How Millionaires Find True Love in China - Ep. 5 | The Bling Dynasty | GQ
Video Statistics and Information
Channel: GQ
Views: 1,064,268
Rating: 4.3679795 out of 5
Keywords: chinese millionaires, chinese billionaires, chinas wealthiest, rich kids of china, the bling dynasty, chinas one percent, chinas 1 percent, finding love in china, chinese matchmaking, crazy rich asians, asian millionaires, asian billionaires, asias wealthiest, rich kids of asia, dating in china, chinese dating, asian dating, asias richest, chinas richest, dating etiquette in china, gq, gq magazine
Id: _H4oGt9h4oA
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 5min 56sec (356 seconds)
Published: Mon Jan 05 2015
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This method is exactly what the creator of the foundation said. It's just like any online dating site, these girls are not required to like or date any of the men here. It provides wealthier people in China with an alternative to going out and finding a girl - I see nothing wrong with it.