How the Geography of the US is Weirder Than You Think

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Tbh honest Greece has the weirdest geography. This video is biased. Usa is so big, most of the country is boring. Its like comparing the whole of Europe with usa. Also, other large countries like Australia, China and even Russia have weirdest geographical peculiarities.

👍︎︎ 6 👤︎︎ u/[deleted] 📅︎︎ Jun 25 2018 🗫︎ replies

I'm absolutely certain I've seen a good dozen videos on this exact same topic making the exact same points. Geography channels love making videos about America but perhaps they need to expand their horizons; there's a world out there...

👍︎︎ 10 👤︎︎ u/Pompeyfandan 📅︎︎ Jun 25 2018 🗫︎ replies
This video is made possible by Audible. This video is made possible by audible. Get a free audio book of your choice from audible exclusively by going to in the description This is a map of the United States and hundreds of years of colonization and laws has made the country's geography pretty weird in more than just a few places. Today, I'm going to show you a few maps that will change your perception of how you see this country and its place in the world. First of all, South America: At first glance, it seems like South America is directly south of North America. And while that's kind of the case, it's also not entirely accurate. If we were to move South America up, you'd find that nearly the entire continent is east of Florida. And that the western most edge would only be about 380 miles west of the Azores, which are a part of Portugal. Next up, if you had to guess right now which US state is closest to Africa, which one would you say? If you didn't say Maine, you're wrong but yeah, despite being in the Northeast and sharing a long border with Canada, If you draw a straight line across the ocean, you'll see that Maine is in fact, the closest state geographically to Africa. Moving on next to Texas, there is a couple of weird things about this state. First of all, this town that nobody has ever heard of, called Dalhart. This town is located 485 miles away from Texan state capital of Austin. Which means that Dalhart is actually closer to state capitals of New Mexico, Oklahoma, Colorado , Kansas, Nebraska and Wyoming. Six other different states. Another way to understand just how big Texas actually is is by taking a look at the city of El Paso located in the westernmost edge of the state. If you a draw a line from here to the easternmost edge of Texas, and then move that line over to a point to the west, you'll see that the line goes past Los Angeles. Meaning that LA is closer to El Paso then the other side of Texas is. But LA itself is in a deceiving geographic location of its own. You would think that since it's on the west coast it would be further west than most other U.S cities. But that's not totally true either. Reno, Nevada is actually located further west than LA is. Which you would see when a line is drawn from Reno southwards. And speaking of weird senses of latitude, here's some more examples that might mess with your head a little. Austin, Texas is roughly on the same latitude as Cairo, Egypt. New York City is roughly equal to Madrid in Spain. Minneapolis is close to Venice. Vancouver is almost equal to Paris. And Calgary in Canada is almost equal to London. The North American continent has much cooler temperatures on average than Europe does at higher latitudes like this. Which is why this is a little confusing. But perhaps equally confusing is what happens when you look at a globe and flip it on its side. If you start at Mexico City and draw a straight line out of this direction, you'll be amazed to find how many other cities the line roughly matches up with. For Mexico City, the line also goes through Atlanta, Washington D.C, New York City, Paris, and eventually Izmir in Turkey. The perception is weird because we usually think of the world in terms of a map and not in terms of its true spherical shape. The final geographic oddities in America that I'll be discussing in this video are located around the northern most parts of the country. First up in this region is Detroit. Where if you start to the downtown region and travel south, you'll end up pretty quickly in Canada. If you head east you'll also end up in Canada. If you go north, you'll end up in Lake Huron and then eventually, Canada again. It's easy to end up in Canada while in Detroit, but it's even easier while in Point Roberts. An ex-slave of the United States south of Vancouver. The only way to get from this part of America to the other part of America is by driving 25 miles through Canada.
Channel: RealLifeLore
Views: 4,029,200
Rating: 4.4764481 out of 5
Keywords: real life lore, real life lore maps, real life lore geography, real life maps, world map, world map is wrong, world map with countries, world map real size, map of the world, world geography, geography, geography (field of study), facts you didn’t know, us geography, weird geography, facts, american geography, geography of the us, weirder than you think
Id: IiQMgKOh8e4
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 6min 17sec (377 seconds)
Published: Sun Jun 24 2018
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