How Much Do You Make on YouTube?

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hi I'm Mike one of the most interesting things about making videos for you is seeing how people perceive us as YouTube creators how much do you make on YouTube do you make anything on YouTube and how do you make money on YouTube those some of those are some of the questions that we get constantly so I figured it's probably time to bring you in the fold for a sneak peek into the dollar signs not of the ranch but of our wyoming life hi there and welcome back and those of you who don't know me my name is Mike I'm a first generation Rancher here in Northeast Wyoming my plan was to make the video like this when we hit 100,000 subscribers actually showing you how much money a channel with a hundred thousand subscribers makes on YouTube now I don't think it's a big secret in fact you can go to many websites like and look up any YouTube channel and get a general estimate of how much they make per day per month and even in a year I didn't get that video done but somebody else did who has absolutely no tie to our Wyoming life and they decided that they should make a video instead in a video that lasts a little over 3 minutes and 30 seconds or so this creator determined that we make 30 thousand dollars per month and over two hundred and two thousand dollars per year when that video was brought to our attention and I watched it well I about choked I don't know how this guy came up with half his numbers but I was reminded of us saying I heard once something like if you don't tell your story somebody else will and with our current videos about changing how we're selling calves and how we're managing the ranch the perception that we're making money hand over fist doesn't help I've gotten hate mail mean horrible nasty comments and again I'm brought right back to my original idea of sharing how we make money on YouTube how much your view is worth and taking a look at why we do it and what we gain from it like I said I'm a first generation Rancher here in Northeast Wyoming in fact I wasn't even born into ranching my wife Erin and I moved here after her stepfather became ill to help him and my mother-in-law Rita run his family ranch that ranch has been in operation for over a hundred years and my father-in-law Gilbert has since passed away and what started as a few months of helping out family has become a life for Aaron and I we're raising our three kids right here on the ranch and up until just a couple of years ago the whole wrench the ranch was our whole lives Aaron was always active in farmers markets and we grew and sold thousands of pounds of veggies each weekend we also sold beef and pork that was raised right here on the ranch in December of 2016 we had the idea to advertise our farmers market business with video for Christmas that year I got a GoPro and I started making a video about feeding the cows in the winter feeding those cows eventually put food on people's plates so we thought we'd start there plus there really wasn't much else going on in January and by the end of the month of January 2017 I was ready to upload my video it was a four and a half minute long video simply called feeding the cows we uploaded that video it was posted to a few other places online and by the next morning we had 25,000 views and 1500 subscribers it was that it was at that point that Erin and I figured we had a channel but one much different than we intended we had subscribers from all over the world and we had a chance to tell our story little did we know the work that would have to go into it so as we take a look at that very first video and I can show you right here on the computer when we go into this little program it's called the YouTube studio inside the YouTube studio we can look at pretty much all the stats that we have as a channel and take a look at our video manager here and this keeps track of all the videos that we have ever posted here on YouTube I think it's 407 I think if I remember right we can go in search videos here and we will go to feeding the cows alright so there's our very first video feeding the cows came out January 22nd 2017 209 p.m. and has 48,000 387 views 1,000 thumbs up 13 thumbs down and 105 comments now we can look at this video and pull it up in analytics I think so this is our analytics over the last 28 days on this video obviously this video came out a long time ago so not very many people are watching it anymore but we can look and see how many people are watching it each day 13 on Wednesday 12 on Thursday 15 on Friday but if we look at the lifetime of this video this is where things get interesting because this video has had 48 thousand views and has made us 49 dollars and 17 cents so you'd think that a video that's been out since the very beginning would have been more of an earner for us after all it took me an entire month to make that video I don't know how many hours I add it to it but that's the funny part about YouTube usually what you think is wrong at least that's what I found when people find out that we have a YouTube channel the first question they usually ask is how many subscribers do you have your number of subscribers seems to be the the benchmark and engaging your success on YouTube but when it comes down to it YouTube doesn't care about the number of subscribers you have YouTube cares about advertising it's how they make their money and it's how we make ours those commercials you see playing in front of or behind or during our videos are placed there by YouTube they sell advertising on our channel and when you watch part or all of that advertisement YouTube makes money from the advertiser if you skip it then the advertiser doesn't pay for that ad and YouTube make is nothing so how does that affect us well when you watch all or part of that ad YouTube splits the money the advertiser is paying for you to see that ad with us it's actually a 45 55 percent split that gives us an incentive to keep making videos for you to and they continue to sell the ads on those videos in the case of our most popular video the cost of ranching I'll be enough you can see that over the entire lifetime of the video that video has paid us two thousand one hundred thirty one dollars and eighty-eight cents that video was released on December in December of 2017 so for almost two years and six hundred thousand views YouTube has been able to sell advertising on that video in fact if you look at it another way YouTube's been paying us eighty eight dollars per month for the use of the video and the ability to allow advertisers to put ads on it how YouTube figures out how much to pay us is based on the performance of our channel how long people watch how long they stay on the channel that stuff makes a big difference to YouTube those numbers drive up statistics that they call the CPM or the cost per mil or cost per thousand this dollar amount dictates how you get how much you get paid but it's a bit tricky and people get confused by it CPM is the estimate estimated revenue per thousand playbacks but not just plays they are the video plays where people watch the ad or ads that YouTube puts in your video so if we look at the cost of ranching once again we made two thousand one hundred and thirty one dollars off of it our average CPM is seven dollars and thirty cents of which YouTube gets forty five percent we get fifty five percent so for every 1000 people that saw the ad during that video we made about four dollars your view if you're one of the people who might just watch that ad is worth for one thousandth of a penny another interesting thing about YouTube is the 80/20 rule which pretty much states that 80% of your revenue comes from 20% of your videos just like how the video that started at all feeding the cows has made us only fifty bucks over almost three years the video of last year that when we sold the cows that video has made almost $2,000 in just over a year the perception is however that if you have a youtube channel with thousands or hundreds of thousands of subscribers your Meghan Bank but the truth is we're only now coming into a place on YouTube where it's beginning to make money for us over the last three years on YouTube it's been a process of growing and learning and if we look at our first year on YouTube we see that the entire year our wildlife made one thousand eight hundred and sixty eight bucks in that same year we created eighty-five videos each one averaging eight hours following editing time giving us hourly wage of $2.75 Ickx 2000 but the workload did increase a little bit we made one hundred and twenty two videos in 2018 our lambing life made $24,000 from YouTube that year unfortunately all of that went into buying hay for the ranch as we were in drought and we'd never would have made it through the winter without it to this point YouTube has paid our wildlife almost fifty thousand dollars averaging sixteen thousand dollars per year of work put into it with what I figure is a full-time job at this point I'm making about eight dollars and sixty cents an hour before taxes a little less than the two hundred and two thousand that some people have claimed that we made it just over the last year another thing that does come into play are sponsorships for some channels of which we've never made a dime from our partners like BCS and arrow clip that we carefully choose them because we want well because they want to help producers not just sell to them but here's the funny thing it's not about money our wildlife has allowed Erin and I to keep the ranch for another year we have been able to create a farm store right here on the ranch that allows people to shop locally and buy fresh produce more conveniently than ever Aaron's been able to start a non-profit to help feed those that need food more than ever and it allows us to be proponents for agriculture and affords us opportunities to get our message out there to those that might just need to hear it by speaking at events and trade shows we've been able to create a website that allows people to take home a piece of the ranch or just just sit watch the webcam and stare out over the plains I tell you what even if YouTube didn't pay me a dime I'd still make videos although I'd have to do a lot of editing during my break time at McDonald's so that's it how much is your view worth how do we make money and how much did we make but it's not about that for us it's about an email that I get occasionally where someone thanks us for reaching out there for showing people the people behind where your food comes from and taking a risk just like this video I said that I wanted to put it out when we hit 100,000 subscribers but I know why I didn't and that's because well I was afraid to take that step out on that ledge then I got pushed out on to it by somebody who wanted to make more money by prepend pretending to know something that was really none of their business but hey I can't take down his video so all I can do is tell the truth and hope it makes sense outside the snow is blowing it's ridiculously cold tonight but here over the next few days I hope you're able to continue along with us we have a lot coming up as we get back to calves this week we start sorting them into the weaning Corral's coming up with a feeding program for them to help them put on some weight and I mentioned it earlier but we have a video on the way all about Aaron's new nonprofit and how you can help don't worry it's easy won't cost a thing but it can help feed hundreds if not thousands that's it for me tonight I hope you better understand now how YouTube works how creators get paid and I really hope I didn't make a total man myself have a great week and thanks for joining us in our Wyoming life you
Channel: Our Wyoming Life
Views: 99,639
Rating: 4.9683118 out of 5
Keywords: Ranch, cow, cows, horses, cowboy, gardening, farmers market, Wyoming, our Wyoming life, animals, animal videos, peacock, farming, planting, cattle, ranching, how much do youtubers make, 100k subs income, how much does a channel with 100k make, agriculture, ranch life
Id: jEfmkpGLAPY
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 14min 23sec (863 seconds)
Published: Sun Oct 27 2019
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Please note that this website is currently a work in progress! Lots of interesting data and statistics to come.