How Pro Players Are Abusing "Fast 9" Strategy to Climb | TFT Guide

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this Fast N comp is the strongest comp at the moment and is what every top player is trying to play every game it have an insanely High average placement and the same goes for the highest win rate in the game when we put the stats up against comps like re b or Jon they're not even close this should be the come that you want to play every single game if the game give you the option the first thing that we want to do is to get to level 9 every game and yes we can do it consistently with the right strategy but before we go into how to do that let's look at what we are looking for first we have the two beimu units this is UD and on and both of them will be our tank units both will hold tank items and maybe we will put items on on first since we most likely will fight him first other than more Frontline on will also provide us the ability to give other units items temporary during the fights uru had to Sol trade Spirit Walker and at the first time he gets below 50 Health he un the r within healing him up and giving him moving speed and changing his ability he basically just reset and then becoming a damage dealer instead of a tank then we have the two Heavenly units Wukong and saraka Wukong will be a Bruiser meanwhile saraka mainly just will be a tradeit but also do a e Mana Reef then we have Leandra who mainly is here for her ability she will make a Target into a chapot and do damage if the target dies we have a 50% chance of getting an orb and that means more gold and more item components if the target doesn't die she will send the unit flying the last two units in the front line is Diana and and they give us Dragon Lord this trade gives us some true damage to the enemies and do also give us attack speed for the rest of the combat to all the units after 8 seconds and Diana do you also have Sage which with Wukong give us that trade this gives us only ramp in the front line and AP to the backline and rakan and Saka do also have a trait that benefits everyone and this gives us a little bit of healing to everyone when these two units do damage and we do also have more armor and more magic resist to everyone the two last units is Quay and a here and these two units will be our main damage dealers Quake is the soul trade artist and each round a unit standing on this Mark you'll get a number when that number is equal to the unit's cost of the unit you will get a copy of that unit that means it takes two rounds to get a two c unit and it takes five rounds to get a five C Unit but you can already start stacking it up before you have the unit that you want to copy this is the comp that you want to play every single game but there is a lot of other variations that you can play and here's a few symbols that you can play what you could do is to take SRA out and play something like any instead then you have more front line you do have less CC but you do also get the invoker trade together with a sear and that means basically everyone is getting more Mana fast and that is really good for backline units it could also be in your buildup to disc comp you are playing something like Jana and Jana is quite good unit and instead of Annie you could play that unit that again means we have to trade invoker gives us more Mana to the backline and are other units and we do also have one more trade and dragon all and that will do a little bit more damage and it will also give us a little bit more of attack speed so this is the board that you're looking for and then you can just pivot in something like danana Annie or asandra you could also play every other unit that are good by themselves but these three units is probably the best ones and when it comes to items as I mentioned before udio and or will hold the tank items a here will hold the AP Mana items and attack speed items meanwhile Quay is the one that you want to itemize the first we want Mana millo and AP and to get to level 9 we have to pick up experience augments or economy augments and in the best case we're getting one at the first arment it can almost be any of them but Tiny Titans patient study hedge fund level up balance budget sharing is caring is all great augments but almost any other augments can work as well as long as it give us experience or gold it is good for this comp if we can get augments that fits this we will go for something like items or something that makes a board stronger right now because we do want to avoid losing too much health and there is of course some portals that are better than others and purely from stats and is what's working right now the best ones is golden Galla hot of gold and Anvil but just take what looks most sense when you want to play level 9 items should be slammed as often as possible duing two we want to save as much health as possible in the early game so we do have the chance to get to the late game the item that can been slammed is almost any of the pure tank items because UD and or can use almost all of them claw stone plate heart or Bramble vest is all useful and we can even go for early Sunfire Cape if needed other items that we're looking for is AP and Mana item Shan is preferred Mana item for both Quay and air so that will be an instant slam if we want to play this comp the only other core items for these two units will be Millo for Quay because he do e damage from here we just want to put in AP items like death cap or in the best case duwel gauntlet and AIA can also use items like n's tooth or static shift rage blade or just other AP items that he don't already have you can look at these two units as Quay is more of AOE and also hitting the backline meanwhile air is more about getting through the front line that also means something like Giant Slayer is better on air than it is on Quay but we do want to slam items for the current comp and not what we have in best in slot later in the game so it wouldn't be wrong to push items like gun blade red buff or Giant Slayer earlier in the game to use them for later if we have the option to slam Bruiser items we will put them on Wukong but we will only do that if we already have units that are great with these items or we can't use the components that we have Wukong main items Will Be Blood Forester and a Titans and as the third item we can put in something like sterk edge of night or even Hand of Justice the main thing is that you don't want to sit on item components but rather slam them and save some health so you can get to the full comp we're building items for the current strongest stent that we play and we are not building what is best for later in the end of of the video I will show you some quick gameplay and a few tips on how it could look like when you're playing the comp and what you should focus on so in the early game we want to play the strongest comp that we can without spending gold and without using gold for leveling if we don't have to our first prior is to gain as much gold as possible but saving as much health at the same time and that means if we can hit an early 10 or 20 goal Mark to start out our economy to snowball that will be great and throughout the game we want to grab as many pairs as we can without stopping ourself from the gold snowballing so if you have above 50 gold and you do not have gold to get up in Lil grab a few units you might end up two them and use them for later and obviously focus on getting units that you can use so do you already have one Bruiser in you might want to hold another Bruiser that you can put in later other than picking up units then gives us more trade you also have to make sure to check out the exalter trade this trade gives us some percent damage based on our level but more important in this situation it do all Alo give us a core who can be sealed for one experience we will get one of those every single time we had a combat round and this was basically just boost our way up to level 9 so if you can play this straight make sure to do it so we can get to level 9 faster after grabbing yourself an Orman that gives us some sort of gold or experience we're not playing to lose but are we ending up in a five SL streak with above 70 Health it is all right the most important thing is just to look for hit the gold marks 10 and 20 fast you not lose too much health and if we can stabilize after five L streak it is no problem and if we are not going for some sort of streak try to hit 40 gold before stage three consider leveling once just to save some health and if you're strong enough you could just save your gold and see if you can hit 50 goal before state three are you in the situation where you see yourself win streaking you can also do that as a viable strategy and if it works well you can even go level six at stage 31 to make sure that you keep going on the win streak and the same thing goes at the level seven when you hit stage 3 five but this is only if you are on a win streak else you would just once again try to make sure that you have above 50 gold and keep pushing your levels what we play in the early game doesn't matter that much you just have to think that you have to gain the gold and do not lose too much health but there is of course a few units and traits that are stronger than others and right now you want to look for something like story Weaver umbrella and even a mix when Ari and duelist all of these openers is really good and all you want to do from here is just to slam items put in units that gives us more trade and keep going up in levels if we do not hit an economy arment at this first one we do want to have one as the second one but we do not want to play without any combat arment and if we do not get any arugment that gives us more gold or more experience we might want to consider playing a different comp but if you have a fairly strong board with good health and a good amount of gold you can still consider playing this comp and keep going forward to level 9 no matter what arment we playing we want want to play the game with a high amount of gold all the time and being level seven at Stage 35 with close to 50 gold or higher is really good we also want to have as high Health as possible and do we sit on very high Health we do want just to have around 30 gold to have an easy time to get back to 50 gold this will be if we have invested a bit more in units and have used a little bit more gold to stabilize our boards when we hit stage 41 or 42 we want to go to level eight and almost always stabilize our board selling item holder if needed and hopefully finding a new item holder for the front and the back line before we're hitting the five Co units if you simply just rush the the line we might end up not hitting what we want and just die out in a few rounds when you want to consider changing your item holder you always have to think how you're doing right now if you're on a win streak you might even consider not to change your units too much because the traes and the composition that you have might be quite good but if you're somewhere in the middle and you're still playing with a one cost unit as item holder you really want to consider changing out your units but do you have a really strong comp and you're finding something like Quay you might consider not putting him in yet don't fix something that ain't broken and when you get to the L line you can start switching out your units but no matter what you should try to put in units that are individually strong and some units like Annie and or is quite good just by themselves and they could also be a composition of your endgame comp when I have to say you should stabilize before moving to level 9 that means getting in units that are two star and maybe even hitting some five units who can carry items and you could also just upgrade your current board by putting in another unit that are strong by itself that fits your board well remember if you can make your board way stronger and still have above 50 gold you have a good chance of winning a few rounds and still have a great economy when you stabilize you want to aim to get to level 9 when you hit the better units you can simply just move the units in for the full comp and move the items over for the new carries and just before we get into the positioning and a quick tips and guide on gameplay on how we play the comp if you could use this guide please make sure to like it and even consider subscribing if you want to see more guides like this on set 11 how we place our units can have a big impact and by default we want to play our units like this that means all the tanky units in the front line and have our backlines units spread out like this that could even be putting the two main cars in the corners but are we playing against snipers we could end up changing units a little bit around we do also want to look out for something like Manana and we would never put our units close together so they can be sniped together spread out your units and see where you can hit the most units qu usually go in the middle so he can hit more units meanwhile AIA will go on the units that we want to destroy first when we are placing Leandra we want to put her up against the tankist unit they have that means we can destroy that unit faster or even throw it away or should not sit in the side even it is is quite tanky that means if he survived a long time in the fight you will start stacking up items on all your other units if you have some sort of healing or tankiness on Wukong he can easily sit in the side and provide a good amount of sustain to keep him alive but else are you playing something like an she will obvious just go in the front line and you can even put her in in the middle because the first time she cast she start getting more tanky are we playing something like J she will obviously sit in the backline remember before you start forcing this comp this comp should only be play if you have a strong economy start and are getting to level 9 naturally let's say you're playing something like b or your own roll but are consistent instead of rolling for ages and seeing yourself dying out consider using the goal for experience and get yourself into this comp pivoting your comp in the later stasis is hard and now you have been warned when it comes to forcing it okay let's look at a game so early game I get an experience augment and I do already have my eyes on Fast level 9 I do also get a lock which can be an item holder for my backline units and I do also want to boost my units by slamming items and give luck and Nash tooth the tier I already know is going to be a soan and my focus is to get to 10 and 20 goal as fast as possible I do only get 20 goal just after the last combat round but my health is very good now I just want to get to 50 as fast as possible and start buying experience and at the same time I've looked at exted and using units from that trade and I only need one more of these units so what I'm looking for is getting to 50 gold one more exalted unit and at the same time slamming items to save Health my second arugment will be a combat rolling or item and the only items that I really can't use is AD items and I do have a reforger so I go for the item once again I just want to get to 50 gold and push levels and I do also pick up other units that I have a chance to two star and use for later at Stage 35 I'm level seven with 50 gold and I'm very healthy less Health could also work just fine and from here I just want to push for my gold above 50 into experience at the start of stage four I go level eight and if I was lower on health I had to roll to upgrade my board more but I see my chance to go straight to level nine and this is unusually because normally I do not have that much health and I have to stabilize and this is very important if you do not stabilize and you're low on health you might get to level nine but in a few rounds you will just end up dying because you're not fast enough to move your units around and you're not fast enough to stabilize your board with a new costly five C units when we get to this point where we want to stabilize we want to look for Saka Diana and on and then whatever two star units that can fit the comp it could also be the other way around you already have a strong board or something similar to that and you want to put in sraa Diana and on and once again remember if you're doing fine you don't have to fix anything now I only pick up units that I think I could use for the final comp and then I just wait to the point where I can get to level 9 with enough gold for Rolling as soon as I see a reliable will carry I will pick up that unit and slowly move in the other units that are five cost and in the end ending up with the full board and even if you see your chance to get to level 10 at some point don't consider it most of the time it's just a bad idea and the same goes for having a four or five c unit that you want to three star the chances is just too small and just try to upgrade every other unit to two star instead if you could use this guide please make sure to like the video and if you want to learn how to climb with all the other coms at said consider subscribing you can always change your mind that was all for now good luck and climbing and thanks for watching
Channel: Segato TFT guides
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Keywords: tft comps, tft set 11, tft best comps, tft best build, tft new meta, teamfight tactics, tft guide, tft set 11 best comps, tft how to, tft tutorial, tft tierlist, tft set 11 tierlist, tft tips and tricks, tft fast 9 guide set 11, tft how to fast 9, setsuko fast 9 tft, tft 11 guide, tft chinese meta set 11, fast 9 tft team comp, tft hwei comp, tft guide beginner, set 11 fast 9 guide, tft fast 9 comp, tft fast 9, tft fast 9 guide, tft fast 9 comp guide, fast 9 tft, tft
Id: 2gfeH11dvh0
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 15min 36sec (936 seconds)
Published: Wed Mar 27 2024
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