How Many BeamNG Scenarios Can I Complete In 1 Hour?

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i meant to do that [Music] so the plan today this is going to be a short stream but it's an idea i had and i thought it would be a lot of fun i'm going to attempt to do as many scenarios in bemidji drive as in under an hour as i can ideally i'd get through all of them but i i don't think that's gonna happen but you know we're gonna try our best i know most of them well enough i think that i can um i can do it all right the only one i can't do which kind of sucks is like the one with the uh you drive the the hopper and you gotta do the obstacle climbs for some reason i tried that i was gonna practice that one because that's the one i was worried about and it crashed my game multiple times so i'm just gonna skip that one and before we start i do want to say this stream is sponsored by apex gaming pcs me and them have been working together for a while now uh if you guys have been wanting a pc to play bmg specifically we designed them for that uh click the little link down below it has a picture of my uh computers check them out use codeneal five percent off i think they're pretty good computers i'm sure everything is going to go perfectly to plan how many seconds do we have left let's get ready we're going to start with garage garage delivery spencer johnson you're here dude i'm your biggest fan i think i have like 10 seconds left we gotta get going man leave a comment how far do you think i'm gonna make it in the hour six o'clock there we go okay let's go how far is it gonna make me drive okay it's a good car uh what the why why am i stuck you're kidding me that is the worst spawn i've ever seen okay i got it i gotta abandon it it was four miles so that's that's not bad are you kidding me though better route this time this is only 1.7 miles actually you know that was a blessing in disguise there is a lot of traffic but as long as we get there in one piece we should be okay i got to concentrate it it gave us the like tightest street in existence in the game oh we didn't need the hubcaps oh we didn't need that one either okay we finally get a little bit of breathing room yeah we only had to go like 1.7 the one that we were stuck on it was like four miles so this actually kind of works out that is kind of funny though that the first scenario it's completely broken do i dare try to read chat though i'll try to catch up after we get to the the end here why is this thing like stuck in first gear by the way second gear yeah this thing kind of drives like crap yeah i'm playing on controller at the moment but i am switching over to a um a sim rig fairly soon oh my god this thing drives like ass is this safe probably not but i'm gonna do it anyway yeah i think we'll be okay okay there we go so that's the first scenario out of the way so next we have port escape which is one of my favorites in the game actually all right i got a good route here so we're going to be okay this is going to be this is going to be under two minutes i think we should be pretty good on this one break through the gate there we go beautiful this is a pretty good run i don't have any like proper speed running stuff on the screen but you know i was just doing this for fun okay give it a nice slide this way beautiful we can cut some corners here kind of slalom through there there we go you might be tempted to gun it off this ramp but you don't want to go too fast you're going to wreck the suspension of your car so you want to go about like this so you just kind of skim the ramp like that it might seem slower but trust me you don't want to you don't want to frick up your car we can cut a little bit of the corner right here but not too much we don't want to flatten our tire there should be a cop right here we just want to get through around him because he can clip you and spin you around and that can really mess you up and then it's as simple as that there we go that was quick that was good look at that cop dude he just freaking sent it okay okay on to the next one gavel jump course this is another really fun one you can pretty much send it through most of this core so the truck can handle it there we go it's very satisfying as well you get points for air time as well so yeah you do it does encourage you to absolutely floor it over this stuff i remember there's one jump in particular where if you don't hit it a certain way you're gonna like hit a bridge or something but the problem is i don't remember which jump it is i want to say it's like this one up here no it's not this one it's around here though there's like a little bridge oh it's this one it's this one uh oh we're okay we're okay yeah you can hit that little bridge right there if you're going too quick 981 points that's not bad okay this is a little bit of an awkward jump right here it's fine it's fine that was not ideal but it works i can't remember if you if you can floor it on this one and be okay i'm gonna assume so oh yeah we're good can we get that 1500 points no but we did get the confetti all right next up king size see this one okay this one's a little bit difficult because you literally can't go too fast after you have the mattresses i've done this one a lot i embarrassed myself on youtube by not knowing how to do it but now i know how to do it so we're gonna ace this first try i feel like we're making pretty good time right all right i'm pretty sure i remember where the gate is okay get out get out no no i accidentally restarted it no i guess i accidentally clicked uh r or something oh my god i'm so mad that's gonna that's gonna take off a solid minute and a half of our time send it through the gate push f there we go okay don't don't reset now we're going 45 and they were still okay they were shaking around quite a bit though that was pretty good right that was pretty quick this one sucks goliath this one you literally have to stop a semi truck that didn't work at all come on i think the strat i need to use here is to throw myself in front of him and hope that he hits something all right wait this this is actually kind of working nope stop please wait wait oh my god we just got so lucky holy crap let's go on to the deck speedy scramble speed through down okay i remember this one so this one you just gotta pass through as many of these things as you can oh you already need to get all 16. i feel it it's the thing about it is one slip up you you you mess up your a tie you're done for you start all again it's it's a bastard it really is i feel like this one is supposed to be the last one you do it just has that energy because there's none around it we still got 80 seconds left though so i really don't want to have to do this one again uh 30 seconds left there's three more no there's the last tune oh oh wait oh we still got a success okay i i kind of wanted all of them but you know what whatever i'll take that all right so next up is barrel knocker am i supposed to like go in a circle here oh this is kind of clean though i got the drift going where are they though i still do do we have to knock them over yeah you have to knock them over okay well i got most of them is it still gonna fail me though do you have to get them all or is this okay okay well we got the broads i could definitely get good at that one but since we're just going for passing i'm gonna move on to east coast chase one all right chase is on maybe he'll crash himself some some of these old scenarios like they'll they'll eat they'll eat it themselves oh i remember that turn though oh yeah he did oh you idiot let's give him an old pit then oh wait there we go nope nope nope is this one that'll fail you if you mess your car up enough that wasn't bad i feel like i could if i got a little bit more lucky i could have gotten a little earlier when he initially crashed but this works too all right east coast chase two uh hate chases on east coast oh he almost ate it what is he doing that's it that's it folks all this for stealing a bag of chips okay east coast chase three let's go we're moving right along i meant to do that i can't believe that just happened and i drove away from it oh and i'm still i've still i've flipped my car and i'm still caught up with this dude this is a very dangerous pit if i do it right here oh it worked that was super risky oh he's dead i'm not arresting him at this point i need to call the coroner okay there's another police chase isn't there yeah oh this is the one with the ban yep half an hour oh we got 28 minutes i feel like we've made it through quite a bit of them though right or am i tooting my own horn here my am i flexing i took a chance there is it gonna work though whoa whoa whoa whoa whoa whoa it worked oh my god i really did i was not sure that was gonna work okay supply delivery sometimes it's good it's good to take risks when's the christmas intro it's coming it's coming trust me i'm pretty sure this is the safe route quote unquote okay yeah it's not strapped down at all we can give it gas sometimes just not around the corners i don't like the way that things ride on the edge like that maybe i can get it to kind of swing back into the middle this sucks it's so nerve-wracking is that the end though nice that's pretty clean okay gravity fuel 2.0 you're out of fuel oh this is where we have to coast down the hill oh no i'm not good at these so if this one is is difficult i'm gonna i'm gonna move on oh we're out of gas okay we just gotta not use the brakes we are moving pretty quick here the good news is this thing turns really well we're only going 45 miles an hour so oh my god oh my god oh my god okay i hit the brakes a little bit there it is kind of relaxing but when you're actually driving it's very nerve-wracking because i don't know this map very well yep there's the turn swinging around swinging around oh oh it's right there don't do this to me game please please no what happened wait there's more to this oh we gotta go back oh okay i didn't i didn't know that was a thing that could happen you know what whatever i'm not mad i can't believe we stopped literally 10 feet away was that supposed to happen beautiful we're done hey we did it i'm not even uh what just show me okay we got a gold still wow we got a gold okay i can't do the multiplayer one so we're gonna go to this one a crawling one we got 20 minutes left i'm probably going way too fast through this right now it's not sketchy at all right if i was gonna do it in any vehicle it's this one though i can give it a little bit more speed i just don't want to flip it i'm being a little bit cautious oh i almost flipped it there so i'm going to be a cheat a little bit sorry that was the end too are you kidding me dried up riverbed yo yeah these are all the uh the crawling ones i wish i had they should have gave me the pig the super pig that would be good for this i'm gonna pop my tire that's another thing that can happen if i go too quick tires can explode oh [Music] buddy oh no no no no no okay guess we're doing it backwards oh my god oh my god we gotta restart we got it easy gg easy so i guess i'll just is this a oh this is like an endless lap so i guess i'll do one lap we'll call it good i don't know if you can actually finish this one can you i feel like i can go a little bit quicker through here now nice okay so you can complete that not bad all right next up leap of faith how much time we have about 12 minutes left we got to get it going dude these uh crawler ones are time consuming a little bit i mean they're not super long but they feel slow because you gotta drive slow oh sh i'm doing i'm going way too fast for this it's working out though so yeah it's not too bad that wasn't bad at all this looks like something that's gonna pop my tires the new textures on this map are freaking gorgeous though it looks so good oh now we're crawling boys let's push your way through anyway there we go off to our death so let's move on to field run got 10 minutes left we got to make the most of it i'm pretty sure this is a race oh that was clean didn't win the race but i i finished so that's all i care about one minute 18 seconds i love the quick ones electric hyper milling okay one of these again so we have a very little amount of electricity all right get us coasting i hope i'm doing this right i'm only using the the gas when i need to oh why is it making us go uphill though oh oh whoa whoa no that was bad that was bad i think i'm okay though this might be the last one we finished i only have four minutes left no we had some we had some despair there's the chargers we had some electricity to spare you could optimize that pretty well but we did it under in three minutes we can maybe do this one oh that's too far reset so how fast do i need to be going go go go go go go get those so close oh let's go yes almost a perfect score too i mean i i got two minutes still i guess but is there anything i can even do i don't think there is get down here i'll try this i'll try it one time all you got to do is throw yourself off the cliff and hope you make it where's the checkpoint oh it's way down there okay yeah that's not happening it was worth the shot but yeah the the the the the clock is ticking we ain't gonna make it folks but you know what we did pretty darn good we did pretty darn good let's actually count this up here so we didn't do this one so one two three four five six seven eight nine 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 18. that's pretty good that's more than half like well okay maybe not but it's a pretty good chunk 18. so that's the the one to beat if we do this again it's gonna have we're gonna have to be 18 scenarios oh was it oh yeah it was 19 19. with the bullseye yeah we did the bullseye one so 19. but yeah that's it for tonight guys i'm probably gonna do another stream so yeah be on the lookout yeah thanks for stopping by guys thanks for the subs i really appreciate it thank you it means a lot to me and thanks for just chatting with me i'll see you guys in the next one peace
Channel: Neilogical
Views: 68,540
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: beamng random mod, random mod, beamng random parts, beamng randomizer, neilogical beamng, beamng random car race, beamng drive, beamng mods, beamng drive mods, neilogical,, beamng parts mod, car crashes, beamng lamborghini mod, beamng lamborghini, supra, beamng supra, chaos mod, beamng chaos mod, beamng traffic crashes, beamng traffic crash, beamng compilation, crash compilation, beamng crash compilation, beamng crashes, beamng drive realistic crashes
Id: 9ZZDB42T7Ek
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 18min 3sec (1083 seconds)
Published: Wed Dec 15 2021
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