How Much It Actually Costs To Raise Kids In The U.S.

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πŸ‘οΈŽ︎ 1 πŸ‘€οΈŽ︎ u/AutoModerator πŸ“…οΈŽ︎ Jun 08 2022 πŸ—«︎ replies

Single, childless dude here that got a vasectomy. 10/10 Would recommend.

πŸ‘οΈŽ︎ 12 πŸ‘€οΈŽ︎ u/PMCcirclejerk πŸ“…οΈŽ︎ Jun 08 2022 πŸ—«︎ replies

Capitalism is a failed system.

πŸ‘οΈŽ︎ 10 πŸ‘€οΈŽ︎ u/3eyedflamingo πŸ“…οΈŽ︎ Jun 08 2022 πŸ—«︎ replies

Step 1. Dont have kids. Step 2. Profit

πŸ‘οΈŽ︎ 7 πŸ‘€οΈŽ︎ u/robotdkm πŸ“…οΈŽ︎ Jun 09 2022 πŸ—«︎ replies

Maybe once the upper class starts running out of cheap labor to exploit they'll do something about it being too expensive to have kids.

J/k, they'll just bring back serfdom or something.

πŸ‘οΈŽ︎ 3 πŸ‘€οΈŽ︎ u/dainthomas πŸ“…οΈŽ︎ Jun 08 2022 πŸ—«︎ replies

And yet, child care centers pay their workers like crap. Often minimum or close to it.

πŸ‘οΈŽ︎ 2 πŸ‘€οΈŽ︎ u/TiredinUtah πŸ“…οΈŽ︎ Jun 08 2022 πŸ—«︎ replies
It's very expensive to raise a child in the US. I knew it was going to be expensive, but I didn't know it was going to be that expensive. The free market works well in many different sectors, but child care is not one of them. Sending an infant to daycare in many places across the country is actually more expensive than in-state public tuition to send them to college. When we looked it up, it turned out our daughter's daycare was more than Stanford's tuition. We didn't really start to dig into it until we had a baby and I was on maternity leave. And then the numbers really started to hit home and it was like, how are we going to do this? Many Americans are struggling to make ends meet. More than 12.5 million children in the U.S. live in poverty. Even middle-class families are increasingly struggling to pay for everyday expenses. We stopped saving any money altogether. We were living paycheck to paycheck every month to pay rent in the Bay Area and pay for child care. In this country, we don't have comprehensive policies and so that means we are working with piecemeal programs to try to help people make ends meet. I think the United States has just been very reluctant, very conservative, when it comes to these kind of family policies. Improving the social safety net, lowering the overall cost of raising children in this country is both the right thing to do for American families and the smart thing to do for our entire American economy. The fundamental issue is not that we don't know what to do. We know the children need stability. The way to get to stability is making sure families have sufficient resources and sufficient time. If we know what to do, how do we pay for it? Here's why it's so expensive to raise kids in the U.S. and which policies could help Americans. My name is Jeniece. I am a mother of two children, a four-year-old and a two-year-old. And we live right outside San Francisco. I'm Darren Geeter. I'm a producer for CNBC and recently just had my first kid, my daughter Alma. Basically, I've been on paternity leave for the last eight weeks, so I'm halfway through. Everything is very expensive in New Jersey. People always warn you there's going to be a ton of stuff that you need to buy for the baby, whether it comes with diapers or wipes. And we didn't necessarily understand how much we have to buy. If we had had two kids in full time daycare, it would have been a lot more than rent. So that's why it just absolutely wasn't an option. And when we looked at the numbers for full-time nannies in the San Francisco area, they all charge about 80 grand a year. We don't have concrete plans of what we're going to do with child care because we know that child care can range anywhere from $1,000 a month or some where it could be like paying a double rent. The average family with at least one child under the age of five typically spends around 13% of the family's income on child care, according to a September 2021 Treasury Department report. That's about one out of every $8. That's more than what the average household spends on groceries and nearly double what the government considers affordable for low-income families. Even before the COVID-19 pandemic, the median black family with two kids was spending roughly 56% of their annual income on child care, a bigger share than any other racial group. And of course, we know during COVID, for all families, child care centers, school closures were forcing parents to pay for child care in ways that they never had had to before. For over 20 years, the Economic Policy Institute has produced something called the Family Budget Calculator. And in that, we look at basic expenses across the country: housing, child care if you have kids, healthcare, transportation, food, other incidentals, like household items, and your taxes. One of the things we noticed when we were doing this about four or five years ago is that child care became more expensive than rent in many places across the country. The most recent report released by the Department of Agriculture in 2015 estimated that for a middle-income household with two parents and two children, it would cost more than $233,600 to raise a child from birth through age 17. And that's in 2015 dollars. With inflation, that number translates to almost $286,000 in 2022. The report calculated it would cost the hypothetical family of four anywhere from $9,330 to $23,380 per child in one year. This range depends on the age of the child and income of the parents. Adjusting for inflation, that range in 2022 would be between about $11,400 and $28,600. But adjusting for inflation may not be enough. Child care costs have actually outpaced inflation. Child care prices surpassed annual inflation by nearly 4 percentage points in 2020, and that was before the worst of the pandemic inflation woes. And that data is based on middle-class, two-parent households. Just think about what that cost looks like when we're talking about single parents, or if we're talking about families of color on the struggling end of the racial wealth gap in this country. I'd say we're middle class for the area we're living in. I actually am not sure how some people get by living in the Bay Area that make less than my husband and I do. We cannot wait until next year because one of our children is going to public school next year and we might finally be able to start saving some money again. Families that are right on the poverty line on average, if they're white in this country, have $18,000 of net worth. Families at the poverty line, if they're black in this country, on average have at or below $0 in net worth. Just think about what that $18,000 difference means to parents when their second-grader falls off the monkey bars and they're facing unanticipated medical costs. Policymakers acted very swiftly in the pandemic and enacted policies that had tangible positive results for workers and their families. We do a lot of family supports through the tax code, and the most prominent example here is something called the Child Tax Credit. The Child Tax Credit allows parents to deduct a certain amount of money from their taxes at the end of each year. That amount depends on several factors: household income, how many children someone has, and the age of the children. The Child Tax Credit, enacted in 1997 with broad bipartisan support, was enacted in response to slow wage growth, higher cost of living, and a growing tax burden for average households. It was enacted to help reduce the tax burden on families with children. To help reduce the cost of raising kids. Congress temporarily expanded the policy during the pandemic. Bill, as amended, is passed. The tax credit was raised to $3,000 a year for children between six and 17 years old and jumped to $3,600 a year for children five and under. And for at least half of the year it was paid out monthly. So both a kind of substantial boost in value and this monthly payment. So you're not waiting till the end of when you file taxes the next year to get it. And that provided a solid safety net to try to help families really make ends meet during those tough times. And it helped reduce hunger in families, very tangible results of those kinds of programs. In 2021 alone, the expanded Child Tax Credit was estimated to lift 4.1 million children above the poverty line and to reduce the number of children in poverty by more than 40%. People who have children, you know, that's work that families are doing and it's work that they're doing on behalf of all of us. So this is a way to try to support families doing that work that allows them to choose for themselves how best to spend the money to invest in their children. The pandemic's expanded legislation expired in 2021. As of 2022, the tax credit is back to its pre-pandemic levels, which maxes out at $2,000 per child with the parents of younger children receiving a larger subsidy. It's kind of a way to subsidize or support parents, but it typically has not included very low income parents. We've excluded parents who don't have earnings, parents with disabilities or, for other reasons that aren't in the labor force. From the time it was enacted until last year's temporary expansion, the Child Tax Credit was actually not made available in full to 50% of black children and families because their family's income were too low. It's important to me, I think, that we have a Child Tax Credit that is not connected to a work requirement. To me, the Child Tax Credit is paying for the work of being a parent, which is work that benefits us all. To attach additional work requirements to that, sort of undermines this intent of helping families in a way that makes sense for them. There are two other policies that economists and other experts advocate for when it comes to helping families: subsidized child care and paid family leave. These policies go hand in hand because paid family leave means parents can stay home and take care of their children themselves. The U.S. is the only OECD country that does not have a federal paid leave program. Less than a quarter of U.S. workers have access to paid family leave by their employer. There is a law on the books at the federal level that requires employers to allow parents to take unpaid leave up to 12 weeks as long as the private employer has 50 or more employees. When it's unpaid, it's not really an option. It's not really a choice that many families can take across this country. And it's not just low-income families. There are many middle-income families that are living paycheck to paycheck that simply can't afford to take leave how it is now. What we see is that black families, Latino families, Native American families, workers are less likely to be able to afford unpaid leave from work than white workers, again reflecting and enhancing racial economic disparities across the board. There are some states and localities that have passed paid family and medical leave, and that provides for paid parental leave as one component of that, to make sure that workers actually have the option to take that leave. Each state with paid family and medical leave sets its laws up differently. But typically, the law requires employers to provide workers with up to 12 weeks of fully or partially paid leave per year. The programs are often funded by payroll taxes from workers, with some states also requiring employers to contribute. Paternity leave, for me, was 16 weeks and that's full 100% salary. I wouldn't be able to do what we're doing without any kind of leave. One of the issues with childcare in the U.S. is it's a patchwork system. We have programs that fully subsidize for eligible children at child care programs like Head Start and some state preschool. We have tax credits that subsidize a portion of child care costs for higher income families. And when we also have block grants to states to help them expand access. And the problem with all of these systems is that with this multitude of approaches, we're not getting close to universality or affordability, we're not helping the workers in these sectors, and we're not doing enough on quality. There's a lot of value in having states move forward and do these kind of programs, but ultimately to have it be something that's available to everybody everywhere, you need the federal government to be willing to make these kind of investments in care infrastructures. There are so many moments that I would have missed if it was back in the day where fathers would get like two weeks. And those are some things that I will cherish for the rest of my life. Now we get a break. President Biden tried to address all of these policies at the federal level with his Build Back Better infrastructure bill that he proposed even before he entered the White House. The president doesn't talk a lot about the Build Back Better bill, but that was his proposal that included things like an expanded Child Tax Credit, like a near universal child care program that would have capped the amount of income people had to pay toward child care. It included a paid leave type program, really included these big building blocks of a better family support program that ran into opposition from one key Democrat, Senator Joe Manchin, in West Virginia. One of the things that I think is important is that we think about rebalancing our investments toward children because it pays for itself. If we were to rebalance federal investments away from senior citizens and toward children, not only would raising a child be more affordable in the U.S., but the children would have sufficient resources, their parents would be better able to think about how they want to spend their time, whether it's that extra hour at work or an extra hour playing with their kids. All of those things become possible if we rebalance federal spending toward kids. We know that investing in our children has a multiplier effect. What it means for those children's families, what it means for those children in adulthood, and what it means for the entire economy just have incredible ripple effects. And so investing in children actually impacts Americans of all ages in addition to our entire economy.
Channel: CNBC
Views: 413,703
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: CNBC, business news, finance stock, stock market, news channel, news station, breaking news, us news, world news, cable, cable news, finance news, money, money tips, financial news, Stock market news, stocks, child care tips, nanny cam, childcare training, child day care center, daycare, business, news, why is childcare so expensive, expensive, raising children, budgeting, childcare, babysitting, should I have kids, birth rate, Build Back Better, childcare infrastructure
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 13min 5sec (785 seconds)
Published: Wed Jun 08 2022
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