How not to install floating shelves.

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hello and welcome to Vancouver carpenter vlog number three today it is Sunday afternoon I'm just having a little coffee at one of my old faithful coffee spots I have a giant chocolate chip zucchini walnut muffin it's vegan and pretty much I don't need to eat for like three hours after I have one of these so now this coffee is also very important because if I do not have this coffee before I show up I won't have to go pee three times in the first hour and that's pretty much a standard routine for me so today I'm gonna be installing some floating shelves now this is the last touch of a job I finished two months ago so like a typical contractor taking me two months to come back and finish the last thing however I have a secret weapon for forgiveness and it is a jar of homemade fermented pickles and if you are a pickle fan I could pretty much get away with murder by giving you one of these so next up I'm going to set up on the job and we're gonna see how I'm going to install these floating shelves also I've never done this before so we're gonna see how it works out here are the three shelves [Music] the kitchen I worked on here is one shell to shell three shelves first things first protect your workspace don't want to get glue dripping down onto the tiles X find your studs and you can pretty much guarantee there's going to be one on one side of the outlet or the other there's one 16 over 16 over 2 now check to make sure you're in the center yep that's pretty good measure and mark your centers measure out your centers where you can see them instead of walking away and doing it where you'll forget my right hand side left hand side okay I have five-eighths threaded rod I have a 5/8 drill bit I have a 2x4 wall four inches back the walls four and a half inches thick including drywall marked it with tape so don't go through the wall I'm hitting something that's causing it to snag on this new bit so I have to ream it out with a half-inch instead [Music] so I'd say I safely have three and a half inches of rod I can get into the wall and I want six inches of these rod to go into the shelf so I'm gonna cut these at nine and a half inches okay so this is the part I have no idea how it's gonna go pretty easy actually a bit too easy I'm gonna throw some glue in this hole PL premium is my construction adhesive of choice I have six and a half sticking out of the wall which is too much weight hey pictures let's take you off the wall okay six and a quarter oh you know that's gonna happen sometimes six and an eight I'm gonna have to live with that okay next one this is the one we struggled with so here is why I have these get on make a lock nut I can twist it in that's why I have the threaded rod seven six and a quarter six good stuff now here comes the part that I'm terrified of I have a 3/4 inch drill bit I have inch and a half shelves so that means that I have exactly three eighths on either side if I drill the perfect hole so there's not much room for error and I got a three quarter inch drill bit for five eighths rod because there's no way you're gonna make it line up perfectly so I know that from experience to drill a bigger hole and hopefully it'll go on okay so this is started to go completely sideways on me I'm not able to get six inches into the shelves I almost drilled out the side of it I saw it just starting to bulge and I had to stop so I've cut these a bunch shorter and I'm gonna load up these holes with glue like really fill it up so it went so sideways there I actually had to put the camera down and just do the job so sorry I wasn't able to make a great tutorial but it wasn't going well anyways okay they are in and that was a crazy struggle okay so I'm all cleaned up and I'm ready to this thing into place so I'm going to use silicon for the bottom and I'm going to use latex caulking for the top so that it can be painted later down the road latex knocks down the edge left by the tape 545 I got here at 12 and I had a couple hours of running around getting materials picking up tools getting ready for this job so that's almost eight hours that this job ate up out of my day but let's take a look so they are in it's to the wall there's no caulking smeared onto this because I taped it off so when it gets painted again do a nice cut line it'll look great there we are there we are this one's done and I can walk out of here so this is the kitchen that I was doing this spring it's it's an IKEA kitchen and I think she did a great job picking things for it so here we are ready to walk out all done okay let's finish this off with another annoying in my van shot so how this went today is it really brought to mind the phrase no man is so useless to at least not serve as an example of what not to do there's quite a few things I can take away from how today went first off trying to fit 5/8 threaded rod into three-quarter inch holes in inch and a half thick shelves was way too risky on the first hole I almost blew through and I could feel it bubbling on the side so it was just getting ready to burst through and it was at that point I knew had I had to completely change my plan go and get half-inch rod go and use a 5/8 bit and also shorten it I tried to get six inches into the shelf I ended up only doing five inches I had to change which drill bits I was using I was originally using an auger bit I changed up to a spade bit on my impact and I managed to pull it off but honestly like when I started to notice it was about to go through one of the sides just about lost it I was saying oh god here goes the whole day I've ruined this piece I'm gonna have to order another one I'm gonna have to do this whole other thing she's waited two months already now it's gonna take another two months before I come back and it was one of those days where honestly if every single day was like this I would not be a contractor I would not work for myself I would let someone else have the headaches but thankfully only some days go like this and other times you get these days where everything goes right and what you think is gonna be an eight-hour day is four hours and then you're left to put it around on other things for the rest of the day but today was one of those opposite days where I think I'm gonna be in for a few hours and it turns into almost six hours it's Sunday I'm gonna be in trouble and I've got to somehow find the juice in me to get through Monday tomorrow so anyways this has been another episode of Vancouver carpenter I hope you enjoyed it I hope you learn from my mistakes and I hope you can take away something useful thanks for watching
Channel: Vancouver Carpenter
Views: 34,858
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: floating, shelves, install, vancouver, carpenter, contractor, diy, DIY
Id: 9m7UMH5NaSk
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 11min 43sec (703 seconds)
Published: Sat Sep 16 2017
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