How Much Robux Can You Make in 1 HOUR?

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every single player on Roblox New or Old wants one thing Roblox it's easily the most desired thing on the site but how can you earn Robux and more importantly how fast can you earn Robux today I'm gonna answer that I have one hour to earn as much Robux as I can starting from nothing and using the best strategies possible some you may have heard of but some are more secret ones that I came up with myself let's see just how much I can earn timer Starts Now the account name is Mega manly Stanley I told you I was starting from scratch now time for the first money making method quick quick this money making method some people may call unethical but I'm gonna be abusing something called a premium payouts and I'm gonna make a super clickbaity game click baiting a trend so premium players hang out in the game and have an awesome time because if premium players play a Roblox game you get a lot of money let's just copy doors everyone loves doors look guys the door oh check this guy out yeah Wars I sure we'll just put like four of those Screech from doors we got seek nice nice glitch because sure and this is good enough for me here I'm gonna make the base plate smaller there we go clickbait game complete done doors hang out come hang out in a game inspired by the amazing Roblox game doors now we gotta make the game look good or else No One's Gonna want to play it let's configure the game and make it have a nice thumbnail doors Square image oh it's just normal doors uh oh this will do very nicely there we go now it's loading let's give it a thumbnail too let's just steal Dennis's thumbnail for the video look I'm in this one I have permission to steal it screw you Dennis screw you yeah nice check this out oh that only took 10 minutes 1 6 of our time great amazing incredible game what happened what happened what happened what happened why is he a corpse stop screaming this is a pretty awesome game I'm enjoying this game quite a bit glad the doors work too excellent everything I could have ever wanted now for the next part of my expert plan we need to make things to buy like shirts game passes etc for me personally I'm gonna do a little bit of both upload for 10 Robux but but I I don't have 10 Robux since when did you have to pay 10 Roblox to upload a shark I don't have money I'm a fresh account okay okay so this part of the plan is backfired can I make a t-shirt great yes I can I'm just gonna upload the shirt template shirt we'll make this one five Robux you don't have enough funds to sell this t-shirt I need 10 Roblox wait wait wait wait wait wait wait wait wait wait wait since when did you need Robux to upload things what is this what is happening um let's make a Game Pass okay okay that one worked now let's make this on sale this one can be five Robux okay and it did not cost Robux to upload thank god dude the whole challenge was about to die right there we very very badly need something to buy as a part of this challenge right this one can be 10 Robux I'm just making a few donation game passes maybe I'll have a Hail Mary donation something that I don't expect anybody to buy but if they do buy it this video is about to get a lot better and this one is gonna be a thousand Robux now all of my donations have officially been created all five of them and the next part of the plan is something that we've been doing the whole video being online at an optimal time it's 7 PM nobody's asleep right now which is great because I need people to buy my stuff let's see how my game's doing a person's playing it wait actually oh my God somebody's here hold on let's say hello let me uh straighten my shirt get ready to say hi to this person we're about 20 minutes deep into the challenge hi well she is um unresponsive I'm glad she's here though excellent news I guess you just keep being you buddy my first ever visitor Black Diamond 2820 if you're watching this video thank you but you're not making me money where's the money you're not a premium user I'm not earning money from you being here I'm out of here but that's crazy that we officially have one visit all right now it's time for our next method making a burner Discord account and then spam advertising everything I've created in the channels because people need to see what I have please click each image containing a plant on the table great cool all right whatever now it's officially time to join some servers but not before customizing my profile check me out Mega manly Stanley is officially on Discord oh wait I have an idea here it is the laughability community experience and I have to be a member for at least 10 minutes to send messages great laughability fans are notoriously friendly but now that I have officially set every everything up I have my game collecting passive Robux I have a little advertisement account that I'm waiting to get verified it's time to earn some active Robux through active Robux methods things you do actively to get Robux then and there like for example my good man hasm's game please donate and let's pray that anybody is nice so far I am like 25 minutes into the challenge and I have earned NADA zilch not a single Roebuck but that's about to change I'm just gonna Guilt Trip people prove you're a nice person and donate I need money I hear so many cha-ching noises over there it's making me thirsty great so I'm just sitting here I'm not making any money tragically what if I'm like a door-to-door Salesman and ask for money wait wait I have an idea be my first donation I've never received any before you can be my first anyone want to be my first donation I've never been donated to before I gotta go around and ask people standing here doing nothing is not gonna work all right World here I come um wanna be my first donation please I Mega manly stand oh quick donated five to me wait wait wait wait wait wait wait thank you thank you [Music] quack you are the best be my second donation I need a better marketing strategy the first donation thing worked really well I think that motivated people to get a golden Robux only need five more wanna help me finish my goal I only need five more pretty please she said no did she can you help me reach my goal of 10 Robux I've never had that much before I'm just spamming texts maybe someone will donate to me I don't know but all I do know is that we are officially 30 minutes in and I've only made five Robux why are people donating to me can you help me reach my 10 Roblox goal please I need money I need money oh thank you so much this is the best day ever dude I made 10 Robux all right we we need a new selling point now goal reached only donate if you're nice I dance Because I'm Happy I've made 10 Robux guys I'm earning money Mega manly Stanley is in it now boys he's in it now but what's another good strategy this is a meta strategy watch this I don't know how to convince you give Robux if you want now we're officially halfway through the challenge which means subscribe I like to ask at the middle of the video because by now you know if you want to subscribe or not it's your choice I'm not gonna beg you or anything so anyways back to the video here's my new strategy I'm not convincing but want to donate anyways someone will surely fall for this strategy no one has ever done this before wait a second I think I can talk in the laughability server now let me just AFK here and wait hi my name is Mega manly Stanley nice to meet you no what do you mean what do you mean no I make a manly Stanley how can you hate me can someone help me get five Robux ways so I can buy lovability get Robux don't beg to strangers true you knew it was me you'd be nice still only have 10 Robux and we're officially almost 40 minutes in I am not doing so great this convincing method is not working let me hop servers and say that my goal is 15 Robux and just keep doing this and lying about my goal until I finally get it and by it I mean more Robux back to Discord server how do I get Robux if you don't mind me asking sorry for begging kill em with kindness and now they'll feel bad wow there is not an active player in this server 10 out of 15 gold let's go big wanna help me reach my goal I only need five more please I'm begging you no one is responding to me back to Discord t-shirts game passes Etc I don't really know I made a Game Pass wanna buy it I will convince these people to buy my game passes this guy's just telling me to stop you'd buy my game pass if I was laughability I don't know what my strategy is man I've made 10 Robux and honestly that's more than I thought I would make I thought I'd make zero Robux can someone help me reach my goal I only need five more I'm bored back to Discord I wouldn't burps really loud great this is awesome I only want five Robux just 15 more minutes of this we need a new strategy clearly I got one I have more people ignoring me that's what I needed maybe if I was a woman people would donate to me wow 40 minutes of please donate really changes a man I cannot believe I just said that oh wow look at this guy it's fine 1 300 raised how do you get that much I freeze like zero High Jack Hall 152 he's really checking out my stand maybe he'll donate Jack Hall please Jackal no no I'm just gonna post a sad face I don't get money it's not something I do this guy says shut the hell your mouth but I make a manly Stanley why would would you do this to me if I said I was laughability would you believe me no no no no great cool so that none of them believe me sick Avatar I love this button with glasses and a duck I'm not even lying to become this guy's friend I just think his Avatar is awesome I again would you donate to me in Flappy ability told you to this sucks man I cannot get a single Buck not a single Robuck but wait we have other money making methods running don't we let's see how my other schemes are going doors hangout still has one visit cool wait but I can advertise it in the server anyone want to play my game I made it myself my reputation in this server is negative no shut up now please why are you being so mean stop being so mean to me I am going to punish these people once I come out of incognito this is like that Undercover Boss show wait all right wait wait wait hold on what if I lie this is not ethical actually but wanna be my second donation so people think I've only been donated once and they want to be my second donation ever anyone want to be my second donation ever please I need money this is so tragic man the whole world wants to bring me down right now and I only have 10 minutes left in the challenge banana addict has such a nicer stand and it's right next to mine man I'm gonna send doors hang out in my server and I'm officially gonna get banned these guys are making fun of me for being a mega manly Stanley that's a good name stop saying it out loud it's making me self-conscious man you know what I have four minutes left in this challenge I'm just gonna have fun for the rest of it screw my doors hangout game that I created let's see how much Robux I earned I earned six from very nice people six whole Robux and you know what Mega manly Stanley has been so obsessed with work this whole time he hasn't given himself a break so for these last three minutes I'm just gonna have fun having so much fun Mega manly Stanley he's made 10 whole Rubble six whole Robux he deserves to enjoy his time you know what Mega manly Stanley deserves to get a Glock 18 and shoot up Brookhaven you earned it I've lost all hope in this at this point but hey at least Mega manly Stanley had some fun before his inevitable demise all right boys 30 seconds left four three two one goodbye I'm talking about a mic up Mike Upton up in general hey what do you want man I'm just trying to make money here man [Applause] [Music] thank you
Channel: Laughability
Views: 1,035,854
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: roblox laughability, roblox, laughability, laugh ability, laugh ability roblox, laughability youtube, roblox youtube, how to make robux on roblox, how to make robux fast, how to make robux fast 2022, make robux on roblox, laughability robux, money making methods roblox, how to make money on roblox, how to make robux, robux, roblox robux, roblox robux challenge, how much robux can you make in 1 hour, 1 hour robux, how much robux in 1 hour, robux quick, how to make robux quick
Id: pLWJ45P4_d4
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 12min 14sec (734 seconds)
Published: Wed Oct 19 2022
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