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[Applause] thank you very sure here for NSX and one of the things that folks do when they hear about the NSX solution right when we get up there and we whiteboard a forum we explain everything out to them the first thing they typically want to know besides how much as a cost is what do you need from me how do you make this work right because typically we're used to this whole rack and stack type of methodology of upgrading the network and things that nature right so we're typically looking at you know what shipping dock does this type of equipment need and it tends to be pretty surprised folks tend to freak out a little bit when I say well really all we need is a VLAN from you on your physical network to act as a transport so that we can actually Ford out some of our frames that actually user or our PACA streams that actually use VX land now VX Lane is a very interesting technology and it's really a one of the the overlay technology there's a few other ones out there as well but the X LAN is kind of the most popular amount there it was developed by everybody writes a consortium so you had a San Francisco and the rest on a whole bunch of people tie in and build this overlay type of technology but then a lot of folks that are just starting to get used to it kind of want to know well what is it I mean is it proprietary is it kind of you know that is it given me the golden handcuffs here VX lamb is really pretty darn simple when we take it out here what you're looking at here is you're looking at basically layer two encapsulated by layer three so it's basically you take your layer to frame here and then I'm going to wrap it in a layer three type of frame so I can actually transport it across now this gives me a few pretty cool cooled things where I set this up because when you allow this to happen that means that you're able to keep the integrity of this frame exactly what it is to the point that I can actually even hash out exactly what my layer 2 to 4 information is here as well so that Milo bouncers still work right that's the one thing that you know that that a lot of the server folks always want to know really quickly is that well if you're putting boxcars on the end of this well then what does that do for my load balancers because now they're blind no man this is hashed so you can actually make sure that you still keep your load balancing to work like it's supposed to but they're really cool piece of this is it's how I can actually transport this across from site to site and I use this actually to work on my physical network it's going to work a little bit like this so if I have and I'll start at the at the routing layer here itself so let's just say I've got my DLR here right I've got my DLR and my DLR sees that I've got a frame that's coming in but you know I probably should start back at the hypervisor since that's where all the work happens right so what we'll say we'll say here that the hypervisor my my frame is coming to a machine and it says hey you know what this frame needs to go over to another hypervisor so my hypervisor goes in and it starts building out my VX land frames in a 4 that information up to the DLR which will then in turn say that oh you need to go to the ESG now the ESG is what my on ramp off ramp is to my physical side of the network so it's basically going to take that VX line frame or pack it and it's going to send that across to all across my physical network to the other side work and then be and my other hypervisor which will just go ahead and put down here again now to go through yes GDL are that kind of thing on the other end but just to make the drawing a little easier to go to bring it over here once it hits that other hypervisor here then it will go ahead and change this out just wanting a bit it'll take what I have encapsulated here in the center there's my l2 frame it'll it will pop these off so that now mile to frame will pass exactly what was supposed to be keeping it same VLAN and integrity so what it looks like logically speaking is that you've got a VLAN that looks like this it'll stretch across multiple data centers inside your network because you're able to maintain that integrity inside of here now there's a little more to it than that obviously with anything there's a little more complexity to it but here's some really cool things that that VX LAN will do that that really kind of help boost what we're doing in the network because see in the script in a standard layer two side we only had about four thousand ninety five VLANs that we could use right zero to four thousand ninety five a couple reserved that kind of stuff but again you kind of get the idea you only had four thousand on a five in here well when we put VX land on then that give us the ability to actually build this header out and make it 24-bit 24 bits pretty cool number because if I have a 24 bit hair everything guess what that gives me 16 million type of what we call Vinny's that I can actually set up and map to so that means that I can map 16 million instances across all these VLANs and set that out I can really separate and really start doing some really amazing micro segmentation things with VX land that I didn't have the building full or try to build that could you imagine build an access control this was something like that that have been enormous right well VX land in the way we're mapping that stuff out gives you that ability to have a lot more dynamic and build some stuff out so that's pretty darn cool now a couple of things to keep in mind that's what VX LAN is used for it's our transport through our physical side right it maintains that integrity and that is what we're really using it for so when we come in and we say hey all we really need is you set up a transport VLAN force and stuff for NSX you know SX has its own little requirements too as well right that doesn't negate those what we're saying is is that we just need you to build this transport VLAN force and you need to make sure that the MTU is set to a minimum of 1,600 now when you look at that kind of makes sense right because I've got my layer 2 frame here my layer 2 frame where the VLAN tag is 15 22 that's how big a standard layer 2 frame is if I have a tag in there without the tag it's 15 18 so once I start adding my box cars on here I have my layer 3 stuff in well that just makes that a little bit bigger and that takes us down to 1600 again that's just a nice number that we like to use if you can bump it up to even higher that that's great so we'll give you a thumbs up here with you because the bigger the MTU the better right won't care a little bit more information across get a lot better performance but that's really what VX land does now it's great I mean there's a lot of really cool ways that this works to actually inside of NSX that we build this up to actually control how we're doing our suppression how we're doing this with unicast instead of multicast again you can do multicast unicast a hybrid version of a little bit of both you've got a lot of configuration options inside of the solution but the point of the matter is here it's a very lightweight transport that allows you to get your information back and forth across your physical side in the fastest most efficient way possible [Music] you
Channel: VMware NSX
Views: 30,582
Rating: 4.8371038 out of 5
Keywords: cloud storage, virtual machine, virtualization, vmware, vmware nsx, data center, cloud hosting, cloud computing, nsx, sddc, sdn
Id: lnHwNj0C3OU
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 7min 50sec (470 seconds)
Published: Wed Dec 28 2016
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