How the Japanese Countryside Reacts to Tourists “OMG LOOK, a Foreigner! Hello!”

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whoa i just walked a really long way I said konichiwan he goes WA! oh my gosh i don't think they get many  foreigners here if konichiwa gets you one word WA! only two percent of japan's population  is non-japanese so it's not surprising   that when you leave a big city like  tokyo pack your bags and go into a   rural area you might find yourself  to be the only foreigner in town hello again it's your friend anming here i  have been living in china in japan since 2012   and the biggest thing that's going to make a  complete difference in your experience here   is learning the local language even in japan there  are many people that have never had the chance to   talk to a foreigner and when they finally get  that chance it's amazing to see their reaction   their eyes just light up they get so excited they  have so many questions you become instant friends   well i feel like i already have  friends here but i really don't   i already made friends here please take a moment  to like this video and subscribe to the channel   if you're already subscribed please hit the  notification bell so you don't miss any happy   moments like this and authentic interactions  i love showing this i love proving stereotypes   wrong that say that japanese people don't like  foreigners or that japanese people are cold when   in reality a lot of times when foreigners come  here the biggest problem is a language barrier another common misunderstanding  that visitors to japan have is   that the locals just don't want to talk  to them they don't want to be bothered   by talking to you when in reality if you had just  gone up and said hi to them in japanese that you   might have found they were generally curious about  you and waiting for you to break the ice mask despite being a country of 125 million people  japan can be a really lonely place and there   are a lot of people that are just searching for  some sort of interaction anything and you as a   foreigner having a short conversation with them  might just be enough to really make someone's day what i'm talking about does not just  apply to people from western countries   here my chinese roommates and i have made her  wall of fame in her countryside restaurant forever   most of the moments on my channel are totally  random totally unprovoked and not planned   but every once in a while  i like to have a little fun this is our control panel yeah i get like when i'm always at a red light or  i'm passing i'm used to it but i see people both of my kids are big you know  are big star wars fans but they are praised because   daddy has a cool car especially when daddy  pulls up and pick them up from school The other kids are like OH WOW And my wife is like but you shouldn't bring it you know and i said hold up it's a public park you know i gotta walk  R2 he needs exercise exactly my wife gets mad when i say that   thanks richard it was a great  adventure hope to see you again   yeah you take care of yourself all right enjoy the  next place yeah and bye bye too see you later r2 see ya bye bye there you go that's that's just someone i met  on the street yesterday and i just got a full tour man this is this just goes to show you  there's nice people you can meet randomly Welcome aboard the Shinkansen train. you know i have a lot of free time so i like to  use that free time and i go on my phone and i   open up the pimsleur app and i study a little bit  of korean because this is valuable time you gotta   use it and today i'll be doing lesson number  11. moving along there's quizzes and stuff too   it helps me remember the words and you  should be using your downtime too because   hey we're all busy right we don't always have  time to sit down and so study study on the go
Channel: Oriental Pearl
Views: 1,960,942
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: speaking japanese, speaking perfect japanese, speaking fluent japanese, living in japan, rural japan, white guy shocks locals, speaking chinese, speaking fluent chinese, speaking perfect chinese, Japanese countryside, shocking japanese people with japanese
Id: -6sack0YXlw
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 9min 14sec (554 seconds)
Published: Fri Oct 22 2021
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