How Set Up Webhook for Go High Level & Make (Previously Integromat) #gohighlevel #ghl #webhook

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in this ghl go high level tutorial I'm going to show you how you can create a web hook and connect it with make by integr so that you can create the automation that you need in go high level remember to stay t to the [Music] end welcome to this go high level tutorial if you want to get go high level at exclusive pricing and only 47 for all the same features you have in go high level you want to visit the link down below this is a exclusive go high level pricing if you sign up with me I'm putting the link down below so let's come back to this topic uh video tutorial so um let me just create a use case first so this is a use case I want to create an Automation in uh my go high level okay that and then the automation will then send a web hook to my MC by integrat so you might know the name by integromat in which it will actually act as an intermediary and submit the email to my S foox so sand Fox is the email uh provider that I'm using it can be um get response it can be any other software that you're using it doesn't matter but I'm just going to show you guys the mechanism how I use a goad level work automation send a web hook to make by integrat and connect with it can be get response in me in my case it is and fox you can also use it to to uh connect with active campaigns uh Mite and maim okay so here's the first St so in order to create the automations and get a web hook to POS it to make by integr mat so the first thing that I want you guys to go over to go high level and look for this go Ahad of work sbar called automation click on it and that's where you'll be landed on this workflow list so now click create workflow in go high level and then click Start From from scratch in go high level automation workflow so it will then bring you a list where you are going to build your workflow so this I'm just going to call as a workflow test okay so for this workflow test first you need to add a trigger so in my case my trigger you you can have different type of trigger for example your trigger could be maybe your purchaser actually bought a certain cost of products in your funnels or in my case it can be triggered because uh someone actually opt into my list and submit to a form in a go high level final page so in my case I'm just going um to uh select my trigger in my case it will be let me see it will be a form submission so let me click the form submission okay this is useful when uh you want PE you want it to actually trigger the workflow when someone actually submitted your form it can be your lead magn right people opt in to you all right and then after that I wanted to specifically referring to which form um in my funnel so the form it's if you actually sign for my free checkity course if let's say you guys want to check it out you can go and check it out at so uh when the form is submitted and I add the filter is when it is for this specific funnel just select the funnel that is relevant save the trigger and you want to click the plus here which mean when this is being triggered someone submitted the form into my chat course it will then have an actions and the actions here you just click on it and just pick web Hulk so once you create web Hulk just making sure that this is post method because when this is being triggered we want to post a specific web hook to this make by integral man so that's the reason why we are picking the post so you are required to F in the URL here so there is nothing here please do not worry you can have a pause here and I'm just uh just to show you guys the custom data so just click add items in custom data okay it's very simple I want in my form I actually um requested two things from my uh from my audience in my go high level funnel the first thing is that I request for their first name that's a pretty common one so you just enter first name in this custom data and go high level and click this icon this tiny icon can you guys see that click this tiny icon in ghl and then just search for email so essentially I'm calling the go high level hey you know what when this is being triggered um just send this custom data first name which is the tag of my first name in go high level and also send the email okay same thing again click this batch and just search for email and you're good to go so over here you cannot click save because there is no URL so right now what I want you guys to do is just go over to the make by integrat so when you go over to the make by integral mat just click the create a new scenario in inte uh in make by integromat and you'll be being to brought to this builder in make right so the first thing I want you to guys to click this plus button and search on web hook okay this is where we are going to get the URL to put in here not to worry I'll just walk you guys step by step so in this back hook I know that you guys will be seeing this but please do not select that that is not the right one select this one in red with like a three circles in make all right just click this and it will ask you for three types just click the first one which is triggered when M hook re oh sorry triggers when web hooks receive data so this is the second one okay so once you select that it will actually ask you to choose a hook but then you don't have a hook yet right so all you do is just to click add and then you can just give it a name so my name is that I want to test show tutorial Show YouTube tutorial right so after that we can click on Save and you'll be getting a URL here so this is the exact URL that we want to copy and paste so you can copy address to clipboard in make just click this button this address will be copy and I want you guys right now to head over back to your go high level the workflow remember that's a URL that we are supposed to paste in gohigh level just copy from the address just now in mi and paste it over here so once you have done that I want you guys to save an actions okay and this is just a workflow Test YouTube by Juno so if last be loving my content so far feel free to give me a like and so that I will show you guys in more in depth and tutoral for go high level so this is my website okay after that just click on Save okay just trust my process just trust step by step and click on publish and save okay so here's the next step I want you guys it's not yet finished I want you guys to go over to this back pooke you already got the back pooke and right now we are going to connect it with it can be any of your software I'm using San Fox so that's why I'm picking sand Fox but you can absolutely connect it with your get response if let's say is a get response you can just click get response they also support active campaigns they also support M Chim and M like as well so just go over to to your email service provider I'm using sand Fox so I'm just going to what I want to do is that I want to create this contact in my Leist right so that is the reason why I'm just going to collect uh uh select sand Fox and create a contact because I want to contact being created in my list right so uh if you have not connected your um sanf Fox your millerite your get response or your active campaign you can click this online help uh for the exact tutorial in this tutorial purpose I'm just going to teach you guys on creating the S uh the the the web poke okay so right now here what to fill in right so this is something that uh you I'm going to walk you through step by step so once you have done that you just click okay so not to worry I'm going to show you guys how to get the data so right now I want you guys go over back to your ghl okay and you'll see that there's this specific work test workflow in go high level ghl click that and select one of the contact you can select one of the contact I'm using my own contact so I select my own contact and click run the test so basically what why you want to run the test is because we want go high level to kind of like send data to this web hook that we told it to send and this web hook the data will be sent it to here once you've done that just simply pick another one of the contact just click test workflow select one of contact that's your contact and oh sorry set up one of the contact and click outside here and just run test and the web po will start receiving a data and now let's go back to our web Hook by make so what I want you guys to do is Click run once so we want to make sure that the web H start collecting the data as you guys can see it is right now collecting the data that it needs okay so it's waiting for data so I'm just going to click one more time so let's test so workflow uh just like a different one A different email hit run the test okay so as you guys can see it you can rerun the test if you want and then when it shows this you can say that use for exting data so right now as you guys can see when it's coming a green tick in make by integrat it means that you receive the data so now I want you guys to click over your s Fox here you will start when you pressed here you'll start seeing the data here that's why you you're are going to start mapping a data so this is email address that's why I'm mapping it to my email address and this is first name I'm just going to find the first name here okay and I did not request for last name so I couldn't find it so that's why I don't tag anything here and next thing you want to add this specific contact to specific list in your s Fox that's where I'm going to click the add item okay once you let me show you guys again click on the add item and select from the list of the sand Fox maon list that you are going to select so if let's say this is a list you can click this one and click okay and then just to make sure that you save this and just turn it on and you are good to go so basically once you finish this step you have successfully uh set up the web hook and workflow in the go high level as well you are already successfully set up the web hook in the integromat make by integromat so you can then go to your go high level funnel to test run submit a email address and then through this web po you will then receive that uh email is being created as a contact in your email provider be sand Fox get response uh M like mil or active campaign so I hope that this step by step go high level how to create a web hook tutorial help you guys so if let you have any questions feel free to put in at the bottom down below and if let say you want to sign up my go high level at an exclusive pricing and also we give you away with free software to help you to get more uh clients and uh leads and potential clients and potential leads as well you don't want to miss out this special offer at only $47 for goad level you get getting exact the same thing and you can go visit to the link down below and with with that um I hope that you guys are liking this tutorial I spent a lot of time in order to do this research to teach you guys this so if this video tutorial is helping you goad for the go high level please leave me some comments down below so that YouTube will recommend this go high level tutorial to even more people who are just like you so with that if let's say you want to sign up for a free course of how to use chat gbt to power up your productivity you can check it out at chat GPT down below and I will see you guys in the next go high level ghl tutorial take care bye [Music] [Applause] [Music]
Channel: JuneLow
Views: 346
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: gohighlevel training, gohighlevel automation, gohighlevel crm, gohighlevel webhooks, go high level tutorial, how to use gohighlevel, how to use workflows and automation in gohighlevel, go high level webhooks, go high level inbound webhook, go high level tutorial automation, gohighlevel crm tutorial, best gohighlevel automations, gohighlevel email automation, gohighlevel tutorial 2024, ghl tutorial, ghl workflows, ghl automation, ghl inbound webhook, gohighlevel tutorials
Id: kMsXQM_lA_Q
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 13min 18sec (798 seconds)
Published: Tue Apr 16 2024
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