How our farms manure handling system works and the heifers are adjusting to their new environment…

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good morning guys welcome back so we just finished up morning milking I think it's like 8:30 or 9:00 right now it's a very very nasty day it's been raining for about a couple hours here it's pretty hard it did finally just start to lighten up a little bit but I think our day is going to be gone cuz I can see more rain coming up over the hill there so I think today is not a manure spreading day um we've actually been spreading now for 4 days straight we've gotten a lot done you can actually get in the pit now and turn around with a manure spreader so we've gotten a lot pushed back a lot of that soupy stuff is gone and we're working on some solid stuff now we've even actually gotten back to the pile that we pushed out of the freest stall and we're chipping off some of that and putting that in our fields that really need it because that is like amazing fertilizer all the hay in there from what the cows waste in the freestyle gets pushed onto the bottom of that pile and then when you push everything else on top of it it just like it heats up and burns it down to like an ash and after you leave that for a couple years is like the best fertilizer we actually put that on one of our poor Quality fields last fall and it is doing amazing this year it's way farther ahead than any of the other fields it really does work a lot better than just regular manure so we got this Big Field all spread the field I was in that day obviously finished that one I finished another big one I'm working on my third large one um I'm not sure what Brent's brother is doing I think he's working on a couple of smaller ones a little bit farther away but you can see it is growing well this rain as much as I hate it cuz it makes things hard it is helping a lot with the grass crop so you can't complain too much Brent is away right now he had an appointment or something so he's going to be about an hour what I'm going to be doing is I need to charge the battery for the electric grease gun and also change the tip on it cuz the tip is just all gone so we bought a new one so I'm going to put that on charge the battery before Brent gets back we are going to be greasing the loader again we greased it last fall when we were spring but we use that a lot so we're going to be greasing it again just to make sure it's good to go you guys probably noticed that it squeaks a lot that's just the way that tractor is if you just grease it it still squeaks like that it's a 20-year-old tractor it's going to make a lot of noise when you're doing stuff and plus that is a huge bucket that's on it way bigger than any bucket that should be on that tractor um I think that is like an 86 horsepower PTO so it does well to even lift it in the first place we Brent actually had to put steel rims on the front of the Kabota cuz when he first started using that bucket to load manure he actually crushed the rims on the front because it was so much weight on it so that does have special rims on it just to make sure that that doesn't happen again but we constantly check the bolts and everything on the front end to make sure all that's tight the buckets that probably all tractors but especially Kabota comes with they are so shallow that you can't pick up anything I don't know what you would ever do with one of those buckets Bren actually used the one that was on the cabota and he cut it down and he put it on the skid steer and then added some to that still because it it just wasn't enough for even the skid steer you couldn't pick up a bail you couldn't roll it in your bucket it was just terrible so that's why we have that big bucket on there probably a little more than we should have but anyway let's get to taking this off now we just need to find one to F that and all our wrenches have been taken because we had too many projects going on must be a 716 which is the only one we didn't have out of course well we must have had it out somewhere there's one oh h half inch maybe wow I think it's safe to say Brent put that one on there I don't know what is going on but this is not want to come off all right let's get serious we're going to put in the vice had enough of that the milk truck is here I'm going to the uh actual tip in there since that's bad anyway all right just all gone you probably can't see that very well but here's our new one I should just stand that in the BR instead of just thr on the bench that's why this place look like that okay so there's our new one it's so shiny so I think this piece needs to come off too but well I don't know I can't get that to come off so I guess I'm going to have to wait for Brent to get back so he can clamp onto it with one side of the rce scrips and I can clamp onto it with the other cuz I'm not sure where the other side of ice grips is so we'll just wait for him to come back I'll put that other battery on to charge very nice day the next thing we're going to be doing is I got to go pick up um some stray wrap that fell off a couple bales in the fields that we're spreading right now there's one in particular that has a lot of wrap in it so we're going to take Kabota head up and pick up some sticks and some wrap and stuff um the last few days have been going great no problems other than like I said before throttle on the cabota isn't working that's not really a huge deal you could still use the foot throttle just the hand one that's not working by the way the cows are inside today because it's such a nasty day and we need to clean out the freest stall so I think we're going to be doing that when BR gets back not really sure maybe we'll be doing it tonight instead I don't know just over 4,000 hours on this now never had any engine work done to it I know that's not really that impressive it's not a lot of hours but for a new air tractor with sensors and crab on it that's pretty good hopefully it'll wipe off that manure here we go y okay so you can see nothing I think it came on hooked don't know [Applause] we got a lot of sticks pick up in the master there's not enough hours in a day I don't [Music] think this right here is the field that I was working in yesterday I think got like four load spread in it it's a huge field so it's going to take me a while but so we'll just park right here and work for a minute beer can not only is it money but it's not biodegradable people stop throwing it out even know what that is who and Riley bother doing this but where you feeding a Thai stall barn you're either going to pick up your sticks now or going to pick them up later in your barn and then have to handle them even more cuz then you got to pick them up scrape them out put them in the skin Ste your bucket take them outside dump them in the Kabota bucket and then take them out to the burn pile so it's much easier to just take care of them see if there's any wrap left over here we'll pick up that one on the way back we were kind of hoping to get all the Bales picked up so that you know we didn't have to spread around them or mow around them but we have so much hay left over that it's just not going to be possible we have a field with like 60 in it we have that one over there has probably 40 in it we've only got a few left over here and a couple Fields with 20 something and just way too much to pick them all up so you see the grass is growing really well out here this field is a lot of clover you see some right there there's a lot of that Medium red clover in this makes beautiful beautiful wrapped feed makes good dry hay too but we try to only make second crop dry hay we try to wrap all of our first crop cuz really first crop dry hay you don't need more than a couple hundred bales of that they just needed that for roughage just to kind of keep the roomin going so you only need like one every day or one every other day that's plenty and we have a ton of that left over so we're going to be mainly focusing on first crop wrapped hay this year and second crop dry hay we have found that there doesn't really seem to be a difference between second crop wrap and second crop dry so you're basically just wasting the wrap cuz they actually like second crop dry better and it doesn't seem to have any difference in the protein levels even though you think it would CU it retains that moisture I don't see any more wrap over here we'll head over to the next field these fields are actually separated by a drainage ditch it's very very wet right there so we're going to drive in the next driveway and then we'll go up and we'll feed the heers I'll show you guys how they're doing everybody's fine we haven't had any more issues since the last one which is great it's been very stressful few weeks I go and check on them like all the time cuz I'm so worried about them but everybody's fine so that's good it's really growing good over here I think go out one of these this is definitely one of the worst fields that we have as far as dropping sticks my goodness it's even worse over the top of the hill guess I'm just going to have to drive over here the sound the rain makes on the Bales is actually kind of soothing this is why they say a farmer's work is never done you would think when it's raining you could relax no there's always stuff to be done then again that's why I love it you never get bored all right so we already gave them their corn meal last night they get that once a day um they're getting a second crop in here for the last 3 or 4 days looks like they still have a lot left over from last night so we'll give them a little bit more um that's the second crop too I think we just wanted to make sure we had an extra in here so we're not constantly running for baales had a pitchfork to do this with but I broke it apparently I get a little and the second Croc you really need it just heels down like an onion you can get to the bottom of it can that all right that should be enough for now let's go down and check on them hello surprise surprise it's Hollywood hi JoJo how you doing honey I know tempting to go up there huh how's everybody doing good um this is the other big one that's just about breeding size I think she's actually a little bit taller but she's more filled out hi you never come say hi and this is the other Jersey that we got from the same place and she's a little bit smaller it'll probably be Midsummer before she can come over and get bread she's not as big as the others but yeah these two big jerseys very friendly too friendly huh yes no there's the other young haer peeking out around her they're both doing really well JoJo's over there eating and that one hiding behind her but yeah it's really awful about the other one but oh I'll show you guys those are the rails I was talking about so this is the side that it happened on and we actually did lower the rail just a little bit just to see if that helped at all so far nothing's happened but I mean the other ones had been over here for months and months and nothing happened to them and they were just as small as the other ones so it's just a crapshoot when you're raising Cows as to what's going to happen you never really know so Brent is still not back I'll take you guys over and show you the hit looks like it's lightening up a little bit come on son we got some spreading left to do this is my favorite view of the farm right here standing on this lawn it's just the best the barn looks so huge and the way it's attached to the freestyle just looks really nice the green grass I love it so this right here is the pile that I was telling you guys about that um we've just started cutting into the side of it the really really old stuff you can see just how black that is really really good stuff um but we're almost to the pipe the manure boils up out of the ground out of that's actually an 18in steel pipe that goes underground a lot of you guys have asked this it goes underground over to that pit so when the manure goes around the barn and The Gutter Chain it drops it into that pit and then we have that Hool pump that pumps it underground it uses like a guillotine like system of doors opening and closing and then it pumps it up into the pit from that pipe right there all it does is just bubble out of there and then it levels itself off because it's so liquidy you can see this stuff right here I don't think liquidy is a word but you know what I mean um we actually have only had trouble with that one time not spreading itself out and it was because it froze right around that pipe and it actually ended up almost creeping over this side wall so Brent had to come out on the lawn in the middle of winter and keep pushing it back in that's the only time we ever had a problem with that it was very very cold that winter and I think it just froze as soon as it came out honestly we didn't have any trouble with the manure coming out of the pipe because the manure is really really warm so you don't have to worry about the pipe freezing or anything it was just the fact that it was freezing on top and it just kept piling up and piling up and not spreading out and then it eventually started to creep over the side wall so that's the only problem we've ever had as far as that goes but yeah we're really hoping we can get that whole pile spread there's actually a door you can see right here here there's the door on the other side that we drive the Kabota up to to clean out the freestall but that door right there just has a gate Brent opens it and he can just push the manure out with the skid steer and it drops into the pit but eventually this happens and then you know we can't push it out anymore so once we get this all cleaned up we'll be able to clean out the freestyle with just Brent going out and pushing it out and I won't have to go around with the K cabota and that just takes a lot of extra time and it's really annoying it's a good setup having it this way cuz there's actually a ramp that goes off and extends a little bit into the actual pit so he can just drive out on that and then just push it out into the pit and it works amazing when it's not full we have another pile over there but that one's newer so we're going to let that one degrade a little bit before we start spreading that but yeah that's how much we've gotten done I'd say just about half of the actual liquid stuff and then we still have the big pile we've really really been cranking the last few days just spreading all day we take a break for lunch and maybe an hour hour or so and then we get right back at it it's exhausting but I absolutely love it because there's something about the feeling after you've been on a tractor all day you're so so tired but it's a really really good kind of tired you know what I mean there's the girls are you enjoying your nice warm comfy Barn dry she said yes thank you now leave us alone we're sleeping now I guess we just wait for Brent to get back so wow you got that tip off in like two seconds that one made me feel a little bad about myself but okay ready yeah try a couple okay let's try one more okay yeah I can see it yeah comeing [Music] [Music] [Music] so is the next day we're at the Mill right now getting a load of sawdust it's pretty early it's like 10:00 so we're going to get loaded up we're going to head back and get as much manure spread as we can today it's a lot of locks [Music] sh [Music] oh so we got a few things done today we got quite a lot of manure spread we actually got a few more big fields done and a couple small Fields as well um got a load of B us so that will help that'll goes about 2 weeks this time of year we don't use a whole lot since the cows are going out freestall they are in for nighttime milking gave them some second crop feed so they're just kind of munching on that we're just about ready to start milking the cat just jumped up on the veil hello Nelson how are you also did get the free sty cleaned out this morning we finished greasing the kabot yesterday and picked up a bunch of sticks it's a pretty busy a couple days but that's the way I like it it doesn't give you time to really think about much else you're just working and it gets into the flow with things and it's just really exciting because that's how summer is it gets so busy and crazy but that is what I love about farming if you did enjoy this video please don't forget to give it a big thumbs up comment down below if you're not already subscribed please don't forget to hit that subscribe button it really does help us out and helps us reach more people so keep it real keep farming and I hope you'll join us in the next one bye guys
Channel: TayFarms
Views: 37,653
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Id: mvDadDDt2-c
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Length: 28min 47sec (1727 seconds)
Published: Sun May 05 2024
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