How "spirituality" ruined my life.

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oh don't don't mind me I'm just saging my house before my Spirit guides come over I am a popular sexy millionaire I got up at 1:00 a.m. today and I meditated for about 7 hours so now it's time to pick my carrot card for the day ooh you're not for everyone that's so funny because the other day I was in the supermarket and this guy was just taking so long to pack his groceries like he had his kids and he was like paying more attention to them than his groceries and I was just like you are so annoying so this message is obviously for me to pass on to [Music] him oh hi there I'm just being all practical and spiritual you know doing my thing manifesting abundance Krishna yoga hey welcome to the party today we're talking about practical spirituality the reason that I decided to make this video is because when I got onto my Spiritual Journey about 8 years ago I was really excited and I felt like there was a whole lot of bliss up ahead long story short that's not the outcome that I stumbled upon in a sense spiritual practices and concepts are not too difficult to grasp but when it comes to integrating and implying it to the world that we live in like the Western World it can be pretty tricky and that's where people seem to trip up and they focus too much on spiritual stuff to the detriment of their Financial Health their mental health the relationships that they have to your self and to other people a term for that you might have heard is called spiritual bypassing so that's where we end up kind of sabotaging other aspects of our lives under the guise of you know being spiritual now my belief is that a good spiritual practice is one that supports Us in taking aligned action so that we can thrive in all areas of our lives on the outside I live a pretty normal life aside from my hair some people I think that's a bit weird but other than that if you look at me I'm a pretty normal person but I do Embrace spirituality in my life in a big way and it doesn't get in the way of me making money making friends and having a good time my intention with this video is to highlight some of the pitfalls that I fell into and some of the insights that I've gathered along the way that have helped me to live what I consider to be a practically spiritual life I'm confident that there will be plenty of people that disagree with a lot of what I have to share here so of course if anything here resonates with you take it away if it doesn't that's okay you can just leave it for me to consider the spiritual nature of the world is to consider what is beyond obvious and apparent to us so you know it's the thing that you can't quite see and our spiritual nature can inform the way that we go about doing other things in this world so with the consideration of the spiritual nature of the world you kind of realize that uncertainty is kind of everywhere because things aren't as black and white as you once thought there's more Nuance there's not necessarily a right and a wrong and that can kind of melt your brain a little bit so if we look at the world things like science and education systems and linear job routes are intended to kind of eradicate uncertainty from the world or at least minimize it so you know you have a clear path now there's limitations to this because life is kind of uncertainty like that's like a universal principle is that we don't know what's going to happen tomorrow as much in all as we would like to and we can plan and we can have algorithms that guess what's going to happen tomorrow based on like a lot of data and stuff but ultimately we don't know what's going to happen tomorrow tomorrow might punch you in the face so it might give you a hug when you consider the spiritual nature of things things get a bit modeled and less linear although a practical spirituality we're trying to fuse the two so that we take advantage of you know the systems and structures that are here but also enter them in a mindful way in a holistic sense with consideration to more than just a paycheck per se so by embracing our spiritual nature and the fact that we don't really know what's happening we're able to navigate these Ops and Downs with more grace so we can enjoy the UPS but we can also enjoy the Downs now what I've noticed is that there's two sides to the pendulum swinging here and one is where you're super spiritual and you project all money all Society all structures and systems and whatnot or on the flip side you go over here and you're super worldly you're all about the systems you're all about the structures maybe you're like a DieHard capitalist or maybe you're uh leaning like socialist and you you think the government should look after everybody regardless of whether you're super spiritual and rejecting everything or super material and thinking that everything should be given to you or that you're entitled to everything you'll have an issue because in both cases you're not tapping into your autonomy as a human as a person perhaps as a spiritual being and so to find yourself somewhere in the middle is what the path of practical spirituality intends to achieve your beliefs create your experience not your reality reality is something that everybody is simultaneously witnessing as in they see something that you also see your beliefs don't actually create your reality your beliefs create your experience and what I mean by that is we could look outside as I often do here in Ireland and it will be raining if you believe that rain is bad rain is sad then when you look out the window on a rainy day it's quite likely that you're going to be sad you're going to complain to people about how you know it's a bad day outside it's oh it's an awful day oh it's you know a day for the Ducks similarly somebody that actually enjoys the rain or perhaps even just feels neutral about the rain they can look out the window on a rainy day and say oh it's raining today and not be emotionally affected their experience is neutral or maybe positive so the difference between these two people is that one person has a belief that rain is bad one has a belief that it's either neutral or positive and so they're having different EXP experiences now the reality is the same our beliefs are what caus us to experience reality as positive or negative and while we're on this topic no guided meditation or affirmation is going to change your life even my ones I have meditations in the descriptions they talk about confidence abundance and stuff like that but listening to them isn't going to make any difference to your life what will make a difference is by listening to a guided meditation or doing anything really that makes you feel good and more optimistic about life is going to Prime you to take action that is going to bring you toward what you want so if you want to be more abundant and you're listening to Abundant affirmations about how it's easy to make money well then you're more likely to go and tell somebody that you have a proposition for them to give you money in exchange for something and then you'll make money but it's not because the meditation magically made money come into your life it's just that you became aware of the possibility you making money and you decided to take an action align with that of a person that makes money meditation and affirmation and journaling it's all about helping you change your beliefs to beliefs that are more supportive for your ideal vision for yourself if you want more love in your life and you start to feel more love with yourself then naturally when you're interacting with people you're going to interact in a more loving way that's more receptive to romantic relationships if that's what you're looking for it's not that a meditation or your affirmation are going to make your soulmate appear all of a sudden however if you're aware of the possibility that there's a nice romantic connection for you then if you see a beautiful person on the street you might just have the coones to go up to them and say hey want to go on a date that's the power of guided meditation and affirmation it's not this mumbo jumbo thing it's just about preparing you and supporting you and taking actions that are aligned with your goals so now that we understand that let's take another example of why talking about money and business let's say that you have a business where you want to sell your services as a content creator or maybe you want to sell your personal training services online maybe you're creating a social media profile and you want to get some followers if you believe that a prospective client telling you know they don't want to hire you or that people not engaging with your social media posts is a bad thing then if any of those things happen you're likely to have a bad day your belief is creating your experience the reality is going to happen anyway it's going to do its thing sometimes it rains sometimes people reject you happens person that believes money is hard to make is less likely to put themselves in situations where people can give them money cuz it's hard few years ago I really thought I could never make more than minimum wage and you know what that meant it meant I never asked for more than minimum wage all I ever expected I could get was a coffee job or a job in a bar something like that if I wanted to make let's say ,000 per day how could I do that if I was making minimum minimum wage you know in Ireland the minimum wage is like €1 so even in 24 hours 12 * 24 is 144 * 2 which is 288 I could never make ,000 in the day because there was only 24 hours in the day so in order to make ,000 per day I would either need to find a new world where there was more than 24 hours in the day or I could start asking people and the world for different opportunities that were Beyond minimum wage and so that's what I did I started finding other ways that I could share my Valu so rather than being a bartender or a barista I could help people with their creative content for their businesses or I could help them with their mindset and how they show up and present themselves to the world as it turned out people were willing to pay me more than minimum wage for that particular service but I would never have got there if I didn't drop the belief that I can only make minimum wage I think in the law of ATT action world that people often get confused cuz I certainly did I thought that it was about avoiding things that I didn't like when actually it wasn't about avoiding things I didn't like but rather it was about learning how to equip myself with the tools that would allow me to navigate the things that happened that I didn't like because inevitably things are going to happen that I don't like I'm going to get rejected I'm going to miss the bus but how do we deal with that on unfavorable outcome that's what the point of our spiritual practice is is to allow us to thrive in those situations that we don't like if you've got a disempowering belief system and something unfortunate happens to you it's very easy for you to start playing the victim you know and blaming the world but that's not going to help you to live a life of peace and calm and vitality because people that live a life of Peace Calon Vitality are still having to put out fires left right and Center they just don't make as big a fuss of it I was listening to an interview sad Guru was giving one time and people asked him how he deals with problems you know like and I thought it was really interesting cuz s Guru was like I have an organization with 2 million volunteers they're all pretty much unqualified there's more problems happening for him on a daily basis and he can't even fire them cuz they're volunteers people ask me sguru how do you operate with all these people all kinds of horrible questions they're asking they're doing this they're doing that I said my life is not about them it's about me it's about how I am it's about me it doesn't matter how they are that's their choice but how I am is my choice this is my way if somebody else can decide what can happen within you right now isn't this the ultimate slavery it's easy to look at someone like that and be like oh you just you know sit and talk about spiritual stuff but he's kind of doing stuff all the time as well so it's a good Testament to someone who's you know living a practically spiritual life you could say going to give you another example here because this is about practical spirituality here's a practical example I was driving home a couple of weekends ago from a music festival and it was late at night I was about an hour away from my house and I get in my car and about halfway through my journey it's 2: a.m. on St Patrick's Day and my car has just broken down on the motorway and I just felt like I should probably document this moment it was really inconvenient it was cold out it was 2: a.m. on a St Patrick's Day so it was a bank holiday garages weren't open for a couple days and I had to get a towed a lot of times over the next 24 hours it was a pretty inconvenient situation some spiritual people might be like oh well what did you do you know to make your vibration be a match to your car breaking down at 2:00 in the morning on St Patrick's Day I don't know I don't care I don't think it's helpful to ask such a question because when you do that when when you almost blame people blame people's vibration for you know these unfortunate things happening it's kind of like saying that it's your fault I don't believe that to be true that's just my opinion I think no matter how high you're vibrating you're going to have issues it's not about avoiding the issues as I said it's about how do you navigate the circumstan that you find yourself in while it was an inconvenience for me to break down I actually handle it pretty well you know I called the insurance company b s Ed me out even though I actually didn't have the insurance for it you know it it worked itself out I lovely friend of mine offered to come pick me up I got home it was like 5:00 in the morning by all accounts I didn't like that situation however it didn't really bother me too much because I was able to be present I was able to appreciate the assistance that I was getting from the lovely ladies on the insurance line I was super grateful to have been able to pull over safely and all the other things that happened that's what I was able to focus on because I've cultivated this sort of you know gratitude mindset that my belief isn't that bad things happen and life has to suck my belief is life happens and I get to decide how I feel about it and so if something like that happened to me 10 years ago it probably would have been a much bigger pain in my ass than it was as it happened a couple weeks ago so the takeaway here is rather than trying to fix your vibration so that your car doesn't break down how can you equip yourself with the tools to effortlessly float through the experience of your car breaking down so that it doesn't completely ruin your day and your life a lot of opportunities that defy the status quo open up when you realize that your beliefs create your experience and not your reality the reality when it comes to housing another good practical example I've undergone myself a lot of times is finding accommodation somewhere to live you know I've lived in Vancouver I've lived in Boston I've lived in Dublin I've lived where I live now which is also in Ireland and all of those places have a pretty challenging housing situation you could say there's not that many houses and they're quite expensive and often times when I'd be you know wanting to move out or whatever people would say oh it's very tough oh it's very expensive you won't find anywhere it's impossible now those are all perceptions of the reality if you decide to act based on those perceptions then your experience is going to be woe as me can't afford to go anywhere can't find anywhere and I have to live in this place that I don't want to live maybe you're living with your family and you'd rather be living by yourself or with roommates or whatever if you can hear what everyone's saying and be like yeah you know what there is that many people and it seems housing is going up and it is actually quite difficult when I go on Craigslist or on the forums I can't see anything that might all be true that is the reality but your experience doesn't have to be one where you're struggling to find somewhere now in my experience I'm not going to lie to you it's always been quite scary and I've always been really concerned like oh is this going to work but I put my best foot forward you know a couple of years ago I really really wanted to move out and it was I knew it was hard to find somewhere but I said to myself look I really want to move out I'm committed to moving out I went and I put up a a story on Instagram and I said look I'm looking to rent rent a room somewhere and about a week later I got a phone call from a friend of mine who had seen this story and lo and behold he needed a roommate and so I moved in a couple of weeks later if I had just gone with the belief like oh it's impossible to find somewhere I wouldn't have made the story on Instagram and then he wouldn't have called me about a year and a half later I wanted to move out of that place cuz I wasn't happy with my situation there uh for related reasons I love that guy still however I was still in the same situation you know the housing Market's even worse now you know things have got even more expensive how am I ever going to find somewhere and at the time I didn't even need to move out of there but I wanted to because it wasn't working for me and people would say oh you're an idiot letting go of that place but I just knew that I wasn't happy there anymore and I wanted to create something different for myself and in order to do that I would need to take the action and I would need to take the risk and so I did I alerted my landlord that I was not going to be living there anymore and then the clock was on I had one month to find a new place and again you know I put up a story on Instagram and within about 24 hours had found another place just down the road and it all worked out but I couldn't have done any of that if I didn't believe that it was possible for me to have you know a favorable situation here's another example around friendship ship and relationships if you believe that people don't like you what are you likely to do you're not likely to put yourself in situations where people can interact with you because the belief you have is they don't like me so if people don't like me I don't want to be around people because I don't want them to hurt me or attack me or call me names you could take a person put them in a room with a bunch of people and then take another person put them in the room so we got two people in a room with a bunch of people one person believes people don't like them what's he going to do he's going to sit there probably not talk to people the other person believes that he has a lot of value to share with the world he's a great conversationalist what's he going to do he's going to talk to people he's going to make friends he might get a girlfriend two people in the same situation different beliefs they have a different experience but the reality is the same here's a practical use case for meditation I used to meditate a lot like every day for multiple hours at a time and that was the time where I was most miserable with my life because I was neglecting the other aspects of my life I didn't have friends I didn't have Purpose with my work I didn't have money and I was just really at odds with the world at that time so it was clear to me that no matter how much I meditated if I wasn't applying it and integrating it into my everyday life as a human here on Earth in the Western World then I was having challenges in a moment I'm going to provide a very concrete example of how using meditation really really helped me and my business but first we need to understand the unconscious and the action we take in the world so most of the things we do we do it unconsciously so there's somewhere in our mind that has all this information and based on all of that information that's how we react the things so you know if someone knocks on the door you just go you don't think about that that's a trivial example right someone knocks on the door you just go and answer it now sometimes people might say something to you and it might cause you to be like oo I'm so excited about that sometimes people might say something to you and it triggers you in the opposite direction and you think oh he thinks my beard is too short now the thing about meditation is it's allowing us to bring awareness to the present moment and in the present moment things just are right so we're not reacting in the present moment we're just observing it and when we're in that space where we're just observing things we can then choose to consciously take an action so I call that a response as opposed to a reaction an example of how I applied this to my own life a few months ago before Christmas I was doing the biggest job I'd ever done for my company and I was making some uh commercials for this company and I had to rent a venue I had to get in insurance I had to hire actors I had to coordinate everybody to be there at the right time on the right day there was a lot of upfront payment I had to make and if this didn't work out I was going to lose a lot of money I had made it very clear to everybody that it was really important that we were all there at the right time and if there was any issues just let me know as soon as possible so that I could make alternative Arrangements everything seems to be locked and loaded it's all good to go everybody's going to be on time and then I'm sitting there the day before the shoot just organizing the last details I just sent all of the money to the people that I had to pay up front and I get a text and this uh the most important person just out of nowhere decided that they didn't want to come that was it no explanation so so I was now not going to be making any money from this project and if anything else went wrong I would be losing a lot so naturally when I got this text message my heart starts racing I start getting really angry I want to send the most rude text back to this person but because you know I've had a spiritual practice over the years and I've practiced meditation and self study and compassion and all of these things I was able to stop I was able to pause I left the room I went elsewhere and I took many breaths I maybe took like an hour just to allow myself to calm down because I was so scared I was feeling insecure I was angry I was thinking oh will I just cancel everything will I just quit life and just go and give up on business these were the literal thoughts that I was having but because I was able to regulate myself I was doing my breath work I was you know tapping into my toolkit that I've been cultivating I was able to then respond to the situation and honestly I didn't have any great options because the script that had to be learned for this was huge so the chances of getting somebody last minute like less than 24 hours notice to learn this script and come up and do it was so unlikely but I had one option that I knew of there was one other person that had been preapproved as an actor to do this shoot but I hadn't even contacted him so again my mind my unconscious was like no you're doomed you're a bad person you don't make money you don't solve problems you're not a valuable person and so what I wanted to do was just give it up I just didn't even want want to contact this person all of the voices in my head my unconscious which is trying to keep me suppressed rather than expanding didn't want me to do this but I said to myself what is the best thing I can do the best thing I can do is contact this person and that's all I needed to do so I contacted him my mind had been thinking oh he's going to say no and then I'm going to have to go to the client I'm going to have to tell the client that I've failed and then they're going to charge me a load of money cuz I failed to deliver what I had agreed to pay them sure enough he said yeah I'm down for it and it worked out and all of the other stuff that my mind was saying was going to happen all of the other beliefs that I'm not capable of taking on big projects I just took a moment to distance myself from those beliefs to create a new belief system one that said I can do this I can overcome challenges when people cancel last minute I find a solution if I'm finding Solutions I'm going to do things that uncover the solution rather than do things that confirm I have a problem and the project went ahead everything went well the client was happy everybody got paid and I had achieved a new milestone for myself because it was the biggest project I'd ever done and it gave me new confidence because I was willing to go through that discomfort and that's that's the point of our spiritual practice is to help us not avoid the world but to navigate it in a way that SU us and empowers us and allows us to be the best version of ourselves we can see this in relationships as well because relationships are effectively how we navigate the world your relationship to yourself your relationship to the world and your relationship to other people are all based on the unconscious beliefs that we have so if we can identify what those are maybe there's some disempowering ones in there and then we can change them then we can have a better relationship to ourselves so you know previous iously I was saying no I can't do things I can't solve this problem I'm not good enough I don't deserve that well by taking that moment of pause and then saying to myself oh David you can do your best even if your best isn't good enough on this occasion it doesn't mean you're bad it just means that it wasn't happening on this occasion but it didn't even get to that point because I was willing to challenge the unconscious belief that I had and you can see this in other interactions that you might have with people you know someone might give you feedback and you might take it as I'm useless I'm terrible well actually it's just feedback so instead of saying I'm useless I'm terrible you can say okay this person has a different Vision to what I had actually I think I can learn something from that little insight they've offered I'm going to implement that I'm going to add that to my skill set my toolkit and now all of a sudden you've gone from being a bad person to a better person all thanks to this feedback that's the difference between a growth mindset and a fixed mindset fixed is everything is black and white growth is everything can change I can change my beliefs I can change my actions to create a new experience of this reality a lot of people love to say that the external world is a reflection of your internal world it's like a mirror and I do agree with that because if you're seeing negativity on the outside it's because that's how you're wired on the inside and if you're seeing positivity on the outside it's because that's how you're wired on the inside when I see people going for a r run I used to think oh what a loser going for a run then I started to change my beliefs of Baron running now when I see someone going for a run I think thank you so much for investing in yourself by going for a run that's improving your mental health that's going to make you a better father a better partner a better coworker a better human that's all because I changed my beliefs the way I interact with people now is completely different the way I interact with the weather the way I interact with challenges is completely different because of how I have m in my beliefs to support me in the life that I want to live rather than being a victim to it I'm just here in it and I'm doing my best and I'm witnessing other people do their best and I'm cheering people on rather than tearing them down I think you can do the wrong thing so many times and then you'll eventually find out that it's not serving you but rather than getting to that point and enduring all that pain you can have a look inside and see is this serving me if it's not serving you be honest with yourself and then take different actions next time you can chant om Ganesha 108 times and you know the Hindus say that it'll bring prosperity to you and your family but just make sure you go out and tell someone that you've got a service that they can purchase off you because otherwise I don't think you're being super practical with with your spiritual practice visualize in the morning but just make sure you go and take some action that's aligned with that visualization that you had earlier in the day remember a good spiritual practice supports Us in taking aligned action I hope that you enjoyed this video I hope it was a benefit to you thanks so much for being here check out the description I have a meditation bundle I produced all of the music there I've made the meditations you can have a look at that there's a newsletter down there I also offer one-on-one mentorship there's a form down below for that if you would like to work with me in the areas of content creation authentic presence I'm here for all of that until next time I'm going to take off this jacket cuz you know
Channel: thedavidboland
Views: 2,299
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: self help, motivational video, self improvement, self love, self compassion, spiritual journey, mindfulness journey, mindful living, self development, spirituality, awakening, community living, sustainable living, self actualization, nathaniel drew, better ideas, james jani, the cure to anxiety and depression, matt d'avella, aaron doughty, prince ea, cole hastings, hindz, hamza, fake gurus, manifestation, law of attraction, vision boards, visualization
Id: vii8FFuFhCY
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 29min 12sec (1752 seconds)
Published: Thu Apr 18 2024
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