How Portugal became Europe’s First Nation-State

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well I'm sitting here today with uh Freddy Silva uh above Centra Portugal uh in the woods behind uh pentec castle and uh we have been looking at uh uh Templar sites now I've always assumed that the Templars were in Jerusalem uh in the Holy Land uh in France mhm what were they doing here in Portugal uh that's exactly what I asked myself um and and it's it's a very good point because most people associate the Templars with the Crusaders not quite the same thing uh the two are very very different people even though the members that of the future Templars did go there at the same time as the Crusades um the story is actually very intricate uh it's an in intricate web of of family connections uh business connections uh religious connections and uh it really they expected a time when Godfrey de Buon who became the first king of Jerusalem uh once the city has been completely uh uh rid of all the Arabs uh they established their positions as military people do and then he does something very strange he walks outside the city Gates still roaming around with uh Arabs quite uh quite annoyed because they just lost their strong point and he does something very silly for a military man he goes outside the gates goes to the ruins of the Basilica of Mount zon where there used to be uh many many temples including one of the aines and he sets up this Myster or mysterious order of monks and Cavaliers is called the order of notam of Sion otherwise known as the order of s uh real organization and it really is Central to understanding of how the Templars can't be involved here in Portugal because uh one of the the first count of the county of portugali which is uh the predecessor of Portugal tiny little County in the north north of here um he sails to Jerusalem twice and on one of his trips he takes a young man with him called um Pierre arold deos otherwise known to the locals here as araldo de R Roa who then appears about decade later as the head or the prior of the order of Simon now he's the central culprit in this story of how the Templar ended up in Portugal because we have documents now showing that he along with four other Templar preceptors are ordered by the then Grandmaster hudep Pion to travel back to Portugal in 1125 to establish and I quote a Portuguese Crown so we have here at the very very early stages in Jerusalem the players in the uh story of Portugal as it would become the central characters that would form the nucleus of the Knights Templar out in Jerusalem and the Knights who were ordered by The Grandmaster to come from Jerusalem to this little County to establish a kingdom within a kingdom accountable only to God so so the Portuguese kingdom was established by the Templars absolutely and uh we have it right from the horse's mouth that the hudep Pion himself did actually order for the preceptors Templar preceptors to go from Jerusalem uh one is the head of the order of Sion as well to boot and uh they basically landed north of here and uh they already had contacts within the city of Braga and uh from those contacts and through their Burgundian Connections in the country country they began to establish uh preceptories uh they were given properties lands uh homes to live in and slowly you see this intricate web of uh relationships starting to pay dividends after two decades and before you know it they've got title Deeds here and they're acquiring more property in the county of portugali long before they did in France so we have always thought that and they were and were told that the Templars were in Jerusalem toe prect pilgrims who were going to Jerusalem and that seems to have nothing to do with Portugal absolutely nothing uh it's something that just hasn't been written in history uh it's been completely forgotten it's like it's marginalized it's something that is a footnote in history uh but the documentation is all there and of course we know now today that the entire concept of nine nights patrolling 33 mil seems a little ludicrous actually Jaffer to Jerusalem I mean that's a superhuman Fe uh apart from the fact that uh there is proof and evidence that the knights hospitallers were already policing the roads by themselves in fact there's not even a shred of evidence that shows the original core of the Knights Templar did any fighting at all there were two brotherhoods an outter Brotherhood who took care of temporal matters such as fighting as you had to do uh even monks had to take up a sword once in a while and then there was the inner Brotherhood who did uh they looked like they were being Guided by a ministerial College they were doing things of a very spiritual nature we find the same thing here as well so they must have had some intent and purpose uh which was not the external intent of protecting pilgrims what was that well the idea uh for that really has to do with the um benefactor of the U Templars who is the U monk Bernard of clo uh he creates uh he's he's the highest member of the cian order in France and if you start reading his letters and his Credo you begin to get a sense that this guy was looking all the foras from the beginning to create a kingdom of conscience separate from the Catholic Church a kingdom of conscience accountable only to God to nobody but God I see and almost in a non-religious or early Celtic Christian sense and when you start looking at the heritage of the original uh not nine nights but 11 nights they were actually 11 if we look carefully at some of the the transcripts um so even there we have a problem with history um it quite clear that most of the Templars were actually handpicked by Bern clo and they were cian monks two of whom were actually Portuguese uhhuh that changes things considerably so Portugal was going to be the center of this Kingdom of conscience oh even better than that uh when the young prince uh of Portugal was aided by Bernard of clavo uh I have a document that also States quite clearly that the Templars after his father died always came to his Aid and didn't stop doing it until he was King and long after so his father who' gone to Jerusalem obviously made some good connections when he died abruptly in 1111 sorry 1113 the Young Prince was only 8 years of age and the Templar supported him make sure that he was brought up in the Templar out tradition and by the time that he grows up to to be crowned and KN at 16 years of age uh K had to grow up very quickly back then uh he's actually crowned as a n Templar as well and uh they helped him essentially establish a stronghold against the Spanish who had then tried to uh rule the country so what we then find is that uh aonso the king slowly takes the country away from the uh Spanish and from the Moors who are uh ruling his piece of land and then uh once he's established all the land all the way down to the river teure he then does an incredible thing he gives away a third of his territory to the night's Templar and that's the big story here because it was a long patient plan waiting 40 years for these things to happen and once they had that title deed they took up onethird of the country and the center of which was the town of tumar where the most important monuments are to this day that was the center of their Kingdom of conscience uh and we visited oh did this uh this little town which uh is quite an interesting little town surreal yes uh and and there is evidence pretty clear evidence all over everywhere symbols from the from the Templars what's Curious to me is then the connection with this to Jerusalem was it simply an accident of history that the the Crusades happen to be going on at this same time uh oh why would you need to have Jerusalem connected to a kingdom that's here in Portugal yeah I mean it was very opportunistic uh of them they found the right moment in history where suddenly a confidence of events took place where the allowed a huge Army to March through Europe uh most of which died on along the way yes and so you had this favorable moment for the first s in hundreds of years where you have a large body of men marching on Jerusalem reestablishing the the Christian sacred places which this particular group of Arabs had denied the Christians for the last 180 years whereas the Arabs before them did allow worship of the Sacred sight so there are Arabs and there are other Arabs within the Arab Kingdom we have to remember it's a very complex story uh and the connection between tumar and Jerusalem was again going back to the ties That Bind the cians who were basically supporting the Templars uh spiritually and also in terms of uh logistical matters because Bernard clairo had deep fingers into the pi of the Vatican he was a great Diplomat and was able to even install his own Pope who was favorable to the cians uh we have some of the templ knights who were very rich Barons and burgundians and part of a a holy bloodline of Europe at the time and then you have the order of Sion a very mysterious order of which we know so little about because so little has been uh information is remains about them uh so you have these three people uh who come together in Jerusalem they go away they go back to Portugal they create the kingdom they set up the Templar pror into Mar and through an extraordinary piece of design they aligned that main Church of John the Baptist to their main rotunda and through a curious design uh of symbols in this church you can align straight back to the order of Sion in Jerusalem so they they're making a point they're saying that these things are related and in fact when you actually do the uh connection between Jerusalem tumar and Rosland or should I say Temple which is the town next to Rosland where they also have their first preceptor in Scotland you form a perfect equilateral triangle and we're talking something that spans over 2 and a half thousand miles so they're doing the old system of locating secret sites by the use of triangulation so in some sense they were setting up this Kingdom in an isolated place because Portugal would would have been an isolated Place totally uh in in Europe uh and it was really the center of the whole operation it was part of a a triple like a trinity H uh it eventually did become the center of the Templar operation by default when they basically were rounded up in 1309 everybody did move here that wasn't rounded up uh during the the night of October the 13th the others moved to Rosland and kill Martin in Scotland and these two people in Portugal and Scotland still maintain their contacts and that's documented too So eventually it did become the center of their world whether they knew it or not and whether it was design or not is another matter but certainly it did become the focus of their overseas development and expansion uh and it had been and it has been so for the last four 400 years years uh they the ones who started off the connections to the to New Finland Labrador the bers to Nova Scotia and the rest of course is history because then we start getting involved with the progeny of the Templars the Masons who then become the founding fathers of America so they were always looking to the West once they lost the ability to to uh do what they were doing in Europe mostly because of the shenanigans of Philip the king of France and the pope one wanted to get into the order but was too corrupt to be allowed in so he concedes ludicrous uh charges against them and I think he also own owed them money a lot of money yes that get that clears a lot of slates you know just killed them that's it and the pope of course uh was kind of incensed that the Templars were teaching people uh spiritual self-development and that is a given uh there's so much evidence to support that they were performing the uh a ritual an ancient Egyptian ritual called the raising of the Dead uh to kind a long story short essentially uh these esoteric orders of which the Templars were one they claimed all along that people who were just walking every single day minding their own business they're spiritually unaware they are like The Walking Dead but once you come into contact with this inner Brotherhood of people much like the asms uh or the um um the people in the langad do the cathars uh the Boger Mills of Bulgaria all of these sects basically understood that once you come into contact with the deeper mysteries of life and you understand how the universe works uh you are then risen from the dead and it's a practice that takes about 3 years to achieve but even today the uh Masonic principle the third degree the candidate is raised from a figurative Grave by a handshake where he is risen from the dead and that's way he but finally given the secrets of Life we've just been visiting this Castle which is a kind of 19th century um um Whimsy Whimsy I wanted to say Folly but uh Whimsy will do uh and yet within all of the symbolism that is just Rife throughout this castle and every kind of symbolism 19th century uh they were picking up on Arabs and every every culture uh but buried in here are still Templar symbols yeah does that mean that the was connection even in the 19th century oh absolutely to the Templar absolutely I mean they uh their sphere of influence really went downhill a little bit um after the uh the Inquisition and the pope random them all up uh they fled uh to Scotland and Portugal they were given safe passage and they basically went on Hiatus for six years once the Inquisition shows up uh the king of Portugal who was himself very closely Allied to the Templars we don't know how yet uh but he certainly was uh totally behind them and he said well look uh that the pope has asked me to get rid of the Templars so let's get rid of the Templars you guys make yourself scarce go to the AL gav take six years off have a Hol of it and when you come back you'll be called something else and it's one of the biggest practical jokes ever played in in history where the pope has given this letter saying that the T NS Templar no longer exist but uh in the meantime we have come up with a new uh group of Cavaliers called the order of the Knights of Christ is that okay with you ah sure that's fine same people they the land was given back to them the money was given back to them and they went on doing what they were doing for at least 300 years uh with total uh immunity and uh even the king Manuel of Portugal he was also a Grandmaster of the order of Christ and that's when the maritime expansion really grew out of proportion uh Henry the Navigator who is also a Templar master and the head of the order of s as well so he had a dual role all of these people were working within this Kingdom of conscience totally free and uh behind the the backs of the the pope but then of course you know they accumulated a lot of wealth a lot of power and that Drew in a lot of unpleasant people and of course the whole system again starts to corrupt again we have Kings coming into Portugal who don't quite understand that they want to get in on this act and of course they can't they don't have the spiritual degree that they they should have so then we see a seesar of event and by the late 19th century we have you know Ferdinand uh that the one of the last Portuguese Kings who comes here to CRA and he starts bringing back those concepts of Rosicrucianism of Freemasonry of the Templars and you see at Pena a lot of the symbols that he uh put up yet again just as if the 16th century had never stopped so he was trying to bring back and he was quite obvious about it he wasn't even being subtle he was showing quite clearly the way he positioned his symbols that he meant for the for things to come back and he had a degree of success until of course the church and events the revolution against the monarchy took uh that away from him and the rest is history well we're going to have to get out of here before it rains uh but it does to rain uh if uh our viewers would like to follow up on this uh I suspect you'd like to tell them about a book you've written oh I think I could tell him that um there is a wonderful book it's about yic it's going to fry your brain um it has 800 references so you can always check up exactly where this information came from you don't take my word for it uh it's called first Templar nation and it's literally the story of how of the creation of Europe's first nation state uh which again is a very important part of the story that they didn't just create Portugal as a country it was Europe's first nation state so that's very very historic and very deliberate uh as a statement so you can go to Invisible and check that out and it's also available in Lo electronic form absolutely so uh check it out
Channel: Sylva Hodracyrda
Views: 129,157
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Id: 70YiOXiGw6g
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Length: 17min 28sec (1048 seconds)
Published: Fri Sep 09 2016
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