How Stingray Changed Brawlhalla Forever

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I was looking through the brawlhalla power rankings as I casually do and noticed that the top power ranking of players was generally unchanged for a while that was until we saw our first new online generation to player or as I like to just call him a new gen player you see this topic here it looks pretty normal right back in that time that is except for one thing one of these names does not match with the rest of them I'm glad to see Stingray back on Black Knight yeah me too [Music] okay open up strong to Lance as well Stingray zero to death against Sandstorm in a tournament unbelievable I actually made a video on Stingray before but I hated it so I took it down and on top of the many interesting things to talk about Forest Stingray one of the largest ones goes pretty much unnoticed but that was until Impala won the World Championship who kick-started my career in 2020 and helped me become the player who who's kind of like standing here today um Stingray was that not only is it like incredibly hard to break into the top eight of any fighting game like how I mentioned with the pr rankings in the beginning of the video What's even harder is maintaining the pr in the top eight and being so good at the thing you do you can transfer your knowledge to other players otherwise known as coaching like learning yourself in the beginning to hit daylight recovery on guns is pretty hard at least if you're me and you're still Platinum but teaching that to someone else can be even more challenging now take that all the way to the pro level where they're thinking about spacing timing matchups players mindsets and being able to transfer that to another player who's also thinking about their own version of spacing timings Combos and character knowledge but before you can teach someone else first you gotta learn it for yourself and then you'll get so good at the game you start playing lordvraction tournament which I I don't even know how he got to that point but I gotta be honest Stingray from the very beginning beginning was a pretty unique player something that's pretty unique about brahala prose in general is they like to keep to themselves you don't really see them streaming they're not the best at communication trust me on this one I'm the person who has to try and reach out to them and coaching is just kind of an illusion huh do you get it because Stinger's first org was called illusion and he does a lot of coaching you know what okay I'm sorry sorry the reason I call coaching kind of an illusion in brawlhalla is because most of the time it's behind a paywall and it's not going to be like a professionally taught course it's just someone a lot better than you telling you what you're doing wrong that you may have been able to figure out if you looked at your own bod reviews it's very rare someone has the natural talent to not only teach other people but most of the time it's from someone already retired the scene that they were Pro in and not currently competing at the top level Stingray was consistently keeping in the top eight during an era where anyone can compete due to the online access and soon we'd start to see the players he was coaching break into the topic as well well but that almost never happened because of the black Skies document [Music] glamor is actually called the black Skies document I just think that sounds really cold and kind of cool just like subscribing to this channel okay sorry back to the document how did this detail report on toxicity in Europe ever end up affecting Stingray and you may be thinking people write about bs drama all the time no way this actually got people banned right wrong this is the same document that got the best player and all of Europe banned for two years I mean there's certain people you just don't want to mess with because they will hunt you down if something goes wrong only thing is stingray didn't do anything wrong he just didn't agree at one point with the guy who made the document daiku and the past about rawhalla but shortly after that disagreement the black Skies document was released so no big deal right oh no okay here is where things get dicey yes Stingray once called daiku delusional but not about these certain words I can't say because of monetizational reasons it was unrelated it was about rahola regardless a well put together treat longer nearly puts stingray in risk of getting banned not only just Stingray but Pierre and Impala as well you may recognize these names as one of them literally took home the prize as the best in the world and the other one has been competing for years and to come second at the Autumn seasonal Championship which I consider to be the hardest in in my opinion now Stingray and Impala have never been banned Pierre unfortunately later on did get banned by association of people who interacted with the same sensitive topics so if there's anything I would have to say to you do not interact with the same sensitive topics if you don't want to be parent all in all what you need to know is that this dimmed this Spotlight on Stingray during his come up and would be something that affected his career from here on out you will not hear of much interaction between brawhalla and stingray as they didn't mix much there's no interviews no road to bcx's and certainly not a Spitfire with Sparky which is my dream to go on one day so hopefully I can do that it's not clear as to why this is but I do think it negatively impacted his rise and somewhat silent Stingray which is funny because after this incident one of the players Stingray coach would soon be all you heard about [Music] it [Music] another one coming here [Music] she steered too far to the left he couldn't pick it up stop sign air he goes off screen no recovery down singing Cody Travis is gonna be the North American brawlhalla World Champion going from your first top eight to Second at the world championship is incredibly rare and you saw the way Java played too that is what made him so well thought of he didn't need to be doing half the things he did but because he knew he could get away with it Java always delivered on being way over the top and just like with Stingray taking Spear and showing just how versatile a basic weapon can be Java took an already developed weapon and showed us just so much crazier it can get especially with Java's off stage Shenanigans like look at this dare right it's a recovery and to DARE bouncing off the bottom of the stage into another recovery I mean come on how could you not like this guy AI another thing that made him cool as a side note for whatever reason Java and the class he came up with as in Luna snowy magdi all those guys for whatever reason as soon as they hit top 8 they just invested it in the clothing the Evangelion shirt is Iconic with me now and for whatever reason I guess if you want to hit PR top 8 You Gotta Wear Your anime clothing I don't know I just kind of noticed that out thought it was cool Java's first technically speaking top 8 was with Stingray you may recognize a few other Infamous names here and even then Java was not the first person Stingray helped with coaching to reach the top eight but I did want to share with you all how he started coaching Java okay turns out production could only afford one chair but we're just gonna get into it so how did you start coaching and when did Java come into that I think I just like talking about the game a lot so it kind of just happened it just kind of became a habit of like helping people because I just enjoyed talking about the game that much then I was like okay I'm actually pretty good at like teaching people and then I started like I got bored and I was like let me see if I can make a bunch of people some goats after that I think Java asked me a question about the game and then you asked if I was doing coaching and then once I was I told him and then you bought my coaching and then uh I basically just like kept him around because he was cool so I just kept helping him I was kind of like it's like personal trainer really guys only one chair we couldn't even get the guest an actual chair it was a wooden stool anyways while Java is the hammer King you may remember at bcx this year he didn't actually use Hammer but instead went with Ember that's because there was Hammer Nerfs Midway through the year which pretty much gutted the weapon to a state that was unrecognizable of what it previously represented which left Java only with a limited amount of time to retrain on a new character and he's still top aided at the most stacked bcx ever and while Java is one of the most known players Stingray has coached his achievements would arguably be overshadowed by another player who worked with Stingray [Music] that was wonderful wonders same Legend picks and we're going to Small Brawl Haven for game number two and I hope in this game Impala would be the first pro Stingray coached and clearly it paid off Impala Pierre and Stingray ran a tag group as Pro players but out of the three Impala was always at the lower end that was until bcx Pierre got out at a surprising 33rd on the first day but Stingray and Impala remained and I specifically remember asking Stingray the next day how he felt and he said The only person I don't want to face is Impala and I can't describe well enough to you the Gap it seemed Impala had on his opponents when he was playing ahead it's like all you gotta do is not jump into that bird but they kept jumping into the freaking bird not only that but Impala's movement was fluid and clean like it's satisfying to watch and hard to gauge what would happen next but as I say that him facing Godly almost seemed scripted that's swear all this stuff has to be scripted because Godly that year won every single tournament he entered except one the one tournament where acno played Kaya in Grand finals and it seems like this specific Legend was the only one that could break godly's dominance this is the same guy who in Grand finals could basically make a highlight reel out of his opponents being taken apart by a girl with an owl and an ice mammoth Impala would go on to win all of bcx taking down America's best player and Europe's best player as he was just miles ahead of everyone and thank God because we no longer had all might to protect us and Endeavor wasn't looking too hot and yes I legitimately think that's the best way to describe Sandstorm and Luna but nobody's ready to hear the truth anyways at bcx it wasn't just the people whose Stingray coached that did well Stinger would also make his way into the top eight to face the person that was there from the very beginning this match was incredibly close the entire way through with multiple reverses and a few self-destructs and set the bar for how exciting and close a match could be or at least that's what everyone had thought [Music] it was commonly thought that ax countered Lance and seeing as how kinda had been playing different Legends all tournament Zol was definitely a predetermined pick for if he had to face a lance player and while you can debate whether ax does counter Lance or not the truth is stingray has always been known for his spear putting a fatal flaw to this technique and counterpick but this isn't to say that the matches weren't insanely close the main Saving Grace for Stingray is that he seemed to develop a technique of his own the spear down Sig on Orion I guess has just been overlooked for too long and he was on a mission to let people know this move was broken I do think sadly he knew displaying how overpowered it was on the main stage would end up getting the move Nerf but I mean it's the world championship it's kind of worth it and as things went on the down signature came out more and more but kinda always kept a lead over Stingray that would be of course until Stingray reached the last stalk of his matches for whatever reason then he was just Untouchable all right is this the end of the Black Knight or will he be able to put the helmet back on tuck in that armor and bring this to another game as that is almost enough to find the KO a downtake in the near future potentially and there it is but it's a bit too obvious I think we all know but the second one kind of switches over the ax he's looking for a down there side air down to get his head especially doing such a great job of mitigating the damage finally an air is going to connect I'm in stocks Stingray goes for the weapons go forward with the sunlight oh that means that stick raise now and then dangerous now goes for the ground pound and sticker responds with his Arizona can you get the stock here I think he needs two he goes all the way down the light is all he needs to get the KO doesn't get it there that was an opportunity damn cut another thing as a fun fact Stingray wasn't even using keyboard and mouse he's a keyboard and mouse player and had to go to keyboard binds and he still got fourth in the world not playing how he usually does so in the end that's Java at seventh Stingray at Fourth an Impala at first for a combined total of 76 000 which is probably worth whatever the original coaching cost was so I guess if you want to be the next World Champion hit up Stingray and your time is running out turns out while everything was going on with brohalla Stingray is also a really talented musician and an artist who is going to college so that also tells me that he did all of this during High School which is pretty good compared to me playing League of Legends most of the day but it will mean we may not see the same level of competition continue for him however don't let that get your hopes down he's pretty known for not caring and then somehow being PR number two at the end of the year hey there it's me vonica I hope you really enjoyed this video of about Stingray and how he basically took from being alone in the top 8 PR to surrounded by new competitors that he also knows if you liked the video Stick Around And subscribe all that join the Discord or just leave a comment all are appreciated and I try to respond to all of them and for more future uploads stick around I'll be back to cover the winters next week like the King has returned the god of brawlers returned some title like that because Sandstorm played in it but I'm gonna keep this outro short thank you all for watching appreciate it uh go outside at least once drink water at least twice okay bye bye bye okay so back then I was like 17th Place I would get 17th every tournament and I was like okay I'm gonna top eight this time and then I think I post on Twitter I'm gonna get top eight this time and then I'll like the pros Cloud me they were all like oh right like you're not gonna get top eight and then I I got 33rd lost a wing show
Channel: Vondakay
Views: 57,763
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: Brawlhalla, Stingray, BCX, Impala, Vondakay
Id: 3Jo4yzczT3Y
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 15min 49sec (949 seconds)
Published: Sun Feb 19 2023
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