How Premium Pete Got 500 Pairs of Limited Nike SB Dunks | The Complex Sneakers Podcast

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oh [Music] what's up everybody it's joe lapuma you're listening you are watching the complex sneakers podcast as always i'm joined by mr matt welty it's going to be a crazy week yeah you we have a lot to do this week we have a lot to do this week and of course calm cool collected mr brendan done what do you mean this week every week you're framing this as if we don't bust our ass every single week for this contest this week is this shoots on shoots on shoots you're on some wonky ass jet blue yeah we're still there wow still can't let it go i'm sorry we're 31 seconds in so i could say still can't let it go you know every every week is is hectic right well this week is complex con this week yep we're shooting like 15 episodes of full size around this week actually as this airs we're we're probably we're probably mid flight on our way to l.a when are you flying out there wealthy 10 a.m 10 a.m on friday morning delta no we're good no i don't do jet blue come on we're flying out of different origins yeah what this is true the squad the separated for the flight do you think i'm going to queens at like nine o'clock in the morning when i can go 15 minutes i would rather fly with my brothers yes i would newark airport underrated newark airport also better than was it laguardia laguardia laguardia had renovations though yeah the new laguardia is a little bit better but newark airport is under i said newark right yes it's not like i said new york you know how that goes but uh newark is underrated i wanted to congratulate you right off the bat what you won the world's strongest man competition this weekend oh at the gym oh oh oh oh oh there actually was no yes i saw you yeah yeah there actually was a there actually was like a world's strongest man competition this weekend not at no not the gym but like on oh i thought that's the one that you want no no no no we had it we just had it we just had a halloween we had a halloween competition did you dress up uh nobody it was a weightlifting competition it was just a crossfit competition okay and you wanted to stop downplaying it you won it me and my partner won okay how many people were in it uh wait a minute wait a minute wait a minute you and your partner one did he give credit to the partner on instagram when he said that he won didn't even tag him on a thing there's literally a picture of me next to him oh okay i thought that was the instructor but okay me too it was a little obscure no that was the uncle that was my partner um i think there was six teams okay okay one all right what'd you you got a little medal i got a twenty-five dollar amazon gift all right bag of candy look at that uh are we spending the gift card i asked them for the workout i just asked if they could take the 25 off of my monthly membership and they said no wow okay um but you did you dress up at all for halloween weekend i've to be honest with you since i've been an adult i've never dressed up for halloween so i didn't either and what would you dress up for well this is what i would say what i realized this weekend is people are really into halloween in the city like did you dress up i did did you go out to a party i did okay because you didn't see his ig story post no i didn't see you dressed up we'll put the we'll put the asset up here jonah jameson johnny jameson editor-in-chief of the daily bugle spider-man i miss that sorry which for the record are guests on full-size run kerwin frost said oh that's awful yeah he wasn't he wasn't happy about my costume but he didn't see halloween is such a big sure once he saw it what i realized this weekend especially halloween is such a big party weekend in the city and i was just you know you realize that this weekend i know maybe because i think in new york maybe because i didn't do anything i didn't do anything this weekend yeah but it just yeah you're watching from your ivory tower in the streets below the the commoner folk what's worse in new york city halloween weekend or santa con there's no santa con there's no comparison come on halloween's like a real holiday yeah halloween is like traditional candy yeah like that's a like i'm in i get like i probably should have dressed up and went out and i i didn't it seems like such a big weekend and fun weekend were you a big trick-or-treater growing up i feel like there were some neighborhoods in long island that you knew to hit where you were getting the king-sized candy bars do you have fond memories of those neighborhoods guys where you knew you were getting a full-size candy bar i think there was i just went local yeah really i don't think there was um i want to say my friends that lived in a neighborhood where like one of the guys was like one of the co-founders of like comcast or something like that who lived at the end of the street and you give you a free cable pack i think i think they said he gave away full candy bars i never went to that guy's house but it was like thing of lore yeah exactly i could envision you if you didn't like the candy that was being giving out just being like no i'm okay or the pennies like did you ever get pennies yeah people for unicef didn't know did you ever get people were having trick or do you go trick or treating because someone's going to hand you a a penny no not no some people were like giving out pennies back in the day i don't remember that yeah it happened what about okay here's another thing that i could see you doing the take one please how many were you taking i wasn't i was not to be honest with you i would i was like an honest abe when it came to okay i love this idea in your head that wealthy was the most disrespectful trick-or-treater that ever walked the streets of new hampshire the thing that the thing that i found out later later on which i think was interesting was my dad told me because they would always be like a group of dads that like some years would be moms but it was usually like a group of dads that would take you uh trick-or-treating and there was always like one house where they would um stop and they would have like a game for the kids to play or something but i really he told me he's like yeah me and all the dads just like went and drank be like they had like a cooler eating like there was like three stops that like they're like hey just like hang out this house for a little bit and they would like drink a whole beer at each of the stops and like did it get any like did egging become a big thing towards i think it got like towards the end of the week yeah high school we never got into that whole like mischief night sort of yeah like it was definitely a thing like toilet paper i remember parents being like yeah be careful like with the egging and like the socks with the flower in it yeah i don't know about that oh yeah i think that's where some participate in those things some really awful kids out in long island right yeah i didn't i didn't do that but that was the first time you went trick-or-treating by yourself with your friends i feel like that was a big step young person yeah first year where you went out without parental supervision yeah i didn't get any trick-or-treaters at my apartment so do you usually prep for that no i don't be like what am i going to give them no because i think they have like they put up a bowl in the lobby but they don't you know a lot of important holidays between uh halloween and complex con tis the season man it's gonna be and it's gonna be the holidays like after complex con right it's going to be thanksgiving and then christmas right away i'm i'm ready man you ready yeah do you guys have your fits planned for complex con no no i thought about that no i i haven't put any thought into it i feel like there's always not that you have to like wear the crazy things there's like pressure that comes with the complex yeah we talked about this before yeah because you're taking pictures with thousands of fans yeah do you guys have a busy saturday or no i feel like i don't have anything to do on saturday on saturday how long are we gonna are we gonna spend on paper i have nothing to do on saturday but i'm sure at complex con i will have things to do well you're a master networker so i'm sure you're gonna have lunches and coffee and everything you're gonna be at the california pizza kitchen court yeah just holding court just just 15-minute spurts people are going to come through after we mentioned california pizza kitchen and i don't want to poo-poo any future sponsorships but after we mentioned california you guys were like trying to co-sign california pizza kitchen hold on no that's not true we just said it like this we should rewind it you said california i'm pretty sure you said california pizza kitchen isn't that bad okay okay far from one anyways there was there was a coast there was a semi co-sign of california pizza kitchen no no we need to rewind it back and find out what exactly it was fine for i i would eat i was fine i ate lunch at california people anyways complex con it's not getting a [ __ ] time all i'm trying to say is after last episode a close friend of mine said that if you go to the [ __ ] california pizza kitchen i'm going to disown you all right well well i'm from my friend so [ __ ] them what about pf changs i don't know if we go to california i'm not going to go eat dinner at pf changs it's right across i'm saying right it's right across from the convention where do you eat del friscos michelin star restaurants at long beach right near the convention center that we're missing out that we don't know about go ahead and tell us you're gonna go to john and vinnie's 50 minutes back and forth from the convention center the fuselage yeah all that all the way through some spicy food how are you going to go to john and vinnie's in between taking pictures with thousands of your fans i don't know i want to get the the the guide from your friend who's you know telling yeah who is this who is they have the yelp recommendations on deck they do okay send them our way i would love to know i would love to know why you sound so agitated no you were just yelling two minutes ago about our apparent co-sign of california the guy who was getting prosciutto from duane reed two years ago all of a sudden has the most elevated the most elevated yeah yeah i'm not eating a california pizza kitchen all right good good for you i'll tell you one thing i'll get a i'll get a slice i'll get a personal pizza if i if i have to i will i will be a little bit busy on saturday because oregon is playing okay oregon at washington we watching sorry nice nice win for oregon this past weekend saw that uh big beat down on colorado we needed one of those i don't i don't know if we're gonna sneak into the college football playoff but that's all we need to say on the matter you know i i don't need to make it a big segment everywhere what time is the game i don't know okay three thirty years you're watching the fights we're gonna watch the fights in the hotel room maybe we have like the michael scott office did he ever see the the the office episode when he has the party in the hotel room and no one shows up we watched it it's a big car i can't i can't uh watch the office yeah you said this before it gives me anxiety of like actually being at work okay um i'm going to try to slip out the back door and go to glendale very far really yeah it's the mecca make the pilgrimage wait wait what's that it's like it's is that on saturday yeah it's the glendale's like it's like the biggest uh armenian and not just not american american armenian city outside of armenia so it's like you're gonna watch the fights there do they have california pizza kitchen there yeah you're trying to get as far away from california pizza kitchen i'm trying to go to raffi's yeah yet a van pizza kitchen [Music] [Laughter] i actually think wait wealthy i'm surprised this is like the the card is the ufc card is amazing saturday night like people are like oh it's at the garden we're not going to be in town obviously but there's i know like three people were like are you going to the fight pull it up okay we're looking at the ufc card i like how i was so humble as to say you know we don't have to talk about oregon football for a long time i know i could you know i cut you no no no no yeah you didn't cut me off i volunteered it like this is my personal thing we don't have to spend a ton of time on it and then we're doing an extended segment on ufc i know we'll go and go ahead uh usman well do you read the card husband gonna be in town hospital i'm gonna be in town can you read the card it's not it's not uh pulling off uh oh here we go yeah but you guys are super fans the internet's not working we work at a digital media company what are you trying to tell me here we go who's on the card your connection is not private ufc what's what's the event called usc what 268. here we go camaro usman versus colby covington yep two jesus doug rose he broke his jaw in the first fight also a rematch justin gaichi michael chandler yeah great fun you have the card now i have it oh now you have the card the internet kicked in sean strickland not not that one sean strickland sean strickland luke rockhold frankie edgar martin right um frankie edgar long island guy right no no that's your guy then yeah i guess yeah it's a great card i'm glad we went through it i know don't worry dave we're cutting out no yes we are we are not cutting jazz we're splitting the difference yes we are gold jasmine plata super producer alongside dave matthews we're keeping all of that in there split the difference please we are keeping all of that in there i was more the thing i was most excited about this past week and actually besides the red bulls when you guys was made it to ufc finally at abu dhabi front and center front and center front row incredible seats i think there was like two or three fighters from dagestan who fought that that night so it was like a good kind of uh tie-in but seeing him you saw him getting he he got yeah he got into it with the other guy abdul roziq you hit him with a side kick so he punched yeah he punched um daniel cormier too right did you see that yeah corny a full-size run and sneaker shopping pass guest yes big time alum is that all we need to say about it yeah that's it no i just it was just amazing to find it was because he's been like pushing for that for so long and to finally see it come to fruition and he got was like a dream come true he got jordan ones oh yeah he has one jordan ones more importantly of the sneaker that i that i totally dislike yeah which actually changed my opinion on the yeah him wearing it yeah getting the unc jordan ones okay totally changed my opinion on that i'm glad i speaking of getting stuff i gotta send a quick thank you soul box sent over the adidas oh yeah erasers to welty and myself based on an archival prototype that never released and also we'll get you a pair and by the way they they the soulbox team can't make it to complex con a bunch of our european friends can't make it to the complex con because of that cut-off date is there a i remember before there was like a thing where people from europe had to like fly into like mexico i don't know a few people from germany have hit me like i can't make quarantine for two weeks and then go to the states they will be missed also you know how i've been talking about sneaker cleaning on here a bunch asking people to send me some product have they the good people at sneaker lab sent over a bunch of wipes i'm going to pass out the wipes for all of us we're going to make sure our crepes are clean throughout the complex con weekend so i appreciate that yeah we got to promote your own sneaker club yeah shout out to sneaker lab we're going to get you guys the sneaker shopping jason mark exclusive collab do we have a kit here it's also a travel pack so where you're coming from obviously not the same airport you're not flying together but look at this jason mark sneaker shopping exclusive collab launching at complexcon uh it is compactable it'll fit in the uber to glendale absolutely got the brush there i love that i'm gonna get you guys because i need help promo but i'm going to get you guys uh a pack for yourself i appreciate that thank you joe thank you jason mark shouts to the whole art team everybody shouts to the art and photo team who worked on this uh there was a really good shoot so appreciate this this will launch at complex con go pick it up oh yeah one one of many exciting exclusives at complex absolutely should we get to our ebay questions we should it feels like we've been in for like 30 minutes but the banter is moving quick today so let's get to it trying to keep it spicy okay this week we have a question from evan jones of norfolk virginia okay not north cross but norfolk yeah norfolk virginia and he's asking us how do you feel about swapping laces for sneakers non-standard laces different color etc we are asking we are answering evan jones question here on the podcast which means evan jones is getting a free pair of sneakers from ebay from their authenticity guarantee program psa as per usual if you want to win a free pair of sneakers from us that we have hand selected that ebay has authenticated themselves you can go to you can submit a question if we pick your question from the questions and we read them on air we're going to give you a free pair of sneakers and joe i think you have the sneakers that we are giving kevin right i do what are we giving evan kind of uh under the is it under the radar yeah it's one of those shoes that it's really good and i'd really like to own a pair but it's also a shoe that i forgot about really i didn't i didn't think this would be a big man wealthy show me either i know this isn't a big brendan dunn shoe because i was like oh what do you think about these and the look he gave me was not great but i really like these i really like these 97s apparently is there rumors that 97s are gonna have a big 2022 or something that's so funny because i feel like we just did the whole huge 97 run yeah these are the air max 97 cr7s ronaldo edition your boy super rare the story is that ronaldo had two pairs of sneakers one for play one for school and he would like beat him up so they take inspiration from that all stitched together all stitched together frankenstein a little bit of a halloween different color swooshes and you remember the gold air max 97s yeah these are like a little a lot more limited but like you know you got the green in the red it's like a tie into like portugal or it could be a tie into sporting and man united okay yeah but uh we need wealthy here to give us all the football references yeah can you identify i mean it's just funny because like where i hang out you know in good old newark new jersey huge portuguese town a lot of portuguese friends of course great airport yeah and a lot of my friends are sporting fans where that's the club that ronaldo played in as a kid so i there's a lot of uh there's green on this sneaker yes there's a green swoosh is that blue to you brendan no this is this is like a foreign i'm colorblind for people who don't know that so for me the reason why i like this shoe is i feel like it's tough sometimes for nike to make like footballers like cool shoes or shoes that are like kind of makes sense that also appeal to a broader range of people and i feel like this is like the shoe that kind of really good example of it yeah by the way can we get to the question yeah asking about how we feel about non-standard lacing swapping out the laces i'll say off top yeah i never i never really switched the laces out of my shoes there's like a couple of shoes that i will do different laces on but it has to be a different set of laces that came with the sneakers yeah you're never a person to buy the extra rope laces or you know bring something from a different shoe no no um i just i feel like it's it's borderline custom and that type of stuff just isn't that interesting to me i like to make the shoe look good with the stuff that the brand actually intended to come with it so i yeah i mean i do think it's important to lace up your own sneakers in fact you know undo the factory lacing and kind of do them yourself when you get them and wear them for the first time but other than that and other than like using a different set of laces that they came with i'm not i'm not one for the lacing accessorizing so one thing when when i was working at finish line i remember like one of my mentors being like the laces should always match the tongue right yeah is that like a standard rule not always because i guess i was going to say that too but it's like for these it's like i'm wearing black shoes and white laces but it's okay for me but i do i do agree with that so like it was like i remember not as controversial as bar lacing but they were like the laces should always match the tongue and i think later it didn't to your point it didn't really hold true all the time right you know who's like great at lace swaps though kevin durant have you ever seen kevin durant lace swag yeah like he i think he lace swaps the and i think maybe kyrie too i think um they lay swap they do it with the travis ones a lot the low ones and like oh with the pink yeah pink i think the pink laces look best in the travis but though do those come with them yes they come with them that's okay with me to me i don't i feel like that's not quite about white or like blue laces on the trophy room i thought a lace swap i thought it was funny too because marcus actually wore those without the blue lights last week no board sides no blue laces i thought the lace swaps were you just swapped the laces if how they come in the box it depends on how you define it one shoe i will say the off-white jordan 5 and you know black jordan 5's putting the white laces in them to me that's such a good look so there are a couple exceptions you know what's not a good look to me speaking of off-white off-white unc ones with the orange laces that color combination makes my eyes bleed you don't like that no i did the lace swap on the black cat fours ones remember the white ones yeah that was okay the black white thing is is fine to me and you also wrote endless somewhere on the side we know that already no i agree i agree with the tongue the laces being the same color as the tongue say it's like an all gray shoe with a pink tongue on it i feel like it's weird to put gray laces over the pink tongue if you can put pink laces on the pink tongue of the shoe yeah but i did i think last week when i was wearing those zx that came in the big box i had the green they came with the laces but i had the green and the red people were like saying it was squid game which i've never seen but i watched an episode and a half this weekend and the green and the right will look the same yeah like joe fresh goods the new balance comes with i think multiple pairs of laces i was seeing which one so sometimes i i got a pair of reeboks recently five sets of laces i don't need that many sets of laces i i've gone to the point too where it's like you get the extra laces and like you find them sitting on like your you know your uh your nightstand or something instead of putting them back in the box i just throw them away yeah good call good call so that's how we feel about lacing evan you're getting a free pair of air max 97's cristiano ronaldo pair from the good folks at ebay um should we bring in our guy we got to bring in our guy premium we got to bring in our guy our guy who we've had on the podcast before but it was the last episode during the pandemic that we were um don and i were together you weren't there premium pete we've been wanting to get him in studio it's always great to chop it up he has pasta sauces he's doing movies renaissance man and he's a sneaker guy and of course he's a sneaker guy so we welcome in our good friend premium pete man it's been it's a blessing it's a but first of all i've been seeing too many people on this podcast with the video version looking beautiful and they're not that handsome you know great people the thing i'm curious about is how you have not leveraged a brand deal or sponsored partnership and just changed the name to premio pete for like a week oh for sausage yeah that's a good that's good that's not bad that's not bad this man doesn't need any more deals any more sponsors this man is getting money yeah i mean i mean joe when i put on the glasses joe thought there was a new bank account though seriously he said should i wear the glasses what is this what is this box that you gave us hey listen you know uh first off i want to thank uh everybody who supported joe i mean you bought a gang of it for your family and my mom loves it my mom loves it she she i think she said it's better than rayo's i mean listen i did buy some too i know you did and i appreciate it i appreciate everybody yeah yeah yeah well yeah listen everybody bought something okay and i truly truly appreciate it you know it's funny when you could turn your passion into a product yes i tell people all the time too you know was that was the cap red on the original ones it was gold actually okay what are these the friends and family purple tops no no purple tops we're not going back to that shots to rayquaza but listen the set looks beautiful first of all you know uh i love the podcast i mean that you know um not only being somebody who's been in the business for so long yeah if you don't support the growth and the culture of podcasting then how can it ever go further and and and to be honest with you uh i really enjoy this podcast i watch it i listen to it um and it's special it's special to have uh you know i always feel a sneaker podcast really took a long time to find a space yeah in in podcasting some came some gone you know you know a lot of people think they could do things but i think that uh this is a special podcast that i would advise anybody to listen to because i'm being honest with you it's not only about wearing sneakers it's about people who have uh really propelled their lives you know when you start thinking about people you know and your your early part of the complex tv podcast family i mean the first i think we were the first show absolutely the first podcast that was filmed the combat jack show yeah r.i.p rest in peace yes oh pete it's so nice to see you i thought don't you have some more special sneakers with you yeah this guy came this guy came he might do a mid-episode switch or what where's that that feet thing did he how much oh he knows how many how many wears do you get out of a pair of white and white air force four that's it i'm not like mayor may you know may got uh you know he doesn't you're on dead stocking these right now 10 000 sneakers i mean you know market data doesn't show that you know but first of all i want to give another big shout out to nikki hey yes uh that's right the hot sauce too there's another thing it was brandon look at how how many things are we promoting today i know we've got a lot and welty you mentioned something as pete walked onto the side and i want you to mention it now because it's a good it's a good roast so go ahead it's kind of crazy that out of the four of us brendan dunn's the only one on the set who actually doesn't own that shoe you know no i will say this can i sit here and say that this is the new generation staple pigeon the canary duck wow now i'm gonna tell you why okay you gotta tell us because and it happened in the home of complex khan yes we've heard about it it was a [ __ ] i mean he was scared can i curse on you yeah yeah okay you were not too much you were you were there i was there what i'm trying to say is cops wrap that up like a like a like a barge off the boat of kilo of cocaine no honestly the way they wrapped that up i thought you said we're not going back to that well what i'm saying is this was a big deal for like a lot of the newer kids a lot of kids weren't around for the staple pigeon yeah you know in the wrong original tiffy dunk that too but there wasn't really a ride on that okay put the sneakers on your feet i do have the white ones you have the white ones did you get the yellow one no and that's fine and this is not me complaining i don't want nick diamonds to see this and think i'm ungrateful i'm so grateful but we we have so much to get to it yes we're going to crack open these drinks everybody brought gifts joe brown manhattan specials for us pete i figured for the for such an esteemed guest that they should have their first manhattan special they've never had off well well for all oh [ __ ] okay okay so so hold on hold on i will say correct it open no i will say be careful be careful be careful someone said seriously i love this hold on no it's wealthy is dripping too all over the carpet okay but listen this is you have to be very careful with them here's the thing joe if if manhattan's special trips if manhattan has a special sponsor no that's authentic canary dunks we have a way to clean it and that is the complex sneaker shopping this right here is something you need in your life because you never be careful yes i wanted a twist off or not hilarious this is something you just twist it off or not is it i did twist it off we're talking i should have said i should have said that the foam it goes it goes nuts this is the real foam does anybody have a resolve we have them we get that okay if we don't get it i love that there's a stain there that's history that's history what would happen if you if you spilt that on your grandmother's carpet i mean aunt barb i mean what's up doing at the manhattan special screaming yelling do you remember before the episode started wealthy said he wanted to wait and crack him on set because he wanted there to be a funny moment where i couldn't open it with the bottle cap opener and now you have the you have the egg on your face and the manhattan special on the egg well first of all let me explain for people for people who don't know are we gonna talk about sneakers today no yeah we are we are but for people who don't know manhattan special they got the italian flag right here it's like an espresso soda do you do you find this funny wearing a white white on white in the canaries yeah i can't do that okay no problem we'll take them off then pete when you wear white on whites do you have any old pairs in the stash style like from early 2000s you have the ones with a different shape and i mean i keep you know i usually donate them to joe yeah but i always keep i am be honest with you white air force ones to me even more now i've come back to them more than ever really just uh just really how many how many pairs do you think you have in the stash at any given time clean maybe 20. uh spanning a long section of years no just i i still buy i'm being i'm being honest like you know it's it's one of those things where it's it's cheap you know you buy it you don't ask for it you know when you come to a point in life and sneakers i fill in relationships i don't act as much anymore because it's like the little things you know white air forces you know it's simple is it oh my god done get it i'm sorry how are you doing i'm sorry my my drink is spilling too wow what am okay now i feel bad how are we gonna fix this plastic covers on the seats oh for those people not watching the video just listening to audio three out of four of us have spilled i did a little overflowing here our manhattan specials onto the complex carpet here in the studio i got it off it's just it'll come out sorry man see you try to do something nice we're we're into this 37 minutes all right let's go let's let's re-fuck this yeah i want to do a chen dawn yeah okay i just got to get it open give me that here it's open what a look at any this guy has two different choices i haven't had a chance i mean i mean all right we got it listen we'll get the carpet clean well let me say something let me say okay you make the toast let's go brenda okay danino we're gonna name him thank you brendan dannino listen health and happiness success to complex uh uh podcast complex sneakers full-size run and to all you guys in the audience saluting blessings to you and yours and sneaker shopping and sneaker shopping of course i mean come on how can you not say that cheers everyone it's good pete's sitting here it's good one shoe on his foot i know i love this chaos look at and look yeah somebody better get a [ __ ] photo of this guy i know he's dripping in manhattan's special he's dripping on the phone isn't it good though no it really is yeah did you do uh sorry that i dropped that did you do pizza for pizza and wine for breakfast today not today today was too early uh to do you know i didn't realize that there was too early for you to be drinking a glass of wine and having a slice of pizza you know sometimes when you when you when you have ex-wifes and and you have kids and and and you have a lot of projects you have to drink wine sure you know um to clear your mind wine is beautiful listen my grandmother lived in 98 she drank wine like a glass a day god rest yourself yeah we were just talking and we got to get back to sneakers we were just talking though you said what do you see when and you tweeted the wood block yes and can you put that up yeah we have it and you're like what do you see my grandma had the exact same thing um we can't put it up here what are we talking about so it's a wood block that it shows you it's not sneakers i know then you look at it hold on don't don't yeah it looks like jesus yeah you said it says jesus wait you saw it i've heard about it my nanny had the exact same thing done look i'll show you oh i saw you post this yeah so it says jesus anyway that's beautiful this has been awesome i was like listen my my nanny had the exact same thing in her house sneakers podcast we got to talk about what sneakers we're wearing yeah we already we already got peets crossed off the lid we had plenty of time we'll get a good shot yeah i'm wearing the elites air force ones new ones yeah are those wax laces on there i know pete was examining no they're not actually okay they're not they look like them they're not they are beautiful those look very good a little loud for me sexy to be honest remind me of the nike sb's yeah you know i like these yeah just went gr today you bounced nine nine twos and wanting to wear these for a little while and finally took them out something light on a on a two shoot day yep three shoot down three three shoes three shoot nothing wrong with that i'm doing the matt wealthy cosplay right now i got oh yeah adidas wensley spezzy owl on feet what look good thank you how would you describe what's the word you would describe that suede quite hairy right yeah that's called um rough or something uh yeah something suede i forgot about suede rough out i think so okay right out while out okay first of all congrats to sneaker shopping i mean i seen uh uh what's his name on there uh ed sheeran uh who was last week there was another back-to-back [ __ ] you like me eli manning i mean i mean i mean you're a guy what'd you think about the story with archie man and wearing the gun he posted it gun it's a classic he posted i posted it because you know first of all classic sneakers you know they all talk about g units like honestly you know i remember yeah let's talk about we're gonna go all the way back but i remember people in reich's island having g units really really and i swear to god and if you had if you were able to get sneakers in rikers island and i'm talking about 20 years ago you were about that right and there were a lot of people what you spent time at work because i mean i i i i dabbled i priceline i bought uh like a month like an airbnb over there you know um but wait so g-unit sneakers were big they were yeah because do you remember it was like a cool gray one yeah they look like the fours yes i don't know if you remember that i remember and a lot of people rocked that there was also a white and navy blue one that looked like the force but so wait people people were wearing them yeah i'm right because that one yeah do you have sneakers on rikers island i did i did what did you have you had white on white air force it was very hard to get those in there too new balance were banned because they used to call them new bloods um they were banned we had uh we had china mac on full size shout out to chinamax that's the other thing can you set it up for us thank you very much of course anybody who's next who do you want yeah i remember having to call like we were in like a tight bind and i had to call pete and i was like pete can you please make this happen and he's like i think i can do something but he talked about on the episode wearing jordan eights walking through rikers island and feeling like a king it's it's you know look to be honest with you it's very hard to be fresh in certain circumstances like that you know people want what you have and uh you know rikers island a lot of g units were going around there but i think about archie and i think about eli yeah and i find that story hysterical because even like ewan's you think about it like in atlanta they call them e-wings what you know yeah i mean atlanta audience does anybody call them ewings maybe the hood does but i know for sure did you get the sean price ewings yeah yeah yeah i wish i got it i'll we'll go get your zawa pen we've talked about this before i remember talking to dallas about ewings and he said he wouldn't wear him because crackheads wore him in the 90s you know look um shout out to dallas shout out to dallas i know i love him i don't know if i agree with everything he says um i think he was really mentioning that he didn't really mess with the brand after adidas meaning when adidas had ewings okay yeah yeah that's what i mean i think that's what he really no he said i'm pretty sure he said anyways no i'm sure he did say that i'm just saying i don't you know look you know i give a lot of credit to the guy dave who started you and him you had your ewing collab how do you encourage you but but here's what i'm saying he brought back a brand that many people may have thought it wouldn't last it's 10 years and still going so i give a lot of credits a lot of collabs a lot of dope stuff came out of it and and i give a lot of shouts to you and yeah pete how clean do you keep your sneakers in jail i mean i keep my i keep my sneakers clean the same way i keep them back then until i keep them now is it hard when you're in rikers i mean you know they don't have baby wipes i love baby wipes i'm addicted to the baby wipes for queen and sneakers um i do mess with jason mark um but i'm addicted to baby wipes you know i think as a parent you use baby wipes for everything like i don't i don't know if anybody agrees with that but meaning i would use it to wipe down the high chair i'll use it to wipe my sneakers i would use it to wipe uh you know whatever you need to you understand but uh i would use baby wipes for anything even in the car uh so baby wipes i love honestly i don't know if anybody use baby wipes on sneakers and if you're gonna use them the the thing we never talked about brendan and i'm surprised we talked about skipping we were talking about sneaker cleaner bring it all the way back is you were you were a kiwi man yep for a bit kiwi the og sneaker cleaner that you buy at the grocery store like the polish or just a clean they made like every all those like i mean there's a lot of brands i mean you know i will say another thing again and i'm just respecting creators but shout outs to jason mark yeah um i mean the guy's like a young scientist at the time when he created this yeah you know you think about it like you have to believe you know you don't think his mother's like who's gonna use cleaner sneakers you know what i mean like it's it's tough to to create things i'm being honest with you because there's a lot of people who don't believe in it until you make it happen i'm really covered in manhattan especially um i know you got to believe you know we had we went through your history last episode that we had you on um currently though you know you're doing a lot of things but how in tune have you been with sneakers recently i mean i've always kept my ear to it um you know it's funny because podcasting and sneakers are something i feel like i've been in early on people laughed at it i remember people laughing at us for collecting sneakers remember people laughing at us for doing podcasts and now they're both billion dollar industries um you know i still i still you know obviously i still love to get fresh but for me i love to wear what i like um so you know i just bought a pair of bws um the purple and uh classic yeah classic uh i i still buy air forces i still i still buy i still you know i buy what i like you know um you're still sitting on a ton of stuff inside i am i am i am and it's sad when you have a house when you own a house and then you have a storage it's actually disgusting what's the storage situation like i mean maybe like down to three four hundred maybe yeah you found some crazy stuff in there yeah and that's the thing too and here's the thing i'm moving again soon um and i'm gonna get a chance to see what i forgot like you know i told you i found blue taxis with the white gloves i mean classic you know you you think about this the green taxis were also yeah and you could wear that to match that jacket i mean yeah we could wear a lot of things that match that jacket wait while we're talking about sb dunks i want to bring this up really quick you mentioned this to me last year i had written a story about the mf doom nike sb dunk high a lot of people were talking about doom this past weekend october 31st being the first anniversary of his absolutely and you mentioned to me that at one point you had 500 pairs of dudes maybe maybe more man maybe more you know back in back in premium oasis back on fulton street yeah when you were in the retail game in brooklyn actually not the city uh you know we had a lot of sbs i mean i'm talking about hundreds of blue taxis with gloves here's the thing look uh i mean i'm you know not telling everybody's information but it was hard to get accounts at that time yeah but it was also hard for people to pay yeah their bills so i feel like people say a lot of that still goes on you know i mean listen nike look no disrespect right to any brand right but when you drop off a 25 35 000 bill on somebody and then foot locker gets the same type of things and then they put it on for half price at the end of the month and you're still having full price two thirds of the shoes are the ones that sit on the shelves exactly and they know what happens the next month comes in so it's very it's very hard but but for us i would say we were lucky because we would be able to grab from accounts and get so many i mean there's stores that have trouble paying their nike bills absolutely you're working at a store that doesn't actually have a nike account but you know how to get product and that's by going to other stores saying look not only just people sure i mean think about in real estate you see the grass go high you know how many people knock on the door say you want to sell this house it's it's it's it's it's a look sometimes and i think that we were able to come up on tremendous i mean dinosaur juniors i mean easy how many 400. easy i'm dead serious if anybody's listening that knows that was down at fulton because that's one thing i loved about fulton street sneaker time people did not [ __ ] around okay they wanted it early and they wanted it then they wanted to be the first one to flex and how how much would you charge we put a little bit of premium on it you know yeah is that where they got premium we paid more what we paid more you know but it was like what a couple hundred dollars like a hundred like i'll give example for us to get early jordan like i remember at the time the black think about when the black fives came back out i'm talking about two thousand five or six or seven like yeah no not nice no jump man but that was big when they came back out we had at least 700 pairs of those but hear me out we had about 300 for probably about a hundred dollars more but we paid like almost retail for them but when you have a month or two months before people want it were retailers ever worried about getting in trouble over the stuff because i saw a job listing on nike about a month back that was for a gray market analyst where nike wants to hire somebody to look into accounts that snap nike product that shouldn't have nike product when you were doing stuff like this were stores ever nervous about getting their account pulled no no no you know people were obviously omertha and for people who don't know what that was i hope they could put it on the screen the definition of it um but you know i think that um at the time we were really helping people out i know you may think that you know um being able to pay their bills so they could keep that bill they're nike accounts and they're in their other accounts you know i would say instead of them hiring a great analyst i would say stop forcing people to buy all these extra things i mean back in the day jordan cool gray threes you got to buy the [ __ ] jeans you got to buy a track accounts on stores they're telling me they're like i need to fill out my nike or adidas order but the order is like 250 000 worth of you know a product where they're like they don't even know what they're going to buy like they've already checked off all the shoes that they want to purchase for the month and they'll need to add seven more skus to their store and they're like i can't even sell these i mean it's hard for retailers i mean people think like opening up a sneaker shop is fun right you know it's like a barber shop it's not fun and people are going to hang out and they're going to want things for free or they're going to want things on listen it's not a hangout it's a business and that's the thing people don't realize one thing i don't like about retail and i'm so thankful in my life now is i don't want to be stuck somewhere if you wanted to come see me you had to come to the store now i can move and groove around and i think uh you know a lot of these shout outs to all these small business owners even people like uh uh you know matt from corporate i mean 10 11 years just i mean ten eleven twelve years you think about it and he loves it yeah he lo he still loves it him and i talk a bunch and like he loves nice he loves the jordan fours and we always talk about the jordan fours but yeah he he's super passionate still yeah i mean to own a store you know for that long it's a job and here's the thing i will tell people who when you go in and you want to get like the hot jordan of the month or the christmas jordan everybody doesn't understand they call i remember people calling me say i'm trying to do you a favor you're trying to do me a favor these christmas jordans are walk off the shelf me giving them to you is not going to do me a favor but here's the thing that people don't understand support your local sneaker shops go and buy the amax 95 and the mx1 when it comes out then you could be able to get the christmas jordan no problem that's the things people don't understand you know because they need they need that support too you know to stay alive so you know are people still hitting you up for sneaker favors absolutely you're not what do you mean it just came out you don't know how that's true you just did the superman yeah shout outs to g shout out to the video he just ripped his jacket off to show the pata shirt shouts to first of all you started to complain that people were hitting you up for the potlus this isn't doing you any favors because now people are gonna assume that you have tons of pairs on deck can we talk about how good that that maroon pot of air max one is i mean i mean i think the blue one is [ __ ] sexy man more than the maroons is the one is the maroon one that you put in the yes it's coming looked really good but he's really good by the way yeah you know anyone well i just gotta start with the show first answer the question though are people still hitting you up for facebook yeah yeah but here's the thing i tell them and i'm being very honest i didn't ask for myself why am i gonna ask for you you know look that's the one like i'm not going to ask for me yeah i'm not going to put myself out there for if i want the shoe so and i look crazy i'm telling somebody i look so crazy doing this hey i need i need an 11 and a half like this exactly but people know brendan does a 10 and a half here's the thing i want to give roses to a lot of people okay okay when you think about patter i want to give them for what they have done in this industry they were coming down here with [ __ ] duffel bags buying sneakers and bringing them back same thing with peter and eric from sneakers and stuff and look what they have built i want to salute them they have been an inspiration not only to me but to a lot of people in the sneaker world you know um you know again a lot of people thought this was a joke yeah i got we had talked about this before on the show but probably good to get your opinion on it i had said that you know there's always such a negative stigma around resellers but when you look at some of the early pioneers of sneaker retail like pata and sneakers and stuff they were resellers who ended up founding sneaker retail yeah i mean even you owned a sneaker store but you were essentially a high volume reseller sure sure so how do you feel in some sense yeah yeah i mean how do i feel about you know it's funny that that question will come from you because i feel like you always ask everybody about reselling um you know for a while i i never wanted to resell anything you know i was uh you know i i'm the type of person anybody who knows me i'm p i'm very passionate yeah so i i i care about we saw the way you ripped that jacket off we know your passion is i mean i was giving a shout out to pata of course that's important you know like i said they've been inspiration but but more importantly when you talk about resellers you know a lot here's the thing for a while i never resell i never sold anything i nev you know i i i didn't want it i felt like it was a a knock against people who sent me stuff or i bought stuff and then i realized let me explain something to you if you get a chance to sell something for more or do something i want to give a quick story i remember i came back i was with my lady at the time my son's mother i was with and we came back from a vacation it was so peaceful and i said to myself i would love to go back on vacation like next week and she's like yeah but we got so many bills so many things i go in the garage and i look and i got dawn back of fours four pairs i got dorm back of nines three pairs i got dawn back at two or six pairs i could keep on going on because i had to give you a [ __ ] wing in the hospital jesus right so i literally take three of each or two of each i forgot what it was at the time i go to flight club the things sold the next day like a fourteen thousand dollar check wow i told my witty i called her up i said you ready to go back on vacation you're going on a 14 000 vacation no no we didn't spend all that yeah stop counting other people's money but here's the thing can i tell you one thing very quick wait wait wait wait wait okay very quick if you would have sold those on ebay there'd be no fees now go go ahead go ahead go ahead go ahead go back to the store go to ebay go to ebay i love ebay i love ebay but you know what about ebay no no no no no no be careful careful finish it finish the vacation store yeah i love ebay thank you okay so and then what i'm saying is treat yourself don't cheat yourself so many people want to be pure hold on to the game yeah treat yourself don't cheat yourself yeah we'll also be a tweet from you probably at two o'clock tomorrow morning yeah let me tell you one thing i love about this complex sneaker podcast the video aspect of it yeah there's many things i love is when you bring up tweets like that it almost reminds me of you guys at a sports center of sneakers whoa wow treat yourself don't treat yourself as kind of like a fat joe yesterday's price is not today's problem i mean even him it's been amazing to see i mean listen to me i am so thankful to be here today i don't mean about only in here i'm talking about in life to watch people like ronnie right to watch people like nikki diamond right to watch people like that in front of your eyes like literally i mean what are we talking about i was telling someone the other day i remember ronnie used to come to me when i was on spring street and talk about like you see my cookie polos you know like the gray ones i mean what are they got kith aspen hawaii yeah kit japan paris kit para i mean what the [ __ ] are we talking about joe knows cause he's been on the first class no no i'm just being honest forget about forget about him being friend zombie it doesn't matter that's inspirational yeah yeah come on pete you were talking about your storage and like finding things and that you're moving but like do you have like a smaller rotation like one thing that sticks out you've been wearing solar red lebron eights i can't stop wearing them yeah and also there's some fits that are amazing but like talk about like that shoe and like are you going back and and like you just found those and i found them yeah and then i bought another pair you know uh to be honest i actually broke those okay i swear to god if you got to look on the internet you broke them at sneekopedia okay wait that was your website too no no they invited me to their launch event remember you dropped the woj bomb the premium pete bomb i mean i was wearing them on stage you know i forgot who took a picture of them maybe oh you know i thought you meant like you know you broke them did you ever get in trouble for it no i don't think so some things i did some things what did you get in trouble for yeah we got it you know what's funny actually i remember years ago i used to do if you look online you may find them i was into default my friend dee sickle is a graphic designer i know he uh i met him at the nice kickstarter nice kicks right yeah he i don't know if you remember i made this phone positive glow position i made a space jam one it's called premium pete's vision if you look online you'll see it okay right and and i never forget i i i remember i texted a graphic to clark kent and he was like holy [ __ ] he called me he was like holy sh i'm gonna get this [ __ ] sneaker made for you and i was like okay yeah and he's like this is crazy and and he hangs up five minutes late he calls me back what the [ __ ] you have it online i said i don't know i just sent it out what do i know they're never gonna do it now i can't do it that's it wait so you could have had like the next galaxy phone pause it like under premium that i came up it was just like a vision i had of an idea um that i that i wanted to make but it it you know and and and while we're in it because i did say this is a flower episode i already gave you all your flowers a lot of people let's go again and give clark kenneth flowers because hold on he has been able to work with multiple brands and that's something in this industry that a lot of them don't like they'll give you a quick story i was in la one time for adidas that's the best okay i'm in i'm in la adidas i have a friend that works in jordan brand he calls me premium pete is in la i got to come see you i said come here that's an indeed adidas event i can't pull up there where jordan guys i said buddy is this bloods and crips what are you talking about come and pull up and say hello to me so the point i'm trying to make is he has been able to remain himself do what he wants for you know and and and one thing i will say he's always given the people more bang for their buck with the shoes important question speaking of that that we need to get your official rating on premium pete being the pizza guy where do you rank scar's pizza you know i'm going to actually say something that is very sad and abdul uh um knows about this i never had scars pizza really you know a quark i see him saying you know it's the best pizza you know i mean listen i met one of the guys um at angelo's in philly uh i love what they're doing and what i'm trying to say is i need to shut the [ __ ] up and go try that pizza do you think you have more pizza chops than dave portnoy they point i don't know [ __ ] what does he know one every you know one bite everybody knows the rules here's the thing that i like to say about him after you ate that much pizza you really think you could taste how much different pizza is you there's a difference in pizza all over the world what you don't know like i give you example have people come here and they'll say yeah this piece is garbage because they've been eating a pizza that they think is authentic yeah you know i get people who tweet me all the time st louis has the best pizza listen what the [ __ ] are you talking about i don't know you know new york has the best pizza connecticut you get these things here new jersey has the best pizza connecticut's big connecticut's big it's good why don't we say this kaneka has very good pizza a lot of places have very good pizza but new york is the father is the godfather of pizza you've got to take it back to the godfather i mean look i would be talking about if he didn't bring it back one of halloween halloween i just seen who's playing don corleone i just weekend the weekend on the weekend i mean come on look at the influence i mean listen to me two three weeks ago i spent 10 hours with john gotti junior i i i i brought berner and and and president that's your friend who who is fighting cancer yeah um just a real great guy i brought him together because they wanted to do an album first thing john gotti said to me when we brought up hip-hop was like jay-z you know he prays de gotti i don't pray to god i pray to god you understand and it's funny how many people are in tune with you know like it's fine with the italian culture well i mean listen who don't want to be italian we don't want to be italian were you were you uh annoyed by chris pratt playing mario [Laughter] first of all joe is bothering of whether or not chris pratt is guilty of cultural appropriation goodness yes who do you think should have played mario should have voiced them in the movie could you so i felt it was disrespectful that they did that okay i'm just being honest i'm just being honest that's what we're going to call one of my cousins from sicily that's it no really do you have a pick you know i do not have one i'll think about it but uh how do you play within mario kart i was playing with my son the other day which character the mushroom always gets a lot of my play man you don't know the name of the character toad i'm saying i love i call him mushroom head okay i actually seen a guy playing luigi on halloween the other day no i didn't think we were gonna have this many left all right so pete let me let's let's go back to sneakers solar red lebron what else have you been wearing lately out of storage anything that's a great question air force uh air force oh also i've been wearing the the brooklyn air force one by clark kent okay incredible material oh yeah um do you worry about your old stuff falling apart they have i don't know you know they have and and that's why i know people say it is where your sneakers and i get it you know what i mean but at the same time you know if you don't wear them they're going to blow yeah or the brooklyn air force ones the like the varsity jacket yeah and with the people i know they have the there's like the the brook pack there's the brooklyn staten island no no but there's another brooklyn air force one yeah the blue one the blue one he knows about that because pg knows there's another one there's like a one that pg has been posting recently it's like the gray and blue one pg you're talking about uh paul paul and then there's the you know we never met we never met nobody you know i think you know i know of him i know he uh but no we never met okay so there's the there's the blue there's the blue with the black check this is brooklyn and screaming yeah i know he's talking i got it somewhere with like the year the dogs that you know old one like the old broken one what else uh i would say white air force one solar reds uh the bws uh um um another thing i've been messing with is the and this is weird because they're pretty cheap is the 2021 uh ultra boost the one with the thicker sole i know if you've seen those i like them i bought them in black and white still happening or we put that on the shelf because of the what the isn't it cardio p cardio peed is still listen during a pandemic cardi p [Laughter] hey listen man off the top uh cardio pete cardio pete you got to stay healthy one letter away you got to stay healthy life is short man i mean i'm not trying to sound like a [ __ ] preacher but you know life is short man you know it's a it's a it's a short it's a short it's a short run man you know it's a short run so you got to stay healthy if you're on a short run you got to make sure your cardio is right i mean listen what do you like to wear now what do you i mean you know is it ebay approved over here always beside besides white on whites what's your favorite air force one of all time it's a good question um i'm gonna go with the rockefeller air force one and and and and and they're the original one that came out a couple years ago one of the most comfortable a lot of padding in that one right there i mean they really they really pack the pressure in that they put the you know they put the juice up on that one i mean there's so many there's so many i mean i even how many pairs of them do you have uh probably like four probably like four how are you getting um i you don't want to like name names or whatever but it's like are you going and like getting them all at retail you say i don't have the name names do you have to tell me that you think i would name them [ __ ] names because what did he say earlier what are you talking about i got to go to the graveyard you know are you getting four pairs on release day are you going you know getting pairs off of ebay so here's what i like about the world today back in the day when i put up a sneaker i would have my phone ringing from people where'd you get that i need that who gave that to you now you could just say i got them on stockx where ebay thank you um do you pay resale for shoes do you mind paying resale i don't mind paying uh if i want something i don't mind paying a little bit over i don't mind i just don't want to get you know i don't want to feel taken advantage you're the sort of guy that doesn't even you you get rustled when you have to pay retail like you're used to getting things for under the retail price is that true i mean getting things for free too is a tough challenge i'll be honest with you because no no you get a lot of things you don't want i mean joe listen joe has come a long way i mean i keep on talking about ronnie all these other people and i've said this before though it's been amazing to watch this guy's journey unfold in front of my eyes i mean i remember you know when i felt at one point in time i thought you know he was learning how to get comfortable and now he's just incredibly uh uh you know it's just been amazing no i mean that i mean i mean that appreciate it so so so what was the question now because you made me forget what you were saying about we're talking about i thought you would just get shoes for like i'm not saying for free i've been like underneath i don't know i've listened i've been bothered here's the blessing yeah getting shoes for free and then being able to get your friends shoes for free that's the [ __ ] flex because what brands want to do is alienate you they want you to have it and your friends to hate on you because you have it because that's what makes it you know grow being able to [ __ ] alley-oop your friends to get things uh is dope but also supporting things is dope now i think that's the money yeah that's enough you know you know that's why i bought the pasta sauce yeah i knew i knew you were going to drop off some pasta sauce of course i knew if it came down to it and i was at home on a tuesday night and my my pasta was looking a little dry that you would have personally of course driven there to dump some some sauce on me but i bought the sauce i mean let me say let me say about that real quick you know i'm a humble guy you know i'm thankful you know we ship that sauce i mean think about it we shipped that sauce to australia to london to japan to jakarta to one all over the place i mean people that that is let me tell you it's a 16 for it for a two pack yeah they they were paying like 70 like 89 like 86. 70 shipping just just that's humbling so especially with where the global supply chain is right now well listen you can't get anything pete yeah talk to me do you have any of those you know you were saying 400 pairs of mf dooms or 500 pairs i still got a couple you you do have a couple yeah yeah i still got a couple of pants i i'll be honest with you when i go to storage i'll document them i gotta you know you find things you know and that's the thing that why i say about free sneakers and i want to shout out anybody who's ever blessed me you know i remember one point in time i was like four years strong you know they know who they are four years strong every release you know um and was able to bless other people with that yeah but the point i'm trying to make is you here's what you never want to do people die to get sneakers or die to get like oh my god i would love i remember bumby telling me that pimp c told them when jordan brand sending you sneakers that's when you know you made it yeah and and and i remember like getting to a point where i would go to these events and they would give me like a pair of sneakers i come home i open my garage and throw them in there and i was like what the [ __ ] have i become because most of the time brands want to send you stuff that is really not hot but want you to they want you to promote it put your salt on it yeah and i say just stay true to who the person you're sending to you know but also don't honestly don't don't um don't get too like comfortable appreciate what people do people get some people get like cocky or whatever like with the they get yeah i mean sneaker culture is a weird culture let's be honest you got 10 year old kids calling people legends because they got a pair of [ __ ] you know like uh uh what the doctor do you think do you think well that's that's a good question because you know i feel like uh not to bring him up all the time but my friend paul pg always says that where he's like he's your friend no but he always says that you know he's like when people call him like their idol or something like that he's like i'm just a dude who has sneakers i'm not an idol i'm not someone that you should worship because of that do you think that that's like too far to be like things like that i think of somebody like him i mean i don't know his career fully but i think uh he's inspiring what he's been able to do in his career no but i mean like what type of stuff only the sneakers like where kids look up to someone just because they own that yeah to you no it's not it it here's the thing the word legend is thrown around way too loosely uh there are people who are really are legends i don't think because you're able to buy a pair of sneakers you know you think about it i don't want to go too deep into this i spoke about this previously we are a costume world now meaning someone could come in this past weekend that's true someone could come in and literally buy a supreme hoodie right a pair uh you know a pair of exclusive sneakers pair whatever and you could be like okay he's one of us but he just literally bought that 10 minutes ago at fight club and that's okay there's nothing wrong with that but the point i'm trying to make is it's not as it's easy to get in so just because you're able to buy a sneakers does that make you a legend that's all i'm asking just because you know i've had people tell me oh this guy's a legend he has this this and this and i'm like nah you know to me to me a legend is elon musk giving up six billion dollars to end you know and what would make someone a quote-unquote legend to you and the sneakers and sneakers somebody like joe who has been no i mean work at complex you don't hear me work at complex he's under that category work at complex and be able to take it to the [ __ ] roof right to build a show that is watched worldwide i mean listen uh you know even paul i don't know him like that but things he's been able to do the relationships he has and things like that that's legendary stuff i mean listen to me i'm not calling myself a [ __ ] legend that's corny and you don't call yourself an og too i don't like when people call himself an og let other people call you a [ __ ] og but here's what i'm saying legend stuff is like this i had amanda sante who was an actor on my podcast we did an episode three days later he calls me and says pete that thing was incredible um i i i saw something in you when you when i was watching this thing if i had a part for you in a movie would you be okay with it i remember putting it on the [ __ ] mute and i was like yep i'd put it back on on you yeah i'd be interested playing it cool and and that the point i'm trying to make is to propel things like that to propel to help other people to do things to to to me that's legendary status speaking of that we could talk the the nda's over the there's been some photos from that movie what has that been like to work with armando santi i mean amanda sante vincent pasteur um i was working with fran drescher wow sneaker people creative people i'm gonna tell you never stop being fresh never stop being who you are don't ever think you step into a different bucket that you can't be yourself let me tell you something man i went on that [ __ ] set and people knew who the [ __ ] i was not for being an actor and it felt comfortable and i remember some people like who the [ __ ] is this guy can we talk about what the movie is uh don q is a movie uh it's based on fiction and and and some of it is is written is led by armand asante uh of he's if you ever if you ever looked at this um it basically is a mulberry street empire okay so he came from sicily's family they owned a a an olive oil empire and he has this uh infatuation with being in the mob but he's not no mobster he's a businessman and he then you know meets out capone and lucky when you're in the movie can we say that his conscience so i will visually be in there and i play my voice listen you know i don't want to say anything yet because you know sometimes they start cutting up movies and yeah but award season is coming up yeah can you send us some photos that are approved that we can put in there absolutely absolutely it's been it's been it's been a you know again and this is what i say it's not about premium pete if you have a circle of people or if you mess with people like i was talking about ronnie like i was talking about joe like i was talking about it's like yo you know these are your people yeah these are people that come from these buckets you know i look at sneaker friends on the plane you know 2010. no no but i but what i'm saying so see where you are oh my god to see where i am you know it's uh it's something i don't take for granted sitting next to all day cracking jokes me to be honest being super shy timid right yeah definitely 37e yeah i was next to them you got a better seat we had so many good times what did you think about the legends that were there you know you think about it like you know young ronnie a young joe see to the jail yeah absolutely especially this week see to the jail i'm thinking of you yeah shout outs to him man i i mean i had a lot of great convos with him matt was there from corporate rick ross even a hustler wendy cdp from uh uh chicago that kid stays hustling you know uh to still see these people moving and grooving listen it's a great thing to see a billion dollar industry turn into that and people still be around because you could be the first ones and they'd be out of it you know what i mean i feel like pete is reminding me of steve jobs right now i we need to have him like everybody's giving the keynotes yeah you know why he's a podcaster you could yeah i know he what checks are better pete sauce checks podcast checks you know kobe bryant rest in peace to the great iconic legend um [Music] you know actually uh happy birthday to prodigy i mean this may not come out at the time but happy birthday to prodigy somebody i missed daily uh uh uh just a real guy who was able to uh just a real creative guy you know what i mean you had that podcast with him too you know he had actually we had a father's day podcast the last time he's ever been on anything and um besides that therapist thing um and we did a father's day episode shout outs to uh uh noah noah yeah uh rob markman casanova um um uh my man aaron emperor and and prodigy you know but anyway back to before you know rest in peace to prodigy did great you know uh but you asked me about somebody else i was telling you about yeah she was asking about checks oh check podcast checks versus pasta checks he took it and you said kobe bryant kobe bryant body armor yeah yeah we saw that okay that's a big deal so i'm in that food world like that a lot i helped girls pickles they sold yeah you know i worked with them yeah so i came through the office with tons of pickles uh a couple years ago he ran down on us yeah i mean listen food and sneakers are a great marriage we love food we love sneakers why exactly why are they not married more you got to eat this wait hold on though okay sushi you always do sushi you don't tag the place though wow you you never tagged a place which i'm always wondering i was like this looks really good but you never tagged the place you know as an italian i have a problem where people are going to come and kill me and uh oh that makes sense i don't know why i thought maybe they were stock images i'm joking but but i am serious where i always put my location after i leave and then i get people like yo you're there i'll be right there am i good i was gonna get whacked at the dinner pete i have an idea for you you're a big frozen grapes guy absolutely frozen grape jordan five colorway let's make it get the d sickle to mock it up yeah i mean listen we gotta find that that's that's the before your person from jordan brandon who couldn't come through to the adidas event i i mean a great fried grape five with like a light blue i see spicy icy soul you know you mentioned customs before and i do wanna say even me even people like choir i'm not speaking for people a lot of people had a little weird feeling of them many many years ago because there was a time where you we knew exactly what color jordan that was about you know that's fake yeah like when drake had the jordan exactly but but he is a true sneak ahead but were they i will say that he is a true sneak ahead though are they fake or were they custom i mean i don't know they could have been fugazi okay but but but you know i told him when i seen him too i says you have no idea i'm proud of him this guy used to call me all the time for sneakers and now he has his own sneakers yep you know it's it's it's again but and customs those might have been the frozen grapes that he had on fire customs when you say customs and and and you think about all the things that have transpired over the years in customers people like mosh people like jbf customs people like uh who i never met fellow italian i never met chambroni i've never met anybody and newer and and studio uh lorenzo g the newer generation who are is killing it with these died customers going crazy the raisin joe and i quick aside joe and i will text about that guy's work on the weekend the raisin virgil jordan five stuff max 95 he's doing it i talked to him a lot i need to figure out what i want to do next with him but these th lorenzo g wow but i mean i want to say i want to give them their props you know because for a lot a lot of times even mosh you know for a lot of times i mean he has his own sneakers he'll be a complex battalion no no forget about that that's french okay tomorrow but for a lot of you said gomorrah yeah classic great movie great for a lot of times people and you never know how people feel i'm sure they felt slighted right customizable by who by us by people who not me listen well you know it wasn't like it i remember just because i guess there was a lot of bad customs like this like 2012 2013 era you know like that right and now they're getting their flowers yeah and they're creative i mean cleats and everything the guy's shoe surgeon the guy jbf customs i mean these people on next level yeah you know what i mean i mean in sneakers and i want to say this too actually i'm going to show you how powerful [ __ ] sneakers are okay i just talked about this talk about it one of my friends tim sabian okay he produced a howard stern show for like 20 years look him up okay he is a great guy he'll always be armenian he's like no he's a producer he he calls me no those two things are not mutually exclusive but go ahead hear what i want to say to explain to you he tells me he said listen i'm having lunch with this guy marvin siegel look him up and come see me i would love for you to meet him so i look him up and this guy is the son of the guy who owns home shopping network qvc and franklin mint okay i don't even want a lot of people to look up i don't even want to talk about what type of [ __ ] uh uh you know fazoolies are there i walked into that fuzzilies oh scattered like you know you understand no no okay okay okay listen uh you understand what scott is right yeah so the thing is i walk in the guy gets up joe check this out welcome to this this is howard this is the sabian no yeah this is a guy marvin siegel i walk in this guy is worth an enormous amount of money sweetheart of a guy gets up and says premium pete if i known you were coming i would have worn my cool sneakers wow now if i'm worth that much mine give a [ __ ] what sneakers you're wearing but that goes to show you how powerful is i want to go reverse the language i want to go back real quick i know you love ebay but you think about stockx dan gilbert you know why he got into that because his sons love sneakers so much the influence is so powerful that's it it's not powerful it's changed i mean think about it you know look what you guys been able to do yeah absolutely it's powerful yeah it's a powerful episode this is a powerful episode and let me tell you something we're over an hour this feels like 15 minutes that's how fun it's been yeah uh pete before we get out of here anything that you want to promote or well well first off i like to uh i get the like it's like you have anything else you want to do yeah anything else you really promoted other people yeah that's that's yeah we got the sauce we got the movies well well pete's premium pasta sauce of course i mean listen we got to get you in paisano's in uh brooklyn we're going to work on getting into stores a grand desert hot sauce i mean what a crew that is shout out to nikki diamonds i mean nikki diamonds kris jenner rob kardashian chum lee chance eldridge and this guy named premium pete this is your new super group that's that's the hot sauce right there grand there's a hot sauce i got the pete's premium power so you know we're trying to hand out movies we're still podcasting um you got the hot sauce with abdul too right no well we're supposed to be in complex con next year uh we're gonna do uh we're gonna do a big collaboration but he's another sweetheart of a guy you know and i love that you guys had him on because i want to be honest with you um sometimes people who uh aren't that boisterous doesn't always get looks yeah um but he's a sweetheart of a guy and he cares about the culture and he got to keep the heartbeat going you know it's important but yeah yeah just listen um you know just always always doing things man always always uh trying to spring border for one thing i i mean i got too many things going on you got to eat this right you got to eat this is still running you know listen what happened to sneaker tube sneaker tube you know it's funny sneaker tube we did for about three for about four years it was a special thing yeah it well let me tell you how special actually i'll leave you on this okay i'll leave you on this and anything else you got you tell me you know sneakertube i launched in 2010 i didn't know what i wanted to do it cost me actually a lot of money at the time it's crazy 11 years ago right now it'd be way cheaper it was hard for video stories yeah etcetera etcetera and the funny thing is i think 11 years ago right now i could go raise i could go raise 2 million if i wanted i would have made a deck i could have raised the money i already got invested ubc guy well you know armando single listen you know anyways a little bit of fuzzy i'm giving too many names out here uh but what i'm saying is here's what i'm proud about in 2010 when i launched it dallas penn says come up to the combat jack show we did like three four episodes come up and promote it and i went up there and i never left and history was made on that show um i love that and i say to myself sneakertube it didn't fail me it was a lesson it gave me a bridge and people dated on there like i'm dead serious like i have people you know message each other well before we knew what dms were um but what i'm saying is don't look at things that don't happen the way you want it to happen in your life as a mistake look it as a lesson so then you could turn into a blessing love that what a perfect way to end pete thank you so much for joining i think i speak for everyone what a what a great time always hanging out with you and uh yeah man you gotta you gotta come back often yeah and the last thing i wanna do is just shout out my kids because uh that's the most important thing i am is as a parent as a father i got my daughter working with me on the sauce now nice amazing it's uh it's it's special and shout outs to my kids man they keep me going man i mean i mean that at the end of the day you know um they really really put fire in my eyes man so you know you can tell the passion for sure yeah this has been the complex sneakers podcast we hope to see you at complex con this weekend make sure you like subscribe and we will see you next week peace [Music]
Channel: Complex
Views: 87,519
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: sneakerhead, complex, complex originals, sneakers, news, entertainment, current affairs, culture, complex tv, complex media, complex networks, premium pete, sb dunks, complexcon
Id: WNrcnsAk8Vs
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 78min 8sec (4688 seconds)
Published: Fri Nov 05 2021
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