How Lee and Rob Met…and their favourite and worst Andertons TV moments!

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[Music] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] good gracious and good morning I'm Rob Chapman just chance just checking making sure my pedal boards are all off perfect let's Marvis hello hello welcome to another episode of chapters on the captain here on Anderson's TV where today we are talking all about how can almost wedgies of the sentences can't we because we've been together so long I think I mean making videos with you almost as long as I've been married and my wife oh my god I know I know absolutely that's a really weird thing to consider how long exactly well I think it was 2009 wasn't it when we first started making videos it's 2018 now so hey yes I see if it was weird I thought I knew you before I got married but I guess if I had I've invited you to my wedding but maybe I didn't obviously didn't so there we go did he definitely definitely say that's a long time ma'am um we got asked a question on a recent thing that I did a thing that I did and the question was how did you and el capitan meet well I mean I'll be honest with you I made the first move yeah I saw him from across the bar I have to give credit where credit is due to I was spending I was looking at YouTube thinking you know so that this is this new fandangled thing sure and I have to be honest with you our matchmaker although he doesn't realize this was Andy from Pro guitar shop because I saw him by doing all these peddle demos and I thought mmm that's a clever way of you know marketing products or not clever but it's much more engaging an interesting way to show someone what a product does than just writing about it on the internet which is what sort of web stores kind of did at that point so and then in a different video I was watching this chap called Rob Chapman from his little room in Trowbridge just so generally blogging or vlogging I suppose and teaching and playing and you were doing like a few reviews but it wasn't it wasn't review channel was like and you had seen me make videos for world guitars in Hitchin with but then jam for it yeah r.i.p GF yeah but it wasn't so much that I just think I was drawn to I suppose what made you popular with lots of people was just that the channel was engaging you know it was like you would what did you whisper you dirty yes I was just drawn to it you know you are one of those people that's very watchable Thank You Tube I think your money watchable it's very kind of it and it's you know there's a there's I think that's the neck actually of the people who've been really successful on YouTube isn't actually how good a guitar player they are yeah their knowledge they rub it but it's it's people who are watching yeah that's fun but anyway however you difference people who forget that they're being filmed and it's a video and they just like I think fun and I just wanted to have fun on video so and you at the time I remember you having 10,000 subscribers and I could not compute in my mind that size of nut and we're just like it was vast you know this is back in the day where our whole website probably only ever got like a thousand people a month ever came to know and visit it wasn't meant for them back then it was a lot of subscribers Ichi was a new world that come from MySpace yeah and started this new thing called called YouTube did I email or phone you you phoned me up number from somewhere out of the blue and I just been watching some of your videos and they're interesting and quite funny and I wondered if you'd like to come make some videos for Anderson's house like my bike it's hard from a distance okay you bear in mind Trowbridge in Guildford aren't really local so we would not have been Rob's local guitar so it's good probably to our drivers yeah I had purchased something from Anderson's it was a it was something like it was some kind of V or something obscure around it I sold right later on you know but I knew what Anderson's was and and to be honest Lee was just offered me a good deal so come down and we'll do one day a month and we'll shoot a couple of videos I remember I remember I must admit this is like the footless sort of the Mexicans not the Mexican standoff but like when Rob and I didn't know each other at all and you should've turned up you have very long hair there but you were very you you can't you you you presented yourself very professionally you know I'm a marketing expert and these are the things I can do for the brand of anderson's like that and I'm like oh that's jolly good I'm a professional executive here running and well I think this is extremely you know beneficial you know mutually in any way and I remember the my idea and this definitely probably wasn't Rob's idea my idea was that we would be we'd have like this QVC style effect yeah we go and and somewhere in the corner I'd have this magic counter and I'd see all the sales coming in rather than that could we just call you the captain yes and pretend that we're in a fictional ship and then just dick around so quite quickly it became apparent that the videos that I wanted to make weren't selling anything at all and actually I remember even like like a month or two or two or three months of shooting the very night or three days of shooting with Rob over a three month period I was thinking this is a waste of time I'll pull the plug on this but then we got these like emails coming through from customers going I just want to say I've just bought like this random product from you nothing you've ever videoed because I think your videos are funny you make with Rob yeah and then and that was went crazy for us really early on watch it was the slash less cool video and we it just it was a great sounding guitar and if you remember the set for that yeah it was a tiny tiny room with like a white Dutch beat hung over a pole it was on crazy and just terrible and it was a Landry chart who is now actually he's head of the whole Anderton's ecommerce empire but on that at that time he literally just started as somebody I think like a junior copywriter like back in the day where our web team had like what person in it and he just had to write the copy and he just basically like held the camera and put a microphone and I think he done like a GCSE music like in Nazareth so he just did this thing hello was that it that's amazing so this Toshiba yes so that and I remember we had no clue we were making guitar amps up with all the wrong Oh microphone and everything he's our only hope plastic magnet little vacuum next frame that's exceptionally good product knowledge from you there chocolate okay they are indeed classic magnets double vacuum way there are no words to even though yeah [Music] but that was the video where you and I really became friends because yes something clicked and we were and we were like a word duo and we have Blues in common and we like loud Les Paul's and just not being serious it was a line in that video something about I do / or something like that and we both giggle dinner so 30 potty humor away Rob there / something today choppers is doing / here on all seekers does / thanks for and and that was when I think we knew we clearly we sort of both infantile sense of humor [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] well in since then since then how much bigger is Anderson's well we I mean again you can't a drought this all entirely to us yeah it's really difficult to because analytically this is boring fast forward analytically if you go right well how many people watch a video click on the link in the description below and then buy something it's absolutely minuscule the conversion rate is so bad it's like the worst source of sales possible compared to Google Shopping or anything like that and yet there is this correlation undoubtedly between our how well-known we became on YouTube and how our sales grew and although you you know although you can't scientifically go well it's because we did this therefore this happened and I always want to mention you know that there are dozens of people at Anderson's there's over a hundred members of staff at Anderson's now back then there was probably twenty and you know hundreds of thousands of man-hours and literally million pounds millions of pounds worth of money have gone in to put the infrastructure in there so all those things go in but I think that that initial reason people perhaps heard of Anderson's and had the confidence to buy something from us in the first place would have been well YouTube's the I always had my like god this is their every wearing one of my number one golden rule of selling online is if nobody ever comes to your website yes you know it's a bit like everything else can be perfect so you got to have some way of going hello you know I think more than that it was an outlet for both of us because I was in a really dark time at the beginning of us meeting up and going through a divorce and also so horrible weird thing yes and well it's personal but loads and loads of debt oh yeah thousands of pounds worth - I remember and obviously running Anderson's is a stressful thing and so we were both like this is a mess if outlet we can just go crazy in these videos and have a bit of a fun and relax and just kind of do our own thing and we both found a way because presenting with somebody isn't easy if they look like pleasanton lik it's a really is the hardest thing ever to do but when it's the right person that it works something know how their mind works and everything is so so easy I think the format as well that has kept our you know us fresh or relatively fresh and that we've kind of said to everyone that's come to work for Anderson's here is the videos have to be literally live and in the room and you know what you don't see in our videos are like lots of cuts of rehearsed things and the same thing played 50 times to try and get it how we want it to no no you literally hit and that's how Rob and I make one and the rest of the team that's how we do four sometimes five videos in a day because it's literally right what we do next these pedals ok cool what do they do don't worry about that Rob I'll tell you in the video you know it's just like there and that's it I mean there are times would be cut knee go pump man I don't know how this works or this thing is broken and needs fixing well perhaps that brings us on to our top outer practice should we do our favourite three and out and our least favourite oh god I mean this is completely off the cuff and we've not this bear in mind that there's over a thousand videos that Robin have done so we're bound to have forgotten them I tell you what would be great for the comment section is just put the links to your favorite one and so then it'd be really fun going you can then all around the curved section see the video I remember the stuffing the most at of all time was what the product was about so that product time yeah but I just remember he just found out about Skyrim and I let ik and hurry to the knee I used to be an adventurer like you and then I didn't eat and that just snowballed and the entire video everything was iced like birds then I took a sparrow to the name listing like vegetable gardening what this product what was an amp of some kind and they probably hated us but we have it was an amp ik guitar amp I think right I used to be in a bird-watching pro at the end I even wrote an email to MPEG to apologize for the fact that although the amp was fine and that it did feature in the video and I think we probably said nice things about it 90% of the video was AeroGarden it was so I had I bruised my stomach muscles laughing I went home and had a bath it was one of those that gonna go in your top three that's that's it might be the most fun to shoot is what is what I'm going for yeah I think that I think the one that and it never I don't think I ever got that many views but the one whenever I it comes up and I watch it back and it always I just think we we it was bring is the intro to the original kapten denna demo where I'm the Lone Ranger the tone range and you read the stick that used to do the audio but the horse's head on and there's a camera angle of me riding a horse that just looks so legit and then it pans out it's literally a guy with a rubber I was American Indians I was a Native American dancing around you and then like bringing Sperry in the client section 4219 Native American but we're really was not it was just big city we're like everybody else Oh stranger you seem to have been injured yeah I know I think I've taken an arrow the hooded beak yes it was a competition an Epiphone guitar that yes it was a that was a Scott Hawk something it was a hawk and so you with a hooded big blues hawk yeah so we had a blues Hawk who was a superhero and then I became another superhero called the hooded beak the time when we all dressed up to go around nuba Michael Jackson he went to the graveyard danced like thriller in a graveyard yep Revere dressed up as it was Barney we were sat in some waiting room I know we went to move into Burger King and we're all sat in Burger King you know burgers dressed as I'm dressed as Michael Jackson and yeah why's mrs. Welman beer was eating meats that I think hey we were all ready and my wife was dressed up as an angel or something and we weren't even married and and basically my first daughter had just been born and we have an activity thing back in my garage my god baby with baby G yeah that was the one clip I'll never get out of my mind is we we dressed up as our two favorite rock stars and you jumped and did a bus slide over the bonnet of a car have your old green Volvo oh my god and I was filming it and you and you just jumped and skinned it and be like oh and and it was so funny [Music] funny thing was with that so so wheat those two characters Richie sambuca and we'll build beasts wildebeest yeah they became the two characters that we always got out the cupboard every time there was a shovel guitar today no until Charbel literally said can you give me a lot to do though so stereotypical you're stereotyping the sort of person that would buy a shovel guitar yeah much to the chagrin of the internet I would imagine probably a problem we've got a few brands tell us I'm surprised that Miku hasn't come I mean for me that's the most I was waiting for you to just do that one okay cuz I mean that's the biggest viewed video I think that we've ever had to go there isn't it and that was the one is it I think it is no you're I think you've done it you did a throwaway kind of what does a fretless guitar sound like video yeah just like a billion views serious is a is the Miku it wasn't even a serious thing that was just a throwaway thing it's a but that was sober looks I started playing the intro to every breath she takes which I hack with some chords that probably aren't right and then Rob plays the vocal melody line with the Miku and it's just that was a major scale let's play a chord as a chord so it doesn't do that very well but what it does do very well is the space hold it together broke you can do this is is the singing melodies thing and and actually for some reason I thought just track it particularly well it does strap that dick very well so if Lee was to play a simple course like maybe a isn't it funny after almost 10 years is 10 years isn't by nine years nine years but we should do something crazy we will after almost 10 years of shooting videos a throwaway random video gets 4 million views as the ever wonder water fretless guitar sensor and then it's the Korg Miku then it's Thor J catalyst and then it's one of the first videos we ever shot Gibson vs. Epiphone oh the Gibson Bears f1 is the aka / how to sound like / on a budget yes so that is literally the very first video interestingly enough that it's the Fender Stratocaster shootout Squire vs. fender so people love david and goliath kind of concepts but then it's blindfold challenge the can we sell a 300-pound guitar for three thousand pounds and that was the one where i think that was an early squire classic vibe video where you got that you got the 2000 pound whatever custom shop telly in this classic vibe yes that blindfold that was back in the day as well before i don't know where they've gone that before a very very nice chap sent us proper yes we just literally usual apparently like ebay man bare head he made a ruby r1 as well but i have no idea what that's gone it's got it so these didn't yeah prior to these we used to just literally wrap anything like this of black cloth yeah anyway you know I always I always wondered what would happen with with Addison's with choppers and the captain in the future and I had all these sort of dreams and aspirations of us like taking it on the road and doing it alive and going around Europe or a bit of America but and I just waiting for Lee to agree so that was that I mean yet again I don't have we forgotten any I certainly know there are do you remember do you remember when why did we dress stick up as ba Baracus once I look and again we fully fully dressed them up yes and dressed was well select and again I think I think we got a stick for that we got a lot of stick for stick dressing that like beer brackets but we just have fun with you know we're inclusive of everybody did a lot of stuff there were some videos that were really really hard to shoot I'm gonna talk about a few more of those on my channel at some point yeah I mean I sort of as you guys I sure well imagine what one of the things at the last year or two that has been great for Anderson's as it's got bigger is that manufacturers have just begun to respect the fact that when we make videos we will be honest and critical of products when it's you know relevant but in the early days when when the video channel was a bit smaller and Anderson's was a bit smaller and brands didn't really understand YouTube they just thought it should be for adverts they didn't like that they couldn't control it that would be something that could mold shape and become all their marketing I suppose there were definitely you know awkward videos that I kind of walked away going off bit uncomfortable in that one and that's sort of I mean there's obviously and it would always invariably be because I'd push it a little bit yeah and and there might be some like a representative in the corner but I mean I mean again I'm not going to name a brand but I remember doing a guitar amp shootout and the brand that lost the guitar amp shoots out out of four or five different brands went absolutely ballistic yeah and they didn't really lose because there was like none of the scores were like terrible it was just in any scored shootout there was obviously one came bottom and I mean I think one of the best things about us is that we we are free to do whatever we want to do I mean obviously you were you run a guitar store I don't I just come in work and hang out and drink coffee but so so for you it's probably a lot harder because you're always thinking my stores like sell these it's different now honestly we've done the same shootout reviews in the last two years and we'll go this one's my favorite that other and I didn't like this one because and honestly now but I just think the world has changed and brands go they accept that this is just an this is this is just the new form of media this is how people talk about stuff and I think again I used to say to a lot of brands what do you think sales star for saying in stores when it's like you know then if a customer comes in and says do you like this sample this had better for me this sales men we'll go well I prefer that one to that yeah and I'm going we're not doing anything different to that is this you just don't get it but yeah definitely definitely it's a bigger platform in the older days with stronger influences as opposes is the issue yeah and we do have a lot of responsibility here with our wieldy mighty YouTube state yeah so sometimes it it's very difficult yeah especially if there were the submitting don't you find now as opposed to as opposed to manufacturers getting the hump if we say they don't like something if we say we don't like something what we'll do is we'll get that manufacturer coming back and going well what should we do to improve it you know thank you for the feedback rather than oh your wish you just say we have been involved in a lot of helping brands make big decisions about products or comments that videos that have been yeah if you had to have your three videos that you just go I wish we'd never even started doing them for any reason at all should we do the one that everyone will do I wish we had never learned the cab clone video because the product wasn't good and mezu bougie makes fantastic products and that wasn't one of them and so unfortunately it was just I should caveat that by saying the and because their product still in the catalog now and and so I think what it was it was it was advertised as something that it probably wasn't you know it was advertised as a box you just throw away your cabinet put your guitar em straight into it take a feed I mean it's called me I have clone a exact Amol and we did a video and kind of compare it to a real cabinet and it didn't come out great bogie contacted us and say if you kind of goes to the point you've missed the point yes and it's not really you know it's kind of would you mind if Peter came down and explained it in more detail we then understood kind of what it was supposed to do and redo the video which we said of course you know we're the last thing we want to do is misrepresent the product and you know misuse it and we redid the video and probably still dim well we're never gonna redo it in lie or just go oh no now we think it's great we've just honest for always on so and and you know it's a real shame because I mean in particular I hope you I love mr. Bowie I oh I know you bought two weeks ago I think they're one of the best at browsers you know they're my top and four or five a reasonable time if we'd have understood a bit more three or four years ago about impulse impulse responses and how you need to use impulse responses with di yo cabin Malaysians we would probably have reviewed that product completely differently but it was at a time where that kind of tech was relatively new and unknown and and and as I said that the the product was launched as mentioned didn't go by the way make sure you use something I think it was supposed to take the sound and then mold it more and we just took the sound and presented it yeah so what would about for you I still I met I never enjoy having to demonstrate very technical products oh you're so so I think because the format of our videos is very much about what your initial reaction is to a product and it's like right so what so you're you're looking for in like it's got to be simple to use and you've got to initially get some good sounds out of it and and and then that's compounded even worse where a supplier says look I've got you this product it's like it's not out for a couple of minutes of a prototype well they don't even tell you it's a prototype sure you get the product and they're you going like that and then there'll be glitches so tell them tell them good this was the hardest review we've ever done tell them what it was it's positive grades bias and that was that that took us to be shooted twice over two days yeah it was the hardest video we have ever shot not because he couldn't get it to sound good but it was just so confusing so convoluted there were problems with the unit we had it was a prototype it was glitchy yeah and oh my god and we were trying to do a you know we were trying to obviously present it in its best light but I remember not just me I mean oh it just literally going I'm just I feel utterly lost the will to live I come spin you'd spend an hour getting a sound that you liked and then you and then literally the app or you'd press a button and it would and it hadn't saved anything and you just be like I can't do this anymore okay is there a video you've ever refused to do well I guess I I can think of two I don't know that not not in a way of I mean recently like the last 18 months I just refused to do anything that's boring yeah I mean honestly and truthfully if you could see the amount of jeffords that we get sent and just jihad is an internal term that means just another something overdrive and I'm not actually OverDrive's are in the work but just distortion just as pedals I sitting home on this year or another and I'd so I refuse to do those anymore if we get offered we turned down hundreds of pounds thousands of pounds in you know people can kind of pay you it's like so boring so with so I don't do those anymore and I'm not interested really in being the YouTube guy that assassinates a product because I sort of appreciate that people have them you know there are people out there making a living out this guy the owner brand so we know what it's like if someone makes a bad review of our product so I think most of our reviews you know if we don't reviews I've got I've got the greatest get out of jail card ever for not reviewing stuff because if Anderson's doesn't stock it and if I don't like it we don't buy it for Anderson's therefore we don't review it therefore it's an easy that's why we don't review something there's we only review products on this channel typically the Anderson sells what about you what have you refused to demo them so the one that sticks out really really in my mind like I said this Chinese travel guitar and it was it was a small yellow body maple neck headless genus down here and they'd sent them out to three or four other youtubers as well and I got it and I went ha ah and I found immediately four or five construction issues like faults with this product and it was it was they were so bad that I wrote back and said look I'm not gonna review this because I'm doing you a favor but while I'm here here are the four things wrong with your product and they'll probably offered me a job which I refused and then I saw that three of the achievers had done the review yeah it was a bit embarrassing because you knew that the product was rubbish but they were basis I mean beyond awful like as in completely awful and he kind of said I I always wanted to think that I retain integrity here well no and I'm not saying other people don't sometimes where you are we are sometimes you got a week but I just kind of think it's difficult wasn't it there's been there's Jason Wilding from Wampler did a really good blog article about the difference between what you should expect to get from a YouTube demo from a guy that's being paid to do it higher versus what you should expect to get from a YouTube demo from a guy that isn't being paid to do it you know and he was just saying that there's not really any he's not suggesting that anything is lied about but clearly if a manufacturer says I will give you five hundred pounds to review this product yeah what they really mean is I will give you five hundred pounds to make a video showing this product off in its best light right so not lying about it so it's not a review it's a demonstration yes the cool thing for me is that you pay Anderson's pays me to come here but I'm free to be as I like that I like that I hate that that's rubbish that's brilliant I can say anything I want any given time and I mean you can because you go well I think that's that's allowed the bigger the YouTube channel has got and the more as I said our suppliers and our partners understand what the point of it is yeah the more they accept that there's no such thing as a product that's absolutely brilliant for everybody no there's just a product that you know will do a certain thing that would be good for some things and not so good for other things and one girl liked it in the next guy won't but that doesn't look so that's what we talked about but it's brilliant because if the money to me was coming from PRS I couldn't say oh I hate this guitar obviously this is a brilliant but because the money comes from and items and I'm free to say what I want because product is good though and it seems that's in the contract so I'm kind of I'm in immediately free of all the tethers of restrictions and things so it's just did we do the three worst I think we missed the other worse one we kind of know about which was again was to remember trying to do the gibson firebird was it no not the gibson firebird that's not called Oh was it X yeah yeah I'm gonna make a video about some of this too essentially it was the worst guitar ever dammit it was in ten years it was the most pointless leaf no do you know what it was I mean it was a bad shape and a bad finish so my guitar so it wasn't a great it wasn't a great catania and then it just had a load of tech that was like early tech for what it could do so the whole like the robot tuning was a very liberal version of and loop sooth head of had Bluetooth pedals that would do all the effect I have like and yeah you do something and then let go get yeah go break idli it's expensive oh sorry I'll tell you you know different presets things like that as Robbie's ably demonstrated on the bar the best story I ever heard of it was it wasn't that guitar but it was like the next generation of that which was called something to do with a tiger it was a whatever you're right and the story goes the press shots for the for the guitar was was a cage with a tiger in it and this guitar this Gibson guitar somebody say in the comments what it was it was it was one of the robot things I'm sure anyway whatever it was and it was a pressure of the guitar indicate with the tiger by like that and the story goes that they turned the guitar on so that the so that the knobs would light up and stuff like that and as the tiger went near it and touched a string the machine head when it to tune it spook the tiger and the tiger smash there's no doubt of it yeah which that is the coolest story ever that's the rumor I heard but rumor in fairness the tiger obviously knew better than we did about what the best thing to do with thanks was I mean but there we go so and I should say in fairness to Gibson although the onboard effects technology really never went anywhere they did in fairness develop the robot tuning to a level where actually it was really cool and really usable and I didn't really I thought they kind of they pretty much nailed it and even though there was still a lot of you know like 60 70 percent of people's didn't like it I still thought that it did actually work at the end and then they just went on we're not doing that anymore that's not all of us thought well they're not doing at all anymore all I know is that on the 2018 range the the robot tuning this was completely removed and yet I wish I thought was weird because by the time it got to the light that the latest version of the 2017 mind really works well in the lobes oh I just need to press this button and now my guitars in tune yes the number times we demoed a Gibson I should have out robot units cuz it would've been by babe is astounding how long is this video it's too long what's the longest video we've ever shot no no we've done on the video Christmas special Christmas special 2015 there were there was one or two reasons why that will always be a fondly remembered video for me and I was the captain please keep watching for another 10 years and again in the comments section below if you'd like us to to dress up more and be a bit more stupid or do other things you know put it in the comment section below we don't read them so tell us what you'd like us to dress as for example recently I had a request for Lee to film himself in the shower singing the Spice Girls if that's your dream task well there we go coming to a channel near you not zigg a zigg ah you
Channel: Andertons Music Co
Views: 398,829
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: Andertons, Andertons Music, Andertons TV, Best of Chappers, Best of Chappers and the Captain, Rob Chapman, Lee Anderton, How did Rob meet Lee?, Best PRS Guitar, G&L Asat, Classic Bluesboy
Id: Dgh1F0Wq_Og
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 38min 7sec (2287 seconds)
Published: Tue Oct 30 2018
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