How 'New Girl' Inspired Nicola Coughlan & Luke Newton's Steamy Kiss in 'Bridgerton' & More

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people were like what does she saw that Nick was saving them yeah no way yeah they saw yeah stop it that's the best thing i' yeah and they were like why is she saving this what does it mean them to send Luke at a convenient time cuz we have a giggle hello we are the cast of Bridgeton I'm Nicola cin I'm Luke Newton and I'm Claudia Jesse and we are in studio with Hollywood [Music] Reporter well hello guys thank so much for being here congratulations season 3 is finally out there for the entire world to see how does that feel because I know a lot of people have been patiently awaiting this matchup so what emotions are going through your head right now weirdly when I woke up this morning I sort of forgot I went to check my text and obviously you know we mostly live in London so it's not a very different so everyone was wake up when I was looking and then someone text me like congratulations out and I was like oh my God how did I forget yeah crazy so I did want to ask how do you think season 3 UPS the steaminess and the romance compared to the past two seasons or how do you think that it's different entirely I think it just again like previous Seasons just feels really true and appropriate to their love story it feels yeah you know we had sort of that longingness of last season where they didn't quite get there whereas Colin and Penn have had a connection since we first saw them in season one so it's like about time do you feel like you guys had a leg up chemistry-wise because you did have that opportunity to build up the real life friendship off camera for a number of years now yeah absolutely what's the question sorry did we have did we have a leg up from building the chry I think so yeah I think so and it I don't think it could have been any other way like we needed that history not only that we've experienced as a couple but also as the audience has come along with us for that whole ride I feel like sometimes you watch a show and like someone goes those actors didn't get on you go yeah you can of tell but with us like we genuinely have such a love for each other that you know it made it really easy and also I I was talking with claud's about this but I was saying like how like for me I had you know there's always like life and art imitating one another and stuff but for me like for this season like Penelope's confidence was growing in her finding herself in a relationship and stuff my confidence grew in finding myself in my work and being a leading lady I think our relationship grew not as like friends to lovers but it grew and that we had we developed such a closeness this time that we always got on really really well but we have a very different relationship to what we had you know before we started this season and it's been beautiful and we've such a strong we're such a strong unit within this that it's been amazing yeah well I wanted to ask Claudia you're you're the trio to this to this group right here no it's you think it's weird I love it because the the three of you are so important to this season and of itself so I wanted to ask what was it like to kind of take on a more elevated role this season and ALS Al watch these two take up the leading mantle gross what disgusting did you how did you feel watching a snugg in she said I don't want to answer that on camera um like okay I can the thing is as a as a bunch like the Lo we're well proud like obviously season one we're introduced to the to Bridgeton season two obviously we knew Johnny and he did a beautiful job and then we were introduced to the amazing Sharma family but this is obviously we've known these guys for ages and then for us as actors we're like watching our best mates like lead the show so we're like and then they have sex and stuff so then you're like like it is weird it's weird but we're most like it's mostly Pride well I wanted to follow up on Eloise's storyline this season I feel like she's having a rough time right now she's on the outs with her friend she's watching all of her siblings fall in love what do you think it's going to take for her to maybe open herself up to not only love but happiness I feel like she's just like in the trenches right now yeah I think there's a really interesting uh school of thought that happens with Eloise sometimes that because she's so um defiant in in in her idea of what she thinks she should have and what she wants that that somehow means she's anti- love Yeah and I don't I don't know if that I think that's true and what I loved about season 2 was that we were able to see that she could have a connection with someone like with the with with Theo the printer I just think right now she wants the choice and right now she's got other priorities cuz she's got this big secret and she's got her brother and her ex best mate and all of that I think there's a lot going on for her yeah are we all friends friends well Luke I wanted to ask you I saw there's been a lot of memes asking about what kind of boot camp they're putting these Bridgerton men through is there a Bridgerton boy boot camp there's not no there's not like a nothing really happens I don't know what it is I guess like part of growing up in the show and and just leaning into the scripts I guess I like I read the very first line when Benedict says under what foreign son did you apparently get so sturdy so I was like okay time to get a little sturdy whatever that means in whatever capacity I can so yeah just dived into that and wanted to portray this new version of Colin I think like the almost the best part of his transformation is that he didn't need to transform it all because pen has always loved him for who he is in his soul because he's kind and he's sweet and he's caring and he's he's funny and he's not the coolest and it's yeah come on and he actually is and I think he's really cool now we're going to head into the second portion called tea time with Bridgerton you're each going to get a teacup and saucer we're going to ask you a series of questions and if you absolutely do not want to answer it you can just sip take a sip of tea who is the best Regency Era dancer in the cast oh newon it's n it you're very about the dog thank you she stepped in this year and was like she's a professional dancer but I think she she's a professional Dan she had she had too much of an advantage yeah that's true we have one scene in F six I want to say where we danced together and we watched back we were like that was incredible that we did that cuz we were like it was quite complic and we were doing like like a lot of dialog and I'm like we rehearsed a lot for who is the worst dancer in the cast wow oh my good God that's when we use isn't it Luke and Nicola you've said you broke some furniture while filming certain scenes can you disclose what piece of furniture it was no we've kept it secret for so long now that I'm like no one has guessed it yet no one has guessed it no way the craziest guess we've had Candlestick and I'm like what do you mean what do they mean what are you doing in your house crazy so no one like no one in the cast knows either I don't know if they do I feel like I do yeah oh you've seen it yeah of course you do like how you oh yeah yeah blink twice if it had to do with a mirror well well that's a difficult one one BL maybe there was one in the room yeah there is one that's as a writer or a poet dare I say I think Penelope would be a big fan of Taylor Swift's new album The tortured poets Department what would Penelope's favorite song off the album be what with host Malone fortnite fortnite yes that would okay I was I was going to say who's afraid of little old me oh yes I've seen that one I feel like I've seen some I've seen okay okay Luke how many thirst trap Tik toks of Colin Bridgerton have you watched what the hell does this mean so it's like a thirst trap is like a sexy video or if you if you fancied someone you might put a hot picture of yourself online to be like hope they see it but a thst trap Tik Tok but I send him loads so see them multiple I don't know the number I but I'll find like funny I was not on my algorithm whatsoever so it's basically like you don't search it just whatever comes up comes up got it so I like I'll save them and send them to him but then I didn't know that you could see yeah save them so then people were like what dides she sa saw that Nick was saving them yeah no way yeah they saw yeah stop it that's the best thing I've yeah and they were like why is she saving this what does it mean them to send Luke at a convenience yeah cuz we have a giggle you get a notification or fans get a notif know that I know now oh that's W okay sweet how many pollen fan edits have you seen oh million we s to each other all the time we got we got really emotion about that one the other day we were in Verona we were actually watching them I was like you watch this is pretty beautiful it's like seeing their whole journey it's like never seen I haven't watched back season one and two in ages so it just is like memory if you could name someone in Hollywood to be the diamond of the Season who would you pick oh Cy C Keys C I want to do a good answer oh no I I'm C at things like this we'll give you a minute okay I know who I'm going to say because I really want her to play Queen Charlotte on SNL Maya Rudolph yeah it makes sense it makes sense so her yeah I love her yeah correct agreed I'm not going to single anyone out go I'm using my thing I'm using my thing back yeah you you haven't used it as much so I've got one I've ear one pass what is your favorite friends to lovers movie When Harry Met s that's my favorite as well that's a good yeah classic we need more Billy Crystal type men and movie R yes can I go TV show yeah go TV show yeah cuz I'm said it before but Ross and Rachel because I think they replicate how like well they don't replicate we replicate how they we were first how they uh how Colin and Pen just never it never works out at the right time they're constantly missing each other and there's obstacles in the way were they on a break yeah they were on they they were on on a break you better believe they were on a break do you think no say not on a break think they were on a break you definitely wouldn't have thought they were on a break uh Jess and Nick from new girl I think because also that's mine and Nicholas's favorite on screen kiss yes I love that kiss so much I've watched him do interviews about that kiss when like Liz Maryweather the creator of the show was he was giving him notes and he was like you don't need to tell me how to kiss a woman lives on the floor was on the floor that kiss was in our group chat when we were discussing the first I was sending him yeah we were send each other like sexy scenes sounds weird it's not it's not it's just what it is so Jess and Nick was inspiration for pollen well yes but not for the F the first kiss it would that wasn't right for that yeah we have another one in episode I'm going to whis yeah oh yeah yeah yeah yeah that's more that who's bridg Love Story are you hoping to see next the Netflix snipers are there with the guns we answer that I think can we do a trio sip Cheers Cheers everybody Cheers Cheers what is the primary force that guides us along our paths is it our minds or our Hawks [Music]
Channel: The Hollywood Reporter
Views: 349,440
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: thr, the hollywood reporter, hollywood reporter, entertainment, hollywood, Nicola Coughlan, Luke Newton, Bridgerton, Netflix, Claudia Jessie, New Girl, TikTok, Taylor Swift, thr news, the Hollywood reporter news, thr interviews, the hollywood reporter interview, hollywood reporter interview celebrity, celebrity interview, entertainment news, 2024, Bridgerton season 3, Bridgerton on Netflix, Netflix's Bridgerton
Id: J2GmcEdVv9E
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 12min 2sec (722 seconds)
Published: Mon May 20 2024
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