How rising star Charlie Puth composed 'See You Again' in minutes

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it is just minutes to show time for up-and-coming star Charlie puth is why they're here the 25 year old has been drumming up some major attention topping charts with plenty of solo hits but he first skyrocketed to fame after co-creating one of the most successful musical collaborations of recent history without you my friend see you again performed with Wiz Khalifa in honoring the late Paul Walker the song broke records becoming the most viewed music video on YouTube for nearly a month and scoring three Grammy nominations Charlie composed the melody during a meeting he says it took only a matter of minutes my friend had passed away in 2012 and I'll never forget when the moment I found out that he was no longer living I texted his phone I was like see you you know see you sooner see you soon how about okay how about see you again it's been a long day without you my friend and I'll tell you all about it when I see you again I think I had in a span of 30 minutes like a hundred people all executives walking into the room like really who was this kid he just cracked the code for the end of this really important scene for Fast & Furious 7 it's never goodbye no one's been able to nail it he did it in ten minutes I'm supposed to be like oh I had no idea I know I knew that this mountain in my life yeah I knew it since then it's all gotten a little crazy for Charlie okay let's go this is it this is where all the magic happens this is the magical Blue Bus the Charlie puth bus Charlie puth bus oh my god Wow this spends a lot of time now on this tour bus very posh yeah but he takes his studio with him on the road I have interviewed other artists and I have not seen the tour bus studio many of those platinum hits start right here on his iPhone I'm calling my album voice notes because every song was made off the phone just from ideas those ideas snowball when Charlie one man band gets to work you know my song attention this one started out when I was in Tokyo I was on a train this string part popped into my head like a pizza kata string like those old cartoons where a mouse is sneaking across the kitchen floor and the next thing I did was add these cool little chimes these little tin cans think of me slapping some glasses and cans together and I quantize them so that's why they sound kind of rigid but they went perfectly with this little bass part and the final thing anything that makes you do this I'm just like on my tour bus like rocking out Charlie may look the part of a pop star but it's clear there is a virtuoso behind the veneer so your mom know was completely influential knows yeah she taught me how to play piano when I was four years old my mom always told me that I would you know be walking around be like mom the winds blowing in F sharp we were like great my son's weird but a parent so apparently I always had it but it became very apparent to me when I was like around eight years old I realized I could listen to a carpenter's record such beautiful melodies but I could listen to it and play it on the piano whoo this classically trained but he first gains internet fame by performing covers on YouTube like Sia's chandelier [Music] now recognition follows him wherever he goes today he fits in fan meet and greets in between sound checks Charlie has plenty of hits to his knee from Marvin Gaye it's Marvin Gaye and get it on - one call away [Music] car [Music] but he says he's still driven to put on a one-of-a-kind show for these fans who's on your shirt Charlie puth is on your shirt so you guys are all here to see Charlie okay nerves are good finally it's time to take the stage [Applause] [Music] the atmosphere electric the energy out of controls which [Music] the takeaway is inspirational for that next artist somewhere in the crowd my hope after the album is out rather than reading all the reviews and knowing what people think of it I'd rather a 12 year old version of me than brand new version of me I want them to hear that album and try and beat it and I want them to be inspired by it because that that means that most of me [Music] [Music] [Applause] for nighttime glory over the era in Washington DC hi everyone George Stephanopoulos here thanks for checking out the ABC News YouTube channel if you'd like to get more videos show highlights and watch live event coverage click on the right over here to subscribe to our Channel and don't forget to download the ABC News app for breaking news alerts thanks for watching
Channel: ABC News
Views: 855,709
Rating: 4.9553084 out of 5
Keywords: Charles, Charlie, Otto, Puth, Jr, See, You, Again, Paul, Walker, Furious, soundtrack, song, writer, producer, singer, music, abc, abcnews
Id: Jt0oVY1jMfY
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 6min 52sec (412 seconds)
Published: Wed Sep 20 2017
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