How Small Vehicles Wheel Rim Manufacture In Local Factory | Production Process of Rickshaw Wheel Rim
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Channel: Amazing Things Official
Views: 2,839,743
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Keywords: how its makes, steel wheel production, wheel manufacturing process, How wheel manufacture in local factory, truck wheel production, wheel rim making machine, truck wheel, wheel production, Truck wheel, steel wheel, aluminum wheel, wheel rim, truck steel wheel, truck rim, steel rim, aluminum rim, alloy wheel, alloy rim, wheel manufacturer, wheel factory, колесный завод, ホイールファクトリー, 휠 공장, 트럭 바퀴 생산, производство колес для грузовиков, 휠 제조 공정, 휠 생산, производство колес
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 18min 3sec (1083 seconds)
Published: Fri Sep 10 2021
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