How Is Prophet Muhammad Mentioned In the 4,000 Years Old Book Of Hinduism?

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it is stated in the scriptures of some ancient religions that Muhammad peace be upon him will come almost all of us have heard news related to him in the Torah the Psalms the Bible or have come across it somewhere but apart from them there is similar news for example in the scriptures of Hinduism and Zoroastrianism do not underestimate Hinduism because it is the world's third largest religion considering that it has almost 1.2 billion followers approximately 15% of the world's population believes in this religion therefore it is wonderful to have such news in such a religion there is some news that I think you will be very much surprised by you know Muhammad peace be upon Him is mentioned with his characteristics traits and qualities that distinguish him from others even his name his father's name the name of the religion where he was born and his different characteristics are mentioned when a person first hears this he is surprised and says how come frankly I was also surprised when I researched the issue in other words a lot of the time has been spent on this issue there's a lot of research done by professors and there are even written books on it it is important because one Prophet Muhammad peace be upon him could not have traveled back in time and written himself in those texts he could not have given information about himself two no human being can give information about a person to come more than a thousand years after him it is something impossible so it is definite proof of his prophethood peace be upon Him of course the following question comes to mind okay what you say is fine and good but are you saying that Hinduism and Zoroastrianism are based on the basic fundamental truths like in Christianity and Judaism no I do not claim that the founders of these religions were prophets I cannot make such a claim because there is no verse or Hadith about it but it is possible because we all know that thousands of prophets came before Prophet Muhammad peace be upon him it is a separate issue but irrespective of who says it in these texts if we see this news in one part that part of the text is definite even if there are superstitions in other parts of the text as zarathustra or someone else may have received the Revelation that is the part that interests us so let's take a look at such news in the texts of Hinduism in this [Music] video according to estimates Hinduism was founded between 2300 and 1500 BC it is the most common religion in India and around India now most of the followers of Hinduism are Indians the general name of their sacred texts is shuti which means what is heard in Sanskrit they divide this text into three vas puranas and upanishads there is also brahan Gran which is an explanation of them but they do not regard it as divine revelation their clergy persons are called pites and each piece of their text is called a mantra they are in the Sanskrit language this language is one of the least known languages in the world if I remember correctly the last time I checked it was stated that only about 50,000 people knew it in these texts there are places in which very clear Glad Tidings about Prophet Muhammad peace be upon him are given we will discuss only a few of them here the first one is as follows the following is stated in a part of the bisha purana at that time a spiritual educator known as Muhammad arose among meas with his friends so the name Muhammad is mentioned very clearly what else it is said that he will be a spiritual educator nobody has any doubts about this characteristic even those who do not believe in him admit that he has this characteristic apart from that the term mea is strange it seems very strange to say that he will come from someone other than Hindus why what would Hindus have normally said if they had written it for themselves they would have said he will come from Among Us right let him come and strengthen us but on the contrary the name Muhammad is mentioned and it is said that he will come from a foreign country in other words he will not be one of them is a remarkable detail of course it is not the only interesting detail there is also some other strange news the second one is as follows a little further from the previous part in shaloka between mantras 10 and 27 someone named Muhammad who will come in the future as mentioned which you see on the screen right now his name is mentioned several times towards the end of this section we see the following statements my followers will be circumcised without braids without beards who will make a revolution call to worshiping aloud and assimilate all religions they will eat animals without performing elaborate Hindu rituals an extraordinary term is used in a place further on they will be known as musalman and they will deny the false religion musalman yes it is remarkable but let's proceed without breaking the order apart from directly indicating the name Muhammad peace be upon him some of his characteristics and those with him are mentioned what is stated bearded without braids and circumcised now I'll stop here and ask if I were someone who wanted to object I mean if I were watching the video from the beginning just to oppose I would object at this point bearded and without braids it is a very general term however among all those characteristics circumcision is emphasized frankly no one can try to interpret it differently especially if it is stated that the person mentioned will do a revolutionary job Prophet Muhammad peace be upon Him changed the society he was in radically which makes all the pieces click into place then the following is stated the ones who call to worshiping aloud that is they will recite something to invite people to worship like what like Adon just a minute isn't the thing mentioned here Adon there was also this phrase they will eat animals without performing elaborate Hindu rituals there's something strange here yes we do not perform elaborate rituals like the Hindus while eating meat in other words we say bismah is a deed of worship but it is not the strange detail the strange thing is this in the Hindu text a society is described as eating meat why do you think it's strange eating meat is not allowed in Hinduism Hinduism leads people to a kind of diet there is a sign in that statement too that this person will come from a different country not from Hindus we will see where that country is with a strange sign in one of the mantras the most important one is this they will be known as musalman well there's no need to explain it the pieces of the puzzle keep coming together the third one is as follows in one part of the r Veda the following is stated truthful and Truth loving extremely intelligent strong and generous mamak who is the truthful and Truth loving extremely wise powerful and generous has favored me with his words he the son of the all powerful possessing all good attributes the mercy for the worlds has become famous with 10,000 companions the word Mah here is remarkable because the word is derived from the root Mah in the Hindu language which means to praise to glorify when the prefix maah which adds a passive meaning is added it becomes Mah its translation turns out to be the word praised the Arabic equivalent of this name is Muhammad in addition adjectives such as truthful truth-loving extremely intelligent strong and generous are mentioned here they are seen in Prophet Muhammad peace be upon Him throughout his life with the unanimous agreement of his friends and enemies and they are the attributes through which he is praised in addition remember that there was a phrase the mercy for the worlds in the text which reminds us of a famous title of Muhammad peace be upon Him verse 107 of the chapter of Alania we sent thee not but as a mercy for All Creatures another important detail being famous with 10,000 people yes he returned to Mecca his homeland from where he was forced to immigrate in 630 with 10,000 of his companions he returned and conquered Mecca with his companions who were ready to sacrifice their lives for him I hope things are clear so far there are two other parts that I find interesting the fourth one is as follows the age of Khali is mentioned in Hindu texts it is possible to find a detailed definition of it in different places in short a period when every virtue disappears people turn away from religion good books are destroyed and spiritual deterioration and depression occur an event that will take place towards the end of this period is mentioned it is described as follows in chapter 24 of Vishnu purana when the practices taught by the vdas and the Institutes of law shall nearly have ceased and the close of the K age shabai a portion of that Divine being who exists of his own spiritual nature in the character of Brahma and who is the beginning and the end and who comprehends all things shall descend upon the Earth some details about that person person are mentioned he will be born in the family of Vishnu yasas an eminent Brahman of sambala Village Asal endowed with the eight superhuman faculties the following is stated a little further he will then reestablish righteousness upon Earth at the end of the Kali age which we have just mentioned the minds of those who live shall be awakened and shall be as clear as Crystal now let's summarize this part in general terms and try to understand it an age of K is mentioned according to what is told in a period when the rules and laws taught by vadas through religious texts and practices are abandoned a person will emerge some traits of this person are mentioned to be recognized he is said to be born in a region known as Shambala it is extraordinary that the meaning of Shambala in Sanskrit means House of trust House of Peace when we look at the Arabic equivalent of this name it introduces us to a region that is not very unfamiliar to us the city of Mecca is known by the name Al balad alamin can it not be a coincidence dear for we look at the other phrase next to it it doesn't seem so another detail the family he will be born in is mentioned in the family of Vishnu yasas now let's have a look at this name isn't Vishnu a name of a god according to them so what does Vishnu yasas mean it means servant of God when we translate this name into Arabic we see the name Abdullah which means servant of Allah wasn't the name of the father of prophet Muhammad peace be upon him also Abdullah exactly at a time reported in the text in the Dark Age of ignorance and exactly in the area and the family that is reported Prophet Muhammad peace be upon Him appeared and reestablished righteousness on Earth as is stated in the text he led people to a serious Awakening with religion he preached ethics law social norms spirituality and in many other fields he taught people righteousness and enlightened their minds he brought out his community praised by volumes of books like the companions of the Prophet peace be upon him from the worst form of Darkness to light finally finally we move on to the fifth part in the last part we will discuss something from Seda in which there is some different news only one of them is enough the following is stated in the text Ahmad acquired religious law from his Lord this religious law is full of wisdom I receive light from him just as from the Sun Ahmad acquired religious law from his Lord the name Ahmad is mentioned so clearly it is one of the names of the messenger of Allah Ahmad then it is stated that he acquired Rel just rules from his Lord and that's exactly what a holy book and religion mean as we approach the end it is useful to remind the following once again we do not claim that Hinduism is essentially based on Revelation we cannot do so that is we do not have a verse or a Hadith as evidence to prove that therefore it is not possible to say that but we also know that thousands of prophets came before Prophet Muhammad peace be upon him some of them were given scriptures and religious texts and they either disappeared or were distorted over time so if the texts of Hinduism namely Vedas panas and upanishads are really based on a divine revelation they have already been distorted however their Distortion does not mean that every part of them has been distorted for example the Bible has been distorted but there are places in it that mention our Prophet peace be upon him so what should we do what does a logical person say when he sees this he says okay even if these books have been distorted no one can distort them in a way that will give news about the future think about it you distort something or your Distortion causes something that gives correct information about the future it would be nonsensical it wouldn't be possible that is even if the text itself has been completely distorted even if the words have been changed that news itself is true the clergy persons of Hinduism won't put such knowledge in their books themselves because this information proves that Islam is the truth they can't give information about the future anyway it is nonsense we can think of the same about these texts in other words whether these texts were divine revelation or not at the time when they were first written we all know that nobody could give information about Muhammad peace be upon him and the future in such detail to mention his name use an expression that means his name his father's name and mention so many different details including him being circumcised so coincidence dear is it possible to say that when we look at the parts we have talked about in general they are proofs for the authenticity of Islam isn't this interesting it says Muhammad somewhere Ahmad somewhere else and Mama elsewhere yet that name indicates exactly the name Muhammad in terms of meaning in in other words we have such a prophet that even his name proves his prophethood Allah shows people dozens maybe hundreds of proofs so they may believe in the prophets he sent we may know very few of them but a prophet emerged in every era he sent Revelation and evidence one of which we have just talked about we talked about some of them I haven't conveyed all of them to you but there are as many or even more signs than the ones mentioned above in the Hindu texts I sincerely and wholeheartedly believe that as time goes on we will see additional pieces of evidence and we will encounter new findings and of course we will also encounter those who see these findings and close their eyes to the truth after seeing it anyway follow us see you in the next video hello brothers and sisters and thank you for watching the video if you want to take a look at more of our videos like this you can check the playlist we created specifically for you on the right or you can check out our latest videos on the left don't forget to like this video And subscribe to our channel so that we can reach and benefit more people see you
Channel: Towards Eternity
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Keywords: islam, muslim, towards etenity
Id: AA7p_lenAIY
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Length: 14min 1sec (841 seconds)
Published: Tue Mar 07 2023
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