How I'm Using No Code SaaS to Build a 6 Figure AI Business

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in 2023 the biggest Trend was AI but most of it was just a bunch of hype with no actual use cases over the past 4 weeks though I've been building an AI SAS company using no code tools that me and my business partner plan to eventually sell for multiple six figures and yes it's actually useful for anyone who doesn't know my name is Chris Anderson and I have a no code software development agency that helps entrepreneurs build their SAS ideas faster and cheaper than ever before and today I want to show you exactly how we're doing it from the tools we're using to our go to market strategy so when you get in a car and you're going to go drive somewhere you usually have a destination in mind of where you're going to go and building a SAS company is the exact same way we need to know what we're building and have a strong why before we actually begin developing it and if you saw my last video then you would know that I strongly believe the best SAS ideas come from problems that you've had because that gives you the knowledge of what you're actually building and it automatically gives you a strong reason of why you're building it and the SAS I'm currently building was no different my business partner has an SEO agency but some of his clients are in some super Niche Industries which has made him have a hard time finding good keywords for them to rank for so he came to me and was like Chris I have a billion dooll idea we hopped on a quick call talked about the plans and vision of this company and then began developing it the next day and by the way if you want to build a SAS but have a hard time thinking of good ideas then I actually just released my free newsletter and when you join today I'll send you three SAS ideas that have already been validated just click the link in the description and I'll send them over to you but that brings us to The Next Step which is development because an idea doesn't get you paid but execution does there's three steps to development the first one is figuring out what tools you're actually going to use then the second step is designing what you want the user interface to look like and the third step is building out functionality I'll go through all three to figure out what tools you need it's actually pretty simple there's the front end which is the user interface and the back end which is all the functionality think of it like a motorcycle the handlebars are what the rider steers with but the engine is what makes the motorcycle move for the front end there's only two builders that I use bubble is my favorite but they don't allow you to build mobile apps yet so if you want to build a mobile app then flutter flow is what we use for this project we're only building a web app so bubble is perfect then there's a bunch of different ways of building the back end which can get pretty complex so I'll only briefly touch on how we're doing it people talk all the time about how building a software with bubble isn't scalable because you can't export the code so we're using a backend called xano that actually allows you to export code this means that bubble is only working as the user interface and Zano is working as the entire back end and we're building an AI app so we obviously need to implement AI into it and the easiest and quickest way of doing that is just by custom Training a model of Chad GPT now once you know what tools you need to use it's time to start designing it this only took us a couple of days because we were just getting an idea of what we wanted the app to look like I designed the app in figma and it definitely wasn't perfect but we just wanted a wireframe of what the content would have to look like and once we had the design locked in I began to put that file into bubble and begin building the official app this is where everything comes together like I said we moved the figma file into bubble and then we had to connect all the different apis like chat GPT I won't have time to touch on all the nitty-gritty parts of how to do this today but there's tons of videos on my channel that actually show you how and and that brings us to where we are in the process right now we have a functional software but no one to use it so we're about to change that the first thing to do before you launch is getting prepared for the launch this means having a website that's actually going to convert traffic and having a pay wall so that people have to pay you to use the software then there's two things we're doing to get our first users the first one is launching it on product hunt which is simple enough then the second one is throughout the entire development process we've had a landing page letting people know what we're building so that when we're ready to launch we already have an email list waiting to use it and that's how we're getting the initial users but that's not going to set us up to have an asset that we can eventually sell so to take this from a startup to a business that we can actually exit we'll need a consistent client acquisition system it just happens that my business partner has an SEO agency that specializes in SAS companies so we have that covered but if you're not an SEO wizard like him then there's three main ways to set up an acquisition system the first one is cold Outreach and an example of this would be setting up a cold email campaign to sign users up the second one is content marketing which could be YouTube Tik Tok Instagram even SEO because of the blog posts and the third one is paid advertising which is pretty self-explanatory it's just running ads on different platforms so now you know the exact process I'm using to build an AI SAS company without writing a single line of code and how we're building an acquisition system to eventually exit the company and once again if you're struggling to find a good SAS idea go ahead and click the link in the description and I'll send over three that have been validated for you
Channel: Chris Anderson
Views: 1,650
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: saas, no code saas, saas business, saas startup, saas ideas, no code saas builder
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 5min 2sec (302 seconds)
Published: Fri Feb 23 2024
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