How Texas Farmers Use 127 Million Acres Of Farmland - American Farming Documentary

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hello my friends today we are going to the  U.S state of Texas to see how farming and   livestock work here although the total value  of agricultural products sold in Texas is less   than half of that of California the number of  farms in Texas is much larger than in California according to statistics in 2021 there are about  248 000 operating farms in Texas accounting for 77   percent of the state's land area and the state's  agricultural revenue is about 22.1 billion dollars   meanwhile the number of active  farms in California is only 69   000. but brings in more than  49 billion dollars in Revenue currently the most popular agricultural products  in Texas are livestock cotton milk broilers   and corn of which livestock is the largest  revenue earner with about 12.3 billion dollars   accounting for nearly 50 percent  of the state's agricultural Revenue currently we are on a cotton  Farm in San Patricio County   mid-october to December is the time  of harvest for most Texas cotton Farms   billions of cotton balls will be packed  into round bales by these Harvesters   according to the USDA statistics in 2021 in  Texas about 5.3 million Acres of Farmland is used   to grow cotton accounting for 43 of the cotton  area in the country in addition to Texas Georgia   Mississippi and Arkansas are the states with  the largest cotton growing areas in the country as reported by the end of 2021 there are  approximately 7950 active cotton farms in   Texas and the cotton harvest in the state is 7.7  million bales each Bale weighs about 480 pounds after harvesting billions of bales of cotton will  be loaded onto trucks and transported to a cotton   processing Factory the average annual revenue  from a cotton industry in Texas is about 1.7   billion dollars and cotton is also the largest  agricultural crop in the state in recent years   China has always been the largest cotton producing  country in the world with about 5.9 million tons   in second places India with 5.3 million tons  and the United States has 3.8 million tons   foreign [Music] to Cotton production Texas   is also famous for livestock with a  scale of up to thousands of animals   this is a goat farm in Hill County home  to more than 600 goats of Spanish origin every morning hundreds of goats here will be  herded to the pasture right next to the farm   to run freely and feed unlike large herds goats  here are not allowed to move to pastures too far   from the farm and can only feed within  a radius of 1.2 miles around the farm according to the USDA statistics in 2021 in  Texas there are about 943 000 goats distributed   on more than 1300 different Farms there are  farms that raise both goats and sheep [Music]   currently the majority of goats in Texas are  raised for the purpose of harvesting meat   goat meat production in the state  accounts for 53 of the national production   and goat milk in the United States is  mainly produced in California [Music] goats   are considered fully mature when they reach 18  months of age at this point the average weight   of goats is between 110 and 120 pounds  each day an adult goat will need to eat   the equivalent of four percent of their body  weight and 80 percent of their food is grass in the late afternoon hundreds of  goats at these Farms will be herded   into Stables or protected areas to avoid predators   an estimated 1 100 goats in Texas are killed each  year by Predators such as coyotes and wildcats   in addition goat meat factories in the state  also Slaughter about 630 000 goats each year when it comes to farms in Texas we  certainly cannot ignore large-scale   cattle Farms which number thousands of animals   this is The Branding process for calves on  a cattle ranch in the south of Texas [Music]   cattle Farms that are close together need to brand  their carbs to avoid confusion during grazing   in addition this is also considered a traditional  activity of the cattle industry in Texas [Music] unlike herds of goats and sheep cattle herds in  Texas can travel up to 15 miles a day for food   and steady control of the herd is maintained  by the Cowboys by the use of cattle dogs   foreign to the USDA statistics  in 2021 there are about 174   000 cattle ranchers in Texas with the total  grazing area of up to 97 million Acres   this is also the state with the largest  number of cattle in the country with about   10.9 million heads accounting for 13 of  the number of cattle in the United States every day these Cowboys will move with their herds  across the grasslands within the allowed range   today the average Texas Cowboys  salary is about 33 000 per year [Music] in addition to herds of cattle grazing on pastures   in Texas there are also millions  of cattle raised on such Farms every day these cattle will be provided with food  instead of having to roam the grasslands [Music] each year about 4.3 million  cattle in Texas are slaughtered   meanwhile the number of cattle slaughtered  across the country is about 30.1 million heads goodbye cattle ranch we will now go to  the vegetable fields in Texas to see how   the process of harvesting millions of tons of  vegetables goes on foreign this is the process   of harvesting asparagus in a field in southern  Texas the end of May and the beginning of June   is the time when thousands of Migrant workers  fought to asparagus farms in Texas to harvest every year the United States has about 25   000 acres of land used to grow asparagus  worth about 98 million dollars [Music] foreign after being harvested will  be placed in plastic trays   and transported to the packing Factory [Music]   in addition to asparagus cilantro is also  a vegetable that has grown quite commonly   in the fields of Eastern Texas every  April to September is the time when   hundreds of workers from Mexico flock to  the fields of cilantro in Texas to harvest every year about 150 to 180 Acres of Farmland is   used to grow cilantro much less than  the 4 000 Acres grown in California coriander in this field we cut and bundled  into small bundles by dozens of workers   before being packed and  shipped to vegetable stores [Music] here's what's going on at a  lettuce Farm in the Texas city of Houston   according to statistics in 2021 there are about  119 000 acres of land in the United States used   to grow lettuce of which California accounts  for 71 of the country's latest growing area   and the area planted to this  vegetable in Texas is about 3700 Acres millions of lettuce plants will be cut and  packed right here in the field before being   shipped to shops and supermarkets it is  estimated that each American typically   consumes about 12.7 pounds of lettuce per year  how often do you use lettuce in your meals hello my friends today we will  continue to the Farms of the   United States to see how the process  of harvesting some crops here happens   we believe some of the agricultural products  harvested in this video will surprise you foreign the first place we will visit in this video is an  olive Farm in the San Joaquin Valley of California unlike the process of harvesting  olives on farms in Europe   here billions of Olives will be hand-picked by  workers from Mexico instead of using machines currently in California there are  682 Olive Farms with around 39   000 acres and about 220 Farms still  using this manual harvesting method   the workers here usually start picking  olives from about 8 AM and finish at 5 pm   a worker can finish two olive trees a day and the  average salary is about 95 dollars per day [Music] after harvesting billions of Olives  will be poured into plastic trays   and transported to the olive oil factory   according to the California Olive commission last  year 116 million pounds of Olives were harvested   and processed in the state accounting for 75  percent of the country's olive production [Music]   this man is picking grape leaves have you  ever eaten grape leaves in California more   than six thousand pounds of grape leaves  are harvested each year for restaurants   grape leaves are used as a vegetable and they  are used to wrap up some foods such as fish or   other meat only about 150 migrant workers  are hired each year to pick great leaves   and their wages are around  nine dollars an hour [Music]   here's what's going on at a blueberry farm in  Whatcom County in Washington the beginning of May   every year is when about 7 000 workers flock to  blueberry farms in Washington to harvest [Music]   these workers will pick the right blueberries and  then put them in a plastic container that they   wear across their chest currently in the United  States 103 000 Acres of Farmland is used to grow   blueberries of which Washington is the state with  the largest blueberry growing area with about 17   000 Acres according to USDA statistics in  2021 the United States produced 681 million   pounds of blueberries and 163 million  pounds were produced in Washington a harvest worker here usually picks 9  to 12 boxes of blueberries each day and   the price they get per box is nine dollars [Music] the fourth place that we will visit  in this video is a Cherry Farm in   California do you think these workers are  pruning cherry blossoms yes these flowers   are being harvested and will be used to make  drinks like tea or cherry blossom cocktails Chia about 29 000 pounds of cherry blossoms  are harvested in the United States for food use   they are not only used to make  drinks some restaurants in   California also use cherry blossoms as a vegetable   once harvested billions of cherry blossoms will  be delivered to restaurants and drink shops   every day each cherry blossom picker in  California earns about 80 to 100 in salary [Music]   here's what's going on at a barn next to a  strawberry farm in Santa Maria California   here workers from Mexico and Guatemala are  preparing millions of strawberry Roots before   delivering them to the fields [Music] millions  of story routes have been shipped here from   a nursery and the job of these workers is to  arrange them neatly and then box them [Music]   not only does this serve the growing process  on farms in California strawberry Roots here   are also sold to strawberry farms in other states  such as Florida or Washington currently around 35   000 acres of land is used to grow strawberries  in California and the state's annual strawberry   production is 1.1 billion pounds or 83  percent of the nation's strawberry production [Music]   this is the process of harvesting raspberries in  Santa Cruz County California the beginning of July   each year is the time when more than 2 000 workers  flock to raspberry farms in California to harvest   these workers would pick ripe raspberries  and put them in small buckets they wear   around their waists for each bucket less than  full of raspberries these workers will receive   seven dollars currently in California around 10  000 acres of land is used to grow strawberries   this is also the state with the largest fresh  raspberry production in the country [Music] the last place we will visit in this  video is a Vineyard in California   millions of seedless grapes are  being picked to produce raisins   each year more than 9 000 workers flock to  California's seedless grape Farms to harvest   this is a tough job and the workers have  to work in hot weather so the air on these   Farms is often very dusty according to the USDA  statistics in 2021 in California 147 000 acres   of land is used to grow raisins accounting  for 23 of the state's grape growing area   billions of grapes after harvest will be  dried on the farm for three weeks before being   transferred to the processing plant [Music]  and here's what they have after three weeks   billions of these grapes have dried up and  now they're sent to the factory for cleaning   have you ever eaten California Raisins let us  know what you think about these raisins [Music] thank you [Music]
Channel: Tony 98 - Discovery
Views: 2,416,206
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: farming, harvesting, agriculture, vegetables, cattle ranch, ranch, texas ranch, texas, texas agriculture, texas farming, harvest, agricultural, documentary, farming documentary, agriculture technology, modern agricultural technology, #tony98discovery
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 19min 59sec (1199 seconds)
Published: Thu Dec 01 2022
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