How Mikey DROWNED the JJ Train Eater Family ? - in Minecraft Maizen

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Mikey that was a great idea to go fishing I know let's go faster JJ okay we're almost there so shall we start fishing no wait let's go downstairs it's going to be awkward from up here you're right let's do it wait there's a sign you can't fish at night H I wonder why really Mikey maybe we can come back here at night and find out why we can't uh okay stop what am I hearing here what you guys want to come back here at night Mikey JJ don't everyone who comes here at night to fish has strangely disappeared forever never to be seen again Mikey did you hear that interesting story well you heard me don't come here at night Mikey let's get out of here yeah I agree with you JJ I'm very interested in what happens at night on This fishing we'll have to come back what do our viewers have to say give us a like and comment if you want us to come back to this fishing meanwhile I finally got Mikey and JJ's DNA now I can create any creature and it will look like them whoops wait what happened who put a rock in here oh no I've been mining it for so long and now it's fallen into this River okay I guess I'll have to find someone else's [Music] DNA Mikey look it's night time our viewer want us to go on that fishing trip well let's go then I'm very curious too give me the rod here you go let's go thank you very much come on let's go faster wo Mikey I think you're going the wrong way I always do this Mikey you're so weird I know here we are finally well now we'll find out what goes on at night in this place yes let's go faster I'm really interesting dear viewers thank you thank you for liking this video now we'll be here to check out what's going on hold on Mikey there's some weird bubbles coming out of this water I don't like it maybe we should just go home Mikey who's that Mikey JJ thank you for catching us now we'll replace you forever and it'll just be me and my family Mikey I think it's a train eater but why do they look so much like us I don't know JJ I guess that old man was right here he is by the way wait what's going on here what are these creatures sorry you were right we shouldn't have come here to fish I just told you not to disturb my sleep with your fishing sounds you figure out what to do with them I'm going to bed oops here we are Mikey and JJ thanks for catching us Mikey we got to think of something let's get out of here let's go JJ wait look there's a passage down here I'm going to go check it out come with me phw it worked they can't get through here look there's a passage down here let's go check it out Mikey we've checked a lot of things today we've got to catch them who will be the first to jump into this passage okay we're stuck so what do we do now now we have to figure out how to get out of this hole [Music] jeez oh JJ look there's a way out finally we've been looking for him all night okay well now I think we need to find the scientist he's the one who likes to create creatures I think he's at it again you're right there he is hey scientist hi we have a question for you hey Mikey and JJ what's up why are there eaters coming out of our river that looked just like us I don't know it wasn't 100% me but I'll figure out a way to help you how do they know about this what what do we know no no nothing Mikey did you see that he was acting kind of weird I think he did it and maybe we not on purpose these eaters are here we got you oh no Mikey what are we going to do I don't know they caught us haha we got you wait something's wrong Mikey look they can't eat us I can see that's funny I'll eat them no I'll eat them JJ let's go over here while they're deciding who's going to eat us we'll be out of here eat good [Music] idea oh banana what are you doing here well actually I live here interesting look is there any way we can get out of here and run away from the house yeah there's a hatch in the wall you can go through it great thanks a lot JJ let's run faster before the eaters catch us what eaters we'll tell you later Mikey let's go faster now I think we should build traps for them good idea meanwhile I'll eat them no I'll eat them wait where are they I think they've already left here how could we let them go we've got to find them again and catch them yes but now I'm going to eat them what no I'll eat them haha I'll eat them you'll be proud of me oh here comes Mikey and JJ well wait for me I'm ready to eat you I'm coming for [Music] you finally my new technology with it I can shrink the eaters and they won't be so big anymore well let's go test it [Music] out okay the first one will be a cow boom it works and now the car great that worked too and the toilet wow that's great nothing has ever worked as perfectly as this technology all right wait for me Mikey and Jay I'm coming to your resue [Music] I'm right here I'm about to shrink the eaters wait what happened why am I small oh no what's the chance of that happening no no no no now we have to figure out how to get it all back JJ look there's something on the floor uh I can see that but what is it I don't know let's check it out come on what are we going to test it on let's do it in this tree come on wo wo Mikey did you see that it got smaller it's real JJ this is what we need we can stop the eaters by making them smaller Mikey look our chicken oh we finally found you now you'll be your normal size we did it all right now we're ready let's go find them faster JJ look there they are yeah we found them hey eaters we're here for you oh you came to us come on Mikey wait what are you doing what did you do why is he small now oh no why am I small now too haha now we got you finally we beat them JJ stop Mikey behind you turn around I got you haha haa no don't there you go Mikey what are we going to do now he ate us do you have any ideas well let me see oh JJ look what I got what Mikey no stop it we're right here we're about to go Airborne with this Devourer you got a better idea JJ you're so boring okay well let's just teleport out of here what Mikey you had a portal the whole time and you oh Mikey Mikey friends give a like for the fun and interesting Mikey well now into the portal whoa where are we in front of our house Mikey tell me you had the portal with you the whole time why didn't you use it right away yeah should we have meanwhile we have to figure out how to get it all back hey open the door it's me hey aha why are you so small it's a long story now we have to figure out how to make me bigger okay let's go look for something I think we had a size potion Oh indeed here it [Music] is W great thank you so much now we have to go help Mikey and JJ as fast as we can good luck to you I'm out of here our trap is ready yeah Mikey look he's on his way to us right now is the Golem in place it's perfect hey come here we're here how did you get here I ate you it's magic then I'll have to eat you again come here quickly Golem come on yay I did it what who did this no what is this yes we got you Golem thanks more for your help all right JJ now we have to destroy it or it will eat everyone in our town no you can't do it that's what we're about to find out now you won't eat anyone friends Thanks for liking this video and thank you so much for your comments Mikey it was a good idea to go find the diamonds yeah because we're starting to run out of houses well I hope we find them soon I found the first one wow good for Mikey I'm going to get it yay wait what is this creature I don't know it's some kind of worm and it stole our Diamond hey give me back my diamond Mikey he's getting away go after him I'm running hey worm give me back my diamond wait oh we got you you'll never get away from us again yeah we got you give me my [Music] diamond okay you can go now and don't take any more of our diamonds Mikey did you see that what was that some worms stole our Diamond I saw that JJ let's get out of here I think we've gotten enough I want diamonds too but they wouldn't give it to me okay I'll go back to them and get all the diamonds yay we got a lot of diamonds and now we can buy anything we want you're right Mikey we're good you and me how am I supposed to get all the diamonds from them I'm so small and they're so big I couldn't even take one from them how can I get bigger wait what is that uh some kind of magic experiment oh great I want in maybe it'll help me get [Music] bigger oh hello you want to participate in my experiment I wasn't expecting to see a worm of course I'm not a worm I'm a Devourer all right 1 2 3 more worms what's wrong with me w wow that really helped I'm bigger thank you so much magician yay my magic wand Works bye have a great time Mikey have you figured out what we're going to use those diamonds for yeah I want to build myself a house out of diamonds not a good idea wao who's that it's you again it's that worm from the cave our subscribers told us it was a train eater you should have shared the diamonds with me they're all mine now that's not fair you could have just asked us instead of stealing our Diamond Mikey's right that's not fair now I decide what's fair and what's not I'm bigger than you oh no Mikey I think we got to get out of here friends do you know why it got big please write in the comments below the video because we saw him really small about 10 minutes ago JJ I don't understand why it got so big quiet Mikey we can't let him see us I think subscribers will write in the comments why he's so big now we have to figure out what to do with him before he eats our whole town wait what is this sound who are you hi I hear you need help I can help you but it could be dangerous great we agree we need to think of something quick before that train eater eats our whole town along with your house all right then take this and when you see a devour throw this potion at it t wow thank you so much JJ that purple minion looked suspicious do you have any other ideas Mikey the eater already here no throw it at him now wait why is he starting to look like us I don't know oh hi Mikey and JJ what is this strange creature and why does it look like you cool idea I want a pet like that too can you tell me where I can find one Mikey I think he's a little confused it's a train eater oops I think I'm confused I got to run have a good day now I'm stronger than you Mikey and JJ we got to go viewers why do you think he's starting to look like Us JJ we got a run and the subscribers will write a comment in the meantime Mikey look the strongest safe we need this hey can you please help us we need to hide from the eater train can your super safe save us hi of course it's the strongest safe in the world let me show you what it's made of and what it can withstand come on we're interested hold on a second wow it's really strong are you going to buy this safe for me me Mikey the eater ate all our diamonds what do we do think fast before I sell this super strong safe to someone else wait Mikey look I don't think this safe is that strong oops we got to get out of here what no my safe is the strongest I just showed you Mikey let's get out of here funny salesman wa Mikey I think I got away from him no JJ here he comes easy Mikey we can't let him see us H JJ who's calling you I don't know Mikey I'm going to throw this phone away before the eater finds [Music] us what you're the one who called yes I called but you can't run away [Music] ha ouch Mikey where are we looks like it's inside him what are we going to do hey eater let us out M very tasty Mikey and JJ JJ you don't have to to try he's not going to let us out we need to figure out our own way out of here all right let's see what's interesting stairs cash register gifts that's probably all he ate friends do you think we're going to make it out of here let me know in the comments and give us a like if you think we can make it I think our subscribers Believe in Us and they've already clicked on the [Music] likes Mikey look it says do not touch what is that I don't know but I think it's our chance to get out of here bro [Music] ouch whoa what's going on oh no I'm on fire where's the water it worked we did it we got out of it JJ look how funny he is I see it haha hey eater we beat you no I ate you once I can eat you again but you'll never get away from me a second time oops Mikey come on let's go JJ I have an idea follow me Mikey Metro station and what's your idea you'll see I can see you Mikey and JJ you can't escape me JJ let's go downstairs come on let's [Music] go good afternoon there's two of us no we're coming through thank you very much bye have a great time okay let's go come on let's go [Music] downstairs look Thomas and the train I got you Mikey hey train Thomas help us please there's some kind of train eater that eats everything in its path there it is can you please help us help me mhm thank you very much brother Mikey they said yes look I think they're about to destroy [Applause] it stop JJ the eater eats the train uhoh oh not good did you think you could stop me no you can't Hey Thomas where'd you go wait for me what's wrong all right let's move [Music] out stop stop there's something written here some kind of magic experiment uh let's go there maybe it'll help us where are you going without me I'm faster and stronger than your trains stop no don't go to the [Music] wizard hello okay I need someone for my experiment again oh someone's coming hello Thomas do you want to participate in the experiment it's us we're inside Thomas yeah minion hurry up okay I've got a new potion let's see what it can do Thomas go away minion must throw it at the train eater where are you haha you couldn't get the magnification potion from him wait where are you going all right let's test it on you again wait what's going on oh no I'm getting small again minion what did you do give it [Music] back Mikey it worked he's little again now you you'll never steal our diamonds [Music] yay thank you so much wizard now make our train back to its default size T yay we did it JJ let's go ride the trains good idea Mikey let's go Mikey you can't catch me no JJ I'm faster than you my train is faster than your Thomas oops my Mikey I think we may have broken a little bit here what happened why don't I have half the house Mikey and JJ are playing around again I've had enough I got to figure out a way to teach them a lesson hey Mikey JJ stop it I want to tell you something Mikey I'm faster than you no that's not true stop Mikey JJ I can't catch them this way we got to think of something oh I think I have an idea hey if we eat only wheat we won't get bigger and what other ideas do you have I don't know I'll have to think about it hey I think I have an idea I know how to help you but in return you'll help me all right we agree yes but how will you make us big follow me I've got a great idea all right let's go get it my [Music] friend okay we're going to take a little bit of this and a little bit of that you've got to mix it all up you put it here and you heat it up a little bit here and it's almost done that's it I did it are you ready of course we are let's make it fast now you have to help me go to Mikey and JJ and eat their trains all right you got it let's go [Laughter] brother woo Mikey that was really cool I told you you wouldn't catch me next time JJ I'm going to run away from you we'll find out later all right our trains are waiting for us let's ask our subscribers whose train do you like better mine or Mikey's mine's a regular train and Mikey's is Thomas JJ look phones H that's weird why don't we ask come on hey who's this hey JJ we're going to eat your trains and you who is this some kind of prank no Mikey this is not a prank we're to eat you JJ did you hear that is this some kind of prank yeah I heard I think it's banana trying to prank us again yeah it is but he's not going to make it okay let's go see what we have in the fridge okay we got a lot of stuff JJ what is this sound yeah let's go check it out it was outside come on what's going on no Mikey look our trains hey why are you eating them those are our trains we warned you that's who called us but why what did we do to you we've been asked to hey Mikey J you know me yes pomy but why while you were having fun you broke my house now my train eaters will break your house sorry it was an accident we didn't mean it you've got to be more careful but it's too late ha eat their house my train eaters my pleasure this is going to be delicious no no please JJ what are we going to do stop we're not going to break anyone's house again I don't know hey pomy stop them please no now you're coming with me where are you going to take us and what do you want from us you already broke our house you'll find out now come with me all right Mikey let's go with her what a delicious house it's so cool to be big you're right my brother it is very cool and what a delicious house Mikey and JJ have yeah I'm ready to eat it all up [Music] here we are come on in here wow this place is interesting here's your cage come on in maybe we shouldn't come on it's always because of your fun that half the buildings in town are broken that's not true why is it always where you are there's always something going on but we're doing this for our viewers what audience what are you talking about it's for our subscribers to make it fun for them to watch Mikey we need them to like and comment really fast I'm sure that'll help us dear subscribers please click a like and comment to save us who are you talking to here just you and me with our viewers they're going to help us a lot right now what dear friends have you liked video thank you very much now we can escape from here J look they helped us wow really we have the best audience ever now we can get out of here Mikey have you had a pickaxe with you this whole time of course we can okay why am I surprised let's break it [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] down finally now we can get out of here thank you for liking and commenting wow Mikey look it's the eaters that ate our house I can see we have to be quiet so they don't wake [Music] up look someone's coming hi Mikey haven't seen you in a while look what new toy I got stop quiet you're going to wake up the eaters Bob please be quiet what I can't hear you I'm playing with my very cool toy do you like it oh no Mikey what are we going to do oh I'm sorry Mikey I was just leaving hey wait you're the reason they woke up JJ we got to get out of here Mikey follow me hurry before they eat us you again we're totally going to eat you now Mikey wait you look delicious JJ run they're really close I know Mikey I've got an idea come on follow [Music] me Mikey look we're going to buy a car from that minion hey minion we want to buy your car but it's not for sale what do you need it for we have to hurry up and say Yes before the eater eats it all right you can have it thank [Music] you hey eater I'm here I can see you [Music] JJ I got it JJ you want them to get full so they don't want to eat us anymore yeah Mikey you heard me right I can still eat [Music] you and now haha I can't just be stopped okay now I can't do it I think I'm fool Mikey there's one more left what do we do with him I got an idea we need to get to Higher Ground all right Mikey I wonder what you've got in mind you'll find out JJ JJ we're here keep your eyes open you think this door is going to stop me my God okay it's happening go go go okay let's go here we go loser Mikey so what's your idea hey eater come here JJ here you go you need to distract him all right hey eater you like that right run [Music] away did you think it would stop me no I just got hungrier oh no Mikey you got any other ideas I got lava that'll work for sure haha eater we got you now you can't do anything to us come on Mikey let's go home huh what Mikey where are you going where he jumped whoa Mikey what's wrong with you and where'd the eater go are you okay yes JJ our viewers wrote one interesting comment that helped me out wow what was this comment and how did it help you I think they're about to see it that was really cool thank you so much for that Mikey what are we going to do about that eater same to you look [Music] JJ huh what's that Focus now you'll be here Mikey but where are we I don't know the audience help me get here they're not getting out of here no you didn't okay then how do we get out of here JJ jump for me what where ouch Mikey look pomy why don't we help her come on do you have a healing potion sure she's going to get up now what happened where am I is it you again yes please forgive us we accidentally destroyed your house we'll rebuild it really of course show us where to go well run with me then thank you very much just a couple more blocks and we're done Mikey are you done yeah JJ done wow thank you so much turns out you guys are really nice and kind of course we told you we accidentally destroyed it you can come in now okay thank you so much Mikey and JJ bye have a great time JJ hurry up and run home I'm really hungry let's go but we don't have a kitchen and we don't have a house what are we going to do let's go to our mini Farm do you have some vegetables to grow of course I have potatoes friends do you think we can grow something on the farm I think so so Mikey are you ready to go to the vegetable farm of course it's ready look at the beautiful potatoes I got well done Mikey then I'll dig the bed now and you plant the potatoes you got it JJ okay now this side needs a little work wait what's that Mikey what is this creature he looks a little like a worm he looks funny Mikey why don't we take him home that's a good idea he looks really cute friends do you like that idea write it in the comments and tell me what is this creature Mikey and I are seeing it for the first time hey worm come with us JJ he's so cute you're right Mikey wait look who's that hey Mikey and JJ do you know what is this creature he needs to be handled very carefully he's very dangerous how can he be dangerous he's so cute yes it is have you seen him he's so small and so cute well I warned you it's very dangerous and it's not a worm it's a train we know better he's our friend now yeah
Channel: Jaizen
Views: 92,601
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: maizen, mikey jj, security house, escape mikey jj, maizen monster battle, mikey jj prank video, minecraft pranks maizen, jj and mikey, maizen jj and mikey, mikey jj prank, maizen challenge, minecraft, jj maizen, mikey maizen, mikey pomni, calling at night minecraft, zombie train Family, train family, jj train, jj train eater, jj train eater family, train eater family, Mikey DROWNED the JJ Train Eater Family
Id: FiSpZ24WQU0
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 30min 13sec (1813 seconds)
Published: Mon Jan 22 2024
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