How Much Money I Made on YouTube in 2022

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so you want to know how much I make on YouTube in a year and I don't blame you I love these kind of videos to see like what other creators are making on the platform in different niches and who create different types of content because I'll be nosy okay and I want to know I want to know if my numbers is numbering the way they supposed to so whether or not you've ever made any money on YouTube or you are currently a YouTube partner and you are making money you just want to know like what what is it like what is it like what are some numbers uh I'm gonna show you everything that I made in 2022 and I'm gonna break down some of the different analytics that are in here as well I'm gonna share my screen with you in a bit but um overall YouTube paid me a pretty good amount in 2022 and I am just so thankful because without you guys there's no way I would be able to make this amount of money on the platform so if this ain't your time to start a YouTube channel uh I don't know what it is because you can really make a lot of money and that's not the only reason why I started this channel I did not start the Channel with thinking that I would even make this amount of money on YouTube um and what I break down to you is purely YouTube money this is not my business this doesn't include all of my brand Partnerships this is just from people watching my YouTube videos so we're gonna go through my um my Revenue but we're going to look at like what were my top earning videos um just all the different stats I got inspired to make this video by Shelby Church she's an amazing YouTuber and she created one of these videos and I was like well shoot let me see what Shelby is over there making um so I'm gonna show you guys what I'm making right now okay we are in my channel and let's just get the elephant out the room first so um I have already filtered it for 2022 and you can see that I made estimated Revenue 105 474.26 in 2022 so I did hit six figures on YouTube which I am so thankful for so without you guys's support I would not be able to you know bring in this amount of money so thank you guys so much for your support so let's break down what makes up this 105 474.26 so first thing I I noticed as I was looking at my channel is that my views were down my watch time hours were down my subscribers were down even though I know it doesn't have that Arrow but my Revenue was up which is crazy right um last year in general I was not prioritizing YouTube I wasn't uploading very regularly like consistently regularly I would have my spurts but I had two launches last year I launched my Creator to CEO course and my Creator college so it was just craziness and I ended up putting YouTube on the back burner which I ain't doing this year okay um but that said um I want to share with you what made up that 105 000 and why I was able to make more money even though my channel wasn't performing as well as it was or as well as I would have expected or hoped because I didn't put in the effort Okay so um for Revenue I clearly we can see that um but my RPM and CPM I want to break down the difference between these so CPM is how much advertisers pay every thousand times ads are shown on your video um so this is how much advertisers pay to show ads on my video per thousand views and this is an average from the entire year your CPM is going to fluctuate it's going to go up and down it's going to change from video to video this is not a set number this is the average CPM from January 1st to December 31st of 2022. now this is the RPM RPM is how much I actually earn for every thousand views so YouTube takes a chunk out of that because you know they got to make their money too so they take about 45 of the amount that advertisers pay and you get the remaining 55 so this is my remaining now these numbers aren't that different you you might be like Aaron that's not a 45 difference and that's because it's averaged like it's a roller coaster so it's not showing a 45 difference exactly but the CPM is almost always going to be higher than the RPM and these are both averages from the entire year so let's go and look at how much I'm earning how much I earned each month so let's click see more and we're gonna go 2022 and we can see how much I made each month okay now some of these numbers are going to be a little bit different than these numbers because this is the revenue and this is the watch paid ads now I will get into why some of these revenues like in May 29 000 but the watch paid ad is four thousand so this means I actually made 4 000 off of ads watch paid ads this however was the total amount of Revenue so I'm going to get into why there was such a big difference but overall let's look at the watch paid ads so um it's it's in order based off of estimated Revenue not chronological month order so it's jumping around see May to January August April but this is an order based off of how much I made from each month so you can see there's a big difference in May I I made a total of 29 120 however watch paid ads was only four thousand dollars is or four thousand seventy six dollars and forty five cents so why is there such a big difference we're gonna get into that you can also see that I made 43.95 from YouTube premium so that's also playing into the estimated total amount of Revenue that I made for each month so that's why you're going to see some differences between um some of these amounts like 66 43 versus 65.80 well we can see that I made sixty three dollars from YouTube premium okay I don't have fan funding open so I always have zero dollars there but why is there this huge jump okay so you can see on average from watch paid ads that's where I make a bulk of the money um is this section these watch paid ads that is how much I make every time somebody watches a paid ad um which is the number you would typically pay the most attention to so last year on average from watch paid at page ads I made sixty thousand eight hundred and fifty Seven dollars and eighty five cents so where is that additional like 45 40 something thousand dollars coming from well let me show you I make money not just on watch page ads but also brand connect is basically a marketing liaison for brand deals for YouTube partners which would be me I would be considered a YouTube partner since I'm a part of their paid advertising program and uh these advertisers or Brands who want to do paid brand deals with you so inside of YouTube there is an area where Brands can basically pitch you it might be uh I don't know QuickBooks might send out a email through brand connect and may ping me inside of my YouTube studio um requesting to work with me on a brand deal it'll say how much it is it'll give you all the details inside of your YouTube studio in the brand connect area so um a lot of these like a lot of my months like this month that spiked I had a twenty five thousand dollar brand deal which is why I made four thousand dollars from Paid advertising and then the total said twenty nine thousand because I had a twenty five thousand dollar brand deal that month so um you can also have a high earning potential on YouTube not just with watch page ads but with brand connect and then also with YouTube premium uh so that is why there is a difference in some of those numbers and why there are some spikes in my Revenue let's get into the top earning content because I always think this is interesting to see like what videos actually made the most money so for 2022 we can see that one of my top performing videos was in February watch this before you launch 10 steps to start a business in 2022. now this video it kept popping up as a top earner and I'm like this video doesn't even have that many he views it well it has a lot of views but not so much so to be earning so much money I think this video has around 150 000 150 000 views it's made ten thousand dollars which is around a hundred dollars a little under a hundred dollars that I'm making for each thousand views which is crazy um so we can see here that on average the CPM was a hundred and eleven dollars which is why this video is bringing in so much money even though it's not like a million view video so the higher that CPM is the more money you're gonna earn in your RPM which means you don't have to have as many views to make as much money so I've seen people who have over a million view videos and still haven't hit that 10K mark for a video and keep in mind too that this is over the course of an entire year this this was published in February February 9th so almost a whole year that this video has been in life and it's still making a lot of money this is still one of my top earning videos now like every month like this video is earning at least a thousand dollars pretty much another high earner was this video from 2020 like that's what's so wild about YouTube is that you can have videos posted years ago that are still gonna make you money today if you're posting things that are relatively Evergreen now this is the difference between posting Vlogs and posting content that people are going to be searching for continuously because this video is still relevant this was when I was still living in my parents house I was still you know like in their home at in that office um and it's still making it made me five thousand dollars this year like that is wild same with this one from 2019 full monetization process I actually recreated this video but again made a lot of money this year like three years later uh made almost four thousand dollars so um you really can make a lot of money off of videos that you posted a long time ago this is why I tell you do not stress if a video doesn't take off right away this watch before you launch was a very slow burn of a video like when I first posted it uh it was not performing well per se like it wasn't getting a whole lot of traffic really quickly but over time it has gained a lot of traffic but also has picked up a lot of like money so um traffic is not always like the end-all be-all another one that I posted in 2019 three thousand dollars uh this one was posted in 2022 2600 so a lot of my top earning videos like you will notice that a lot of those top videos that our top earners are like your core YouTube videos that most people find you from that most people subscribe to you from it could have been years ago and they're still going to continue to make you a lot of money so don't delete videos like make sure that you're constantly creating quality content because you just never know what that video that piece of content is going to do for you long term so that's a little peek at some of the breakdown uh showing you that every video that I'm making a lot of money on this year was not created this year a lot of them were created years ago honestly so that is how much I made on YouTube in 2022 it was a pretty good year I'm expecting to make way more than that in 2023 because I have been on it with my uploads I can already see such a big difference in my channel and this just also goes to show that even if you have a YouTube channel and you're not as consistent but you have put in the work at some point now I'm not saying don't be consistent as soon as you start but if you've put in years of work on YouTube and you have an off year it's okay because a lot of your content is just still going to be working for you over time you can see that most of the content that has earned me a good amount of money was not created in this year in the year of 2022 so keep that in mind as you are creating content YouTube is one of those platforms that just constantly allows you to make such passive income I haven't promoted these videos I haven't done anything really with them they're just generating traffic so if you have a Content that is Evergreen that is going to be able to be searched like those are the types of videos that are really gonna create the foundation of your YouTube income now I also Vlog a line you can notice that a lot of the content that I'm earning a lot of money off of is not Vlogs and this is not to say that Vlogs are not useful and that you can't make money on a vlog Channel you absolutely can I have made lots of money on my Vlogs however they are not videos that just stand the test of time they're cool engaging connection building videos that are able to connect me to my audience like build a stronger bond between us and within that month or the net like within like two months that Vlog has pretty much like last it has done what it's going to do it is not a piece of content that is just going to last forever so I want you to keep that in mind that is why I am so adamant about mixing in Vlogs mixing in searchable content um because I think that they work really well together in terms of being able to build that connection with your audience but also having that content that is going to keep your Channel alive and floating and making money passively over time so I hope this video gave you some insights I absolutely love YouTube it is like the heartbeat of my business it pumps business into every aspect of my streams of income and my business so I will probably always be on YouTube because it is just such a powerful tool so I love you guys and I will see you on the next one bye for now
Channel: Erin On Demand
Views: 35,572
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: how to make money on youtube, how much do youtubers make, how much youtube paid me, youtube payment, youtube paycheck, adsense paycheck, how much youtubers make, how much do you make with 1000 subscribers on youtube, how much do you make with 100k subscribers, how much do you make with 100k views on youtube, how to grow on youtube, youtube adsense, what is rpm, what is cpm, erin on demand
Id: 0Nba8_HoSK0
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 15min 45sec (945 seconds)
Published: Tue Jan 24 2023
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