How Stoats Bring Up Their Kits

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you you you you [Laughter] you you [Music] you you you you oh that is amazing this upturned root tree bowl is perfect for the me just working his way around and popping his head there are different holes I've stacked all these roots on top of each other and it's just like weasel heaven they just thread the way in between nineteen ninety a stairway to this one dashing across the reading front area or or you disturb him or in vegetation that you've managed to get a resident weasel wow you got babies yes this is the the kits she moved them in here at six days old and there's six or seven there yeah well we thought there was five and then when she moves them now there's actually seven kids so she's actually taking him one by one out but she's actually quite normal behavior I think for weasel this is yeah yeah if the nest gets dirty there's mice going in there all the time off there's any disturbance they will move the kids carrying them off one by one very diligent mother oh yeah and then she comes back to check to see if she hasn't left any for me the most astonishing thing is this is not in a studio set these are wild animals being filmed in your back garden so at this stage she's feeding the meat oh yeah even earlier I mean I've read lots of books and they say it three weeks the Southfield animates but the kids were actually you're sucking on the meat on mice at week old which I think could be new to science we've got here is a weasel superhighway and I see you've got all the angles covered with the monter surveillance cameras but why mirror so the mirror is crucial because she comes from the feeding box and she's bringing the food back to the nest chamber and she comes to this dry stone wallet of bills so fast I often don't even get a photograph so I watch her in the mirror first and it gives me 2 seconds head start on her to get a photograph and then she comes through this scaffold pipes here so you can hear it through the scaffold pipes for the claws and then she pops out here just a metre away and then she zips around the corner here into the nesting chamber just a metre away so she must know you're sitting here oh yeah I've been working with this weasel forever for months now so as long as I'm still there's absolutely no problem so bill took a rapport with this animal so she's happy and you get lots of nice photos yeah I mean I'm delighted with the pictures I've got so far and that's because they're so incredibly tough to spot and unpredictable but it's thanks to Robert ingenuity and devotion we're finally going to know a little bit more about the secret world of the weasel you
Channel: Robert E Fuller
Views: 355,853
Rating: 4.9089046 out of 5
Keywords: animals, mustelids, nature, robert e fuller, stoat animal, stoat baby, stoat den, stoat facts, stoat funny, stoat kits, stoat playing, stoats, wildlife
Id: a7U7v0YKZGQ
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 18min 17sec (1097 seconds)
Published: Thu Feb 08 2018
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