How Much POWER Did Gohan LOSE Between The Cell Saga and Buu Saga?

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how much power did Gohan lose during the seven years between the cell saga in the Buu saga in this video we are going to discuss that hey guys if you're new to the channel then make sure to subscribe and enable all notifications so you can see all of my videos and community posts right away when they come out so join me in this video is someone you've seen on my content in the past and up-and-coming youtuber whose channel is called MJ TV and I like how you call me up and come me when I've been on here since 2015 I appreciate that of course so let's get into this video here today we're we're going to be talking about a question that fans have had on their minds ever since the Buu saga of Dragon Ball Z began which is how much power did Gohan lose between the cell saga in the Buu saga because as we know during his fight against perfect cell Gohan unleashed his hidden power and achieved the next level of Super Saiyan known as Super Saiyan 2 the perfect next evolution of the Super Saiyan form until Toriyama recommends and during his fight he was so incredibly powerful compared to perfect cell he was basically just one shotting this guy he was hitting him with casual looking attacks and making him puke out blood and even eventually Android 18 herself which caused him to regress through his form so it's pretty obvious here MJ that Gohan's power was incredible but I think that there is actually a good argument to be made that Gohan wasn't even using his full 100% power against perfect cell or even super perfect so during their fight I think people have to understand Gohan and the cell arc was an absolute beast he was a monster and one thing that people also have to realize is even just regular full power Super Saiyan Gohan was already a beast in his own right people have to remember this is stated in the anime this is stated in the manga Gohan was stronger than Goku and his full power for Gohan was stronger than Goku pre-super sent to this is stated to us because Gohan questions hey you we're going all-out against cell weren't you not and then Goku says I don't know about cell but I was doing my absolute best so do you it looked like I wasn't really trying huh and then Gohan response yeah Gohan was already at a level beyond dope before he even went up against self and this is also backed up by perfect cell again in the manga where after Gohan powers up he shocks everybody on the cliff and perfect self straight-up says perhaps what son Goku said wasn't just a bluff after all and then he says it still a joke that he can fight me but I better kill him now before he can land a blow so even perfect so was contemplating the idea that he may need to finish this fight faster than expected and that Goku may have been right about Gohan being stronger than Goku and again that's just super saying Gohan Master that's just full power so I do agree with you in the sense that Gohan was far more powerful than any version of cell in his super sanity to form because he was already a beast and just his super saiyan form alone yeah and another great example is after Gohan becomes a Super Saiyan to insell reveals oh well I've been holding back the entire time and he powers up to such a degree that Goku the person who just bought him as a Super Saiyan is shocked by just how much power he was holding back but even then Gohan just completely laughs it off and says is that all is that all you have and he still proceeds to just completely Rexel so self is completely outmatched here by Gohan who really doesn't seem like he's trying and probably not going all-out and then you have the scene where cell returns after his self destruction as super perfect cell and despite sensing his power Gohan says oh well now I can finish this fight and kill you myself so Gohan is still confident he can win now of course there is the scene where Gohan injures his arm trying to save Vegeta from a blast and says that cell was more powerful than he thought however this seems to be more of an example of Gohan under estimating cell rather than overestimating his own abilities so I don't think there's any point where cell was stronger than 100% Super Saiyan 2 Gohan which is also backed up by what happened during the Comi ha Mahon clash now Gohan said that he lost over half of his power when his arm was injured however this wasn't really the case rather all of this came down to Gohan's mental state he believed that he had lost and failed everyone which impacted its power because the mental state has a significant influence on the output of someone's key so if you're balanced and centered you're more powerful than if you're conflicted it's very similar to Jared and Dragon Ball super where Frieza kept hitting him and hitting him over and over in such a sore spot you know when it came to his mental state and that he just finished his fight with Goku that after a certain point he just lost the will to fight and he needed his pride super comrade topo and everybody to kind of back him up because he just lost the will to fight and even Frieza got the upper hand on him so the mental part does play into this Gohan was mentally defeated but he wasn't overpowered by self ultimately Gohan when he unleashed his full power was able to vaporize so if so really was more powerful than Gohan at this point you figure that he would have at least been able to either get out the way ramp up his power to fold to deflect it or somehow be able to tank the attack we should address the statement from piccolo or piccolo it's kind of the guy who keeps telling us oh man can go Han do this oh man cells too powerful oh I wish I had enough power to help Gohan at the end of the day people have to remember it was Goku who trained with Gohan it was Goku who saw his full power it was Goku in the anime who witnessed just how much of a beast Gohan wasn't realized that this is the key to defeating cell piccolo never saw any of this even though I know people like to make the meme that piccolo is the better dad and this and that no matter how much he cared for Gohan he couldn't see what Gohan really was and that's the difference is that Goku did that's why go through statements hold up more because at the end of the day Goku was the one that was right when he said you haven't used all your power getting guess what when Gohan did look what happened so this leads into the seven-year time-skip which takes place directly after the cell saga of course this was supposed to be a period of peace but at the same time so with Dragon Ball super is tenure time-skip what we saw what happened there but for what we've been led to believe Gohan didn't really train during this period of time he basically just figured that there was no real threats left because Goku gave his existence on earth as a preventative measure to make sure that no villains would ever show up again of course they did end up showing up at nowhere with poverty and devorah who wanted to resurrect majin buu at this point Gohan had gotten kind of rusty not only in terms of his power but also in terms of his fighting ability what's interesting is even though there was a shift in the series and Goku was dead you had Gohan and we followed him in his daily life and we followed what he did very much taking on the role of what we would assume as the main character the MC for Dragon Ball and even though that's the case there was constant statements and belittling of Gohan by Vegeta even prior to the tournament there was multiple times where go on visited capsule Corp and you would have Vegeta like remark you look out of shape never get soft in time of peace and Vegeta would tell him you were once more powerful than I but how about now I've kept up my training and you've just been sitting here in times of peace so Vegeta seems to be very confident in his ability to actually defeat Buu saga Gohan and this is a completely different tune than what Fujita was singing during the cell art you know so it's very interesting to think to how much power he actually did lose but I will say this for sure from everything that we've seen up until the fight with fabu and all the statements given you still have to put Gohan as the number 3 guy Goku Vegeta think Gohan that's just how it goes and we'll get more into that a little bit later but he still seems to be the strongest person on earth if he don't count Vegeta but the first time we really get a glimpse of what Gohan's power is at this point is when he goes face-to-face with Kebede oh and becomes a Super Saiyan 2 and everyone shocked except for Vegeta and Goku with Vegeta mentioning that Gohan was a lot stronger during the fight against cell so this is our first real idea that Gohan has lost power however because of what happens afterwards specifically when we get to Bobby ship and Gohan encounters Tabora it seems that much of this power law is overstated by fans and I don't think that gohan got multiple times weaker so was interesting about the board and bobbidi and this goes along with what I was telling you guys earlier and that is the fact that no matter how much power you think Gohan lost he is still number three the order is Goku Vegeta and go hot and a good example of this is the Bohr and Bobby's statement regarding everybody that is hiding behind the cliff now they cannot use the chi oceans power for majin buu but everybody else that's there they're all sensing them and they pretty much say that everybody else is small-fry only worry about those three now again that isn't a concrete statement because that is just base Gohan Goku and Vegeta but nonetheless you have bobbidi this almighty sorcerer who's telling the Bora I only want those three everyone else get rid of them and leave the Chi for me so even the main villains themselves are telling you that there's only three top guys if you want to use arrestee statement and that is go Han Goku and Vegeta and go jambe and number three piccolo being a character who trains constantly every single day he actually hates being in times of peace if he'd go by his conversation would go Han in the Android saga and he constantly tries to improve himself he's very much liked in Shanghai Goku and Vegeta and even a piccolo who was incredibly powerful in the cell are able to hold his own against the cell juniors that guy training for all seven years Gohan is still stronger than him so that goes with what you're saying to Mike yeah he may have been weaker in the Buu saga but he didn't lose that much power because guess what he's still able to hold his own against the Bora even though the board did have the upper hand he was still able to hold his own against a cell level character but I'll let you get into what version of cell you think de Bourgh really was at this is something that's been heavily debated by fans ever since the Buu saga in terms of exactly which form of cell Devorah compares to and the reason we bring up this comparison is because Goku did so himself first Vegeta says that de Bora isn't as terrible as you think we saw him outside and we could have easily handled him as long as we dodged his saliva supreme kai asks if this was true and what Goku says is yeah at the level we are now anyway he would have been bad news before though there was a guy named cell 7 years ago I guess they're about the same so I think that we were given two really important bits of information there number one of the three Saiyans are still capable of defeating cell in this current state in number two Goku believed that de Bora was on par with cell the thing is of course who is Goku referring to when he says so now a lot of people have tried to say that it could be suppressed perfect self because again Goku only fought suppressed perfect so but Goku is right there won so went full power against his son and on top of that after Goku died he was in direct communication with Gohan and he apparently had the ability to sense what was going on because not only could he sense that cell was putting out an incredible amount of power and could see the Kamehameha clash going on but he also could sense that Gohan wasn't using his full power so if Goku couldn't sense Gohan during that clash then there was no way that he couldn't have known Gohan wasn't going full power so I tend to think that when Goku is saying so here he's referring to the cell who was the last cell that we encountered in that readers actually read in the manga that does make sense because Vegeta doesn't necessarily disagree with Goku statements either and Vegeta was right there in the trenches with Gohan right there in front of so as he powered up so both go on a Vegeta have a clear idea of how strong superperfect cell was yeah and so during Gohan's fight against Tabora we actually see goku reevaluate devorah's power when he watches the fighting says so he uses magic huh he's tougher than I thought and when goku says then I thought what he's actually saying is so so I think that Toriyama was using Tabora as kind of a stand-in for cell in order to kind of hype up just how powerful the Saiyans were around him and also majin buu and even despite all this we see that Gohan is kind of stalemate and devorah I think something that needs to be said is yeah go hunt lost power but it wasn't like many times of power as you said earlier because he's still able to hold his own against super perfect cell level threats if not even greater and I think the issue that people are coming up against when it comes to reading the boo art is it's not about how much power Gohan lost is about how much power of aji de Inca who gained I think at this point Goku and Vegeta were reintroduced as the new top guys and Gohan sadly was it it was at the moment when he went super sanzu and Vegeta's guesses and his estimates were right because not only was he pretty much clowning on base Gohan throughout most of the early boo arc but once he saw him go super saiyan to Vegeta was like yeah he's still nothing to me so I think Vegeta and Goku at this point just grew so much that they were just kind of whatever when it came to super perfect cell level threats but go on himself while he was weaker I don't believe he lost that much power yeah another great example is the fight between maje and Vegeta and Goku when they both become a Super Saiyan to Goku transforms into a Super Saiyan 2 in what Vegeta says is pretty good you're stronger than Gohan and then Vegeta transforms into a Super Saiyan 2 is pretty much equal with Goku so this right here shows you that Goku and Vegeta weren't many times more powerful than Gohan because of the fact that if they were they would have already been more powerful than Gohan as Super Saiyans right they would have just been more powerful the second they go into their Super Saiyan 2 which is only a two times increase from the Super Saiyan form furthermore we have another statement from Vegeta that we're stronger than Gohan is now of course we never know what may happen when he gets mad which means that clearly he must not be that much behind them so all of this indicates to me that while Gohan isn't as strong as them he's still in the same general tier of power and of course as we know Gohan's hidden potential has always been a big factor which we see demonstrated later on the arc when he once again gets unlocked in surpasses both Goku and Vegeta yeah I agree with that so overall I think we've made a good argument that even though Gohan did lose some power and lost a good amount of his fighting sense because he wasn't really training and go against other opponents for years I still don't think the amount was really anywhere near as big as fans like to me get out to be I can't see it being multiple times weaker considering everything that we've seen before this and I think a lot of it really does come down to the fact that he was not just weaker but also rusty as a fighter yeah I agree with you it wasn't many times weaker and I think people do tend to exaggerate just how much power he lost because at the end of the day depending on his headed potential and if he were to rage out Goku but you are still confident that he could be like in their sync tier and plus he was still able to put up a good fight against a super perfect cell level threat and one thing you and I talked about off air which could probably be his own video is the fact that it may be kind of hard to fathom just how strong cell saga Gohan was and how much power he truly lost because you can kind of make the argument that while he did let out all of his power against super perfect so in that final kamehameha that was after he had been fighting for like a period of time and stuff for that arm injury so who knows just how strong a healthy 100% Sal's dogged Gohan would have been so how much power do you guys think that Gohan lost between the cell saga in the boos saga let us know in the comments down below make sure to check out in the end 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Channel: Laughingstock Media
Views: 388,285
Rating: 4.8317151 out of 5
Keywords: HOW MUCH POWER DID gohan lose, gohan, how strong is gohan, how strong is gohan in dragon ball z, gohan buu saga, gohan cell saga, super saiyan 2 gohan, super saiyan 2 gohan vs cell, teen gohan, ssj2 gohan, ssj2 gohan vs cell, gohan vs dabura, buu saga gohan, gohan full power, gohan power levels, gohan goes ssj2, dragon ball z, dragon ball super, buu saga, cell saga, dbz, dragon ball z buu saga, dragon ball z cell saga, laughingstock media, laughing stock media, anime, manga
Id: ljMtO_R0UvQ
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 16min 56sec (1016 seconds)
Published: Wed Feb 05 2020
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