How Long You Can Survive On Each Planet

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hi I'm Neil deGrasse Tyson I'm an astrophysicist with the American Museum of Natural History and I'm host of star talk radio welcome back to star talk radio and it's fighting all these air molecules like what's up with that we win astrophysicist if you ask the question how would human life do on the various planets so let's do a lightning ready but let's start in the middle of the solar system let's start with the Sun you would vaporize all right so that's that's really fast right there not a good place to visit although I'm told if you go at night it's old astronomy joke first planet out mercury the side that faces the Sun is very hot there's another side that does not face the Sun that's really cold so if you straddle that zone it'd be like and you rotated like in a rotisserie chicken then you would have variously cold and warm sides of you you might be able to get just the right temperature you would survive as long as it you could hold your breath a few minutes next out Venus 900 degrees Fahrenheit it is hotter than a pizza oven that's hot oh by the way on Venus has about the same gravity as Earth so you'd be very familiar walking around until you vaporized next one earth you don't have to hold your breath there and you're good for 80 years what's next Mars Mars is very cold but the air is very thin so the intensity of the cold will not be as biting as it might otherwise feel at that temperature on earth it's hundreds of degrees below zero but if you put on some insulating clothing you could walk around holding your breath after Mars you have the asteroid belt if you ran too hard you'd go into orbit so you can't play games on asteroids it doesn't work gravity's too low after asteroids you get to Jupiter no surface to land on you will descend forever into the gaseous atmosphere until you're crushed by the pressure of the planets layers next is Saturn same answer you'll descend down to the center you'll be crushed by the atmosphere as the atmospheric pressure continue to grow Saturn's rings which looks like really solid objects I mean I have you know model of Saturn behind me look you can like walk around on it on the real Saturn its particles frozen water possibly ammonia rock and it forms a ring because the what we call the gravitational dynamics favors a ring under those conditions in fact as many rings the a ring to be ring the C ring the D ring and so it's very thin and you can't just walk around on it and you're in a setup tuned also gas planets yeah so no forget about it stay here on earth we you can live the longest on earth sixty-five million years ago the dinosaurs had a very bad day
Channel: Business Insider
Views: 1,731,235
Rating: 4.8815489 out of 5
Keywords: Business Insider (Website), Neil DeGrasse Tyson (Organization Leader), Startalk (TV Program), Astronomy (Field Of Study), Physics (Field Of Study), Solar System (Star System), Planet (Celestial Object Category), Planetary Science (Field Of Study), Can, You, Space
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 2min 55sec (175 seconds)
Published: Mon Aug 18 2014
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