tell you the homes further down I'll show you later are super updated super modern looking and it's such a shame they're going to go but we're going to start with these homes right here make our way down and uh yeah if there's stuff then I'll show more if there's nothing then I'll kind of keep it at a minimum actually I know this guy too okay so this guy right here this was full of cars there was a big van too they were all abandoned and they offered to buy the cars and uh he said he was scrapping them himself I think yeah the guy that lived here an old another old white dude uh cool guy okay we're going to have to go through the front I think I don't know if I oh no no no this door should be open I think right here this guy I think he left everything behind too we'll have to see see if that's open [Music] yep oh yeah he left a decent amount of stuff actually all right flashlight it up using the lights all flashlight this is a different one than I had earlier in the video cuz my other one died amazing flashlight y'all got to yall got to buy this but here we go there's a baby's chair yeah yeah yeah I don't know so this guy this guy got a lot of money he could afford to lose every you know let leave some of this stuff and buy new stuff right January 2024 is when he left yep I talked to him January 2024 that's the last time I talked to the guy this was that was the last day he was here you think a squatter's been here look at it oh oh this was like that before oh he might have had younger family members staying over I think yeah let's see oh yeah this was a kids room dang whoa you a ton of clothes not that much but oh wow all this old technology got some cameras well that's cool you're this is my camera guy right here he knows everything about cameras what can you tell me about those H it's just a Kodak cheap trying to keep up with the times when everyone uh switch to digital yeah next up this house right here actually look at that two sides of the house I think this was rented out but I can't be certain could have been just two entrances this crazy crazy though they left a really nice boat trailer free to take actually I don't know I don't have a boat so I don't need it and I just lost my storage space so a lot of stuff in here oh yeah this this house had was full of stuff too I remember full of stuff full of clothes but this was all maybe less needed stuff I I also think you know what if uh those are full by the way I also think that uh I forgot I lost my trade of thought yeah this stuff isn't that important that's what I was going to say it's important but if you're getting a million freaking dollars is it really that important I don't know look what they did there so December 21 there's the basement there's some burgers all over the floor who did that oh my gosh there's 40 MC uh chicken or beef burgers from McDonald's down there who did that anyways check out this room they got a t TV big setup uh yeah pretty cool yeah they they left food here I don't know if I ever talked to these guys um I can't tell you much about their situation got some seed oils uh bunch of just stuff nothing too important you drank the titos let go what you got here some junk some junk um okay this is cool though now somebody ransack this this was pristine last time hate to say it this you know this is why I try to be in such a hurry to film my videos day wise cuz 2 weeks ago when I was ready to film it would have been a lot nicer in these houses but hey it happens not you know just the the non Necessities here I would say all right next house this is right across the street from the other ones I actually don't know if I've ever been inside here I believe there's a trailer parked out here which is why I didn't uh bother messing with it yo look at these dump trucks this is going to be an insane Earth moving project that's going to take place here oh my gosh they already destroyed something I think oh my gosh yeah this this does not have very long this whole neighborhood man this makes me so sad I wasted probably $1,000 worth of gas money to to to go up and down talk to people check in ETC okay yeah this opens so this is this cool room so I I thought this was grass for a second I've been here before so th this is cool oh let's uh take this fireplace blocker out show you what's actually what it actually is it's an old stolen sign I didn't realize that until uh recently see what's going on back here basement anything in there no just flooded okay yeah we got another empty house here I don't know much about the guy who lived here or gal or family it's empty but hey if you guys are watching this giving you a tour of your old house now I hope that you guys you know somebody who used to live here is watching this and can look back on the on their old neighborhood bathroom here is kind of unique it's outdated obviously it's kind of cool what is this 2000s or even '90s so one of these two houses I think a Mexican family lived in I forgot which one oh look at that um but this V that's in front of the house came later so who a mad resident I don't even know what that means mad resident drw drew a v somebody drew a v secured by at ADT not any longer here we go decent house there's a flooded basement full of stuff oh shoot there is stuff here another working man like me I like working on stuff I just don't post it that much look at that oh they had a rug going down there this one I would say is empty going to take a real quick look yeah we got a bunch of stuff here that they didn't want to move out or scrap cool little room you know it's nice in here there's a more modern thermostat definitely a more modern house i' say more modern as in 2010 Maybe I like this uh door it's looking empty to me could be wrong yeah just the scraps of what was left hey they go away and some undergarments M yeah okay I've been here oh this actually this kind of looks nice I like this room it's starting to smell real bad look at that we got green olives yeah yeah kind of empty looking but uh yeah big room though big house big big rooms in the house I like it all right see guys we're getting closer to the intersection here we got this house right here there's some very impressive houses down there let's go over here you had a nice flat screen and then check this out big open wide room recently updated I like this place again a pretty empty house nice bathroom my back is really starting to hurt so I'm rushing it a little bit but we'll get through everything I promise you you I got problems with my back look at that old uh security camera I don't know why they tried to make this place look like it was uh watched over when it's going to be torn down so quick oh here okay here's the back room of the TV cool I never saw this room got car in the garage yeah carpet that's so weird must have never worked on a car in the day in their lives or they don't have BMWs very nice patio very modern I love it playground oh this is nice big wide open room here so crazy to imagine that all this will be gone in a couple weeks oh my gosh this is a nice house I like it somebody stole the copper look at that go okay so here we go look at this bathroom oh my I like [Music] this very cool all right y'all y'all want to see the camera I got look at this this thing was not cheap reinvesting here you heard that yeah sound like glass breaking we'll see if someone else is around well anyways down to this house and that's it for this part of the street we'll get to some more over here I got stories for a lot of these houses uh what do we got here it's empty too less updated I got to film all these houses for whoever lived here though and there's some unique features to all these houses I'm not going to lie like this bathroom kind of cool old style so what I can tell you guys about this corner house here that's on the corner of the street this house is completely empty it was likely going to be rehabed before the buyout happened there's nothing in here I promise you guys on to the next one this one I have a story about okay so this one here was owned by an old lady she had an abandoned Audi in the garage a bunch of abandoned cars they also wanted to buy fortunately that never happened but but this was the sister of a lady that lived right there I'll show you her house later but she was uh she was pretty nice she wanted a lot of money for the Audi and I couldn't afford that um but yeah let's let's go see what's up here so there's a big pile of stuff and actually I think somebody was walking through the mud here or something but she left she left quite a bit behind actually like you know like I said she was old didn't want to take too much okay but you know it's weird this room look at this smells awful and uh I don't know who lived here but it definitely wasn't her cuz she seemed too sweet to live in a room like this but uh I don't know what's up with this somebody else was living here obviously some younger person I know she had a son or a grandson but he seemed nice too I don't I don't know what happened to that room that room smells so bad dude but uh yeah go see what happened there I don't know what happened oh got a pool out there look at that nice pool man a lot of these pools you know none of them were in ground besides that one look at that she left all the couches here man okay yeah so look I was inside here oh my gosh the whole ceiling fell wa but yeah I was in here when she lived here I was in this garage she showed me around and there was an abandoned Audi here you could actually see the the marks here I don't know what kind of Audi that was seemed like a nicer one yeah it was was dragged out you know guess what I offered her for the Audi $300 maybe that's why she didn't sell it to me fair enough look at this the whole ceiling fell oh God I don't know how that happened so quick Jesus yeah so yeah that that was the that was the sister of the lady that lived there and uh here's I guess the uh that Mexican family in the van I don't know if I've been in here nicer house too no wonder they strip some stuff I don't see anything nicer bathroom decent house look at the kind of thing up there wa it's arched down holy garage so so this garage here is a total of four doors I think four or doors enough to fit four cars I don't know big garage so whoever lived here had a lot of cars and look at that they have a uh air pump set up here air pump hose or oxy assetline I think that's air pump yeah interesting nothing else though oh look how close I am to the water what oh that's Daniel walking upstairs okay heard some stuff look how fresh this water is though all this all these appliances all right here's the next house um there was uh the old family members were actually taking stuff out here recently um there's still the Christmas tree and everything set up as you could see inside but uh door is wide open yeah I think about two or 3 days ago the old family was here I talked to them they didn't they weren't too interested in an interview an old they said they said an old relative lived here but yeah this is this this room right here nice very nice kitchen again some of these houses man well the Christmas trees here but uh not too much else I don't think yeah they they took a lot of the stuff a lot of the other stuff only I came here a week earlier right almost forgot look at this bathroom this is amazing look at this very they took the toilet decent bathroom though there's a guy right now you see him he's salvaging the solar panels you see him right there he's he's salvaging the solar panels all right guys so this was the lady who called me I run a separate scrap metal business and uh she asked me to remove some stuff from her house and I probably took uh $25 worth of stuff guess how much she asked she asked for $50 for all the steel was not worth a lot but great woman great woman um this was the sister that one lady's house I just checked out there we go but this this house was nice I was actually in the bathroom down in the basement um see if we could show that I don't think that'll show up though yeah her house was pretty cool I was inside I had to use the the restroom yeah so I I I got a video in her in her bathroom just cuz I uh I don't know I wanted to do a before and after but it got all flooded okay so let's see walk right here oh that's a cool bar back there but yeah I was in that bathroom right there I took a little video with the power on it didn't do much though but look at this this is all flooded and that table look at that table still got stuff on it there's like a grandfather clock look at that that dirty spiderweb water interesting kind of decent house she took a lot of stuff her and her daughter got some little what is this cabinets ain't too much in here here's the bathroom pretty nice oh my not showing that but yeah decent house all right so this house right here very funny story uh there was a Polish couple that lived here and I I rang their door camera um asking them about an interview and you know what the guy said f you and uh that was it that's all I know about these guys um but yeah they what I also what I also know is they modernized their home very well um you'll see in a second here like they probably like a year or two ago they they modernized their home look at this you guys stunning house I mean seriously look they got they had a chandelier here might have been you know the guy might have said Fu because he was sad about this whole situation or his wife was sunbathing outside I don't know oh it's not flooded really oh my gosh this is a nice basement oh yeah it is down here wow this was a nice basement my gosh and this is like abandoned going to be wrecked crazy I can't get over this house I really like it okay yeah also funny thing so they uh removed all the boards here I mean damn they just placed them here the construction workers just put them here maybe 2 years ago and it's gone already it's going to all be destroyed unbelievable so I'm not going to show the bottom part you can kind of guess what that is but that's Polish right is it vava yeah yeah that's Polish oh my gosh so whoever lived here was wait what does that mean you know uh it's a city oh the guy who lived here might have been off his rocker I don't know oh yes he was huh that's [Music] crazy this was definitely the guys work who used to live here oh we got some sockets oh yeah got all sorts of stuff here let's take a quick look through the house pull this guy if you're watching this uh I don't know this is your house like look at this bro this is a modern toilet modern well I don't know if that's the modern faucet for sure modern everything what a shame shame what a shame I have the same shower Yep this one's totally empty looks like a uh 2000s update everything was taken out oh we got a box or a room full of boxes ain't nothing there nice toilet huh other wise Master Drive what does that mean oh this is the floor was taken out here oddly enough yeah so I don't know much about this house don't know nothing about about this house let's go to the next one all right guys we have to be careful this house is actually still lived in and they're leaving June when their uh son graduates high school got to leave these people alone actually well she knows me but I've never checked out this house right next to hers so let's go see what's up with this one wide open and uh decent amount of things in the cupboards oh wow oh my gosh there's stuff in here whoa whoa oh my gosh Legos sick this was the kids room they had kids there was a family here holy Legos pretty nice poor kids had to get up and leave oh my gosh I have a story for you guys let me film this house and I'll tell you this story is probably as shocking as the entire neighborhood by so I was here I'd think 3 days ago or a week ago and the school bus came in they dropped off a kid in here they dropped off a kid in this neighborhood and he was a little kid and he was just kind of looking around like like where am I and I think after like 30 minutes his mom picked him up but that was negligence by the school I would say crazy that that actually took place and I saw that I should have filmed it but it's a kid I don't really want to film kids um so thought that was interesting all right so there's two very nice houses here I might actually talk to the lady living there before I go check them out just so I don't you know scare her or anything so I'll see I'll see if she's home and knock knock on the door so I don't want to film this too much but this is this these people are staying until June not going to bother them there's two houses here they didn't answer by the way but yeah there's two houses here we're going to check out and then we're going to go to the last row of houses down there so let's go see this one also they got solar panels too it's crazy they sold their houses with solar panels on them those are extremely valuable uh yeah there's that one we're going to check this one out real quick see what's up might look pretty nice in there I just realized I never explored this house but it's pretty nice in here actually look look on the floor what is this to protect the floor why why oh my gosh they were probably in the middle of Renovations when they oh my gosh when they got bought out that's crazy crazy to me that this is going to be destroyed what do you think you think they're renovating it right before they got bought out that's nuts oh my gosh they totally were dude look at this they didn't even stall the toilet I don't think wild this is the only intact room here that's just I can't wrap my head around how they're going to destroy a pretty much brand new interior house oh my gosh that's wild to me this is why I film empty houses cuz look it's just crazy how they can put such brand new stuff and destroy it you know so here's the last house on the street besides the lived in one right uh in front of it this one I think is pretty cool looking compared to the other ones as well I don't know what year this would be what but it's so Random TI spoon do they own a restaurant I don't know I don't know there we go here's this beautiful house bro there's a whole kitchen cooker in here that makes sense might have owned a Chinese restaurant look at this sun room y'all I will open it show you guys inside someone broke that huh cool little room there's a little branch of a plant there they must have cut it out bamboo there's that fancy fridge I always talk about the one with the radiator on top nice flooring too so here's kind of the upstairs even when this neighborhood was lived and I always wanted to film this house you got a beautiful view of everything despite it being industrial look at this this is right on the border of industrial right here yeah dude this house right here I'm not going to post this video Until everything's kind of destroyed and these people move out but can't wait to check this house out when they leave hopefully I can get an interview from him though lady was nice when I talked to her last oh guys and here's the bathroom pretty nice in here too I would say Shame Shame Shame so yeah this house has like two floors and the the basement or I should say the main floor is right here someone broke this this is what they left behind not too much more modern stuff more modern style in here got a golf club and some documents and some cleats it looks like and guys they have a sauna look at that sauna in your own house I really like that someone was really sweating in that room here's the uh garage there yeah I remember there's something unique about this okay well first off what what is all this got a cool painting and some cool oh oh I kind of want those I wonder if those are genuine car radio uh what was what was weird about this Dad car something was weird about this house um it was like this I think I feel like might have removed this stuff but there's a bunch of kitchen stuff here here's like an example what is this a pancake cooker or something I don't know yeah had some operation down in here so that's this whole street now there's a last Street we got to check out and uh then we'll be finished but man this has been kind of exhausting we are on to the last Street of this neighborhood this whole Street's fenced off so I'll get a shot of the front of all the buildings first and then show you guys the inside um there's some more houses with stuff left behind so you guys are going to be interested in what you see so we're currently at the last Street here let's uh let's go check out what's inside this house yeah there's there's the solar work being done don't know if it's legitimate or not but not my business thanks it's crazy how everything's open when I first came here nothing was open slowly things started opening up and then now every single house is open so this house actually turns into two large rooms look at that that's a cool room huh I thought there was more stuff Left Behind okay I guess I'm wrong or somebody came and took everything I swear this is like full of stuff anything in there no but I mean look nice house look nice bathroom very nice bathroom it's a shame what they've done it's a shame what they've done oh a power line fell into the pool I think that's a power line holy no that's just their their stuff this house I think is cool now this one's nice I think this is the Maga house maybe but it's pretty okay no flashlight great I but yeah this is um I like this house although they stripped this a little bit they took a couple things here and there actually the sunlight works for this without a flashlight yeah they left a couple things in here actually there's a whole entire wardrobe somebody was looking through this recently oh what is that poop no um nice laptop and uh somebody took the film out of this maybe the original residence overall decent house decent house yeah so if you guys couldn't tell my flashlight just died so um going have to go without a flashlight for a little while but we'll make it work uh friend's still in there but let's see we got some houses down there and then some down there there's there's some down there with everything Left Behind it's pretty crazy so we will uh we will see they took their whole deck all that's gone let's see what's in here okay nice house once again again more updated how we doing without a flashlight guys how we looking okay you can see when you walk into the rooms at least holy fire alarm dang was an Time Sugar here look at that oh that's it's like a seal shut yeah this is the house that sold the garage might have been in my intro regardless next house ain't nothing in here so this is probably one of the only empty lots actually here which I find interesting they never built a house here if they never sold the neighborhood off there probably would be a mcmansion sitting over this it's really a shame what they've done actually we're getting a lot stun sooner than I thought okay so this house and then there's this house here I never checked this house house out even either got some cut down trees here uh well let's go in here let's find a way in here American flags okay so this might be promising as in a nice house this is a pretty nice house I don't know if I've been in here oh my gosh wa this is a cool house you know for how small they look some of these are really impressive seriously pillow pet remember pillow pet look at this big piece of glass that's worth that's money got a cool bathroom check this out boom bro why is so crapping in all the toilets man look at this bathroom though I like it do you call this a Jacuzzi I'd say so is that what these are yeah decent decent man water jets and everything yeah what a loss Daylight's burning I think we got only seven houses left oh looks like they tried to move their couches and failed couldn't get them out the damn front door very nice house I was not expecting this someone completely destroyed the glass here God knows why so we're right behind the lived in house and oh my gosh they got a pool that's going to be a cool Explorer in the future uh wow there's a board here what that is weird the deck is totally gone oh that's sick oh my gosh there's a pool table in there or Foos ball can you see it can can you all see that let's see foosball wow can we even get up here got to walk over all this this was all salvaged oh the front door's open okay maybe we go in the front door I see them and what can they do oh yeah this one was nice whoa oh my gosh dude that's sick sick that's going to be totally flooded I know it yep where does it start right here can you see anything I can see the Foos ball there's a uh get down there maybe two maybe that's just a table back there oh dude that's sick dang that's a nice uh downstairs look at that brick floor oh dude oh go over there whoa this is such a nice house yeah very nice basement shame this is incredible guys how do you make a house so nice and beautiful and abandon it well you know why but it's still a shame let's see here so got some rooms empty dang man they just painted this and everything got to use my phone light for this but this is going too crazy dude all right we are on our way back to the last couple houses last side of the street and we will be finished you see somebody drove through here I don't know who keeps driving through these Lawns it's got to be workers look see they spray painted that the guy's still on the roof working along with us so we're debating on whether he's stealing or not we don't know cool guy though very nice guy he got his number down so he's probably not he's probably working for the [Applause] company so we got a couple people Landing work right now we've been here so long we've been here since 12 here we go guys the last kind of part of the street here gosh the sunet yeah see they took their garage off too we're going to see what's inside here first off sick pool it's like an off solar panels uh what do we got here trying to think of what these guys were working on like when they lived here what their job was I I couldn't tell you lit have three more houses to explore this is going to be interesting so there's sand here because somebody salvaged all the bricks which means this is probably a newer house and right again smells horrible in here and this is brand new brand new looking it's cuz the basement's flooded that's why it smells so bad this is weird though the the leaves there empty empty empty nothing else here all right there's two more houses we're going to check out is there anything in there in that garage no it's a nice door nice front door if I had my own house I would be salvaging a lot of this I don't know if I ever got inside this one either cuz there's no back door but it doesn't matter anymore it's about to go everything's about to go look at this they started work oh my gosh this is the saddest thing I've ever seen the last couple times I came here I was very upset now I'm just here to film but it is very emotional even for me oh wow so it's it's nice in here too wouldn't you know see the fans's already starting to droop because of the mold just crazy brand brand new updated house gone beautiful bathroom once again we're headed to the last house and we saved it last but not least as in it's going to be pretty cool as in everything's Left Behind inside here so prepare yourselves so this house is probably going to be literally next I don't know what I forgot what was here holy watch your step but um yeah they've started copper wiring is starting to come out but here's a little view of what you can you guess what else is going to be in here everything everything guys I don't know what happened here either to me this seems like a a last to me this seems like a party that happened at the end of the the sail but why would they leave everything why would they leave everything all right I uh I opened the blinds to get a better look but yeah wait till you see the bedroom I just looked at it to open the blinds you guys take a look everything that's been left here why why did they do it okay personal stuff so we got a family here where did they go they owner Mercury a poker game here's some more Family Photos this is just makes me sad their last Christmas last photos of Christmas gone bro this is everything why here's the last room bit dark but you can see kids toys and everything was [Music] here I don't know why except wanted a little bit yep let's see what we can see anything no oh it's empty might be some stuff over there but uh huh well this is the last house you guys everything will end up like that I'm actually heart broke broken cuz of the amount of time I spent here I mean this this almost feels like my own neighborhood because the amount of time I I've known about stuff going on here and the amount of time I've talked to people um helping people getting to know people here it's it's definitely saddening we'll see what happens in the future I'll be documenting stuff in the future but this is a full Explorer I I hope I filmed every house for each and every one of you guys who used to live live here um keeps happening I don't know what to say you guys fought it off pretty hard but I know what happens well that's that how do you feel about all this Daniel what do you think crazy it's crazy I'm uh really glad I got a see this but it's just uh mindboggling you see that car yeah wonder what they're up to good thing I got my camera handy well we're out of here anyways something always something bad always happens when we're when we're leaving huh well what are they going to do I know everybody here yo there's some kids here having a mess with them let's go go to the car oh what what is he doing all right yeah yeah let's go mess with these kids exploring where did they go this is too much effort I think this is too much effort they're gone there's somewhere too many houses to look through really well everybody they've officially start a demolition guys if you look right behind me it's pretty much starting to get all torn down right now never thought I'd see the day fortunately I was a little too late for the demolition uh but I'll be there tomorrow and film The excavators wrecking all the homes hopefully I can get some drone shots real quick before they tear everything down truly a shame truly a shame crazy to see it how it is let me get some uh maybe some shots from the road here but let's see so they actually o let's see here so yeah so guys right here all the houses are here and then boom you start looking over here they're starting to get wrecked here we're going to go to the street real quick see all the trees knocked down and stuff kind of crazy truly a sad sight here we go this is crazy oh we got some guys down there there actually huh but yeah all the trees are knocked down crazy sight all right y'all I got a trip to Canada so I got to make this quick and get all the footage out of the way uh as an ending to this video this plot of land this plot of land and this house right here are the last hold outs these three this one just sold for $10 million this one is indefinitely holding out eventually they'll go and these people are leaving in June the uh the family I didn't want to bother but that's kind of it terrible situation I have to say I hope you enjoyed the video guys thanks for watching this is my longest video yet I tried to film each and every one of these houses for you by the way if you guys like the flashlight I used in the video I'll link it down below for 30% off on your next purchase using my affiliate link you can get a discount thanks for watching guys I hope you enjoyed the video took a long time this is like my longest thing ever dude so yeah thanks for watching if you think the story ends here it doesn't there's much more that meets the eye as this neighborhood gets destroyed another much larger one is being vacated as we speak tune in later [Applause] on oh
Channel: Stringer media
Views: 1,978,752
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: abandoned neighborhood, abandoned illinois, abandoned illinois town, abandoned neighborhood bensenville, abandoned neighborhood warehouse, abandoned places illinois, abandoned mansion, abandoned house
Id: 4oDEUaJlfQE
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 114min 20sec (6860 seconds)
Published: Sat Mar 02 2024
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