How is PragerU Getting Worse? (ft. Jordan Adika)

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jordan ah whoa sorry i was asleep what do you need dude the earth is 70 water and humans are 70 water wow speak on that draw your own conclusions from that no you elaborate so like the earth is like seventy percent water but like humans are also no i gotta get my notepad jordan you've always told me as long as i've known you that you wanna get to know like american culture better yeah my five years didn't didn't click no and like you know you're you're just like really hoping to understand what it's like especially to like be raised up in like the american education system sure because i've always wanted to learn a lot like like you'll do yeah i want to learn about when we won a war not any of the other ones do you like the name of my playlist i put together oh perfect have you ever considered like the the feelings of like oil barons a lot of people are like trying to advocate for this climate change stuff and i think it really like tramples on the rights of oil companies sure because they want to have the money though me a an arrogant lib only operating within the the boundaries of compassion and long-term thinking i'm in my 20s dude of course i want to think long term oh suddenly let me shift into the crumbling body of a 75 year old man with heavy investments in fossil fuels that's been lobbying for the destruction of the earth for i don't know like five percent increase in revenue oh wow now he's privileged at least he can make his bag on his way out can i ask you a question yeah this pinewood is finally probably safe i think we're gonna find out jordan one of the very first things president joe biden did on his very first day in office was to cancel the keystone xl pipeline that wasn't an accident first dr zeus now the keystone pipeline what won't he legally destroy look at all these liberals i do find like conservative parodies of liberals sometimes they're just purely in the realm of like let me guess pronouns pink hair you know then that's it and then sometimes it's just like of course they think are like 60s hippie incredibly out of touch well they have two 60s hippies [Laughter] one i guess like dude from sacramento that's you the democrats and their environmentalist allies hate the pipeline in the immortal words of al capone in the movie the untouchables they want it dead and now it is the company that was building the project has it's really cool nancy pelosi to do this cameo for breaking it's truly kind of her but after 16 years of futile what is okay well we made a joke about their name can i ever go can i have a go yeah i think i think we should each try to pronounce it oh that's mental that's truly insane diana good [ __ ] fur got furt goat roth fert goat got wrought first i found it i'm thinking first got ferch got is she gonna say it it's like hey what up what up gamers meet princess diana first got roth what is a prageruis i am diana furth gothroth welcome to school i think uh prager you should bring back the classic uh mommy makeout day prank from frank invasion yeah exactly the view count has been dropping with now that dennis has stopped going to the hood for pranks rigorous studies by the obama administration in which joe biden served as vice president concluded that the pipeline would not create an environmental hazard hi i'm almost siri [Laughter] the oil is coming out of the ground no matter what it's only a question of how it gets to where it needs to go the oil is gonna come out of the ground either way so we might as well trample over indigenous lanta go get that [ __ ] the left needs to start lying more because it's so effective because what do you even say to that it might as well just be like it's gonna destroy the earth no it's gonna be fun [Laughter] no it's awesome you love mother us so much but you want to leave her full of oil it's pretty pretty mean the oil companies are like dr pimple popper for the earth you know kind of like really squeezing the oil out lots of upside almost no downside what's the what is it what is that almost no no almost none they haven't talked about the downside because you said that wasn't one at all you said it was gonna get there anyway so what was the what was the sort of downside i mean there's just that like little issue of like the like indigenous land and housing that's why president biden's antipathy towards the project is hard to understand maybe it's a safety issue so let's look at pipelines from a safety perspective can i ask what do you think the ultimate thesis is because the the prerequisite for a lot of these videos is hey here's something you might intuitively not like let's prey upon that intuitive sensation to push an agenda right yeah these videos are always predicated on well what do you kind of want to hear and what's the most accessible and like pleasant way we can give that feeling to you and now i can't help but think what do i want to hear right now because you're saying to me well it's not all of these things could it be a safety issue could it be x or y is the conclusion gonna be no he's mean yeah biden just shut it down because he is a slave to the left and they forced him to do it he's a prank lord as well yeah he's just pranking all of the oil industry the cokes oil and gas have to be transported from point a to point b to do this all producers have three choices pipeline rail or road fortunately all three methods have low accident rates but pipelines are clearly the safest here's why they don't move trains move trucks move pipelines don't the wheels on the bus go round and round i mean we're truly reaching like rudimentary speaking to children content little cartoons and the train goes and i don't think anyone's ever made the argument that like pipelines aren't safe and that's why they're bad because i'm moving around because they're always moving when oil is in a pipeline the pipeline stays still and the oil moves with little risk of accident new technology makes it even safer pipelines can now be monitored for a leak the size of a pinhole so they do leak though right sure pinhole and up yeah also what an incredibly sinister scene this is the shadow government this is shadow moses this is your guys these are the good guys these are this is like here's the cartoon of the hippie with values and then he's a bunch of protagonists just known as like the throat in the eye another sign of a potential problem moving oil and gas safely around the continent is a big deal i love how they just like kind of that i would love if there was like a wind effect like a habit for example the united states imports about 3.2 million i can't stop thinking about it now i know if there was like a doppler effect they didn't actually it's not actually an editing trick she's just sitting on a block of ice they're just tilting the ground below her wait i want to i want to destroy critical race the united states imports about 3.2 million barrels a day of crude oil from canada alone and of course it moves much more oil within its own borders petroleum production in the united states is about 11 million barrels a day us natural gas production is about a hundred billion cubic feet per day no matter how many net zero carbon mandate surpassed that won't change it all has to go somewhere does this lady think that like oil manufacturing is like part of nature and it's just happening no matter what we can't stop it well that's always that's always the uh the libertarian take right yeah especially where it's like well it's endemic there's nothing you could do you just said it it's institutional racism it's already part of everything all of these things are endemic to society and there's really nothing you can do society just we just woke up in a pair of jean shorts just one day on a beach i just woke up like rust yeah and the oil pipelines were already going and like [ __ ] fossil fuel industry was already there america has 000 miles of onshore and offshore petroleum pipeline just stop just don't do it anymore she literally is making the joke it's already in the pipeline god made the pipelines you can't just stop a pipeline approximately 80 percent of crude oil and petroleum products are shipped by pipeline road and rail account for most of the rest with tanker you know what it does she sounds like she is like uh from like southie or something or she's just southie and she's trying to hide it a little bunch of pipelines in the badge ghost socks she almost sounds like a like would you like a text to speech doesn't fully recognize a word yeah the majority of incidents involve road and rail and when they do happen they can be catastrophic for example in july of 2013 47 people were killed what is this i'm so confused she's like oil [ __ ] up this whole time there's an oil tanker that blew that level the whole [ __ ] town and killed 50 people yeah look our reliance on fossil fuels destroyed it but not it just specifically in a truck i guess yeah the trucks are the bad part of fossil fuels this is like is this a fight against the truck or train industry this is so odd who did you think those like those hippies at the beginning were they they were like part of the like truckers guild yeah they were only anti-uh anti-rail yeah they were dressing up that way ironically to own the libs natural gas transmission lines had a low average injury rate for operator personnel on the general public low but not none though you have to remember the oil is going to come out either way somewhere from somehow you guys surprise yourself for the oil just as natural gas transmission pipelines are connected with few injuries they are also connected with few deaths few but not the times the word death has been said in this video is such a like apt reflection of the problem she's literally talking in like multiple instances she's giving all the talking points that someone like you and i would need to talk about how fossil fuels and the entire industry is destructive and is like paved with death like a [ __ ] she's literally like an oil taker leveled a canadian town and like burns it to the ground but it wasn't a pipe this would have been solved if we just moved the oil differently we wouldn't have killed people directly today barrels of fuel spilled per mile have shown a declining trend over the past decade in 2010 10 barrels were spilled per billion barrel miles as we know pipelines especially ones in the ocean never spill what about spills shut up trucks are gay ten barrels were spilled per billion barrel miles this declined to seven barrels in 2020. that is not a good decline it's only three in 10 years very consistent [Laughter] only like seven barrels of crude oil poisoned the land forever you know yeah it's not it's like and then three years later the land was better and it's like it never even happened it's in our national interest to expand our industrial manufacturing base steel auto petrochemicals and the like electricity is invisible these people know that it can't spill either to accomplish this worthy goal we're going to need a lot of energy a lot more than we're projected to get from wind and solar i don't know that's so weird i think the take that it's like it will generate more power yeah we know well it's funny too because they're like oil generates way more than wind and solar which is why i constantly advocate for less wind than solar production so it doesn't overtake oil it's like you just need to build more there's not enough infrastructure to support the [ __ ] it's not comparable because and also you don't set the wind on fire because it generates more it generates more general heat as well so we got we got racist andrew garfield it's been a long year okay premium gas for my beemer is like six dollars a gallon now we found out dave chappelle is an anti-trans bigot and the homeless dude outside my apartment poops on the ground more than my dog rocky does i mean first of all what the [ __ ] is this tree let's get into the real [ __ ] what is that this is nuclear that's the fumes this is where those seven barrels of oil a year ago i am going to make sure that this year's holiday party isn't ruined by some knucklehead going around screaming merry christmas to people that is funny and that happens all the time in in liberal cities what is the joke by the way that i i put up i represented other cultures i guess yeah grinch [Laughter] let's talk about a few quick announcements for this year's holiday party okay we have a diverse staff full of all sorts of different people we have jewish people who celebrate chanukah right no we're not going to hire them that's crazy that's why we can't connect with this joke because i'm like i hope so well it's funny because dennis prager is literally jewish it's like imagine studying here we have atheists who celebrate nothing diwali right and amla celebrates kwanzaa i celebrate christmas just like everybody else everybody else right that's the joke yeah that's like imagine if kwanzaa was real and i'm offended that you assume that i celebrate kwanzaa just because i'm black listen man you don't know how oppressed you really are okay now let's get back on track just do another take i know just do another day i mean what is the cash burn on a day of shooting for the prageru office it's like 150 maybe easy i mean and that's including lunch i know everyone was really looking forward to the the white elephant gift is the lapel mic in his turtleneck i just saw that as well hey guys what's going on but we all know that white is racist so we're doing a rainbow elephant exchange okay and it's going to be even more fun because what's more fun than having white people give gifts to minorities for reparations right dude like like who is saying this they're just making up a guy i've never said anything even close to this look i don't know what it's a parody of this is just like if you just came out and he's like hey guess who's got thumbtacks to sit on like you guys love it's like all the conservatives keep passing around this like made-up caricature of a liberal like and don't get me wrong i hate liberals they're annoying and they are counterintuitive but like they don't act like this like it's really bizarre and it also ignores what's more nuancedly annoying about them yeah there are jokes to make like you have the the free reign and plenty of things to make fun of for just kind of generically the left yeah but not this it's because they don't know anything about that's the problem they're trying to make jokes about like sex on tumblr at age like 14. oh yeah um when you're touching the breast breast is touching the breasts and it like kind of glues your hand to it you gotta you know and you get very scared now the most important part of any party is safety obviously so i know you all have heard of elf on himself but have you ever heard oh hell yeah a fouchy on a couchy that's a good jerk i i do kind of like it that's a good joke and you what yeah the arts and crafts excuse me yeah did they make this doll special message for all you guys hey i'm dr fauci make sure you're wearing your mask and staying six feet apart and if you don't i'm going to report you to the government and make sure that you go on lockdown so hey everybody hold out the rules what was that what is going on at the bottom shelf yeah what the [ __ ] do not use that's dennis's lunch like seven gallons of milk and also one last day [Laughter] so will's been imposing all these rules that no one can celebrate christmas but he's not even following them the other day i'm walking down the hall and he's writing a letter to santa claus on his lunch break what the [ __ ] could you have not just done it did that have to be in the effects budget they took a snapshot of footage they're not allowed to go on google docs because they have to use uh what's it called um or whatever what's their search engine called again bullet data it's also it's just it's a uh still image it's like you know what happened dude you know what happened it was like overexposed yeah they messed up they messed up the focus or the aperture or something is shitty about the shot because they just had to full freeze but they couldn't cut the bit out because it's too funny it's too funny i mean you need a visual image of that thing now keegan i know you were really looking forward to playing santa this year but we want black santa black woman santa so amla you are our new santa so the joke is that like imagine if a black woman was like in a in like a santa type role but he's the guy but that's the no he's the guy that i know and he has to be white always yes that would be normal yeah that's normal santa that's default santa let me hit you with this take what if santa but all [ __ ] up what if a girl yeah first grade humor it's literally like cooties humor no fat shaming here doing this is a tough job all right fighting for racial injustice so just just suck it up and do it for your people is the pitch racism doesn't exist or sorry institutional racism is not a problem but the people who think that it is also are racist as well systemically yeah system no like no oh i mean all learned by chance their their argument i think is the the only real racism is the hyper individual interactions you have with a co-worker who is overtly extremely racist to you in a liberal way not in like they'll just call you the n-word that doesn't happen in in real life they're not allowed to that's a crime hey where are you guys going guys we have important things to discuss mostly gender theory and crt get back here if you leave now christmas party is cancelled i mean holiday party is cancelled i want everyone in that room to define what critical race theory is or what crt stands for yeah cool race time but can you say yeah i remember back at the patreon office we used to have a poster up with the logo and the name of the company in case we forgot where we were so we made sure that in the conference room pick our own merch in case we didn't know what we were doing do you think dennis prager put that there himself yeah cause he's like i know that i'm here and i know that i'm racist yeah i can't remember what i'm doing trigger me or bring are you on the other side of the wall there's like uh daily racist affirmations [Laughter] they are that way they do do that jordan where can the people at home find you um your address your phone number go uh lie down manifest my presence i'll meet you in a lucid dream and i'll tell you a bunch of funny jokes about a [ __ ] jubilee video or something awesome jonathan everywhere in the world it's it's fine the things i do were fine hard cut on on my face here slow zoom [Music] you
Channel: ethan is online
Views: 546,799
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: ethan, online, ethan it online, ethan is, ethanisonline, ethan is online, commentary, funny, gaming, jordan, adika, prager, prageru, getting, worse
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 21min 52sec (1312 seconds)
Published: Fri Jan 14 2022
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