How much is TOO much Pink? Building using only Pink Bricks

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hello welcome to leb toys today we are going to investigate that age-old question how much pink is too much pink and we go investigate it with this much pink all these pink ryx we are going to today just build with pink bricks so this is going to be ice shatteringly ouchie there are actually only three different shades of pink if you let go so hopefully we can break up the monotony of pink pink and pink with different shades of pink oh and little pat things like these ones here that have come off like unikitty unikitty tail and hopefully ah i do we make a pink palm tree please right so we've got some base plates there so that's gonna be a good way to start building a room and because we've got there's only one pink animal this pink bird andres bow so we're going true let's build a tree cuz we've got all these pink foliage so come on let's build a pink tree gonna need a lot of stuff so lots and lots of pink foliage one little pink bird and oh yeah the unikitty eyes they're gonna be no good for a tree but I do sure I can incorporate them into this field somewhere okay so we need let's push everything back we need a bit of room so we can start pinking the world up I actually I'm actually really surprised that there is only one the pink animal in the muck that I only had one pink animal but lucky we had one so we can build a tree for this bird let's put some pieces together in varying shades of pink and try and make something that looks kind of tree like there actually are not I mean pink that there are quite a few pink pieces now but all of them there aren't a lot of different variations of brick shapes in pink though there are we're getting more and more each year which is exciting so I don't have all of the pieces that I'd kind of want to make a tree but I think we can make an effective tree that won't fall over too much stand up to a strong breeze but it'll do for a pink tree for the purposes of today's he's challenged so let's put some pink flowers on here which you can't really tell what a magic wand on there but that would just look silly even more silly than just building in pink and having a pink tree but we'll put some pink flowers that we can't actually see against the pink foliage the big bird can come and live up here in the tree there we go we've built a tree for the bird but not only we're nearly finished yet because we're going to deck out one of the mini dolls all in pink fact we're gonna make our brand-new pinky pink pink pink pink mini doll and Dara there are is a little selection of pink hairstyles so let's say we could go with we go with this massive pink gumball a firm looking hairstyle I know you won't want that even though this is just supposed to be crazy you don't know don't use that one we could use this one which was Lily's hair and that one actually looks really good but no I cannot stick with this one we need to try them all out there is a little short ponytail which is also really cute just looks candy delicious now but it's gonna have that tree wouldn't stand up to it strong breeze but let's not stick with this hair let's go with my new favorite hair because it's got like varying shades of pink so it's not kind of just a solid color it's got a little streak down at little star in it and I think she looks really pretty on your pinky pink pink so let's make her miss pinky pink she needs a name let's make her a broom I don't know how far we will get with this room in fact I didn't go so far as making a house but this is as much base plate as I actually have so let's move all of the rest out of the way he's really distracting and you can see his pink and yeah we're gonna be seeing a lot of pink as this bill goes along this we can actually use as a little bush it's gonna be a little puffy a little puffy bush around the bottom if I can get this in around the bottom of the tree there's that cute all right a room made just out of pink and we don't want to just make it look like a big block of pink so let's start with some furniture we'll go from there so I love this little pink cushioned which has got well it's got cush a cushion sticker on it so let's make us so far out of this or a little chair and I think I mean there are so many ways that you can build a lounge chair so I can definitely I can definitely find pink pieces that will make a convincing lounge chair a little sofa little lounge suite now Suites more than once I think really gonna be making one chair don't think we're gonna have room for much more let's smooth over the top of this that looks like a really comfy little pink lounge let's put some trans loose pink feet on it and that just kind of breaks up the blockiness of all the pink there we go pinky mcfingers now sitting on her pink couch let's make a really want to use these because they're you and when you put them together you can make all sorts of kind of little great textures so maybe I could make if I have four of them I've got two let's see if I've got oh yes I do have four so we can make this could be like a little coffee table isn't that sweet or a little seat a little seat boutique tiny seat so let me see let's put these into our room and we might actually before we do that lets just put let's just put a line of wall up and see how that goes so now if we put this I mean it's all that's not gonna fit there it's gonna be too tall for a coffee table so we might use that later let's make a coffee table like a really low one let's use this round piece and let's smooth over the edges and this way we can make it really flat and what else do we got that I can put in this center oh I can use this plate for the center this is cool I've never built a coffee table like this before so this can go like directly down here on the base plate a nice low coffee table and we can put a whole heap of pink cherries in so this is the cherry plate we could put lots of cherries in here but only pink ones we penguins and let's see her feet kind of go in the cherries but that's okay all right let's make her some side tables oh and my translucent pink pieces which of these I've got quite a few of these because they come in the Disney Princess sets this is going to just add another shade kind of an shake instantly another shade of pink and I can use one of my favorite little accessories this pink smoothie because it's pink so that can be sitting on this side table it's like a little pink bubble tea like a matching side table for the other side and what can we put on this I wonder if I can make a lamp out of the pieces I have I have this one which should be a lampshade what can I use though as the I can use this is really cool I can use this egg timer II kind of thing and that makes them really good make some really good lamp all right the hell out trio is looking pretty good ahh maybe we could put some walls in now so some of these big tall translucent pink pillars going to let the light through and I can use I've got pink window friends and I've actually got pink blast too gonna be wild it's gonna be so much pink oh let me see how can I make this work so I've got another one of these and that could go there and I could put I have a bigger window frame which I could put that looks okay but uh No I've got a brilliant idea I think it's a brilliant idea let's see if it works you remember all is unikitty faces I've got a heap of these like all of uni Kitty's different expressions if we pile these on top of each other because they're so hilarious we can make like kind of a mural or a feature like a feature wall an artwork wall behind her couch this will also break up all of that pinkness cuz there's a lot of pink got on cuz that's the point of today's challenge but if we use these pink bricks with their printing on them it's going to just look a little bit more interesting I think that looks so cool if we put them here oh no they're alone so let me just add some more a little bit more wall here behind the lounge and then we can put the unikitty unikitty feature wall by the watch that's hilarious that is very very modern and pop culture and so let's put a television over here I wonder if I can I've only got two of these pieces with the forward-facing studs not many pink pieces with forward-facing studs so I'm gonna have to use them wisely so the little chest of drawers that I can actually stick hold on I need a single middle stud to go here there we go and no if I want to make a TV though I don't know that I have any like all of my flat pink tiles have got the prints that are on them are all kind of bedspreads and mats you know what I'm gonna cheat just for this because this is like a black TV screen there's lots of pink on it right so that's the pink for this that's I know it's a little bit of a cheat but I there's enough pink on it that it just looks like it's a pink tile right and let's do this mat over here that's really cute so we have to use these baskets because I have a heap of them and we need a pink lipstick to go in there and a pink board pink emic pink pink is just going to be decked out in all her pinky gorgeousness with all of this stuff uh-huh and I wonder let's um let's just sit her down I wonder if I can fit I wonder if I can actually fit some more let's pour it let's put some more wall on here but down on the floor in front I want to see if I can make a little space for some of her books because there are lots and lots of pink books so let's use some of these books here and the cookbook here and I've got a tile with a magazine print on it we got this last room looking good even though it's totally pink over here let's make a little kitchen let's see how we go with that but before we do that let's make a nice big window area let's use this window here that's nice and some more of the translucent pink on the top and another pillar here and maybe maybe maybe you know cake one over here on the edge sorry to build a kitchen I have all of these pink drawers but none of the units that they go in are actually pink I've got them in white blue green purple I'm pretty sure I've got grey ones somewhere - but no pink so we can't use these drawers that useless without a pink unit ha so let's build some shelving them because I know we can build some shelving out of these little little slanty pieces so we're going to put a whole heap of pink that's gonna say weirdness pink things for the kitchen there's some strawberry cherry and here's some pink cordial and there's pink cream down the bottom and this one's some pink cheese and up on the top we've got some had to use one of these little crystal pieces because I don't know where else I would use it otherwise don't know what that is on the top it could be anything these ones on the top they are more pink stuff I ran out of pink descript mean things alright so there's some shelving over here also don't have anything I can really use for an oven because all the ovens are either white or gray so can't use them so let's build something that kind of looks like an oven these translucent pink pieces could be kinda like the oven door if you have a really good imagination but on the top we can make a pink hot plate so the stove top so he can put lots and lots of little pink studs on here and we put a pink tea pot on the top - so how much is too much pink have we reached that yet I think we have I think there's the roof is the more pink pink down here let's make a little box cuz I have lots and lots of pieces that make boxes these little edged pieces and in this box is where she stores another one of her fruits the pink the strawberry cuz the strawberry is on a pink round tile piece perfect now let's use that little stool oh I can use this little stool as the kitchen chair I think she doesn't gonna need one I can use these to hold up the table and just stop having all these translucent pieces because they just break up all of them who thick pinkness with some translucent fingers so we can put a little stool here so she can sit at the middle it's like a little bar stool and maybe we could put a pink flower pot with a pink flower hold here by the window and going to need a pink mug for the tea and she can have her iPod because that is on a pink tile perfect I think it is pinky perfect that's looking good and she can actually this is like a totally functional pink downstairs room of an apartment I don't have enough pink tiles to make a second floor for this like the big flat ones to go up the top otherwise I totally would but let's smooth over the top here let's finish it up actually you know what I want to use these domed pieces to make this just a little bit more interesting cute I could put them over here it's a little bit wacky but I think it works so now it kind of looks like a little cafe kind of thing the pink cafe but too much pink cafe so if I put them on top of these really light pink pieces that looks really that looks good and then we can we can smooth over the top of them and we can smooth over the top of the rest with some nice smooth pink tiles just to make it all coordinated because I like things to be coordinated there's a lot of pink okay so I have managed to build a functional pink room but I'm not finished yet with this tree looks a bit lonely here by itself so why don't we make a little bit of an outside yard a pink outside yard and we can make a pool so we're gonna have pool she's gonna need some swimmers so here's a pink bottom and her pink bikini top and uh we're gonna need your head going to need your head pink himmat pink pink let's put your head on here and maybe we'll try some different hair maybe we'll use this one for her swimming hair ah nice okay so pool let's make a pink pool the alliteration is so strong today a pink pool a pretty pink pool and I do have enough rounded pieces to go all the way yeah I do good and to smooth over the top as well with a different shade of pink all looking very nice so far you like pink and she can sit in here kind of let's make her a little floaty I'm totally just stealing this almost directly out of the new swimming pool a little pink floating well big pink floaty flamingo I only have to change one tile huh well one tile one brick so instead of having a tan-colored beak it's not gonna pink color beak and I'm gonna put this on here that's my second time I've cheated Shh I think I think it's okay because translucent like transparent doesn't count right so she can sit in here with a flamingo face is stuck right into the Flamingo maybe I should um put it back up on that little there we go if we put it up on a little tube there okay let's make her a seat let's make her a seat that she can sit on out here next to the pool cuz I've still got so many building ideas base plates we can have a birdbath here for the little bird and now our trees got somewhere to hang out except oh we could put this down here oh and maybe small flowers because there are so many pink flowers we're just scatter them around one in the birdbath yeah I really want to use this I really want to make a little umbrella or I really want to use the pink palm leaves but there are no there are no stick pink stick things that I can attach them to except for this and this is so tall this is not gonna work I don't think cuz why can't there be more people like pink stick things should I put that up there it's gonna be massively tall I could attach oh no just being ridiculous I could attach these on there and that just looks nuts now even though I was trying I didn't want it to look too nuts but I could do that it's like a big fan thing maybe not for this bill but I'm gonna keep that idea for future that's so pretty that's really pretty I love those pink leaves but they just knock them just not gonna work on this particular big stick thing so ah okay just the really really ridiculously tall Sun umbrella I'm I'm impressed that I have actually managed to build something functional out of just pink bricks and even though I think when it's not ridiculous though it is ridiculous because it's basically just pink let's but think you might think think back in her in her house where and let's have a let's have a proper look so my question to you is how much pink is too much have we actually reached that point today in this build or do you think that we can actually handle some more pink have we not reached pink saturation yet let me know in the comments what do you think that this is too much pink so pretty much that's too much pink oh let me know make sure you subscribe make sure you give this video a thumbs up and go and rinse your eyeballs of all of the pink that you've just watched and go watch another video while you wait for anyone I'll see you then bye
Channel: ellieV toys
Views: 774,658
Rating: 4.7374306 out of 5
Keywords: toy, doll, review, roleplay, play, pretend, create, videos for kids, make, demo, children, toddler, kids, boy, girl, teen, tween, fun, great, best, good, build, friendly, safe, cute, lev, building lego, lego videos for kids, lego for girls, pink art video, lego building challenge, only pink, pink brick, art challenge, craft challenge, lego challenge, pink lego house, unikitty art, pink pool, pink tree, pink mcpinkpink, pink flamingo, all pink bricks, custom lego, lego building, custom build
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 18min 52sec (1132 seconds)
Published: Sun Aug 18 2019
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