How Josh Johnson Deals With People He Doesn’t Like | Netflix Is A Joke

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Thank you for being here. How you doing? You guys good? -You good? -[crowd cheering] I'm not from Atlanta. I live in New York and I was in New York... and I was waiting for the elevator. Right? And the elevator comes. There's only one person on the elevator. Uh, this old, old, old... old, old, old... old white woman. Just the first white woman. Uh... [crowd laughing] Eve is on the elevator. [crowd laughing] And so I step onto the elevator. The elevator doors close behind me. Eve looks up at me and she immediately grabs her purse tighter. -[crowd laughing] -Right? I was like, "Wow, that's crazy that even now... there's still old people who don't know how elevator works." [crowd laughing] 'Cause even if it was my plan to steal her purse, I would have been like... [crowd laughing] -[Josh chuckles] -[laughing continues] [crowd laughing out loudly] This thing. [crowd laughing] You know what I mean? So what do I do? You know, there's only three floors, this elevator, I'm not going to yell at an old lady, but she just did this weird thing. I feel weird in my head. I'm like, "What do I do?" So I farted on her, and like... [crowd laughing] It was a quiet one. -It was... -[crowd laughing] It was as silent and subtle as her racism. -It was... -[crowd laughing] [crowd applauding] Neither one of us got off that elevator happy. We were both very upset. [crowd laughing] [woman in audience laughing hysterically] I think... I think family is important. I think it's the most important part of the human experience because family teaches you how to deal with people -you would never talk to otherwise. -[crowd laughing] I mean, not everyone's got that uncle, like, you know what I mean? Like, me, my uncle, if we weren't related, no, not at all. If I were on the elevator and I saw my uncle coming, -I would hit "Close door" in his face. -[crowd laughing] I'd be like, "No, that looks like a problem. No, thank you." I don't want to have anything to do with that. If I were just sitting in a car and my uncle passed by, I would lock the doors in front of him. I'd be like, "No, you look like you have a question and I can't..." [crowd laughing] You know what I mean? 'Cause I can't speak to you or your family. I only know what it's like to be me, you know, but for me and my mind, uncles are like dads that never made it. -You know what I mean? -[crowd laughing] [laughing continues] You know? Like, your dad might give you a sip of beer when your mom's not looking when you're 14, but your uncle will be like, "This is crack!" -Like, those are... -[crowd laughing] Those are two very different individuals, two very different lanes. One should not be picking me up from school. -[crowd laughing] -'Cause my uncle will try to give me advice, but, like, he is so clearly inserting himself in the advice he gives me. He's literally plugging in his own life and talking. He's not listening to my problem at all. You know? So I'll give you an example. I was talking. I was like, "Hey, Unc, it's been a good year. Things going well for me. I'm just worried about the future. What's going to happen next? I just want to be happy. What do you think I should do?" And my uncle's like, "You young." [crowd laughing] "You got prospects. Fuck!" That was the entire conversation. [crowd laughing hysterically]
Channel: Netflix Is A Joke
Views: 576,167
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: josh johnson comedy, josh johnson netflix, josh johnson standup, josh johnson jokes, josh johnson standup special, josh johnson elevator joke, josh johnson comic, black lives matter, black comics, story time, stories
Id: P_7y9Ln_reI
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 3min 36sec (216 seconds)
Published: Thu Jul 02 2020
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