How often to Feed the Red-Eared Turtle?

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hello everyone in today's video i'm going to show you what i learned how to properly feed and how often feed red eared spider [Music] turtles fall under a well-known animal category called reptiles typically many turtles are semi-aquatic they spend their lives partially on water and land they are species human beings are obsessed with it is mainly because of their non-violent nature if you are a keeper or want to start keeping these animals do you know how often to feed them well worry not you will be enlightened shortly red eared turtles are gorgeous creatures that need care and attention from their keeper knowing how often to feed these reptiles improves their health reportedly denying these turtle species enough food makes them gain overweight bodies you need to know about feeding red-eared turtles the appropriate diet undoubtedly these beautiful species are omnivores while in their original habitat they feed on plants and aquatic animals including small fish as for you accessing these foods can be challenging animal experts therefore recommend providing them with turtle food you should therefore visit the local stores to get food for these beautiful pets wrong diets endanger the animal's health alternatively green leaves crickets super worms and earthworms form a better diet for the red-eared turtles [Music] how long can a red-eared turtle go without food a red-eared turtle keeper should also understand how long the pet can go without food having this knowledge helps avoiding starving the animal on many occasions if the pet goes without food for a long time it develops an overweight body an adult red-eared turtle may go for months without food that is if the animal has been fed well however the turtle should be given water frequently water is life a human being may also not survive for long without water young pet turtles are not healthy enough to starve for a long time knowledge of this feeding pattern can help a turtle pet keeper know how often to feed them [Music] how often to feed the red-eared turtle are you a keeper of these pet turtles or do you wish to become one if yes knowing how often to feed these pets is essential reportedly the feeding pattern varies depending on the turtle's age for instance young turtle pets ranging from six months to two years should be given food daily the recommended diet for these little animals is green leaves and turtle pellets turtles with two to five years should also be given the right diet daily at this age they are considered unable to go without food for a long time mostly their keeper should provide them with turtle pellets and vegetation red eared turtles are considered mature from five years for these ones the keeper can feed them turtle pellets and vegetation after two or three days adult turtles are capable of going long without food it is because they are less active therefore not much food is required for their growth a keeper or one wishing to become one should understand this to maintain the turtle's health size of the pet turtles proper feeding of the turtles ensures they achieve better growth also the cage a keeper uses directly affects their size and growth for instance if one keeps the turtles in a small cage their size will definitely be affected negatively also feeding the turtles the wrong diet irregularly results in stunted growth reportedly a mature red eared turtle that has been adequately fed and kept in a conducive environment has a length of 12 inches however these animals may grow further surpassing this length both female and male red eared turtles get bigger bodies when well fed always be checking the size of your pet turtles lifespan red-eared turtles have a long lifespan according to research they can live more than 15 years however the lifespan of these aquatic pets is determined by the keeper's care proper care starts by feeding them the right diet moreover the environment the keeper places them in also matters given the recommended diet and safe surroundings the turtles become healthy living longer lighting the red eared turtles environment keeping pet turtles requires more attention and dedication one should understand these reptiles well before owning them for instance the keepers should understand the metabolic reactions for turtles are different from other animals once the animals get body warmth they do not retain it for a long time most of the time wild red eared turtles come out of the sea to get heat from the sun it implies a keeper or anyone wishing to become one should provide light or heat sources for the animals after getting a heat source look for lighting equipment the two will provide a conducive environment that will increase the survival chances of the turtles kept red-eared turtles are also prone to metabolic bone disease attacks if such conditions appear the keeper will need a source of ultraviolet light the equipment plays a vital role in ensuring the turtles get vitamin d never assume the condition of your pets remember they also experience stress and this may harm their health food for red-eared turtles the keepers should also know the right food for the pet turtles for instance apart from commercial foods one can give turtles earthworms crickets shrimp krill and aquatic snails most of these foods are large the keepers should therefore chop into sizable parts for easy consumption vegetation given to turtles should be fresh kale dandelion mustard and collard greens form a better vegetation diet for the turtles moreover red eared turtles also eat water hyacinth water lettuce and duckweed together with commercial foods like turtles pellets the diet helps these aquatic pets become healthy the bottom line keeping red-eared turtles is easy when one has the proper guidelines the keeper needs to understand every detail involving petting these aquatic pets for instance one should know the right environment and environmental requirements for these animals in short there is more to consider than how often to feed these incredible turtle species [Laughter] thank you all for watching if you want more special videos make sure to subscribe thank you [Music]
Channel: Budgie Nation
Views: 74,095
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: how often to feed a red eared slider turtle, how many pellets to feed, red eared slider turtle, turtle paludarium, red eared slider turtle care, Food for Red Eared Slider Turtles, alens pet animals, alen axp, feeding turtle
Id: 79mYCb_aqgM
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 7min 19sec (439 seconds)
Published: Sun Jan 24 2021
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