How Justin Did $40,000 his First Month Selling on Amazon FBA

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how's it going everybody my name is Warner Fields with fields of profit Dam here with my friend Justin who is crushing the game doing a little bit of a different Amazon business model than normal running about $70,000 a month I'm super excited to get into his story but if you just want to quickly introduce yourself Justin maybe let us know how you got into the world of Amazon to begin with and we can just roll from there there's Justin got a typical 9o5 engineer by day kind of Amazon Seller By Night started about two and a half years ago saw one of those random probably YouTube Instagram Tik Tok videos of somebody saw gon the Shel at Marshalls I thought to myself if he can do that I can do that I no numers signed up the next day got my EIN number going got my Amazon store going a week later way back when have much guidance luckily after about a year and doing a lot of driving some with the pond Warner miles and The Bu box Bandits started listening on my drives help hone in my store a little bit but yeah I appreciate that everything that y'all taught me yeah that's awesome that's so you took action fast like I see that a lot with people who end up just making money online and making money in general you're like all right next week I'm selling some stuff on Amazon so do you know like how long it was from watching that first video to like actually going out and looking at products and and making that first sale it was quick it it was the next day it was one of those off I think I went to a store scanned all night I think probably made my first purchase that first night and my first full month I sold over 40K so damn okay yeah I was fortunate to where I had resources where I could purchase that and take a little bit leap of faith but yeah got running pretty quickly so that's awesome yeah I didn't know you did 40K in your first month I knew you're crushing it but that might be the best first month I've ever heard of there that's awesome Sally s at least I knew pretty early on stuff yeah that's cool do you remember what that first product was where you went out to the store and you started scanning it what store was it cuz I know that's a lot of people right they've seen it what store should they go to what were you looking at so the first store would have been a Lowe's and the reason I chose that just cuz my background I've Been On Tools my entire life so I know tools that's what a few people who I've helped God I tell them stick with what you know to start with so I started scanning tools and power tools first thing was RCA I think like a radio frequency adapter bought for Bucks sold it for 30 after my fees made my $3 they okay maybe there's something here and they bought a few bad buys but biggest thing is even if I break even at the beginning I was learning so it was worth it for that free lessons yeah absolutely that's a great mentality to have as a beginner and there's a lot of good money in those random niches like fets and like random hardware parts like I've made a lot of money there so yeah like looking at stuff from that engineering background that's super common I see that with kids who like shoes they start selling shoes you had that engineering background so it just made sense you knew what might be good there so you're also mentioning that you've got the 9 5 job right now as well so how are you able to balance the Amazon business with the 9 to5 what's that workload looking like for you yeah obviously we got a curveball here recently got a two-month old love a girlfriend she's fantastic she's luckily still on paternity to leave I just went back to work a couple weeks ago but yeah right now she's taking the night shift so we'll see how that adjustment comes here soon but typically I almost treat it like military I'm pretty big on my structure wake up at 6:00 a.m. not going about an hour and a half worth of work or I get my oldest son up for school work during the day my role is I don't do Amazon during Kids waking hours so then once I go to bed usually about 8:30 9:00 then that's my time where I get a little bit more done and luckily here recently took on a couple High School Employees they do about five hours a week for me so I give them some task when I work in the morning to like what they need to label for the day what they need to prep for FBA shipment and then I have the second one she runs and goes and picks up stuff for me so I don't have to do that anymore so no more running to the Box Store and no more run into the post office yeah I realized real quick my time is even more valuable than I thought out that yeah building a little small business out of it hiring the neighborhood kids whatever it is it's just like family friends that kind of thing that you're giving a couple hours to yeah post stuff on Facebook Hey some kids want to come make some cash and come help out a little bit Yeah quite a few people jump to that opportunity yeah that's awesome a lot of people overthink that stuff like I got to get somebody full-time or my my little sister's been helping me out for the longest time it's been her like high school job for a while very similar thing there so that's super cool on the time splitting thing too I've heard that from a couple other awesome parents that are also Amazon sellers it's like all right if they're awake I'm not going to be gone I'm not going to be like working on stuff but soon as they are it's Grind Time so I love that there so I want to hit on how you were able to scale to 40K a month in that first month right CU most people they just not able to test the products that quickly what were some of the things that you were implementing like where were you buying a lot of the inventory from like how are you just able to scale it that fast really at the beginning a lot less low and luckily it was still The Ting process wasn't difficult obviously you can attest here there's tons of information that you know yourself that's provided on how to do it like I said luckily it was really a had the res resources to do it obviously it's a little tough if you're starting off a $500 to scale that right and then once I realized there was a possibility with this I just started reaching out to Big brands in my area and luckily one of the biggest ones I went just started buying and then about two weeks later I get a call from the VP of the company they're like hey you selling this on Amazon I yes where I am Amazon's asking us to stop selling to you like oh that's unfortunate apparently I got on Amazon's radar I went back the next day brought a cater lunch to everybody made sure to introduce myself to everybody asked I was like I understand Amazon doesn't want be buying from me anymore but there's got to be opportunity luckily they let me show up the next day with a 26 foot box truck bought about $50,000 worth of inventory got three storage units and I was Off to the Races that is so sick yeah that was the biggest Roi catered lunch of all time I think right there yeah one of those things coming from oil and gas industry I've been technician I've been everything it's the rule of thumb is you're not going to get a new meeting unless you come with good lunch options and break for stock go are for the recurring sales people but if you want new business you better bring fajitas something like that's awesome that's awesome so yeah so in that early stages when you're able to grow that fast like a lot of people like you know you just have to get lucky to sell on Amazon would you say that was luck or was that because you were going the extra mile doing the work that other people weren't willing yeah definitely think obviously there's a little luck into everything but I'm pretty big believer I make my own so perseverance and hard work I think will overcome pretty much anything that's one thing I've been willing to help people out give them guidance too I'm not worried about competition I'm not going to find too many people who are going to put in more hours than I am or want to take risk or work as hard but yeah to begin with it was just I knew I did hundreds of hours of market research essentially before I really got going cuz I I was there four or five nights a week scanning stuff I knew Lowe's I knew Target I knew Walmart I knew all those stores like at the back of my hand those first few weeks I knew I trusted the numbers luckily actually back then I didn't even have seller it was the Amazon App load garbage but luckily I can crunch numbers pretty quick in my head so I trusted my own math and kept after it that's awesome yeah so when you're going out there and you're trying to find this awesome brand you're able to land like was that just a result of scanning a bunch of stuff at the stor you have a special research method to find that brand how should someone find that first couple brands that they can really go deep on yeah to start with I didn't have any Secret Sauce other than perseverance and just effort that's anybody who's ever asked me I always told him start with all right I like you got to get in the trenches you got to understand the numbers luckily there's apps now that helped tremendously and did a lot of the guest work and thinking for you but yeah I'm a pretty big believer and just getting after it and start scanning you'll learn real quick just trust the numbers it's there there's plenty of research even on the seller they will tell you everything that you need to know as far as IP concerns what your Roi what your profit margin is then you'll just learn to adjust those over time and you'll set up your own variables and variances of how you want to personally attack it yeah I think a lot of people when they first start they think there's some like secret recipe that a lot of the like big Amazon sellers are hiding like in those early days it's literally just how much can you deal with being terrible at something for a couple weeks a month whatever it takes right like most people just can't make through that and if if you're in that position man I've been smashing my head against the wall that's good that's where you want to be right now there's a lot of people who obviously think it's uh day one you become an instant millionaire lecture the lambo yeah it's one like I alluded to earlier breaking even at the beginning is perfectly fine I know in my line of work my company we pay a lot of money for my training I can get free training learning how to do Amazon even especially to start with that's okay now I don't want to break even on anymore it's worth it it's not the end of the world if you break even to start with if you're in viable information compounds over time yeah in those early days I always like to ask this cuz it's different for everybody but was there like a certain like light bulb moment maybe it was the first product you sold or a product you sold a bunch of where you're like holy crap this is significant like I can make some money this isn't just like dudes and Lamborghinis on Instagram talking about crap like what was that light bulb moment for you yeah there was I always remember it was a Ego battery it was just happen that same thing new loads like the back of my hand happened to be at a loow saw was at clearance in the store it was on clearance for $6.50 I always remember and I looked on Amazon I was selling for 60 I'm like huh bought everything they had there went ahead and listed it while I was checking out they sold before I got home I went to another Lowe's did the same thing and I decided to call Lowe's corporate and I was like Hey interested in buying these and still probably my biggest thing that I kicked myself about they said they had 1,600 available I just started off I only bought a 100 I sold all 100 of those by the end of that day over the course of the weekend I remember that weekend was about a $88,000 weekend I only been doing it for three or four weeks and called back to get more of course somebody else bought him of course and then I went looking about a year later and they end up selling for 100 bucks each after me and the other noobs we sold out but that first weekend in my garage I was all set up I remember my neighbors coming by what the hell are you doing I'm doing this Amazon thing I'm going to give it a shot they're like you're sending out a lot of packages I was like this it's easy apparently and of course I never realized this going be my best weekend for about two years that's when I knew I was like this could seriously be something yeah that's awesome that's an awesome story and yeah there there's no way you could have known just start this thing and buy a thousand thousand of these that takes a whole different level of crazy but if you're not getting called Crazy by the neighbors then I don't know if you've made it as an Amazon Seller yet yeah that's one of those things like I can honestly say in two and a half years I don't regret any bad buys I only regret the few that I didn't buy B on that's the only one those are the ones that keep me up the that every once in a while that's awesome I feel the same I hear the same thing from a lot of very successful Amazon sellers there so you and I were talking a little bit before that you've got unique way to Source your products nowadays so a lot of people think that doing like retar but going out to stores it's just not scalable at all what are some ways that you've been able to scale Retail Arbitrage combining it with the wholesale business model yeah I kind of went the typical path as most start with the retail ARB charage and I started moving online then always you want to pursue wholesale look like I got that one wholesale account pretty early on and then I started noticing while I was on fraternity leave I had some time to finally assess what I was doing something I was struggling with pulling the two full-time jobs essentially for a while so I was able to sit back and reflect on my store started doing some of the stuff I had background on realizing that it was time obviously was my biggest contay which was a huge surprise so I blended my ra method and did a little bit more wholesale so started actually contacting store managers assistant managers general managers whatever have you picked out my few best suppliers that I had did the same thing showed up with food I've got Astro season tickets my company bought my Astro season tickets for my personal account I expens those gave tickets to general managers I did whatever it took to get meetings with them s at ask and I like hey what will it take for me not to be the customer that checks out in the front I want back door access I want to come with my truck and I want to pick luckily perseverance they let me start doing that so it's the same thing I'm not actually getting any real special pricing from a couple of these people same price that most people are buying I'm just getting it in large quantities much larger quantities than you're going to walk out in your arms and then this helps me obviously streamline my process which enabled me to bring somebody on part-time just helping do some of that work while I'm at work pretty simple it's easier when you've got hundreds of items as opposed to free of everything and you got to figure out what goes where so that just really enabled me to streamline everything and just I went from I think last year what was it my top three suppliers were 68% of my gross sales now I'm actually at about 88% and then focusing on that has actually drastically reduced my hours and shockingly I believe the number is my sales volume is up about 28% and my gross sales are up about 32% by actually focusing in more on those few key suppliers I have and just going deeper with them as opposed to you know spreading myself thin yeah it's that 8020 rule right you see it all over the place those couple things that give you pretty much all the money you're making go deeper on that and then scale from there that's awesome when you're trying to figure out what to buy from these stores are you doing the research online you scan it in store and then just saying hey I found this on the Shelf can I get 500 of them is that your process yes I'm still the old school approach I still going I like touching and feeling so I still like going to the store but yeah obviously I do some reverse sourcing find my competition see that they've got a few hundred from this brand then obviously I pick up some things from them every once in a while but yeah I still like going in store especially a lot of these places that have a lot of seasonal items it's yeah so it's ever changing and not to mention even if you're just essentially buying off the shelf they've got different sounds too I try to monitor those inbox but I still like going in person to see what all is there to be offered cool yeah that's awesome a little bit old school but it's clearly working for you right so it's what I like about Amazon there's a million different ways that people able to find a little bit of a niche for themselves create that income that kind of stuff so what would you say is something that you had a big misconception about before you started selling an Amazon what's something a lot of people might think is true and just wasn't it's one of those I know some people perceive Amazon is it's odd so actually the perception is either it's too difficult it's not for everybody or it's too easy almost nobody comes into this with the middle ground nobody thinks it's just going to be hard work and grinding they either think you're going to end up with the Rolex on the lambo day s or that with Amazon controls 100% of the Mark over it and they don't realize that 60% plus of the sales are from people like us obviously I didn't know going into this how much of Amazon is actually made up from individuals like us so that was by opening just going through listings I'm like it really isn't very much of Amazon Amazon and basos you're collecting a lot from us on all of our hard workare but yeah I obviously didn't realize just how big of a community there was of Sellers and just how many of us are actually are selling on Amazon yeah absolutely that's something that like even family after I've been doing this for years they're like wait you can sell stuff on Amazon like I thought it was all Amazon and a lot of people don't even realize when they're sending that harassing buyer message like they're being mean they're just sending to some random guy in Texas right like I still get that pretty of like I'm really sorry liar I'm not up at 1:00 a.m. like I got a two Monon old but I'll respond to you in the morning bud that's awesome yes as far as like working on your Amazon business like what's your biggest why what keeps you going what keeps you working so hard on your business a big thing is I like the idea of passing something off to my kids and I'm actually luckily the good thing about how this is set up you I guess you have to always throw out that disclaimer I'm not a tax professional so don't take my advice cont consult your Tech professional I've got mine set up as an escort so actually even though I've got a two-month old and a six-year-old they're both actually paid employees of the company and luckily obviously we can do that taxfree they get it taxfree so it's nice that the company and the efforts that my kids are making by advertising their products for me in breaking down boxes they've actually both already have nice Ira set up that's been 100% funded by the company so it's nice I initially had the idea my kid would have his job at 12 years old doing this for those tax benefits as well and grown from there and it's the idea of passing something down to them it's obviously I was fortunate it's not something I needed to live off of but obviously I'm pretty lucky with my job that if I still think this is feasible and has enough potential for me to continue to do it that should tell some people who hate their job or just getting started with their careers that there's a lot of opportunity here obviously yeah that's super awesome I didn't know about out about already getting some funding for the kids off the Amazon business they'll be very grateful for that I got like I think my parents they gave me like a couple hundred bucks in a CD and they never touched it and I was 18 and it recruited 0.5% so your kids are going to be doing way better than I was set up there so that's awesome yes obviously a little bit too young to start working on the business so far but maybe soon they'll be a product prepping and all that kind of stuff too he's already he's got a job he's got to sweep the warehouse floor and break down boxes so he knows the box cutter supervised of course y y he'll be a nice hard worker for Life there starting at six there sweet so do you have any I know you mentioned you got some people locally do you have any like virtual Assistance or anything like that or is it all just you finding the products and and going from there it's all me I tried a virtual assistant once that was back before I had the repletion point I just didn't have enough time to oversee so that only lasted for about two weeks really didn't use much from what they did maybe ones or twoes I do have a prep Center in Montana used to send quite a bit more but with the shift really don't send too much just a couple repins that I get every once in a while but yeah it's all like two local high school kid the Mary they work about 5 to 10 hours a week like I said one just preps for me one puts together some Amazon stuff and puts the FN SK labels on and the other picks up for me runs errands for me stuff of that nature for the most part still a one man shop ideally obviously I would like to expand and not to mention just I like to be a little bit more at 30,000 ft overseeing everything right now I'm still pretty I'm like a little prop plane probably about 6,000 feet so I'm like a lot higher up in the air yeah that's a good analogy I like that one there do you have a warehouse or anything like that or is it just cranking out of the garage it was out of the garage and the for anybody who's familiar with Texas I didn't realize the difference from having a garage that was attached to your house to a detached garage in this new house and the point of why we bought this house was for the sixc car garage and we have now but the detach garage gets to experience the Texas Sun all day so it's about 130° in there luckily I've worked outside my entire care so it doesn't bother me too much but my employee seem like they're going to die every once in a while but yes that six car G The Hub and then I've got what four storage units just with some long-term holds and just holding the Spot while I'm turning around product as well CU like I said I typically I'm one big wholesaler I I get to BU the truck loads obviously my garage is only so big yeah that's awesome got to get the fans going out there all that kind of stuff I know it used to be a summer basketball practices with no AC in the Arkansas heat so I've been there I've been there that's awesome so I know another thing we were talking about is how you've got like your processes your prep processes all that kind of stuff like super dialed in using that engineering background you want to break down how that works and how you're able to get those product shipped out as easy as possible yeah so it was one of those things when he was able to take some time to look at everything actually paid one of my colleague what they call him Mackenzie expert so they just specialized in efficiency so got them to come in and when I say paid them I I smoked them a brisket ironically so they came in and watched my employees for the day and we monitored everything they did and we had different windows that we put their time being spent so it's called a wrench Time study so what it is it's literally looking to see how every minute of every hours so we looked for inefficiencies how we can improve it I think the numbers were four it was like typically like getting a box either for prep put in the glass bottle in a box whatever it is they weren't being put away the most efficient way so it was actually they were spending on average of 4.2 minutes per 60 Minutes getting the box so what did I did spent some money built a better box rack we actually reduced that down to 3.1 minut and it was same thing like doing tape refills because of the size tape I was getting it was about a half a minute per hour got bigger rolls of taped went to 3in hey put it in a better spot where it's more accessible down to 2 minutes per hour no the numbers aren't huge but we're in a business of scale so was one of those things where I actually increased my production per hour through my warehouse by $43 per hour and at my Roi my profit was about 850 per hour and so it's one of those things I start looking at my employers are spending 10 hours per week 850 an hour there's 85 bucks of additional Profit just by making my warehouse more efficient so it's definitely worth the pretty much $80 brisket I bought myi was pretty much in about a week's time and then the supplies I think it took about 3 to four weeks for me to get a return on my investment and that's just something that going to continue on I don't really have to reassess but I will every once in a while we also realized trying to use two employees at the time thinking it was actually going to be more efficient but I actually found out we were about 22% less efficient with two employees than we were with one employee per hour and they're not full-time employees so it's not like I have to have them 9 to5 I let them make their own hours so was one of those like I just said hey we're not working together anymore it was stumbling over each other young high school girls they like to talk so it just made them hey y'all can do whatever y'all want just coordinate with each other only one at a time and like I said I had a huge boost in productivity from that as well just by assessing that we're less efficient with two people than we are one that's super cool I don't know if I've ever heard breaking down into the Weeds on the numbers and stuff like that so once you're able to really start scaling things that's going to massively make a big difference and said it's like 100 bucks a week right now and that only gets bigger as the sales numbers get bigger yeah it's definitely like said especially once you get to scale it's worth it there's tons of them you can just Google McKinzie expert in your area no glad to come out it's only going to take a couple hours to look at your how everything is and my background is the Toyota production system so I have everything streamlined it's just like the assembly line for making cars that's how I try to make my warehouse it's most people don't realize the inefficiencies in their own work processes and their warehouse even if you don't have a warehouse that if you're self prepping I guarantee most people here we probably wasting many minutes if not hours every day with the inefficiencies of our prepping efforts and even just starting off if you're wasting an hour or week prepping because you're doing it in efficiently it's an hour week that you're not sourcing most of us I know we equate our hour sourcing $200 to $400 an hour so that's one thing it grows over time especially when you get bigger and bigger yeah do you know like one example of inefficiency that a lot of self- Preppers who watching this video one thing they might be able to implement to save themselves some step and all that good stuff yeah it's the having a place for everything is a big thing cuz I can't tell you when I first started and I was just I just hit the ground running and I can't tell how much time I was looking for a box cutter looking for roll of tape looking for the right box not everything was put where it was supposed to yeah just the inefficiency of your setup and a huge thing is actually ergonomics my floors are all now the padded memory gel foam pads fans try to make a AC stock fridge stuff of that nature you'd be amazed you get somebody on their feet for four or five hours prepping your boxes leaning over a table that's too high too low you have it set up and it's as comfortable as it can be for their feet it's amazing how many minutes you're saving on them not having to stretch their back pop their back do whatever they just get after and when the workers are comfortable they're more likely to just plug along and do the work yeah and especially if it's you like you can make life easier for you get to make raise the coup I'm not as eager to stand on my feet all day as I used to be yeah for sure and everybody watching this video like all those little things you can spend an afternoon making life easier for you and that makes you want to stick with the business longer oh this isn't suck anymore this is it's worth spending the few hours to get everything set up worth taking a break for half an afternoon to just set it up right cuz it's one of those it's going to reap the rewards and pay dividends so yeah what is one thing that you would say maybe held you back in the beginning and maybe this isn't even apply to you because you scaled so fast but what's one thing that held you back that you changed and you're able to grow your business because of that it was always time conract it's so my conract now will always be as once I have 9 to five yeah I know I'm sure people that will watch will ask why haven't I left great job I love my job I'm just going to go snail space continue to grow ideally one of the employees I have now and hopefully she can expand her role she's about to start college so she's going to actually have some more time it's always been time constract for me it's one of those like if somebody had same start as I did same information but had all the time in the world I've got no doubt that they would be a multi-million dollar year seller sure I'm very confident in that I tell my significant other tell my family when they ask I know I could be doing seven figures a year I don't have the time to do it it's one of those I don't have the luxxury I'm not going to leave my job and take that chance now if it organically grows to that point May force my hand at some point I'm a long ways from that those cards being played yeah a lot of people are way too eager to like oh I'm going to start Amazon so I can quit my job and take a big leap and that's great if you're like some of those younger guys and that kind of stuff but that's the beauty of Amazon like it can be whatever you want for you it's been an awesome side hustle definitely a nice little income booster helping out the family all that kind of stuff and if it ever makes sense you can go to that route but that's awesome I like that that kind of attitude there CU people get way too worked up about the oh I'm going to quit my job and stop working and business owner and all that kind of stuff but I need a little bit more of a data point to make that giant of course fish if you had a job with benefits too do both as long as you can especially if you have good benefits and you're getting a little extra income max out your benefits that's what I did like my IRA my 401ks my health savings account I'm Max them all out to the fullest because I've got extra incomes well no so when I'm old and broken from still trying to pretend I'm young and playing baseball and basketball leagues against xpros who throw elbows across my face yeah know I'm going to need really good Healthcare here in about 20 years when I start breaking down yep when you got the face mask on but I'm pretty sure that makes you a better shooter we've seen that over and over again in the NBA right CL that's awesome yeah I know something you're super passionate about even more so than Amazon is a little bit of Texas barbecue tours can you want to talk a little about what that looks like and what some off time for Justin looks like there yeah so that's one thing probably I can assure you probably not anybody watching this has probably seen exactly what it is we do but I come from no surprise in Texas come from a barbecue Family actually my family our barbecue spots open for 66 years in Texas which is a pretty good feed in itself I've been competing in barbecue competition since I was 13 so I I grew up breaking down cows breaking down pigs anytime a friend family member whoever quaked and they would go out of town they would always ask hey where should we eat barbecue I always had an answer for him my dad and I we go UT football games in the fall we'd always make the points go to the Holy Grail is the Texas monthly top 50 barbecue spots so we'd always make it a point to go to the those types of spots good try new spots too so I was knew him pretty well and so I decided about seven eight years ago I was like hey let me show everybody where's some of my favorite spots are we're in at a 56 passenger lumma tour bus we were G for 14 hours provide all the beer all the water on the bus the first year we stocked by six barbecue restaurants and One Brewery I realized real quick six was too much few spots people were either passed out on the bus or eating ice cream cuz they couldn't take anymore so expand it from there now we typically do three barbecue restaurants and two breweries this last one had r at 100 people so we had two tour buses had two liquor sponsors we had whiskey and bourbon tasting provided for it's groww it's typically 12 to 15 hours we're gone all day leave 7:00 a.m. 9:00 a.m. depending where we're going and just start drinking with a bunch of people I don't even know half the people half the time so yeah it's a fun experience all around Texas that's awesome but you're incapable of half asking anything I think for our conversation here I'm definitely like saying busy I don't mind taking on more than I can sh sometimes but yeah it's those you know I'm I'm 38 now so there's not many opportunities where a bunch of us in our upper 30s can go act like a 22y old idiots anymore one opportunity sometimes two opportunities a year where we get two kid so that's awesome that's awesome yeah I may have to make my way down there one of these days it looks like an absolute blast but I want to start wrapping things up for people so if you're that guy or girl you're back at day one you're trying to make those first sales you're trying to get that maybe you made a first couple sales on Amazon where should they look where should they start taking action to get serious about Amazon yeah the biggest thing is their sons apps out there definitely it's worth taking that leap of faith in yourself and starting your Amazon account even Walmart so many other platform now get that seller amp just start scanning start learning keepa the more information the better once you start knowing how to read keep graph and start making your adjustments on seller amp for what you want it to be yeah that's one of those that the information CRS quickly yeah you're going to be real confident month two and it's amazing the difference between a month two and month 12 and month 24 the information compounds just rapidly but where it's compound you have to give a lot of data points and G have some inflection point you're going to learn along the way there's going to be some Forks on the road so I just always say just choose the fork that requires hard work and we're not the easy path y that's awesome yeah we always say you can do basically nothing on Amazon in a month you're obviously an exception you can pretty much change your life in a year with a lot of hard work and pers experience that kind of stuff that you're talking about today awesome so if somebody is uh watching this video and they're like man I like Justin like I'm selling some stuff on Amazon I want to chop it up with Justin where can they find you on social media yes I know miles will have an an your over this one but we know for two and a half years I was not active on social media at all just because of I'm 9 to5 so recently I actually finally created the Instagram just for Amazon jp2 number two AMZ sweet yeah I don't mind I'll give anybody some assistance obviously a big thing I started doing was like actually tooltime studies and looking at sales variances of my own store I don't mind helping give some people some little bit of an engineering background um you know Six Sigma Green Belt that's what I do I I don't mind helping some people out in that regard if you ever want to ask question I'm more than happy that's awesome yeah so we'll get that link down below if you guys want to go drop Justin a follow there really appreciate you guys watching this video let us know down below if you have any questions comments anything like that you want to hit the like button subscribe button while you're down there that would be greatly appreciated as well but I really appreciate you guys watching thanks for hanging out Justin spend some time with me and I will see you guys next time right appreciate it
Channel: Fields of Profit
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Id: 7my5rqrtFhU
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 28min 54sec (1734 seconds)
Published: Fri Jun 28 2024
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