How the heart works l 3D Tour of the heart

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Imagine that you’ve hopped onto a  red blood cell to tour the heart.   You and your blood raft flow into the right  atrium from the superior or inferior vena cava,   the largest veins in your body. After reaching the  right atrium, you have less than half a second to   admire the scenery before the atrium contraction  sends you down into the right ventricle. To get from the right atrium  to the right ventricle, you   will have slipped through your tricuspid valve.   Heart valves function as perfectly timed doors  and only allow blood to move in one direction. After you slide through the first set of valve  flaps, they slam shut behind you and the ventricle   contract. This sends you shooting upward through  the pulmonary valve in the pulmonary artery. The pulmonary artery sends the blood toward the  lungs, splitting it into many smaller tubes.   You are eventually squeezed through the tiniest  tubes in the lung’s alveoli. Within these narrow   tubes in the lungs, the red blood cells load up  with oxygen, and carbon dioxide leaves the blood   vessels. Then you and your oxygenated buddies flow  back to the heart through the pulmonary veins.   One of the pulmonary veins  dumps into the left atrium. Soon after you reach the left atrium, a familiar  process begins again as the atrium contraction   sends you down through the mitral valve and  into the final chamber, the left ventricle.   From here, you will embark on an adventure  through the body because the next ventricular   contraction will send you bursting upward into  the aorta. The aorta is a large tube that branches   into many other smaller tubes to distribute  newly oxygenated blood throughout the body.   If you decide to continue with the tour, you  may flow down to a toe before circling your   way back to the heart in roughly 30 seconds. At  each body part, a network of tiny blood vessels   called capillaries connects the tiny artery  branches to very small veins. The capillaries   have very thin walls; through them, oxygen is  delivered to the cells, transforming oxygenated   to deoxygenated blood. From there, it travels  back to the heart, and the cycle starts again. Now that you know how your heart works,  it’s time to take you on a fascinating   tour of the digestive system to show  you what happens to the food you eat.
Channel: Dr. Paulien Moyaert
Views: 242,103
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: Nucleus Medical Media, Animated video, 3D Animation, Animation, 3D, How the heart works, function, physiology, Anatomy, heart, right ventricle, left ventricle, heart valves, left atrium, right atrium, mitral valve, tricuspid valve, aortic valve, pulmonary valve, lungs, alveoli, circulatory system, heart anatomy animation, human heart anatomy, animated 3D video, heart physiology, heart 3d animation, educational video, 3D tour of the heart, 3D tour, tour of the heart, cardiology
Id: a-uF50BgMGM
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 2min 7sec (127 seconds)
Published: Wed Jan 04 2023
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