How Manual Machinist Turning Large Steel Tube Into Eccentric Shaft For Jaw Crusher on Lathe Machine
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Channel: The Mechanic
Views: 131,865
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Keywords: manual machinist, machinist, machining, manual machining, milling machine, cnc machining, machining operations, machine shop, engineer, machinist tools, metal shaper, manual handling, cnc machinist, the machinist, machinist work, fabrication, tool and die, eccentric shaft turning, eccentric shaft polish on lathe, crusher plant eccentric shaft, machining eccentric shaft, eccentric shaft for stone crusher, crusher machine repairing, jaw crusher, eccentric mechanism, metal planer
Id: KCItnSpl1ck
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 29min 54sec (1794 seconds)
Published: Thu Oct 13 2022
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