How Project M Saved Many Mid to Low Tiers

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when it comes to Super Smash BRS there's characters that are Sometimes good sometimes bad and sometimes just not good enough at least to be used in competitive play when project Dem was in development there was no smash 4 or smash ultimate it was just 64 to brawl so viability in Smash games was basically you were either good or you were unviable I'm not going to defend project M's earlier updates because that's another story completely but those were some messy days for sure but I will say this is something that I don't think enough people give this mod credit for and it's actually fixing a lot of the problems with the older updates the broken mess of the 3.0 days however as the years and updates went by even project plus they managed to make one of the most competitive and balanced SMH games of all time considering that any character can be played in The Meta and be used in high Lev tournament and that's the point of this video to show the characters that were previously bad and how project de made them much better is this an excuse for me to gush about my favorite project Dem characters you bet that's the case here's how project Dem fixed a handful of low tier and mid-tier characters and made them better while I'm definitely a little biased here because this character I've played thousands of thousands of hours I couldn't not talk about a project Dem character who got majorly buffed and not talk about NES NES and project Dem on paper doesn't look like he got changed that majorly compared to other characters like Lucas and Lucario NES looks morally the same in a lot of areas previous versions of NES and melee to brawl were mid to low tier characters even in ' 64 he had some good aspects to the character but is mostly seen as a low tier ness's main flaws in competitive play is his lack of range many of his moves just can't reach opponents consistently and a lot of his worst matchups are just characters who just outrange him and spam Aerials at him and keep him away he has awful aerial in games like Melee especially where his moves just have too much end leg to be used consistently and his move set across the board is way too slow and laggy leaving toess being easily punished like look at PK Fire in melee people complain about PK Fire all the time but it's actually not that good how Nest was fixed in Project Dem is they took a lot of cues from 64 Nest that actually were pretty good despite the flaws the character had and they were made even stronger in Project M in fact all his Aerials across the board were given plenty of Buffs and their speed and KO power which makes these moves super deadly especially off stage my favorite being back air back air down air and ness's combo game was just in general fixed to make it functional if anything NES feels like his move set was tweaked perfectly as they took away a lot of the end lag on his attacks and special moves these things didn't make the character annoying in any way he still has stubby limbs in Project Dem but they are A Step Above plenty of his attacks from previous smash games don't get me wrong if we took away ness's range problem he would probably be too good he's still a very solid character in Project de even his recovery which is something that has always been a bit of a double-edged sword for the character it's probably the most highrisk high reward recovery in the game but if a player knows how to beat it its flaws begin to show in Project then they even Buffs the move's utility if you're a freak like me you can ledge cancel the move if anything ness's project de moves was given quality of life changes that makes the character more viable in Project M as NES is currently in the B tier right now which means he's higher than previous iterations of his character some people think he's only been marginally better because he's technically a mid-tier but being a mid-tier in Project Dem actually means a lot more than being like a mid-tier in melee or a mid-tier in Brawl as the cast is very competitive in Project Dem one of my favorite characters who got the project Dem quality of life treatment was a character that was is technically a mid-tier in Brawl and was definitely hampered down by a lot of flaws like their speed at first in brw's meta this character seemed to be very good out the gate but this character didn't really become that good as meta developed this character was Ike now Ike is a character that was the standard slow strong fighter which is ironic a lot of times these characters fall off the meta after the meta has matured because the top tiers are getting more developed and they take advantage of these slower speed characters that a lot of end lag so ik Project M is probably one of the coolest buffed characters that any character in this mod has obviously received it's such a very interesting way to balance this type of flaw but they gave him quick draw Cancel as it is a massive buff to this character's Mobility as you can cancel a quick draw by inputting a jump since you can jump out of it you can not only wave Dash but you can really do whatever your mind could come up with you can wall jump out of Quick Draw you can grab you can wave Dash this essentially solved ik biggest problem which was his lackluster Mobility so without Quick Draw he's actually not the fastest character in the game but quick draw definitely makes his Mobility much better in fact Ike is one of ness's most problematic matchups that's why I included him here I definitely hate facing Ike because his range in combination with his now better Mobility makes his combo game so much better and it makes him a deadly force in Project dem's meta in fact I think Ike is one of P Plus's most underrated characters in the game his throw follow-ups are so insane and aerial attacks are pretty beefy and kind of suspiciously fast for how strong they are like for example his back here just like what the heck is going on here one of the most buffed low tiers in Project M was actually not Bowser some of you were probably what wait what I thought Bowser was Mega buffed at project Dem well actually the character was still technically a low tier for a long time now being a low tier in Project Dem the older updates of project Dem it wasn't the worst thing ever it still meant he was a VI character but he was pretty uncommon in The Meta back in the day especially in PM's earlier updates he was still heavily buffed as one of his main issues for each iteration of Bowser back in the day especially was his speed and the fact that his moves just are very slow an easy way to fix that was actually giving Bowser a lot of armor Buffs problem solved in a way you can actually use his smash attacks without worrying about getting stuffed and he can't even put out any moves but now he has armor so he can take hits he can charge a smash attack and then actually go through attacks and then attack them for it Bowser still has a lot of problems though he is really no way of dealing with projectile users this was always a problem for the character in every game now this could be fixed in a multitude of ways you could either make Bowser much faster and give him a maybe maybe give him a projectile project plus Bowser did both giving him a powerful Fireball attack that can only be used once per use and it roughly needs 15 seconds seconds to charge it will go away if Bowser loses a stock so it's sort of like a weaker version of Wario waft in a way but it's a projectile on top of that they would actually tone down a lot of Bowser's end lag on a majority of his attacks they made his sixf frame jump squat to a five frame jump squat which made the character feel way more fluid and it means he can actually do aerial combos a little bit more consistently now and to say these changes would make Bowser much better would be an understatement as he would later win his very first major tournament which is pretty crazy to see as people thought Bowser could not do this in the past now people think he was actually an underrated character even back dur in 3.6 simply underutilized in the meta and actually the character next has a very similar history in The Meta of at least being underrated and that's Donkey Kong Donkey Kong in Project M is a love letter to the people who wished DK was a better character in games like brawl or melee I find some of these changes a little bit ironic especially for the competitive viability in the more recent days of melee's modern meta kind of crazy as there was a similar thing going on in Project Dem project Dem DK became a dominant top tier character many years after the meta developed especially considering the facts that people thought he was a low tier for a long time well the truth is Donkey Kong was secretly a high tier character and there was a Donkey Kong Renaissance period even in Project them this version of DK is a lot faster and his end lag on his attacks were majorly toned down the facts that d Kong can actually do what the character is sort of meant to do when he's not hampered down by so many flaws proves that he's a very strong character he has a lot more reach to the point where people like to call Donkey Kong a sorty now and I I know I'm kidding but on that last part combine this with the fact that he's a strong character and it means he can use his Extreme Speed to Cargo grab punish opponents and take advantage of the opponent while his recovery is still you know a limited horizontal tool the move is significantly better than than in the past pmdk is like the weights being Shackled off and finally being a significantly better version of the character compared to the past iterations so to put it lightly this version of Donkey Kong has won major tournament after major tournament after major tournament he's that good in this game Roy is a character that is completely unique to project Dem because the character was cut from melee and him and youw were actually brought over to project Dem except this time Roy is actually a viable character where both characters were pre low tiers in melee now being a lot better while Roy does not have the same Heights as Mewtwo did in some of the 3.0 meta he is a much more honest version of the character still being a fast baller that is easy to combo and his recovery is definitely punishable however this is a much better version of Roy despite having some of the same flaws if anything this is honestly understandable because the character's KO power was buffed significantly his sweet spot attacks are stronger while his his sour spots were toned down and the spirit of the character from melee was given a lot of quality of life changes Roy can still Chain Grab fast bers with his up throw just like in melee and while having a side special that was massively buffed where you can actually turn around while doing side special and I'm sure some of you are saying isn't this really unnecessary for Roy no it isn't but maybe it is but n it's cool as hell yes of course I love it it allows Roy to catch people who try to roll past his side special try to punish him so the move altogether visually looks much better in Project Den while I did dunk on Roy's recovery still being a weakness it is leagues better than the melee version his up special travels much further distance-wise a majority of his range problems in melee were also fixed some of my favorite additions was making neutral b a much stronger attack that Roy can finish off opponents off stage with as the move has a lot more knockback it's really beefy this is something they never really did with the attack and the official smash game so it's cool to see Mewtwo and his melee itation was stuck with a lot of flaws being extremely lightweight he can die from attacks at early percent so his survivability is mediocre he has a large character model that makes him easy to Target and to hit because he has of course the well-known tail H her Fox these things mean that he's easy to be picked apart by simply camping him out and trying to keep him away while he does have some strengths like his combo game being rather decent especially with his up throw and down throw and his KO power is actually not bad but in my opinion it could have been a lot better especially for a character who is trying to be essentially the glass Canon archetype the character was actually added completely from scratch to project Dems engine along with Roy where each frame was recreated By Hand by some really talented animators meww of course was Uber broken when the character first came out in Project Dem 3.0 broken in a cast full of broken characters which is why in the later years of project plus especially m has matured into a high tier character being a lot better than the low tier version from melee but definitely not being the Uber broken version of the character that people probably remember him as he actually can KO much earlier in this game his strongest Arrow being his Forward Air that's a very fast tool easel one of his most devastating Aerials especially since this move can help Mew Escape out of combos M's weight was also improved making him live longer and his recovery is leagues better than what it was and melee there's also possible mixup options now available with the character using teleport Mewtwo's tail hurt box was also turned down like cutting it in half and mew's range was majorly improved on his attacks as he has way more reach now look at moves like down tilt or n for example I love his n in this game his so good Mewtwo to a lot of people is a high tier to top tier character but he's far from being broken he's incredibly Technical and he has a lot of things you have to learn if you want to be a top level Mewtwo main so there is a barrier of Entry to the character he still has some of the same flaws like being lightweight yes his weight was definitely increased but he still dies early he's a big Target he's easy to combo but I think project Dem reached a great middle ground of balancing him because a decade ago when he came out he was definitely a lot more busted I've saved the best for last I've talked about Sonic in previous videos I'm definitely super biased I wish Sonic and project de was just Sonic and smash but they really gave the quality of life changes that I I think a lot of people just really enjoy this is way before Smash 4 and smash ultimate you got a much better version of Sonic in competitive play this is like if the brawl version of Sonic was definitely improved and if anything Sonic and smash was seen as a failure at least back in Brawl many of his moves looked like they were copy and paste of other animations some would say this was still a flaw with Sonic to this day as Sonic is a mediocre character at least in braws meta ending up in the D tier and that was all he was known for there was no ultimate version or Smash 4 version because his KO power and damage output was so weak he wasn't seen as a good character and if anything this is why I give the project Dem version so much credit they decided to change a handful of moves a new Forward Air down smash side special that allows him to wave dash out of the attack it's a much more aggressive option than the original side special they improved Sonic's KO power on a handful of his moves and my God this forward aan meteor smash now delicious such a cool option I bring it up every time I don't care I love it it's such a great change it's not the first time that I've talked about PM Sonic but I know you guys love hear me talk about this character because it made Sonic who was previously a mid-tier character become a top tier in Project dem's meta and it's not because Sonic is campy in this game it's because they made his move set more aggressive and they gave him more options to help balance him out and round out his move set and make it more original so yes he even got a a lot of quality of life changes like his neutral special allows him to do this peak animations right here the point of this video is to show the different interpretations on how to balance certain characters and how these changes can affect their viability and you know I love talking about Project M and p+ stuff so that's a big Point why there's room for more characters to be talked about in the future so if you guys want a sequel to this video be sure to let me know down below stream my newest album Zack honest Sapphire patreon down below if you guys want to support the channel in any way you get access to the honest content Discord and you also get access to videos early hopefully you guys have a good day take care peace
Views: 25,626
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: Project, Super, Smash, Bros, Wolf, Ness, Fox, Falco, Mario, Luigi, Peach, Bowser, Link, Zelda, Sheik, Wavedash, Snake, Lucas, Wario, Yoshi, Pikachu, Marth, Ike, Roy, Mewtwo, Lucario, Knuckles, Donkey Kong, Ice Climbers, Toon Link, Ganondorf, Jigglypuff, Samus, Zero Suit, Kirby, Sonic, Project M, Project Plus, P +, Breakdown, Honest Content, Video, Games, Brawl, Melee, Ultimate, Low Tier, Bad, Fixed, Retrospective, Mid Tier, Saved, Trash, Fighting Game Trash, Trash Fighters, Fixed Characters, How they were saved, Garbage
Id: X7Ovc75Zt1U
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 15min 37sec (937 seconds)
Published: Wed Jan 24 2024
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