How many Premier League teams can Trent name in 30 seconds? | Lies | Alexander Arnold & Gomez
Video Statistics and Information
Channel: Sky Sports Football
Views: 7,031,173
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: sky sports, premier league, Football League, football, Sky Sports live, Sky, Sports, stream, sky sports football, premier league highlights, Liverpool, liverpool fc, lfc, liverpool interview, trent alexander-arnold, trent, trent alexander-arnold interview, alexander arnold, alexander-arnold, trent aa, joe gomez, gomez, trent alexander-arnold joe gomez, epl other 1920
Id: m0Nsu1Kl5fQ
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 8min 20sec (500 seconds)
Published: Sat Sep 07 2019
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You can tell Trent was genuinely pissed off when he tried to cheat😂
Gomez is a real character lol. Loved when he said 'all the best'.
They were both amazingly shit at that
How can Joe not be happy with Lois?
Gomez could've easily said names of our 2nd choice attackers. Rhian, Divock, Big Shaq.
Got 20 countries in 30 seconds and I'm not even European TYVM.
Couldn't name 5 chocolate bars to save my life though. Fuck kind of American am I?
"Your phone is confiscated" lol
This is just who dares wins, is it not?
Is it me or has Trent paid a visit to Bobby’s dentist