HOW MUCH DOES IT COST TO RAISE A COW FOR BEEF! How to raise your own meat!!!!

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hey guys welcome back to the channel and the farm today is a fun day we are actually picking up the process cow that we took to the processor in the last video if you didn't see that i'll put that link right here you can check that out and then also we wanted to share with you guys what a whole process cal looks like when you pick it up from the processor so we're going to get loaded up in the car and get on the road the processor is about 30 minutes away so we just take a bunch of totes and throw all the beef in the back of the totes because it's a lot it's pretty much like the full back of an suv then we'll bring it home before it thaws and load it in our freezer but you guys check it out follow along this video and hopefully it will inspire other people to raise their own meat you don't have to be smart [Music] no need to dress up for me [Music] this is pretty massive do that in a couple two times let's just say these four tokens you're gonna need more i think there's four work all right [Music] got the old work man [Music] see we made it yes you ready to go get the beef wally say it say where's the beef beef made it back from the processor picked up old bessie and just to give you guys an idea of what it looks like oh i got a new hat too this is what the butcher we use you guys can check them out they're in dawson it's still buffalo butchery they got pretty cool hats but um this is what it looks like on the back of a suburban um so we got let's see one two three four five six six boxes pretty big a couple of these boxes are just a slap full of ground chuck so you can see it's ground chuck it has the weight on there and everything is vacuum sealed so that is a lot of meat so we're gonna get this thing unloaded and get her put in the freezer get everything organized and then we'll give you a rundown on the cost and i'll break down the prices for you and tell you exactly how much it costs you know to raise a cow to butcher give you all the numbers and everything [Music] good job [Music] [Music] flowers [Music] [Music] [Music] we got it all organized in our deep freezer sorry about the light in our basement it's horrible but from the beginning this section over here is venison and our cow from january and all this right here is one whole cow in the shelving part of the deep freezer so that's what one cow looks like that's right above a thousand pounds now let's get to the numbers what jack so now let's go over the numbers so you guys can know how much this would cost and kind of get a rough idea of how much has cost us us a lot of them you know i'll just kind of do a rough rough estimate about and just kind of wing it i'll list some numbers below in the description and kind of fine-tune it if need be but this is just shooting from the hip here so i'm going to use my phone so we bought a uh pair cow and that was a mama and a baby last year we bought them for a thousand dollars and this is her actually her bull calf right back here number 23. that's rocket we bought a pair because number one it's cost effective number two our plan was when when we wean the bull calf you know we'll take the mom to the slaughterhouse and we'll feed her family and friends and that's how we do it the bull calf we're gonna keep and he's actually a black angus black angus british white mix we paid a thousand dollars for the pear and once we raise them up we have enough pasture so they eat the grass it doesn't really cost anything we did feed them a little bit the last month just to kind of feed them out and flavor the meat how we prefer and we had a couple round bells to get us through over the winter we have four or five cows i think we used four round brown bells january and february so we'll just kind of add the fee at her on one round bell so one round bill cost us 35 dollars so right off the rip we're at a thousand dollars for the pair 35 dollars for one round bill and that's it you know the water we just keep filling up in the the water troughs and that's free that's pretty much the only thing you have to do with cows if you already have your fencing up so that is it on the cost of the animals now we have to pay for the processor so we took them to the processor scheduled a date we used we use our same one it's still a buffalo they charge 75 75 cents a pound she hooked out to be 560 pounds that meaning when they process or they kill her they skinner they gutter they do all that normal stuff and then they hang her up on a hook and hang the carcass in a freezer and let it age well that weight on the hook is what they actually charge you per pound plus a killing fee they charge 75 cents a pound like i said and the killing fee i believe is 65 so those numbers added all up equal right around 6 15. um i'll fine-tune these in the description if i'm a little off so we have uh 600 1600 we got back we brought home from the hook weight after they package it 430 pounds of meat now that is a mixture of prime cuts roast and ground beef a majority of this i would say probably like 60 is ground beef you know 40 is prime cuts and roast so we actually prefer the ground beef a lot that's what our family eats the most so at that point we usually sell about half of it we still have a lot of ground beef from our previous calorie processed so we're going to sell about 80 as ground beef so that actually comes out to be about 160 pounds we're selling to our friends and family at 350 a pound which is super cheap you know still about half price for good ground beef in the stores so that totally brings us income in at about 560 dollars so if we take that 560 dollars that we're going to make from taking care of our friends and family and giving them the reduced rate selling the ground beef will be right back at about 10.50 a total investment you know after we stocked our freezer so that being said we still have our beef cat our beef bull which is free at this point so if you put a value on him which he's about 350 pounds right now if you put a value on him it's about a dollar a pound if you go by you know buy a calf anywhere so let's take off 350 so if we add back in that 350 that we're making from the calf that's left behind we're at a total investment of about 700 so and now that 700 now let's add up the cuts of meat that we got so we kept all the prime cuts so we sold 160 pounds subtracted from 430 that leaves us about 270 pounds of meat so 270 pounds of prime cuts in our freezer that'll feed our family for about a year that's pretty much like one prime cut off a you know beef heidel feed or beef carcass will feed our family for a year easy now our investment total so far was 750 dollars so if you take 750 you know divide it by 275 pounds you're probably let's do this final number let's see seven or five so you're looking at somewhere close to two dollars and fifty cents so in the long run we raise uh this cow raise these animals and then we fill their freezer up we're eating prime bone-in cuts of meat chuck roast you know ground beef fillets bone and rib eyes new york strips top sirloin the best stuff you can eat we fed it our way we raised the animal we know exactly what the animal went through and we're we are out of pocket about two dollars and fifty cents for that so there you go i'll try and put the rough numbers down below if you guys have any questions just message us you know it's kind of what we enjoy to do and it's fun for us so that is the process of kind of you know raising up a cow loading it up i'll put the loading video linked down below and then you guys can check that out as always thank you guys for all for following our channel and following our family hope that was some good information hope you guys enjoyed that please like and subscribe and we'll see you in the next [Music] video [Music] you
Channel: Little Dreamers Farm
Views: 123,867
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: how much does it cost to raise a cow for beef, how much does it coat to raise a cow, how to raise a cow, cost to raise a cow, taking a cow to the butcher, beef process, beef cow, how to process a cow, slaughter a cow, how to slaughter a cow, meet cow, free beef, How to raise your own meat, how to raise your own meet, How much doens it cost to raise a cow for beef, food shortage preparation, how much does it cost to raise a cow, how to raise a cow for beef
Id: _OxU8O9Ka-s
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 10min 57sec (657 seconds)
Published: Thu May 06 2021
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