How Small Is It - 05 - The Higgs Boson (1080p)
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Channel: David Butler
Views: 570,769
Rating: 4.8543415 out of 5
Keywords: how small is it, Quantum Electrodynamics, virtual photon, coupling constant, Feynman Diagram, matter field, Quantum Chromodynamics, QED, QCD, gluon, residual strong force, Z boson, spin oscillation, Higgs Field, Higgs Mechanism, Boson (Subatomic Particle Family), Physics (Field Of Study), Higgs Boson (Subatomic Particle), Planck Length, STEM
Id: xG_YtASz7gY
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 30min 2sec (1802 seconds)
Published: Fri Dec 12 2014
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