¿COMO SE HACE? PlayStation 2 MOD con SSD + Wifi + HDMI 720x480
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Channel: SpineCard
Views: 638,331
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Keywords: PlayStation 2, PS2, Play Station 2, Ps2 mod, ps2 hard drive mod, ps2 hdd mod, ps2 ssd mod, ps2 wifi, ps2 hdd, ps2 ssd, playstation 2 wifi, playstation 2 hdd, modificacion ps2, ps2 wif hdd, play station 2 hdd, play station 2 ssd, play station 2 wifi, tec via, juan santos, free mcboot, open ps2 loader, ps2 hd mod, ps2 hdmi, playstation 2 hdmi, play station 2 hdmi
Id: 0r3AIdwZVz4
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 13min 2sec (782 seconds)
Published: Mon Jun 24 2019
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