How Much Bacteria Is In Your Body? || 360 VR

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[Music] in a world where darkness thrives billions of creatures too small to see are searching seeking the fighting it's good versus evil who will survive with the lives of everyone on the planet in the balance the secret life of bacteria inside your body coming soon to a theater near you okay movie trailer guy you're done thank you no prob alright yeah they're always there for you and with you through good times and bad no I'm not talking about your friends sorry but about all the microscopic organisms in your body next time you're feeling a little lonely just think of all the trillions of tiny creatures living inside you you definitely won't feel alone for long now let's take a little journey throughout your body and learn about some of the most important and coolest bacteria out there or should I say in there well this isn't your average video folks we're happy to offer you a unique opportunity to meet these microscopic life-forms face-to-face in their full glory so feel free to scroll around on your screen to see them from different angles and points of view oh cool huh okay let's dive into your nose which is home to the phyla actinobacteria and Firmicutes the latter are mostly Stef la caucus despite this scary sounding name they're all good for you as long as they don't get together with others of their kind you see when you come in contact with someone else's bacteria of this type through your nose or skin you're likely to get an infection or pneumonia and just to calm your nerves a quarter of the US population has a whole bunch of Staphylococcus aureus and they're perfectly healthy those staffs look pretty good don't they scroll around for a better view you ready to move on 1 2 3 jump and it looks like we're now in your mouth area what a perfect place to study bacteria they're pretty much all over the place and guess what there are way more bacteria in your mouth alone than there are people on the entire planet yep you have billions of bacteria in the oral area more than 700 species of them you swallow around 1/5 of a gallon of saliva a day and it brings 100 billion bacteria into your mouth even if you're diligent about brushing your teeth anywhere from 1,000 to 100,000 bacteria remain right where they are hey what did you just do looks like you kissed someone and exchanged to another 80 million bacteria with them some bacteria like streptococcus mutans are pretty bad for you since they cost tooth decay when they come into contact with sugary foods streptococcus sella various k12 on the contrary helps you out by fighting off the stinky bacteria and keeping your breath fresh and check out these creatures down here it must be some of those Haemophilus bacteria they were discovered back in 1892 and originally thought to cause the flu well that ended up being a false accusation because having them in your mouth nose and throat doesn't normally lead to any illness whatsoever now let's continue the tour down your gastrointestinal tract the largest group of microorganisms here is back to roids they're in a love-hate relationship with us humans when they remain in the gut where they actually belong they help break down food to get the nutrients and energy your body needs but if they wander out of the intestines they can lead to terrible infections and start abscesses in your body also when you get sick and take antibiotics they breed like crazy and give you some serious discomfort the good bacteria in your gut are the ones I'm sure you've heard of lactobacillus and Bifidobacterium bifida are added to healthy yogurts for a reason lactobacilli are responsible for the digestion of organic food and creating an acidic environment so that bad bacteria can't spread these guys play a huge role in proper functioning of your immune system bifidobacteria also do a great job in protecting your gut from bad bacteria by covering the surface of the intestine to prevent harmful microbes from sticking to and multiplying on its walls another type of bacteria dwelling in your intestines that's worth mentioning is the mycoplasma scientists call them the crabgrass of cell cultures because they're really hard to detect and get rid of mycobacteria are mostly harmful to humans since they cause urinary tract infections all right I've got a gut feeling that we've had enough of the gut we've got lots more areas to explore so let's get a move-on going down ground floor please actually let's make a quick pit stop at the bellybutton trust me you'll enjoy it now believe it or not your cute little belly button is home to over 1,400 different bacterial species and get this there was once a guy whose navel contained a strand of bacteria that lives in Japanese soil the real kicker is that this dude had never even been to Japan that just goes to show you how far bacteria can travel and be transmitted crazy huh ok moving on welcome to the reproductive organs a healthy man will have no bacteria in his upper genital tract as for the ladies their intimate organs particularly the vagina are rich in lactobacillus bacteria which we already know are good for us as for the mucous lining inside the uterus and fallopian tubes it's home to Pseudomonas bacteria what's interesting about this type is that it's also found in soil water in plants worldwide they're perfectly harmless as long as you're healthy nothing scary will happen if you get them from somewhere or someone else however things can get pretty dangerous if you have a weak immune system and you get some Pseudomonas from contaminated food a pool or a bathroom and let's hope you never ever get this next type of bacteria the gonorrhea bacterium is first of all disgusting but it's also the strongest organism on our planet it's so powerful in fact that it could pull 22 full Boeing 747s now that's pretty impressive for a creature that can only be seen through a microscope don't you think okay where to now how about your largest organ any guesses as to what it is go ahead and write down in the comments what you think it might be it comes in contact with millions of bacteria every single day if you guess that it's your skin Congrats you are right Oh next time you grab your cell phone and check out your social media handles think about this your phone screen has more bacteria on it than a public restroom oh that is not unless you regularly disinfect like you should yep everything you touch covers your skin in tons of bacteria so who can protect you from all that evil the army of Staphylococcus epidermidis of course it works wonders when it comes to boosting your skin's defense system scientists have even found that when applied topically these bacterias can fight Steffler coccus aureus which is the Strand that causes eczema another big and friendly group living on your lovely skin is the Micrococcus family these guys also serve as a protective shield from outside invaders as you can see they ain't winning any beauty contests soon but they do their job well and deserve summers back one final skin bacteria that's worth noting is proprio a bacterium acnes when in healthy skin this bacterium is important because it carries genes for antimicrobial compounds that kill harmful bacteria of course when it's growth gets out of control perhaps due to overactive sebaceous glands or clogged pores it can cause acne hence the name and now our tour is now over I know it flew by too fast but like we said there are trillions of bacteria in our bodies and just not enough time to cover them all unfortunately but at least now you have a better idea of who's sharing your body with you hopefully this video has shown you that the scary sounding word bacteria isn't always a negative thing good bacteria help us digest food and protect us by killing off the bad guys and now that you've gotten to know them up close and personal maybe give them a thanks for all their hard work a since we didn't have time to meet all the bacteria in the human body share in the comments below what other types you know about if you found this video interesting and fun go ahead and give it a like be sure to subscribe and stay with us on the bright side of life
Views: 445,176
Rating: 4.8574185 out of 5
Keywords: bad bacteria, good bacteria, avoid bacteria, stay healthy, avoid health problems, protect yourself, good for you, dangerous for you, wash your hands, Staphylococcus, Lactobacillus, Bifidobacterium bifidum, Actinobacteria, Firmicutes, health care, healthy habits, healthy lifestyle, feel better, bright side video, brightside, bright side
Id: Yuw81rTr6zU
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 10min 2sec (602 seconds)
Published: Wed Sep 19 2018
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