How I Would Learn Digital Marketing (If I Could Start Over)

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When I was younger. I love ideas, what I want to do when it comes to choosing a job after university. I picked a prestigious investment banking job and quickly I got bored because it wasn't exactly aligned to what I wanted to do until I stumbled upon digital marketing. I want to learn all about search, email analytics, social media. This career was so interesting to me because it was so different to everything I ever knew and I was just hooked. Fast forward a decade later. Our whole entire lifestyle and business landscape have been completely transformed by digital technology. The entire media online of web content completely replace the traditional media that we once knew. The cost of showing your ads online have dropped significantly compared to running Billboard ads and also publisher. The barrier to entry suddenly dropped and we saw a gold rush of businesses and individuals looking to upskill to take on this new frontier. The U.S. Census Bureau reports that on average, 2 to 4 million new businesses are being registered every single year. So think about it. That's millions of new businesses who will need help to build their digital presence online. And you can use your new skill to help them. But here's the problem we're still teaching digital marketing in universities and the business schools, like a textbook flipping a digital marketing move so fast that within six months, that textbook without cause is outdated. So this is me telling you how I will learn to do marketing if I do start over again so you don't waste your time and make the same mistakes. Number one, get some real world experience fast. So you must be thinking, how do I get real world experience if I have absolutely no qualifications? Did you know that some of the most brilliant digital marketers online have no qualifications? Their name Gary Vee or a Gary Vaynerchuk. As some of you might know, him has absolutely no marketing qualifications. But he grew wine library from a $3 million a year business to $60 million a year. Neil Patel Another brilliant marketing mind with absolutely no qualifications, but he practices everything he preaches in terms of the strategies that he shares on his YouTube channel and also his podcast with Erick's. You called the Marketing School. And also you found several analytic companies based on marketing, such as KISSmetrics, Crazy Egg, and also Hello Bar. So the best thing you can do for your digital marketing career is by getting into the real world and working with real clients. Now, there are two ways to do this. You can either start off in the agency with a junior position like I did, and essentially build up your experience by working with senior clients very early on in your career. Or alternatively, if you'll be an entrepreneur, start taking on clients through your friends and family by offer your services for free. So using what you learn and applying to your real world project number two, you become a T-shaped marketer, and T-shaped marketer means that instead of being a jack of all trades in marketing, you want to honing on specific expertize. So having a general view of everything in marketing and having a specific expertize vertically in terms of what you want to be known for. So by having a good general view of everything in marketing that you can possibly use as part of your overall marketing strategy, allow us to put together a coherent strategy for your clients. Also, your projects. By having that one specific T-shaped expertize will really allow you to hone your skills and also become the expert in the industry with that particular area. So, for example, let's say you want to specialize in content marketing. Well, you still probably need a generalist view of search and analytics, so you can actually make sure your content is being found online, all while being expert in content marketing, for example, writing, research, and also social media. So make sure you consider being found and distributed across the online space. So here the key question to ask yourself is what are you going to be known as expert in, but also what are you actually inches? Number three is to curate a content diet and digital marketing. Another line, the digital marketing in a digital online space moves very fast at this point in time, really seeing the evolution of Web3, the metaverse content generation, the various social media platforms are constantly shifting and changing, adding new features to allow brands and businesses get seen from their audiences online. So be on top of these updates and changes are crucial to really stay ahead of the curve. So make sure you are actually delivering the best advice and the best insights to your clients and projects. So give yourself that edge by curating a list of blogs, online articles, YouTube channels, newsletters that you should be reading and digesting on a daily basis instead of scrolling mindlessly through YouTube, Instagram or Tik Tok. Think about why do you actually click on that content? Why was that piece of content really relevant to you or maybe attractive to you that made you want to watch it to the end? Why did you only click on that one newsletter in your inbox to read that whole entire newsletter? All of these things make you become more of a conscious consumer of content and using all the knowledge that you learned to become a conscious creator. Number four is to understand micro moments in consumer behavior. The micro moment is actually a term coined by Google to talk about an intent rich moment when someone wants to go buy . Find out and discover something on a specific topic in these moments, that key moment in the consumer journey. They know what they want, when they want, and how they want it. So you want to make sure that as a brand or business that you're there present for that specific moment. So these are the four game changing moments that digital marketers need to focus on. Number ones I want to know moments. So exploring those or researching. Number two is I want to go moments looking for a local business or a shop that's nearby. Number three, I want to do moments. So looking for something new or actually trying to complete a task? Number four is I want to buy moments needing help to find out what to buy and how to buy it. Are you anticipating these micro moments and knowing where they are in that consumer journey? It would really help you as a digital strategists to know when and where you should show up as a brand to be there for those consumers when they need it the most. Our link to the Micro Moments blog posts from Think with Google that you can check out as well. Last but not least, is embracing a testing first mentality. I talk about this every word I do online or in person in my workshops. Basically, a lot of successes in digital marketing comes down to having that mentality of testing everything that you do. Because all of our audiences are different. All of our strategies are different. Our content is different. Everything is different, is actually moving faster. But the only way to find out what will be working and what won't be working in your campaigns is by testing it first. Just because something works for your competitors, it doesn't mean that it will definitely work for you. And that's why it's really important to embrace this mentality earlier in your career as a digital marketer, or let's say you are really looking to do this more in your business of creating digital marketing strategies. Testing, testing, and not being afraid to fail is really key to how you can win on digital marketing in the long term . There are many times beginning of my career where I ran loads of Facebook ads where a lot of those Facebook ads didn't actually work out. But what I learned from that whole entire process is how to learn from the different audiences I test against and see exactly what I can do differently next time to make that Facebook campaign success. If there's one thing that I want you to take away from today's video, and that's this the resilience, the skills and experience that you build over time as a digital marketing strategist is will really help you win the long term in this industry. Ultimately, instead of trying to give you 5000 lists of skills you will need to have in order to become a digital marketing strategist. I hope that you understand that will really make you successful in digital marketing isn't a high end marketing qualification. What really matters is that you get the real world experience combined with your own unique strategic thinking and also your T shaped marketing expertize in one particular area in digital marketing. And this is how you get known in industry. Combine all these together, you definitely shine through and be unstoppable. So let me know which part of your marketing are you interested in right now? I'll see you in the next video.
Channel: Laurie Wang
Views: 135,828
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Keywords: digital marketing, social media marketing, learn digital marketing, performance marketing, digital marketing career, digital marketing training, digital marketing course, affliate marketing, digital marketing in united states, digital marketing in canada, digital marketing in germany, digital marketing in australia, digital marketing in uk, laurie wang, how i would learn digital marketing
Id: ON7r9Fv3c9Y
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 7min 58sec (478 seconds)
Published: Fri Feb 24 2023
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