How Israel indoctrinates its people w/Miko Peled | The Chris Hedges Report

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The Israeli army, known as the Israel Defense  Force or IDF, is integral to understanding Israeli   society. Nearly all Israelis do three years of  military service, most continue to serve in the   reserves until middle age. Its generals often  retire to occupy senior positions in government   and industry. The dominance of the military  in Israeli society helps explain why war,   militaristic nationalism, and violence are  so deeply embedded in Zionist ideology.  Israel is the outgrowth of a militarized settler  colonial movement that seeks its legitimacy in   biblical myth. It has always sought to solve  nearly every conflict; The ethnic cleansing and   massacres against Palestinians known as the Nakba  or catastrophe in the years between 1947 and 1949,   the Suez War of 1956, the 1967 and 1973 wars with  Arab neighbors, the two invasions of Lebanon, the   Palestinian intifadas, and the series of military  strikes on Gaza, including the most recent, with   violence. The long campaign to occupy Palestinian  land and ethnically cleanse Palestinians is rooted   in the Zionist paramilitaries that formed the  Israeli state and continues within the IDF.  The overriding goal of settler colonialism  is the total conquest of Palestinian land.   The few Israeli leaders who have sought to  reign in the military, such as Israeli Prime   Minister Levi Eshkol, have been pushed aside by  the generals. The military setbacks suffered by   Israel in the 1973 war with Egypt and Syria, and  during Israel's invasions of Lebanon only fuel   the extreme nationalists who have abandoned all  pretense of a liberal democracy. They speak in   the open language of apartheid and genocide. These  extremists were behind the 1995 assassination of   Prime Minister Yitzhak Rabin and Israel's  failure to live up to the Oslo Accords.  This extremism has now been exacerbated  by the attack of October 7, which killed   about 1,200 Israelis. The few Israelis  who oppose this militaristic nationalism,   especially after October 7, have been silenced  and persecuted in Israel. Genocidal violence   is almost exclusively the language Israeli  leaders, and now Israeli citizens, use to   speak to the Palestinians and the Arab world. Joining me to discuss the role of the military   in Israeli society is Miko Peled. Miko's father  was a general in the Israeli army. Miko was a   member of Israel's special forces, although  disillusioned with the military, moved from   his role as a combatant to that of a medic. After  the 1982 war in Lebanon, he buried his service   pin. He is the author of, The General's Son:  Journey of an Israeli in Palestine and Injustice:   The Story of the Holy Land Foundation Five. You grew up, you were a child when your father   was a general in the IDF. This inculcation of  that military ethos has begun very young and   begun in the schools. Can you talk about that? Sure, thanks for having me, Chris. It's good to   be with you again and talk to you. So it  begins before the military. It begins in   preschool. It begins as soon as kids are able to  talk and walk. I always say I knew the order of   the ranks in the military before I knew my  alphabet and this is true for many Israeli   kids. The Israeli education system is such that  it leads young Israelis to become soldiers and to   serve the apartheid state and to serve in this  genocidal state, which is the state of Israel.   It's an enormous part of that. And with me, it  came with mega-doses of that because when your   father's a general, and particularly of that  generation of the 1967 generals, they were like   gods of the Olympus. Everybody knew their names. On Independence Day, I remember in the schools   you would have little flags, not just flags of  Israel, but flags of the IDF with pictures of IDF   generals, with pictures of military, all kinds of  military symbols and so on. It's everywhere. When   I was a kid they still had a military parade.  It's everywhere and it's inescapable. And it's   like you said, you hear it when you walk  down the street, you hear it in the news,   you hear it in conversations, you hear it  in schools, you read it in the textbooks,   and there's no place to develop dissent. There's  no place to develop a sense that dissent is okay,   that dissent is possible. And the few cases where  people do become dissenters, it's either because   their families have a tradition of being communist  or more progressive and somehow it's part of their   tradition but this is a minority of a minority.  By and large, Israel stands with the army,   and Israel is the army. You can't separate  Israel from its army, from its military.  Let's juxtapose the myth that you were taught  in school about the IDF with the reality.  The myth that I was... Again, this was given to  me in larger doses at home because my father and   his comrades were all part of the 1948 mythology.  We were small and we were resourceful, and we were   clever, and therefore, in 1948, we were able to  defeat these Arab armies and these Arab killers   who came to try to kill us and so on and destroy  our fledgling little Jewish state. And because of   our heroism -- And you talked about the biblical  connection -- Because we are the descendants of   King David, and we are the descendants of the  Maccabees, and we have this resourcefulness and   strength in our genes, we were able to create  a state and then every time they attacked, we   were there. We were able to defend ourselves and  prevail and so on. It's everywhere. Then again,   in my case, it's every time the larger, more  extended family got together or my parents   got together with their friends. And in many  cases, the fathers were also comrades in arms.  The stories of the battles, the stories of  the conquests; Every city in Israel has an   IDF plaza. Street names after different units  of different generals are all over the country,   street names of battles, so it's everywhere.  It wasn't until I was probably 40 or a little   less than 40, that it was the first time  that I encountered the other narrative,   the Palestinian story, and it was unbelievable.  Somebody was telling me the day is night and   night is day, or the world is flat, or  whatever the comparison you want to make,   it was incredible. They are telling me that what  I know to be true 'cause I heard it in school and   I read it in books, and I heard it from my  father and from my mother and from friends,   that all of this is not true. And what you find  out if you go along the path that I chose to take,   this journey of an Israeli to Palestine, is that  it was one horrifying crime against humanity.  That's what this so-called heroism really was,  it was no heroism at all. It was a well-trained,   highly motivated, well-indoctrinated, well-armed  militia which then became the IDF. But when it   started, it was still a militia or today they  would be called a terrorist organization,   that went up against the people who had never  had a military force, who never had a tank,   who never had a warplane, who never prepared,  even remotely, for battle or for an assault.   Then you have to make a choice: How do you  bridge this? The differences are not nuanced,   the differences are enormous. The choice  that I made is to investigate for myself   and find out who's telling the truth and who  isn't. And my side was not telling the truth.  How did they explain incidents such as the Nakba,  the massacres that took place in '48 and '56,   the massive ethnic cleansing that took place  in '67? How was that explained to you within   that mythic narrative? Then I wonder if you  could, because many of the activities as you   mentioned that the IDF has had to carry out  are quite brutal, quite savage, the killing,   indiscriminate killing of civilians, we can  talk about Gaza in a minute. What did that do   to the society, the people who carried out those  killings, and, of course, eventually huge prisons   and torture and everything else. But let's begin  with how the myth coped with those incidents and   then talk about the trauma that is carried within  Israeli society for carrying out those war crimes.  My generation, we knew that there were several  instances of bad apples that committed terrible   crimes. And we admitted, so there was Deir Yassin,  which was a village on the outskirts of Jerusalem,   a peaceful village where a horrible massacre took  place. Then we knew that Ariel Sharon was a bit   of a lunatic and he took the commandos that  he commanded in the '50s and went to the West   Bank and went into Gaza and committed acts  of terrible massacres. He was still a hero,   held in high regard by everyone, but we knew  that there were certain instances... And every   military, every nation makes its mistakes  and then these things happen But there was   never any sense that this somehow discounted  or hurt the image of us being a moral army.  There are lots of stories of how soldiers went  and they decided to, out of the kindness of their   heart, they didn't harm civilians. And those  same civilians went and then warned the enemy   that they were coming. And these same good Israeli  soldiers would then pay the price and were killed.   So it's presented as limited cases. Nakba was not  something that was ever discussed. I'm sure it's   not discussed today, certainly not in schools.  In Israeli schools today, you're not allowed   to mention the Nakba. There's a directive by the  Ministry of Education that even Palestinians are   not allowed to mention the Nakba. But nobody  ever talked about that. And the Arabs left,   what are you going to do? There was a war and  all these people left and this is the way it is.  So none of that ever hurt, in any way, the  image of us being this glorious heroic army,   descendants of King David, and other great  traditions of Jewish heroism, none of that ever,   ever hurt itself. So there's no trauma because  we did nothing wrong. If somebody did something   wrong, well, it was a case of bad apples,  it was limited to a particular circumstance,   a particular person, a particular unit, and you  get crazy people everywhere. What are you going to   do? It's never been presented as systemic. Today,  we have a history so we can look back and if we do   pay attention, and if we do read the literature,  and we do listen to Palestinians -- And today   there's this great NGO called Zochrot, which its  mission is to maintain the memory of the towns and   cities that were destroyed in 1948 and to revive  the stories of what took place in 1948 -- They   are uncovering new massacres all the time. Because  as that generation is dying off, both the Israelis   who committed the crimes and the Palestinians  who were still alive at the time and survived,   are opening up and telling more and more stories. So we know of churches that were filled with   civilians and were burned down. We know of a  mosque in Lydd that was filled with people and   a young man went and shot a Fiat missile into  it. All of these horrific stories are still   coming out but Israelis are not paying attention,  Israelis are not listening. Whenever there's an   attack on Gaza -- And as you know very well, these  attacks began in the fifties with Ariel Sharon,   by the way -- There was always a reason. Because  at first they were infiltrators, and then they   were terrorists, and now they're called Hamas, and  whatever the devil's name may be there's always a   very good reason to go in there because these are  people who are raised to hate and kill and so on.   So it's a tightly-knit and tightly-orchestrated  narrative that is being perpetuated and Israelis   don't seem to have a problem with that. And yet carrying out acts of brutality. The   occupation -- Huge numbers, a million Israelis  are in the states. Large numbers of Israelis   have left the country. I'm wondering how many  of those are people who have a conscience and   are repulsed by what they have seen in the West  Bank and Gaza. Perhaps I'm incorrect about that.  I don't know. The few encounters that I've had  with Israelis in the US over the years, the vast   majority support Israel, support Israel's actions.  It's interesting that you mentioned that because I   an email from someone who is representing  a group of alumni of Jewish Day Schools.   These are Zionist schools all over countries  where they indoctrinate the worst Zionism:   secular Zionism. And they are now appalled by  the indoctrination to serve in the IDF. And a   very high percentage of these students grew up,  went to Israel, joined the IDF, and took part in   APEC events and so on. And now they're looking  back and they're reflecting and they're feeling   a sense of anger that they were put through this  and lied through their entire lives about this.  So that's an interesting development. And if that  grows, then that might be a game changer because   these are the most loyal American Jews. The most  loyal to Israel. But by and large, Israelis that   I meet, with few exceptions, support Israel  and they're here for whatever reasons people   come to America: They're not unique, they're  not necessarily here because they were fed up   or they were angry, or they were dissenters in  any way, shape, or form. Around DC and Maryland,   there are many Israelis. Sometimes you'll sit  in a coffee shop or go somewhere, you hear the   conversations, and there's no lack of support for  Israel among these Israelis as far as I can see.  Let's talk about the armies. You were in the  Special Forces elite unit. Talk about that   indoctrination. I remember visiting Auschwitz  a few years ago, and there were Israeli groups   and people were flying Israeli flags. But speak  about that form of indoctrination and it's link,   in particular, to the Holocaust. The myth is that Israel is a response   to the Holocaust. And that the IDF is a response  to the Holocaust; We must be strong, we must be   willing to fight, we must always have a gun in  one hand or a weapon in one hand so that this will   never happen again. And what's interesting is,  when you talk to Holocaust survivors who are not   indoctrinated, who did not get pulled into Zionism  -- Which there are very, very many -- They'll say   the notion that a militarized state is somehow  the answer to the Holocaust is absurd because   the answer to the Holocaust is tolerance  and education and humanity, not violence and   racism. But nobody wants to ruin a good myth  with the actual facts. So that's the story.  The story is because of Auschwitz, we represent  all those that were killed, perished by the   Nazis and so on, and therefore we need to be  strong. And the Israeli flag represents them,   and the Israeli military represents them. It's  absurd, it's absolute madness. I went to serve   in the army willingly, as most young Israelis do.  In my environment, refusing or not going was not   heard of, although there were some voices in the  wilderness that were refusing and questioning the   morality. But I never did. Nobody around me  ever did until I began the training and you   began patrolling. I remember -- You and I  may have talked about this once -- We were   an infantry unit, a commando infantry unit. And  suddenly we were given batons and these plastic   handcuffs and were told to patrol in Ramallah. And I'm going, what the hell's going on? What   are we doing here? And then we're  told if anybody looks at you funny,   you break every bone in their body. And I thought,  everybody's going to look at us, we're commandos   while marching through a city. Who's not going to  look at us? I was behind. I didn't realize that   everybody already understood that this is how it  is, this is how it's supposed to be. I thought,   wait, this is wrong. Why are we doing this?  We're supposed to be the good guys here.  And then there was the Lebanon invasion of  '82 and so on. So that broke that in my mind,   that was a serious crack in the wall of belief  and the wall of patriotism that was in me. But   this whole notion that somehow being violent and  militaristic and racist and being conquerors is   somehow a response to the horrors of the Holocaust  is absolute madness. But when you're in it nobody   around you is asking questions. You don't ask  questions either, unless you're willing to   stand out and be smacked on the head. Within the military, within the IDF,   how did they speak about Palestinians and Arabs? The discourse, the hatred, the racism,   is horrifying. First of all, they're the  animals. They're nothing. It's a joke,   you see, it's horrifying. They think it's funny  to stop people and ask them for their ID and to   chase them and to chase kids and to shoot.  It all seems like entertainment, you know? I   never heard that discourse until I was in it. Then  afterwards, when I would meet Israelis who served,   even here in the US, the way they joked  around about what they did in the West Bank,   the way they joked around about killing or  stopping people or making them take their   clothes off and dance naked, it's entertainment. They think it's funny. They don't see that there's   a problem here because the racism is so ingrained  from such a young age that it's almost organic.   And I don't think it's surprising, I think when  you have a racist society, and you have a racist   education system that is so methodical, that's  what you get. And the racism doesn't stop with   Palestinians or with Arabs; It goes on to the  Black people, it goes on to people of color,   it goes to Jews or Israelis who come from other  countries who are dark skinned, for some reason.   The racism crosses all these boundaries  and it's completely part of the culture.  You have very little criticism of the IDF, almost  none within the Israeli press, although there is   quite a bit of criticism right now, of Netanyahu  and his mismanagement and his corruption. Talk a   little bit about the deification of the IDF within  the public discourse and mainstream media and what   that means for what's happening in Gaza. Well, the military is above the law. It's   above reproach, except from time to time. So  after the '73 war, there was an investigation.   And now there has been, just earlier this  week, there was, in the cabinet meeting,   the cabinet meets every Sunday. And the army chief  of staff was there and he was, apparently, this   was leaked from the meeting, a cabinet meeting.  It was leaked that some of the more right-wing   partners, it's funny to say right-wing partners  because they're all this right-wing lunacy in the   Israeli cabinet. But the more right-wing settlers  that are in the cabinet were attacking the army,   were attacking the chief of staff because I guess  he decided to start an inquiry because there   was a, it was catastrophic when the Palestinian  fighters came in from Gaza, there was nobody home.   They took over half of their country back. They  took twenty-two Israeli settlements and cities.  They took over the army base of the Gaza brigade,  which is supposed to defend the country from   exactly this happening. And there was nobody  in the, they took over the base. So he began,   I guess, or he initiated an internal inquiry  within the army, and they're criticizing him.   And what you see in the Israeli press is two very  interesting things. One is, yes, there was this,   something went horribly wrong and we need  to find out why, but we should wait because   we shouldn't do it during wartime. We shouldn't  criticize the army during wartime. We shouldn't   make the soldiers feel like they have to  hold back because if they need to shoot,   they should be allowed to shoot. And the  other thing we see is that politically,   everybody is eating each other up. I mean,  they're killing each other politically in   the press. So of course, everybody that's against  Netanyahu and wants to see it is attacking him.  His people are attacking the others for attacking  the government. I mean, there's this complete,   it seems like there's this paralysis as a result  of this infighting that is definitely affecting   the functionality of the state as a state.  Israelis are not living in the country, Israel   is not the state that it was prior to October 7th,  it was paralyzed for several weeks, and now it's   still paralyzed in many ways. You've got missiles  coming from the north, you've got missiles coming   from the south. You've got very large numbers of  Israeli soldiers being killed and thousands being   injured and the war, and it's not ending. They're  not able to defeat the Palestinians in Gaza,   the armed resistance and so on. So all of this is taking place,   and you read the Israeli press and it's just like  this cesspool that's bubbling and bubbling and   bubbling, and everybody's attacking everybody  else. And the army, like you said, it's true,   they are above reproach mostly, but from time  to time, like I said, this particular time,   the settlers are very angry because, also another  reason is because I guess the chief of staff,   the military decided to pull back some of the  ground troops, understandably, since they're being   hit so hard. And I remember that happening before  when the army pulled back out of Gaza, they were   being attacked for stopping the killing, for not  continuing these mass killings of Palestinians.  Well, you had what? 70 fatalities in  the Golani Brigade, I think. And they   were pulled back. This is a very elite unit. Yeah, it's very interesting because many of   the casualties are high-ranking officers.  You have colonels, lieutenant colonels,   very high-ranking commanders within Israeli  special forces are being killed. And they're   usually killed in big bunches, like you say,  in big bunches because they'll be in an armored   personnel carrier or they'll be marching together.  And in Jenin, just recently also a few days ago,   they blew up a military vehicle and killed a  bunch of soldiers. So Israelis are, I think,   scratching their heads, not knowing what the hell  is going on and what to do, because number one,   they were not protected as they thought they were. And I'm sure you know this, the Israeli   settlements, the kibbutzim, the cities in the  south that border Gaza, [inaudible 00:25:59],   they enjoy some of the highest standards of living  among Israelis. It's a beautiful lifestyle. It's   warm, it's lovely. Agriculture is, and I don't  think it ever occurred to them that Palestinians   would dare to come out of Gaza fighting and  succeeding the way they did. And that the army,   I mean the army was bankrupt. It was gone,  the intelligence apparatus, bankrupt,   nothing worked. And it is reminiscent of what  happened in 1973, I mean, this is far worse,   but it is reminiscent. And I don't think it's a  coincidence that October 7th attacks were exactly   50 years and one day after the 1973 October war  began, and the whole system collapsed. So that's   what we're seeing right now. How do you read what's   happening in Gaza, militarily? Well, clearly the Palestinians are able to hold   on and kill many Israelis. And even though the  Israelis have the firepower and they've got the   logistics, obviously they've got supply chains are  not a problem. Whereas Palestinians, I don't know   where they're getting supplies. I don't know where  they're getting food even to continue fighting.   They're obviously putting up a fierce resistance.  I don't think that militarily, there's a strategy   here. I mean, this is revenge. This is just,  Israel was humiliated, the army was humiliated,   and they needed to take it out on somebody. So they found the weakest victims they could   lay their hands on, and these are the Palestinian  civilians in Gaza. And so they're killing them by   the tens of thousands. I don't think anybody  believes in such a thing as getting rid of   Hamas. I don't think anybody really believes  that that's possible. I don't believe anybody   takes seriously or actually believes that  you can take too many people out of Gaza   and spread them around the world and into other  places, even though that's what they're saying.   But as long as Israel is allowed to kill, and  as long as the supply chain isn't interrupted,   they're going to continue to kill. And they're also, of course,   creating a humanitarian crisis. So  it's not just the bombs and the shells,   but it's now starvation. Diarrhea is an epidemic,  sanitation is broken. I'm wondering at what point   this humanitarian crisis becomes so pronounced  that really the choice is you leave or you die.  That's always the big question for Palestinians.  And the sad thing is that Palestinians are always   being placed in these situations where they  have to make that choice. It's the worst form of   injustice. And you know this, you've been in war  zones. I mean, we don't know how many bodies are   buried under the rubble and what that's going to  bring up. And there are hundreds of thousands now,   like you said, that are suffering from all kinds  of diseases as a result of this environmental   catastrophe. And you remember, what was it? 2016  or something, 2017, the UN came out with a report   that by 2020, Gaza would be uninhabitable. I don't  think the Gaza Strip has ever been inhabitable.   It's been a humanitarian disaster since it was  created in the early fifties, late forties,   early fifties. Because they suddenly threw all  these refugees there with no infrastructure and   that was it, and then began killing them. So it's a question, and I was talking to   some people the other day, as Americans, as  taxpayers, wouldn't we want the Sixth Fleet,   which is in the Mediterranean, the US Navy's  Sixth Fleet, to aid the Palestinians? To provide   them support? To create a no-fly zone over these  innocent people that are being massacred? I mean,   as Americans, isn't that the natural, shouldn't  that be the natural ask? The natural desire to   demand our politicians to use, because American  naval vessels have been used for humanitarian   causes before. Why aren't they supporting the  Palestinians? Why aren't they providing them   aid? Why aren't they helping them rebuild? Why  are American tax dollars going to continue this   genocide rather than stop it and aid the victims? I think these are questions Americans need to ask   themselves because it makes absolutely no sense.  It is absolute madness that people are allowing   their government to support a genocide that's  not even done in secret. It's not even done in   hiding it. It's on prime time. Everybody sees  it. Everybody knows what's going on. And again,   for some strange reason, Americans are allowing  their military and their government to aid   the genocide. And there's no question, I mean,  there's no question that it's genocide. I mean,   the definition of the crime of genocide  is so absolutely clear, anybody can look   it up and compare it to what's been going  on in Palestine. So that to me is really   the greatest questions. Why aren't Americans  demanding that the US support the Palestinians?  Well, according to opinion polls, most Americans  want a ceasefire. But the Congress is bought and   paid for by the Israel lobby. Biden is one  of the largest recipients of aid or campaign   financing from the Israel lobby. And this  is true within both parties. I mean, Chuck   Schumer was at the rally saying, no ceasefire. Which is odd. I mean, a ceasefire, I mean,   I think ceasefire is a very small ask, and  I don't know why Palestinians, we always ask   for the bare minimum for Palestinians.  But let's talk about ceasefire. I mean,   Israeli soldiers are being killed as well in  very large numbers. How has ceasefire suddenly   become an anti-Israeli demand? But I think that  it's a very small ask. I don't know how it was   or where it was that this idea of demanding just  a ceasefire came up because that is really not a   serious demand. Ceasefire gets violated by Israel  anyway, within 24-48 hours. I mean, you know that,   historically Israel always violated ceasefires.  What is required here are severe sanctions,   a no-fly zone, immediate aid to the Palestinians,  and stopping this and providing guarantees for   the safety and security of Palestinians forever  moving forward so this can never happen again.  That's what really needs to be the ask. At  this point, after having sacrificed so much,   after having shown such, what I believe is  immense courage, Palestinians deserve everything.   We as people of conscience need to demand not to  ceasefire, we need to demand a dismantling of the   apartheid state and a full stop and end absolute  end to the genocide and guarantees put in place   that Palestinian kids will be safe. I mean, I was  talking to Issa Amro earlier in Hebron. I mean,   it's ridiculous when nobody even talks about  what happens in the West Bank. Friends of mine   who are Palestinian citizens of Israel, nobody  dares to leave the house, nobody dares to text.   They're afraid to walk down the streets.  Their safety is not guaranteed by anyone.  Palestinian safety and security is left to  the whims of any Israeli, and that should be   the conversation right now, after such horrendous  violence. That needs to be the demand, that needs   to be the ask when we go to protests, when we make  these demands, ceasefire, and even that, Israel is   not willing. And like you said, these [inaudible  00:33:15] political supporters of Israel here in   America are not willing to entertain a ceasefire.  I believe it's really a crazy part of history that   we're experiencing right now, and I think it's  a watershed moment. I think October 7th created   an opportunity to end this for good, to end the  suffering of Palestinians, the oppression, and the   genocide for good. And if we don't take advantage,  again, we being people of conscience, if we don't   take advantage of this now and bring it to an end,  this will be, we will regret this for generations.  The Netanyahu government is talking about this  assault on Gaza, this genocide continuing for   months. There are strikes, have been strikes  against, now Hezbollah leaders. What concerns   you? I mean, how could this all go terribly wrong? I mean, it's already gone terribly wrong because   of death and destruction of so many innocent  lives is, I don't even know that there's a word   for it. It's beyond horrifying. I think that,  I think Netanyahu is relying on the restraint   of Hezbollah and the restraint of Iran and the  restraint, of course, the Arab governments have   all been neutralized either through destruct,  being destroyed or through normalization. So   he's relying on that, and he knows that he can  keep triggering, he can keep bombing Lebanon,   bombing Syria, instigating all of these things and  it won't turn into an all-out war. Because at the   end of the day, even though the Hezbollah  fighters have shown, Lebanese fighters and   Hezbollah and the Palestinian fighters have  shown that they're superior as fighters,   they don't have the supply chains, they don't have  the warplanes, they don't have the tanks. So more   and more civilians are going to be hurt. So I don't think it's going to turn into a   regional war by any stretch of the imagination.  And so Netanyahu is betting on that, and that's   why he's allowing this to go on. And for him, this  is a win-win. I mean, there's no way that he can   be unseated by anybody that's around him. There's  really no opposition. And as long as this goes on,   as long as everybody's in a state of crisis, he  can continue to sit in the Prime Minister's seat,   which for him is the end all and be all of  everything. And look, the world is supporting, the   world, as governments of the world, I should say. I do interviews with African TV stations,   Indian TV stations, Europeans, everybody is  supporting Israel. Everybody listens to what I   have to say, and they think I am a lunatic for  supporting terrorism or whatever it is they,   however it is that they frame it. But I don't  think anything good, I don't see this ending   unless there is massive pressure by people of  conscience on their governments to force change,   to force sanctions, to force the end of the  genocide and the end of the apartheid state.  I want to talk about the shift within Zionism  itself from the dominance of a secular leadership   to, we see it of course in the government of  Netanyahu, the rise of a religious Zionism, which   is also true now within the IDF. And I wondered  if you could talk about the consequences of that?  Sure. So originally, traditionally, historically,  Zionism and Judaism were at odds. And even to   this day, as you know, ultra-orthodox Jews reject  Zionism and reject Israel by and large. But after   1967, there was this new creation of the Zionist  religious movement. And these are the settlers   who went to the West Bank and they became the new  pioneers. And they are today, they make up a large   portion of the officers and those who joined  the special forces and so on. And in the past,   in the army, the unofficial policy was that these  guys, they should not be allowed to advance. The   current chief of staff comes from that world,  which is a huge change. And there are several   generals, and of course commanders, high-ranking  commanders and so on who come from that world. And   the reason that it was the unofficial policy that  these guys should not be promoted was that it's   an incredibly toxic combination, this messianic  form of Judaism, which is really an aberration.  It's not Judaism at all, with this nationalist  fanaticism. This combination is toxic and look   what it created. It created some of the worst  racists, some of the most violent thugs that   we've seen, certainly in the short history of  the state of Israel, although I don't know that   they're any less violent than the generation of  Zionists of my father who are secular. But this   was a big concern in the past but now they're  everywhere and of course, look at its current   government. They hold the finance ministry,  they hold the national security ministry,   certainly in the military they're everywhere.  And they hold many sub-cabinet, and they're   heads of committees in the Knesset and so on. And  they've done their work. I mean, they worked very   hard to get to where they are today, which is  where they call the shots. And they are really,   Netanyahu's guaranteed to remain in power. They're his support group. That's why you   could have had, as we had earlier this year,  hundreds of thousands of Israelis protesting   in the streets and it didn't affect him because  he has his block in the Knesset that will never   leave him as long as he allows them to play their  game. And this is what's happening. So in terms   of violence and the actual facts on the ground, I  don't think these guys are any worse again than my   parents' generation who were young Zionists and  zealots at the time and committed the 1948 Nakba   and ran the country for the first and operated  the apartheid state for the first few decades.   But it's definitely a new form of fanaticism being  that it is religious as well as fascist. So it's   very toxic. And I think they have a stomach, more  of a stomach for killing civilians than we've ever   seen before, even for Israelis. I mean, this  is new, this is, these numbers are just beyond,   these numbers are beyond belief, even for Israel. I'm wondering if this religious Zionism probably   has its profoundest effect within Israel,  in terms of shutting down dissidents,   civil liberties, this kind of stuff. Well, Israelis love them. Israelis love   these guys because they're religious, but they  dress like us. They don't look like the old Jews   with the big beards and everything. They're kind  of cool. They wear jeans. And the reason I say   this is because one of the things, one of their  objectives is to take over Al-Aqsa and build a   Jewish temple. They're destroying Al-Aqsa and so  they conduct these tours. And you may know this,   in the old city of Jerusalem, there's a  particular path that you take from where   the western wall is up to Al-Aqsa, which is  open for non-Muslims. And so they hold tours   and there's several odd times throughout the day,  and I've taken some of these tours, just to see   what it's about, what these guys do, you know? These are basically prayer tours. And they've   taken, hundreds of thousands of Israelis go on  these tours. And these are Israelis who are not   religious at all. These are secular people.  I mean, I see the people that go on the tours   and you go up that bridge, just to give you an  idea of what this is about. You go up on that   bridge and then you wait until the tour starts  because you have to go in a group. And there's   a massive model of the new temple, of the Jewish  temple that is going to be built there. And then   you have a huge group of armed police. They're not soldiers, they're police,   but dressed like, completely militarized that  accompany the tour all around. And of course,   Muslim Palestinians are not allowed, they  accompany the tour all around. And they stop   and they pray and they stop and they pray  and they stop and pray at various places,   the whole thing takes maybe an hour. But the  interesting thing is that the people that go   on these tours are secular Israelis. And then  as I was doing this, I was remembering it, even   as a kid growing up completely secular, we would  sing songs about the day that we build a temple.  Why did we sing songs about building a temple?  Because I think it went beyond our religious   significance, and it became a national  significance. And there's no question in   my mind that Netanyahu, when secular Israelis  are, would love to see this idea of destroying   Al-Aqsa and having a Jewish temple there. It's  a sign that we're back, King David is back. And   the connection, even though it has nothing to  do with history and there's no truth in it,   the connection that we are descendants of King  David is something Israelis really love. That's   really what this is about so the relationship  between the settlers, the so-called settlers,   that's what they're called in Israeli jargon.  They're called the settlers, and regular secular   Israelis is an interesting one because on the  one hand, they're looked down upon because   they're religious, but on the other hand, they're  kind of cool religious. So there is an affinity.  Great. That was Miko Peled, author  of The General's Son: Journey of an   Israeli in Palestine and Injustice: The  Story of the Holy Land Foundation Five.   I want to thank the Real News Network and  its production team, Cameron Granandino,   Adam Coley, David Hebden, and Kayla Rivara.  You can find me at:
Channel: The Real News Network
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Keywords: real news, the real news, real news network, realnews, the real news network, therealnews, trnn, IDF, Miko Peled, Gaza, Israel war crimes, Chris Hedges, Oct 7
Id: CU0Uc-PKe9Y
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 43min 46sec (2626 seconds)
Published: Fri Jan 12 2024
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