How My Service Dog Helps with Complex PTSD

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i don't want to be like this but i i know that it is so i have to just face it and and say this is what it is and move through it in this video i'm going to be sharing part of my post traumatic stress disorder ptsd journey and this video is from last year and so i have come a long way since this time and it's a little hard for me actually to watch this back because i am doing so much better than i was during this video but i think it's important for you all to see how ptsd can affect a person it doesn't affect everybody the way it has affected me and also to see how my service dog benny helped me cope with the ptsd and to get through the really hard times what i learned is that the only way is through and if you have a mental health issue don't be embarrassed it is okay it is how your brain is affecting you and i am not embarrassed in the least by anything in this video because this is how my brain responded to trauma [Music] i know you're here too dash is very much upset that benny is getting to be a service dog and doing the emotional stuff he's like mommy me me okay okay okay okay [Music] do you know i need you being my rock you can sense something and my breathing is off okay [Music] i know he's he's bothered now down yes good boy i don't know i'm being triggered and i'm trying to figure it out i'm trying to figure out what's triggering me and that's not easy because that means i have to think about everything it's hard who wants to go back and relive this stuff but i'm having nightmares i mean it just can't be avoided the nightmares are back they were gone he was so thankful but i think the truth is is that i'm not over it i'm not through it dash wants to comfort me as much as benny is i love you josh that's it it's like i'll show you my belly [Music] stand that's it stand i'm going to show benny what i want from him good boy yes d that's it down that's it d yes yes so i'm trying to teach benny that d means lay on me yes you making me thank you but i'm trying to have him learn that when he lays on me he's being helpful to me i know other people don't like the licking i find it calming sorry ben good boy yes yes yes yes i know dashi but benny's helping me easy easy good boy stay yes that's a good dog yes good boy dash got licked by benny you i know honey you're helping me okay we're having a competition if who can help kelly better huh [Music] i know i held you for a while okay mommy's getting help from benny [Music] thank you benny yeah thank you good boy d yes such a good dog dee good talk yes thank you ben i think it's time for me to eat that yummy food that is smelly swish millionaires thank you thank you benny thank you thank you look at that face there he is all right here we go stand yes damn good boy brace yes good boy so hard i'm trying to learn a lot about ptsd and understand more of what it means to have ptsd good dogs good dog dash i'm having a hard time right now [Music] i don't it's okay and he's giving me some he he's he he's he's giving me some be pressure therapy i'm teaching him how to do it has been kind of coming to white in the last three sessions just the trauma is actually really affecting me i don't think i really properly have dealt with it i've tried but i have it hey so heavy i don't want to be like this but i i know that it is so i have to just face it and and say this is what it is and move through it be brave [Music] because trauma is what is affecting my life and making it hard you know in addition to the health issues but like i'm used to health issues like but the trauma is really getting in the way like i have complex ptsd [Laughter] it's obvious that i have trauma um she was just it's just it's hard because then of course i feel like this but i have to feel like this to get better i don't want to see myself i don't want to see myself this way i don't want to be this person it's like easier for me to tell myself that's not my life it's not really my reality but the more i do that the worse i get he's trying he just wants to help me and i don't know i don't deserve it thank you baby [Music] thank you very much thank you [Music] thank you [Music] thank you he's reminding me to breathe and he's my safe place he's my safe he makes me safe he protects protects me today was a big day for me it was a hard day but it was a helpful day to just validate my experience was big good boy dee yeah i don't want him just to lay next to me i want him to lay on top of me and help me feel solid [Music] i don't know where i would be without him [Music] this is hard and it hurts to be in this place where i can't sleep and i have nightmares and i just want to eat that's all i think about and it's because i have all this stress and emotions that i think that it is taking a long time but my therapist was like kelly this doesn't just go away overnight [Music] i'm sorry all these things are going on my brain i don't even realize i'm checked out thank you i feel better good boy yes good dog yes good baby yes all right well we're both really hot so i think it's time for you to stand yes good boy hi honey boy thank you for your help you just helped me so much i don't even know if you know do you know how much you've helped me you're helping me to have a life again to get through the trauma and the symptoms of the trauma thank you ben [Music] yeah lately our connection has just really grown he's helping me through the nightmares and through the hard times at night the fear i was scared to death i don't really think i understood like that it was really happening to me it's still very surreal sometimes i feel really numb to it all being like an out of body like sometimes i really do feel numb to the severity of the trauma like i think i just don't realize how severe it is i know it is but i can't i think i really have much empathy for myself i don't think i really even value it i'm gonna get through it never thought i would be having a psychiatric service dog on top of mobility it's okay i need him for that in fact it's more than okay it's like wow it's fabulous to have a dog that can help me with that part of my life i don't want to feel like it's i'm weak but who cares because it's my reality and i need to just get through it you can't hurt me with bunny hair can't hurt me with any air i know god has me on a path and i'm excited for it i'm gonna watch some old movies probably some like a hot or life with father or something not too heavy and fall asleep because i'm really tired [Music] a real good morning [Music] a real good morning
Channel: Incredible Anyway
Views: 6,052
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: incredible anyway, service dog Benevolence, service dog bene, chronic illness life, ptsd, complex ptsd, ptsd service dog, psychiatric service dog, psychiatric service dog tasks, psychiatric service dog training, c ptsd, c-ptsd, c-ptsd treatment, trauma disorder, service dog and trauma disorder, how my service dog helps with complex ptsd, service dog helps with ptsd, service dog and ptsd, service dog and post traumatic stress disorder, deep pressure therapy, service dog dpt
Id: ZjiEKeuvivA
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 13min 55sec (835 seconds)
Published: Fri Aug 06 2021
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