How The Grysk are a MAJOR Threat (CORTOSIS) - Star Wars Explained

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So I just finished the novel, Thrawn: Alliances, and it ended with some big reveals about the Grysk. But before I go on, I must give some context to some events. So Thrawn and Anakin went to a Separatist droid factory on Mokivj. Once they got there, they got some run-ins with some Separatist droids. When Anakin went in to slice up the droids with his lightsaber, the blade would vanish, as well as blaster shots, making it effectively lightsaber and blaster proof. Something even more bizarre happened. They came across some Clone Trooper armor, which was also lightsaber and blaster proof. They came upon a bin with some material inside. Thrawn requested Anakin to touch his lightsaber to the material, and once again, the blade instantly vanished. Thrawn then explains that it's a metal called cortosis. Cortosis is explained by Thrawn as a very rare metal that has a very high energy absorption and transmission coefficients, to the point where energy weapon blasts will be dissipated along the fibers without damaging the fibers themselves. So we know what cortosis does, but why did they use it on clone trooper armor? They theorize that Count Dooku was going to have Separatist wear clone trooper for a grand scheme. Without second thought, Anakin gets explosives to destory the cortosis mine and doesn't care to think about why cortosis is being produced by Seperatists. Flashing forward to after the Empire fight some Grysk as per Thrawn's request, there's a conversation between Vader and Thrawn about where Thrawn's true loyalties reside, whether it's with the Empire or with the Chiss. Thrawn says the Grysk are threat to the Empire, but Vader doesn't believe him, and only thinks Thrawn is doing this for his people. This exerpt gets into some really interesting revelations and answers some major questions about the Grysk being a major threat and where Cortosis is from. Before elaborating on what was just explained, it is also revealed that one side of the Chiss Ascendancy is under control of the Grysks. So, with all of this information, it is a testament that the Grysk are a huge threat not to just the Chiss Ascendancy, but to the Empire. Since the Grysk have access to cortosis and they have large numbers of warriors, they can be a big issue going forward with the Empire. It's really interesting to think that there was a possibility for Clone Troopers to have lightsaber proof armor, which was ordered directly by Palpatine for the execution of Order 66. Perhaps if they did have it, who knows if even any jedi would've survived Order 66. It makes me wonder if any jedi would've survived Order 66 if Clone Troopers had cortosis armor. Also knowing that they've been around since the Clone Wars is interesting to see how much these Grysks know about how the republic and empire operates and if they can discover any weaknesses. Well that's about it for this video. Very interested to see what happens with the Grysk going forward and if they will be a true threat to the Empire.
Channel: Galactic Llama
Views: 1,648
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Keywords: cortosis explained, star wars cortosis, cortosis, thrawn cortosis, thrawn alliances, thrawn alliances cortosis, thrawn and vader vs grysk, thrawn explains why the grysk are a threat, vader doesn't trust thrawn, grysk vs empire, grysk clone wars, palpatine worked with the grysk, cortosis clone trooper armor, how the grysk are a major threat to the empire, thrawn chiss ascendancy, thrawn's true motivation, thrawn vs the gryskd
Id: -hFyKtq39L8
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 8min 48sec (528 seconds)
Published: Thu Aug 03 2023
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