How Small Is It - 04 - Elementary Particles (1080p)
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Channel: David Butler
Views: 240,235
Rating: 4.8796873 out of 5
Keywords: quarks, cosmic rays, gamma rays, cloud chamber, positrons, electron-positron pair creation, pion, muon, kaon, particle decay, neutrino, Stanford Linear Accelerator, SLAC, cross section, decay signature, bubble chamber, hodoscope, lambda particle, xi particle, omega particle, Lepton (Subatomic Particle Family), Fermion (Subatomic Particle Family), Boson (Subatomic Particle Family), Elementary Particle, Physics (Field Of Study), baryon, STEM
Id: wAsceiIMY2I
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 29min 49sec (1789 seconds)
Published: Tue Dec 02 2014
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